Does a Pair of Amazon Queens Beat A Warrior Princess?--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

There was a muted curse, and then Varia stepped out into the light of the campfire, her eyes terrified. She wanted to flee…it was easy to tell that…but something drew her to us.

Gabrielle was still beneath me, but she relaxed and urged me off her. She moved to sit on her folded legs. "Come here, Varia," she said, her hand outstretched and a wicked smile on her face. In a daze, Varia stepped forward, her hand reaching out to Gabrielle's.

I studied my bard, and she gave me an unspoken command. She was giving me permission. I reached up and took Varia's other hand, and we pulled her to her knees between us.


"Don't talk," Gabrielle whispered, and her mouth met Varia's in a searing kiss. The three of us took in a collective breath as we began to move with each other. I placed one hand on Gabrielle and one on Varia and began to stroke over the muscles of two finely tuned arms. When Gabrielle pulled back, and pressed my head to Varia's I began to kiss her intensely. Varia's long lashes looked like crescent moons against her dark skin as I watched her respond to my mouth. She had to be aware she was tasting Gabrielle on my lips and her heartfelt moan confirmed that.

Gabrielle was watching us, her eyes bright with excitement. I wrenched my head from Varia's soft lips finally, and pulled back a bit. I wanted Gabrielle to be very much a part of this.

She didn't hesitate. "Lie down, Varia," she urged gently, and she aided the Amazon queen in complying. "You are way too overdressed." I sat back on my heels as I watched Gabrielle weave her spell. Varia locked eyes with mine briefly, and the look of gratitude and trust is one I can't even begin to describe. Gabrielle pulled her shirt off then, though, and the dark eyes shut again as her top half was exposed to the night's air.

Gabrielle gave the beautiful full breasts with the dark tan nipples a long look, then reached for my hand. She went for the left breast and urged me to pleasure the right. I heard Varia moan as our mouths closed over her simultaneously.

Even her skin tasted different from Gabrielle, and mine and I found that as I sucked at her flesh, her nipple elongated against my tongue rather than growing harder and tighter. Her firm body began to writhe beneath us, and gods help me, I felt myself growing wetter at her sexiness. Gabrielle had been very right when she had described Varia as "hot".

Gabrielle was noticing too, and I wasn't surprised when she pulled my head to her own for a demanding kiss, to reaffirm I wasn't going to leave her out. Varia's eyes fluttered open beneath us as she watched us.

Gabrielle had my complete attention, and I suddenly found myself wanting to ignore Varia's presence and continue loving my bard. As luscious as Varia was, no one could come close to Gabrielle when it came to arousing me. Gabrielle seemed to sense that, and had to push me away.

"I believe you have a job to fulfill?" she asked me, her voice taking a purring tone.

I switched gears with her, knowing what she was desiring, and looked back to Varia whose eyes were wide open in wonderment. "Varia, I told Gabrielle what you asked me earlier today."

Varia didn't answer; instead she glanced nervously at Gabrielle then back at me. "And she doesn't mind if I fulfill your request." The young brunette exhaled audibly. "But I want her to be very much a part of this as well."

There was no hesitance…"I want that too." Varia looked one more time from me to Gabrielle. "I would be most honored."

Gods, what the breathless tone of her normally strong voice did to me! I pressed myself to Varia for another kiss, and this time she reacted more confidently, her hands coming up to keep my head pressed to her. I felt my center pulsate as I grabbed one of her hands. "You were touching yourself while watching us, weren't you? I can smell it on your fingers."

"I couldn't help it," she whimpered, even as the source of the fragrance grew stronger. "You two are so perfect together. I'm sorry."

I was content to let her squirm for a moment, but Gabrielle had other ideas. "You don't have to apologize," she replied. "Seeing Xena makes me want to touch myself all the time. She's magnificent isn't she?"

"Oh yesss…"

Gabrielle's eyes were hooded as she continued to look down at her fellow queen. "Let's show this magnificent creature how much she pleases us. Your turn to lay back, Xena."

I hurried to do her bidding, curious as to what my bard had in mind. It didn't take long to find out as she knelt on my left side, while Varia did the same on my right. "Touch her, Varia…you'll find she is silky smooth and taut from all that power."

I gritted my teeth as Gabrielle boldly began to stroke over my body, and Varia did the same with far more tentative strokes. The contrast played games with my mind as their hands roamed me. Where I expected a light touch, I got a soft pinch, and where I expected a kneading, I got a whisper soft caress. I was the one writhing before long. "Here, Varia," I heard Gabrielle's soft, yet forceful voice, and then I felt two hands at my center. "Touch her everywhere…go inside…imagine it's Xena going inside you.'

The sound of three heartfelt moans pierced the air as Varia did as she was told. I could see she was pressing her own crotch into the heel of her foot, and had to get the focus off me before I undignified myself with a too quick climax. "Gabrielle…I think Varia is still overdressed."

If Gabrielle realized my true motives, she didn't let on, but I saw her wicked smile as she pulled her hand away from my core and she began to tug Varia's skirt down over her hips. Her breeches were apparently attached to the skirt, as she was soon totally exposed to our gaze. "You are very beautiful, Varia," I heard my bard whisper.

The usual haughty attitude on Varia slipped, as she stood there for our approval. She was in excellent shape, her large breasts surprisingly firm, and her body a mass of curves and tan lines that was most pleasing to the eye. Her stomach wasn't as defined as Gabrielle's, but there wasn't an ounce of fat on her anywhere. Her pubic triangle was a lighter brown than my own, and looked soft and silky. And her arousal glistened enticingly on her thighs. "She is beautiful," I said to Gabrielle then. "Touch her, Gabrielle. Make sure she's ready."

Gabrielle didn't pause, but ran the side of her hand between Varia's legs. "Gods," Varia breathed, and her shaky legs gave way beneath her. I caught her easily, and held her on my lap, as Gabrielle continued the assault. Somewhere in my mind was the knowledge that I had been the only woman Gabrielle had ever been with, but I didn't mind when I saw my bard lick her lips, and then press her face to the juncture at Varia's quivering thighs for the first taste.

"Gods…" came Varia's voice again, as she shook with desire. I could see Gabrielle was using a very gentle touch with her…not designed to bring her over but just heighten the sensations. She was doing just as I asked…making sure Varia was ready.

Gabrielle says my voice does wild things to her when we make love, so I decided to see if it had the same effect on Varia. I ran my hands over her ribs, and began to massage her breasts as I spoke. "Feel what Gabrielle is doing to you, young queen. Feel her tongue lap at your clit, making your juices flow more freely. You have to be good and wet before I fuck you…I want you to feel every inch I give you. Don't worry that Gabrielle will taste your fluids…your body will just keep pumping them out until I have satisfied you."

"Ungh!" Varia's upper half bucked and Gabrielle pulled back hastily, denying her the climax that was so close.

"Xena, it's time."

I chuckled at Varia's shaking form and Gabrielle's alarmed expression. "You're too good, Gabrielle," I said with a wink at my love. "You have to remember your skills with your tongue are very definitely not limited to telling stories."

"Please…" Varia's voice sounded from somewhere below us as Gabrielle and I kissed above her. We both looked down at her.

"Please what?" I asked.

"Please, Xena, fuck me. Make me a woman!" I never would have thought a blush could form on her dark skin, but there it was as she pled with me.

Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders at me again. "She is a queen, Xena. You have to do as she tells you."

I feigned indifference, but my limbs did a little shaking of their own as Gabrielle and I changed positions. She now had Varia's head and upper body on her lap, and I knelt between Varia's legs. This wasn't the first person's virginity I had taken, but the fact that Gabrielle was seemingly wanting it too made it by far the most exciting.

Gabrielle bent over and gave Varia another kiss, then followed my unspoken command to pull the young Amazon's arms back around her waist. She stroked her hands up over the smooth underskin, then held Varia's arms tight to her.

"Oh yes, you are very wet…" I crooned, stroking my fingers over the length of Varia's swollen lips. "Gabrielle is very, very good, isn't she?"

"Very…very good…"

Varia's eyes rolled back in her head as I placed a finger at her opening. I let my finger slip in a bit, and felt the membrane proclaiming her virgin status. I let my nail scratch against it slightly, and heard Varia gasping for air as she struggled with Gabrielle. "Xena…please!"

"Xena, I don't think she can take much more," I heard the calm voice of my love and locked eyes with her. We were both thinking the same thing. I had been Gabrielle's first woman, but hadn't been her first lover. Somehow, she was feeling Varia's virginity was her own, and she wanted to give it to me. I kept my gaze piercing into hers as I slowly pushed through Varia's maidenhead.

Varia yelped below me, but the pain was brief. Her body yielded to the intrusion of my finger easily and I was able to sink into her depths in one movement. I was torn between watching her relieved expression and my bard's more shielded one. "Are you okay, Varia?" I asked finally, focusing on the task at hand.

"Yes…" she hissed…her body pressing toward me…"I want you."

Her beseeching movements were my undoing, and I began to move as she desired, giving her a gentle, insistent fuck. I perched my body on my left arm and strained upward to meet Gabrielle's mouth in a kiss as I continued to thrust into Varia. Gabrielle's mouth opened beneath mine gratefully, and her tongue came out to mimic the movements I was using on Varia. I grunted against her mouth as I felt Varia tighten down on my fingers.

"Xena…" I heard Varia's voice through my own reverie, and Gabrielle released me to let me finish what I had started. Varia was very close now, and I added another finger, and then began stroking over her small clit with my thumb. Her thighs clenched around my wrist as her pleasure multiplied.

A few seconds later, her scream rang through the forest. She shook violently and broke free of Gabrielle's surprised grasp as her body sat upright with the continuing pleasure. Then she clutched her stomach and rolled to her side, rolling up into a ball. "Oh gods…oh gods…oh gods."

Gabrielle looked somewhat frightened, but I just grinned at her, knowing Varia was dealing with too many sensations at once. "Looks like the Amazons have a very vocal queen," I winked, and then dove forward to press my face into Gabrielle's dripping center. "Your turn," I said with a leer, before I was silenced for a while.

"You look like a proud mother," I teased Gabrielle the next day at the Queening ceremony.

"Hush, Xena," Gabrielle retorted with a sharp elbow in my ribs.

I grinned despite the formality of the ceremony. I hated standing up here on the dais, watching all the boring traditions being upheld, but would do anything for Gabrielle. She was decked out splendidly, in a long rust colored skirt and a light orange halter-top that left nothing to my fevered imagination. I allowed the exposed flesh of her breasts to distract me from an otherwise boring ceremony.

Varia looked exquisite, yet very uncomfortable in her own outfit, which consisted of flowing cream-colored robes and an elaborate headdress. Her hair had been put up, and the love bites on either side of her neck shone like beacons. She solemnly made the oaths to fulfill her duties, and then each queen of the individual tribes was introduced to the crowd of Amazons. I watched with a strange sense of pride as Gabrielle made her pledge to protect the new Supreme leader, to support her, and to train her. As she made her way back to me, she couldn't suppress the grin on her features.

Varia was going to do just fine.

Gabrielle's Scroll
Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
Varia's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls