Command Performance--Gabrielle's Scroll (Conclusion)

I lowered my head again…waiting to receive what she orders she had in mind. I watched her step away from me, but only to the wall in front of me. She made no movements or sound for what seemed like eternity, but then I heard her removing her weapons. She walked by me slowly, revealing her bare feet and going to the other side of the room behind me. I couldn't tell exactly what she was doing, but I heard her sit down after a few minutes of getting something from her bag.

"I bought some things for your training, Slave."

It was amazing how cold her voice had become. She commanded respect and obedience, both of which I would gladly offer. "Thank you, Mistress."

She sat there, silent, making me squirm as I wondered what she was going to do with me.

"You're overdressed."

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to ask to just stand up and start undressing. I had better follow my instinct. "Do you want me to undress for you, Mistress?"

"Do you want to undress, Slave?" She quickly returned my question with a question.

I answered her the way I would answer my Xena. "I want whatever you want, Mistress."

She laughed at my choice for a response. I was relieved to hear it, actually. She told me that she wanted to see where she had enjoyed touching me so much just downstairs, and that I could move as I needed to.

I was nervous, not knowing exactly what to do. I stood, my legs and feet asleep, but trying to decide if I should completely undress or just show her the part she had touched. I went for the quicker route and took off my skirt and underwear. I slowly turned around and faced her, but not looking into her eyes. I jumped inside when she said, "Stand before me, Slut." I had to walk to her, my legs feeling very uncooperative. I wanted her inside me, I had no doubt. The question was how long would she make me wait?

Still wearing my boots and top, I felt embarrassed standing there. She almost scared me with her tone. "I wasn't fondling your stomach, Slave. Bend over me backwards and show me that pussy!"

I grabbed the footboard of our bed behind me, and spread my legs, pushing forward my hips, giving her clear view of what she knew was hers and only hers.

"That's more like it." She seemed to approve and edged out of her chair onto the floor, crawling to me and bringing her mouth in line with my wetness. She sat back against the footboard and told me, "I want to eat you, Slut. Lower yourself on my face."

Oh, what sweet reward. I could feel myself pouring when her mouth made contact with my center. She moved her mouth and tongue through my folds, thrusting into my center, sucking at me, wildly moving beneath me and pushing me into oblivion as I could feel myself wanting to come. I heard moans escaping from deep within my chest as I rode against her mouth, her face buried between my legs. Gods, I wanted her now.

"May I come for you, Mistress?"

"No!" She moved her mouth away from me. "I think you're too excited, Slave." She angrily moved from beneath me and made known my unwelcome question. Gods, the punishment of being told no was worse than anything I could imagine.

"Take off the rest of your clothes!" She stood within inches from me face, looking very displeased with my service. Zeus, I had really done it now. My hands trembled as I tried removing my top and then my boots. I didn't seem to be able to move quickly enough.

Standing before her completely naked, she just stood there and took in every detail of my body. She ordered me to lie on the bed, and then looked over to the table in our room. I climbed onto the bed and laid back as she said, waiting for the next order from my Mistress. She stood above me with her eyes closed, then looked down at me. "Pinch your nipples, Slut. They're dying for somebody's touch." They certainly were…hers.

I did as she said. I closed my eyes and imagined her hands on me, resuming my level of desire. She had turned and walked to the table, returning to lie beside me on the bed. I felt the weight of her body as it rested on the bed, making my breath race "Look at me, my hot little slave."

She was looking into my eyes as they opened. I loved her so much. There is never a need to try and describe the love I feel, because it can't be done. Without saying a word, she loved me from her soul and then took my mouth in a kiss. Eating her kisses and swallowing her moans made me only crave her more. I wanted to touch her everywhere, knowing I'd never find my fill.

The moment was cut too brief when I felt her yanking back. "I didn't say you could touch me, Whore." I had forgotten about my duty and got lost in her love. I quickly began touching my breasts again, but she grabbed my wrists.

"Do you want your hands tied behind your back, or to the headboard?"

At least she was giving me an option. I liked my hands free, actually, because I wanted them full of my Warrior Princess. But having my body on display and letting her do as she wanted, that had a certain amount of excitement as well. She would like the job of commanding when I came and if I came.

"To the headboard." She tied some leather strips I had never seen before around each wrist to the corners of the headboard.

"You are trying, Slave…I know that. But when I tell you to pinch your nipples, you are to PINCH them." She roughly touched me, showing me what she meant. She lowered her head to my chest, her hands and mouth on each breast. I could feel my center begging to be filled with her. I opened my eyes to her removing something from the top of her leathers.

She pulled out a thin chain with clips at each end. Oh my gods. "This will pinch them nicely, and leave my fingers free to do other things." She took my left breast and attached the clamp. It dug into my nipple, and I watched her do the same to my other breast.

She sat back on the bed just looking at me. I could feel the throbbing in my center, begging for release. "Very, very nice, Cunt." Just her voice was bringing me closer. This was such a new experience with her, and I felt excitement far beyond what I had imagined. She leaned down, letting me feel her mouth against my ear. She whispered under her breath, "Don't you cum, you hot little slut. Don't you dare think about climaxing before your mistress has."

"Please, Mistress…" All I could do was beg.

"Please, what?"

"Let me make you cum…Please, Mistress!"

"Why? Do you want me to come so I'll allow you to come?"

"No, Mistress, I want to bring you pleasure…show you my gratitude." I told her I didn't care if I got to come. "Are you lying to me, Slut? I can tell when you lie…"

"No, Mistress!"

She stood back and began tearing away at her armor. She quickly undressed and pulled her shift over her head. Her body was incredible, her breasts and nipples looking as swollen as mine.

"How do you want to make me come, Slave? I could take my whip to you. Is that what you want?"

"If you desire that, Mistress."

She leaned down and touched one of my nipples. If she would only touch me…she did allow me the pleasure of taking her breast into my mouth as she hovered over me. She wound her fingers in my hair and touched my head, giving me the okay to continue my feeding. But she began giving me options of how she could find satisfaction.

"I could whip you bloody, and I would enjoy that very much. I could pound my fist deep inside you, and batter your pussy senseless, and you would take it all. How would you like a phallus deep inside your ass, my sweet little slut?"

I continued sucking her, thinking I didn't know how I would react to any of those things she just mentioned. But if she was the one issuing the measures, I'd be willing to take it. "How do you want to pleasure me, Slave?"

I didn't have an answer. I just wanted her. I didn't care.

She stood on the bed with her feet on each side of me. I looked up at her towering over me, taking in the full view of where I wanted to be. "You'd better do it good, Slut…or I will have to resort to some of my other choices."

She lowered herself onto my mouth, making my body almost convulse. At this point, I was wild with desire, and chewed at her…licking her and drinking in the wetness she had poured while waiting for my mouth. She leaned forward and entwined her fingers with mine, letting me taste her and devour her cunt, grateful for every drop of her incredible juice.

"Fuck me with that tongue, Slut. I want to feel it licking deep inside me." I could feel her responding to me, and her breathing had turned into panting. Still, she wasn't finished with her tormenting me and told me it wasn't working, but still grinding against my mouth.

"If you'd let me use my hands, Mistress."

She stopped moving and then and pulled back. "Well, I won't."

She climbed off me and sat to my side. "We have a dilemma here, Slave. You can't come until your Mistress does, but she can't seem to come on your mouth, and she won't free your hands. How are you going to come…I mean…make her come?"

"You could strap the phallus on me, and fuck yourself on it until you come, Mistress." Gods, if she would only do this, we both would be there in a matter of seconds.

"I like that," she smiled, and hopped off the bed and went back to the table. I watched as she made her selection from some items I knew nothing about. She walked back with a new phallus and harness, asking if I knew how to wear it.

"No, Mistress."

"This is a thigh harness." She said we needed to wet it, and asked if it would make me come. "I'm not sure, Mistress." There might be severe things to endure if I lied.

"Hmmm…What can I do to ensure you don't come before me…?"

"You can wet it in my mouth, Mistress…that won't make me come."

She laughed at my integrity, and put the new phallus into her own mouth, so seductively licking her tongue along the length of it, making my cunt gush with desire for her. She placed the phallus in my mouth, and I immediately gave her the show she wanted. She knew I wished this was her. I never broke contact with her eyes as I sucked in her cock, seeing her cheeks flush with excitement of her own.

"Enough, Slut," she said, reaching down and strapping it to my thigh. She straddled my leg, and then I painfully watched her slowly lower herself onto the phallus, placing her hand behind her on the bed. Gods, if I could just have convinced her to place it on my mound…but with the positioning of her knees, she was touching my center each time she moved. I couldn't help but watch her exposed center, wishing it were me she was fucking. "Is that nice, Mistress?"

"This is very nice, Slave." She was moaning as she moved up and down. "This must hurt a bit," lifting up the chain attached to my breasts. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Yes, Mistress." I could hear myself begging. I moved against her as she rode the phallus.

"I think you've earned it, Cunt." She leaned down and took the chain in her teeth, and then slid her hand between my legs, gliding through the wetness she was responsible for and almost bringing me to an instant orgasm. Yanking her head back, I felt the clips snatch from my nipples, bringing such a burning sensation, but with her hand on me and teasing my clit, it all worked together in taking me to a point I had never been. She came with me, riding and bucking against my movements and drowning my thigh with her own wetness. She fell forward, and slowly moved so that the phallus left her body. Every part of my body was still tingling, and the orgasm she gave me was incredible.

I just looked up at her, both of us breathing heavily from the experience. She hurriedly untied my wrists and lay beside me, taking me into her arms. She began rubbing my arms and shoulders, massaging them from being in that position for so long. "Thank you, Mistress."

"It's me, Gabrielle…"

"Thank you, Xena." I rolled toward her, still wrapped in her arms, and took her face in my hands. I loved her so much, and this had been unbelievable. The intensity of it all… I took her mouth into mine, giving myself to her, yet demanding more. "Wow." That was all I could say.

She was smiling. "Are you okay?"

"Very…I feel like every one of my nerve endings is throbbing."

"I feel the same way."

"Really? How could you enjoy it as much as me?"

Then she laughed. "Oh, my innocent little bard, I have so much to teach you." She pulled me closer to her and we just enjoyed the silence for a few moments. Since our game was over, I could take control, so I decided there was something I wanted to do. "What are you doing?" she asked, as she felt me moving beneath her.

I removed the harness from my leg, and brought it to my mouth. "I'm sucking all your juices from it, and then I'm going to put it on you."

"Haven't you had enough?" I could see behind that look…she would definitely go for more if I were willing.

"Xena, I can never get enough of you." She smiled, and I hopped off the bed to pour us a drink. I handed her the glass, and told her, "Drink up…it might be awhile before you get another chance."

"Oh really? And just what did you have in mind for me, my little bard?"

I took her glass and set it on the stand beside the bed. I moved her to lie flat with her head on the pillows. "Let me show you."

I moved her legs apart, and let myself lie slowly and gently between them. Her hot center made its presence known to my skin as I lay down on her, her scent rising like a vapor. It only fueled my desire more, and I moved my mouth to her chest. She moaned beneath me, rubbing her hands gently along my back. I felt her moving against me, and I reached for the harness. I sat up and did as I had learned earlier, this time strapping it to my lover's thigh. She rubbed over my skin as I put the phallus in place. It was so wonderful feeling her touch. I had missed that earlier, but it was certainly worth waiting for.

"Do you want me to sit on you, Xena?" I asked, leaning forward on my knees and letting only the tip of the phallus touch me. I turned my head and licked her lips, all the while running my hand down the middle of her stomach and to her center. Her mouth opened as I touched her clit, and I slid my tongue deep inside as my fingers followed the same motion and slipped deeply into her cunt.

"Yessssss…" she said in a raspy whisper, and I slowly felt the phallus go inside me as I rested my weight down onto Xena's thigh. Gods, the only thought I had was feeling that this was Xena inside me, and the thrill of that alone took my breath. She sensed my thoughts, and started her seduction.

My eyes flew open and met hers when I heard her say, "That's right…take it all, baby…" She was looking at me with such lust, and yet her beauty was as soft as velvet. She guided my hips and helped me move, while I used the same strokes with my hand to fuck her. Her legs were spread wide, and her moisture building with every thrust. With one hand, she gently massaged my breasts and nipples, still red and swollen from the pressure of the clips. We moved together for quite some time, just feeling each other's bodies and making love…complete love. I leaned forward and kissed her again, and she sucked me in hard with her mouth, capturing my tongue and telling me it was time. She wanted to come. My pleasure.

"Do you want it, Xena? Do you want me to fuck you hard?" She just rolled her eyes shut and leaned hard against the pillows, thrusting upward into me and moving the phallus harder into me.

I quickly reached down with my free hand and found the strap to the harness. I loosened it and pulled it from me, while moving between Xena's legs and rubbing the phallus up her slit. "Can I go inside you, baby?" I stood on my knees, pulling her thighs and ass as close to me as I could. "Gabrielle…yes…" Her legs were bent on either side of me, and I leaned forward, holding the phallus between us and sliding it inside her. I moved my hips hard against her, feeling every thrust against my own clit. I could feel my own juice dripping over my hand as I held the phallus in place.

She had the most incredible look on her face. A look of sheer ecstasy and pleasure, letting me love her. Gods, how I loved this woman. "Xena, you feel so good." Her hands came up on my shoulders, and I could feel her pulling me even closer into her. She wanted it hard, and I had just what she needed. I pumped at her; wildly pounding and making sure her desire didn't have time to subside. With every thrust, I could feel her tightening against me, and I was no longer interested in making this last. I wanted her to come, and to come so hard that she couldn't move when it was over. Sweat dripped down my face and onto her stomach and chest. She grabbed me with a tight squeeze, pulling me down to her mouth. "Now, Gabrielle….fuck me…."

We both panted like animals, sweat dripping and sucking at each other as we came. I felt her mouth bite into my neck as she screamed with rapture. I yelled out as I felt her teeth break my skin, but the feeling was incredible. I fucked her, long and hard, until she went limp against me. I started to pull out of her, but she told me, "No. Come here."

I just hovered over her, looking into her eyes and seeing that this person was my whole life. "I love you," I whispered very softly. She gently put her hand against my head and laid me down on her chest. I let my body relax against her, and we continued making love…even if only in our minds.

Gabrielle's Scroll (Part 1)
Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls