Command Performance--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

Her head lowered again immediately. I took in a deep breath, and let the sensations wash over me. The exquisite, scorching, erotic pounding sensation of total control. I had long told Gabrielle I had no desire to lord over her. I wanted us to be equal partners.

But today…here…at this moment in time…my desire was suddenly different. For today, just today, I didn't want us to be equals. I wanted to be the one dictating the orders, meting out the punishment…and the rewards. I wouldn't be satisfied until Gabrielle was groveling at my feet, begging me for more.

Deliberately, I stepped back, until my ass rested against the wall. For long seconds, I just watched her, letting her anticipation build. She began to squirm under my stare.

Gods, was it hot in this room, or was it just me? I kept my eye on her, as I stripped my weapons off, and laid them on the table beside the bed. Then I removed my boots, stretching my toes just beneath her nose. I saw the almost imperceptible move of her head toward my bare feet, but walked away from her.

I moved to the far side of the room, and began to pull the new items out of my saddlebags. Once they were laid out on the table, I laid the saddlebag on top of them, hiding them, and sat down in the chair next to them.

"I bought some things for you, Slave. Some items for your training."

Her voice drifted back over her shoulder. "Thank you, Mistress."

I watched her, my eyebrow raised. "You're overdressed," I mused.

There was a pause, then, "Do you want me to undress for you, Mistress?"

"Do you want to undress, Slave?"

There was a longer pause, before I heard, "I want whatever you want, Mistress."

That made me laugh, and I saw her shoulders relax a fraction. It was a real laugh, not the cold laugh that could cut through her. She was trying so hard to please me.

"I would like to see the parts I found so delightful to touch earlier. Show them to me…you may move as you need to."

Even the back of her neck reddened as she realized what I was saying, but she straightened, and kept her back to me. I saw her stretching out her back muscles a tiny bit, and then the skirt dropped to the floor around her feet. Her underwear quickly followed.

I could see the muscles in her neck working, as she tried to figure out what I had asked for, and then she slowly turned to face me. Her eyes were still cast down as she stood before me, clad in her shirt and her boots.

I watched her with amusement, feeling the tightening between my thighs increase. "Stand before me, Slut," I said.

She seemed to be forcing her legs to make the trip across the room. She stood at the foot of the bed, directly in front of me. It took all my self-control not to draw her into my arms. I knew the blush on her cheeks stemmed from the humiliation of her lower half being exposed to me, and I fed off that embarrassment. I felt the need to push her even further.

"I wasn't fondling your stomach, Slave. Bend over backwards and show me that pussy!"

The crudeness in my voice startled her, but she did as I commanded immediately, grasping the bed's footboard behind her, and spreading her legs wide. Her pelvis tilted up and I could see the swollen folds of her sex.

"That's more like it." I slithered to the floor, and sat back against the footboard. "I want to eat you, Slut. Lower yourself on my face."

Her thighs quivered as she did that, but it was a few seconds before I could bury my nose in her wetness. Gods, she tasted so sweet! I swallowed down her nectar, and then began working my mouth under her in earnest, snaking my tongue out to brush over her clit and between her labia. I could hear moans emitting from her from above me, as the pleasure overtook her. I stabbed my tongue inside her center, and chewed at her with my mouth, reveling in the sounds, and rapidly becoming as wet as she was.

"May I come for you, Mistress?" she gasped, way too soon.

"No!" I wrenched my head away, just as I felt her orgasm beginning, and I heard her hiss out frustration.

"I think you're too excited, Slave," I mused from below her. "I don't want you to think you can spasm every time I touch you."

I was cruel and I knew it. I knew the pain and cramping of muscles involved when I had just begun to come, and was stopped abruptly, and could identify what she was feeling. But something in her response annoyed me. She was too comfortable with the situation to suit me.

"Take off the rest of your clothes," I told her, as I slipped out of the position I had been in. I stood above her, my arms crossed, a scowl on my features.

She did as I said, but I could tell in her body language she was confused as to what she had done wrong. The last time she had asked me if she could come for me, I had responded gratefully and enthusiastically in the affirmative. She was going to have to learn to read my signals…to know what I wanted.

When she was naked, I ordered her to lie down on the bed, and I turned to look at the accessories I had bought. The riding crop lay there; it's new leather gleaming up at me, and beside it, the leather collar. I closed my eyes for a second and rode the wave of pleasure that flowed through me as I pictured Gabrielle wearing the collar as she tried to escape the sting of the lash. But looking at her, flat on her back, her nipples pointed skyward, I had to see her in something else first.

"Pinch your nipples, Slut. They're dying for somebody's touch."

Her hands flew to her breasts, and I saw them bulge between her fingers, as she twisted them. Her thighs, which had been closed, parted a bit, and I saw them sparkle with new moisture.

I picked up the desired item, and with my back to her, tucked it in my cleavage. Then I gathered up some of the strips of leather, before walking to the bed, and lying my length down beside her. "Look at me, my hot little slave."

Her eyes met mine, and glowed with pleasure. She truly did love this game we were playing, and I saw the devotion and trust in their depths. It made me hold my breath for a second, and then I crushed my mouth down on hers.

I plunged my tongue mercilessly into her mouth, and heard her swallowing the groans that came from both of us. Something about this connection of our mouth always served to bond us even more, and I'm sure I was trembling just as much as her as I continued to ravage her mouth. But when I felt one of her hands winding through my hair, I yanked back.

"I didn't say you could touch me, Whore."

She realized her mistake, and her hands flew back to her breasts, but I pulled them away.

"Do you want your hands tied behind your back, or to the headboard?"

I know her mind was playing tricks on her…would I do the opposite of what she wanted? Finally, she answered, "To the headboard."

I nodded, and saw her relief. Using some of my newly purchased leather laces, I quickly tied her hands to either side of the carved headboard. I didn't tie them too tightly, just enough to restrain her.

"You are trying, Slave…I know that. But when I tell you to pinch your nipples, you are to PINCH them." She whimpered beneath my fingers as I demonstrated, trapping the blood in the tips, turning them dark red between my ministrations. The tips grew larger still, and I laved them with my tongue and teeth, until I thought she was ready. I dipped into the top of my leathers and retrieved the object I had made the special trip to the brothel to obtain.

"Gods…" I heard the cry wrenched from her, and didn't respond as I held up the thin chain I had been hiding. At either end was a deceptively delicate looking clip, designed to pinch and hold.

"This will pinch them nicely, and leave my fingers free to do other things." I know I had the feral smile on my face, as I grasped the left breast, and opened the clamp. Within seconds, it was attached, and I let the breast go.

Her inhalation of breath was noisy as the pain sunk in to her sensitive nipple. And then the breath changed to something else, as I knew from experience the pain would subside and leave a throbbing, an awareness that there were very definite connections between the nipples and the bud down lower. By the time I had fastened the right clip on, her eyes rolled back in her head as she battled all-new sensations.

I pulled back a bit, so I could observe her. Her bangs were wet with sweat, and her head was tossing from side to side. Her lower lip was caught between her teeth again, and I could see pearly drops of blood where she had cut through her own skin. Her breasts defied gravity as the excitement in her nipples caused them to swell and stand upright. And lower down, her legs were spread wide now, and I could see rivers flowing from her.

"Very, very nice, Cunt," I hissed in approval. Gods, it was more than that…it was the Elysian Fields. She was fighting so hard not to cry out, and I could see she was once again hanging on that precipice that would allow her to soar to bliss. I reached over and smacked my hand hard on her pubic mound, and this time she did scream. I could see her thigh muscles tensing impossibly to fight back an impending orgasm.

"Don't you cum, you hot little slut," I snarled, close to her ear. "Don't you dare think about climaxing before your mistress has."

"No, Mistress," she howled, as she continued to fight the rapture. "Please, Mistress…"

"Please, what?"

"Let me make you cum…Please, Mistress!"

Her eyes fought their way open, and she was begging me with them. I smiled evilly as I bent over her again, my face so close that some of my hair fell into her gasping mouth.

"Why? Do you want me to come so I'll allow you to come?"

"No, Mistress," she sobbed immediately. "I want to bring you pleasure…show you my gratitude." She swallowed, and then added, "I don't even care if I don't get to come, Mistress!"

My eyebrows rose with that declaration. "Are you lying to me, Slut? I can tell when you lie…"

"No, Mistress!"

Something in her plaintive expression drove me over the edge. I had planned on tormenting her with my armor-clad body…scrubbing at her relentlessly, but something else was too imminent now. I pulled back, and stripped off my armor and the rest of my clothes. Gabrielle's eyes immediately went to my hardened nipples, and I know she was still reacting to the continued stimulation of her own.

"How do you want to make me come, Slave?" I asked. "I could take my whip to you, and that would make me come in seconds. Is that what you want?"

She was fighting it, the excitement at the thought of me scourging her. I realized then that we had many more paths to explore…and this would only be the first of many of these times together. "If you desire that, Mistress," she finally answered.

I reached down casually and flicked one of her engorged nipples, causing her to buck up against me. Her arms were stretched the limit, but her mouth could just reach my breast, and I felt her mouth close on my nipple. I pressed forward a bit, allowing her to relax some as she began to nurse at me like a baby.

"I could hurt you, Slave…" I crooned, as my fingers wound through her sweaty hair, and I began to encourage her to continue. "I could whip you bloody, and I would enjoy that very much. I could pound my fist deep inside you, and batter your pussy senseless, and you would take it all. How would you like a phallus deep inside your ass, my sweet little slut?"

She could only groan, as her teeth scraped over my nipple. She realized I was very capable of all those threats. "How do you want to pleasure me, Slave?"

She drew back her face, and looked into my eyes. I could see it there, the total submission, the total willingness for me to do whatever I desired. And the fear. I saw the fear that she might welcome the pain, to the point that she wouldn't want me to stop. It startled me, and I think, her too.

I didn't give her time to answer, instead, I stood, and my feet stood on either side of her waist. My crotch was eye level with her face. "You'd better do it good, Slut…or I will have to resort to some of my other choices."

I heard a strange sound from her as she arched her upper half toward me, and then I felt her hot mouth working between my legs. Her teeth scraped my clitoris, and then bit into it, and I fell forward, my hands grabbing onto the headboard by her own hands. I entwined my fingers with hers, and rode her face as she did a little tormenting of her own.

"Fuck me with that tongue, Slut," I hissed. "I want to feel it licking deep inside me." She did as I commanded, wiggling it around until I was breathless with the feeling. She used her nose to nudge at my clit, and I could feel her struggling to breathe below me.

I wanted to come…very much. But I couldn't make it that easy for her…or me. "It's not working," I managed to say; hoping the juices pouring out of my convulsing sex wouldn't betray me. She knew I could produce mass amounts of fluids, and she believed my lie. I was hunching into her face now, but she managed to pull back enough to breathe…and to speak…

"If you'd let me use my hands, Mistress."

I stopped then, and felt the pain of my own denied climax, that had been hovering ominously for long seconds. I pointedly pulled back. "Well won't," I sneered.

I could see her mind reeling, trying to take in what I was doing to her. She seemed on the verge of something, but of what, I couldn't decide. I sank back on my heels beside her, and once again stared into her.

"We have a dilemma here, Slave. You can't come until your Mistress does, but she can't seem to come on your mouth, and she won't free your hands. How are you going to come…I mean…make her come?"

Tremors were beginning to quake her small frame. I could see the frustration and the humiliation were taking their toll. But it was my Gabrielle, and she was always full of good ideas.

"You could strap the phallus on me, and fuck yourself on it until you come, Mistress."

A half smile quirked my features. She was VERY inventive. "I like that," I told her. "Very good, Slut."

Her eyes widened as I went to the table, and held up another new purchase. She was used to the harness we could strap around our waist, which held the wooden phallus in place against the wearer's mound. It was designed to press into the user's clit, and ensured wild sensations for whoever was on either end of it. But this harness was different; it was smaller, and less complicated.

I walked back with it, holding it up so she could observe it. "Do you know how to wear this?" I asked.

"No, Mistress," she whispered, and I could see she was desperately trying to figure it out.

"I could have bought a harness for your head," I told her, stroking the length of the new phallus. This one was leather covered, more slender and longer than the other, and was curved very slightly at the head. "Would you have liked that, for me to strap it around your mouth and then ride out my pleasure on your face?"

"I'm not sure, Mistress…"

I chuckled wickedly, knowing I would never introduce her to such an instrument. My movements would more than likely do serious damage if I tried something like that, and although I didn't mind if she was uncomfortable, I didn't want to really hurt her.

"This is a thigh harness," I told her, as I held it up to her curvy right leg. "And it has its advantages too. But before we can try it out, we need to wet this nice long cock. I'd like for you to wet it for me…but it won't be too much for you, will it? It won't make you come?"

Her eyelashes were shielding the beautiful green gems of her eyes. "I'm not sure, Mistress," she admitted.

"Hmmm…" I held the leather cock to the side of my face, and appeared in deep thought. "I don't like the lack of confidence. What can I do to ensure you don't come before me…?"

Her eyes were looking longingly at the phallus, but I saw her swallow. "You can wet it in my mouth, Mistress…that won't make me come."

I laughed at her statement…she was willing to do anything to satisfy my demands. Her nipples were throbbing visibly beneath the clips, and I could smell the heavy scent of her at her most aroused state. She was soaking the bed beneath her, and still, she was willing to fight her climax until I allowed it. I felt a strange sense of pride in that.

I straightened my body, and pulled the new phallus into my own mouth, letting my saliva coat it. She watched my tongue come out to lick up the length of it, and her own tongue peeked out in an unconscious imitation. She did it so enticingly; I relented and moved the phallus to her own mouth.

Her cheeks hollowed in as she sucked the phallus into her mouth, wetting it as much as she could. The whole time, her eyes never lost contact with mine, and once again, I could see some sort of gratitude there. Was it gratitude that I was helping her avoid my wrath by not teasing her to an orgasm with the phallus, or was it gratitude that I truly controlled everything she did? I couldn't be sure.

"Enough, Slut," I said, pulling the phallus free of her siphoning mouth. I reached down, and strapped it to the thigh I had modeled it against earlier. Both of our eyes traveled to it standing erect into the air. "I hope this does the trick…or we may have to go to more extremes."

I straddled the thigh, and then slowly lowered myself on the length of the phallus, as I rested my hand on the bed behind me. Gabrielle's eyes were glued to the sight of my bulging cunt as I wriggled against the wonderful sensations. "Is that nice, Mistress?" she asked, her voice envious.

I didn't chastise her for that breach of protocol, as it was taking all my concentration to keep the waves of pleasure at bay. I cursed my own shortcomings, marveling that she could excite me to orgasm before I was ready. That had never happened before. I was a master at controlling my body's reactions, but with her, that control slipped dangerously fast.

"This is very nice, Slave," I moaned, as I began to thrust against the phallus. And it was…the sight of her aroused body and chained nipples, the scent of her drenched core, the sounds of her harsh breathing. I had to slow my movements, so I could lean forward.

"This must hurt a bit," I murmured, and I nudged the chain that connected her breasts. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Yes, Mistress," she pled, her thigh raising in time with my strokes. Her other leg fell open, and her exposed cunt was calling to me.

"I think you've earned it, Cunt," I told her, and I grasped the chain between my teeth. My vaginal walls were tightening down hard on the plunging phallus, and that curve was doing incredible things to my insides. I slid my left hand between her thighs, and I pinched her elusive little clitoris, making her cry out.

I was there…and I pulled my head back with a roar, yanking the clips from her abused nipples and pressing mercilessly into her clit with the same motion. "Gods!" she screamed beneath me, as she threatened to buck me off as her body galvanized. I rode her every step of the way though, and I actually felt the blackness of unconsciousness threaten to overtake me as I spurted juices onto her thigh. My gushing of fluids were only rivaled by hers as she continued to savor the sensations at her tingling nipples and center. It was long seconds before I could look at her flushed face again.

Oh gods, she was staring at me with the little girl vulnerability that made me melt every time. I realized I couldn't continue the game anymore for now, and my fingers rushed to untie the leather lacings, and gather her into my arms. She whimpered when my fingers found one of her overtaxed nipples, but I gently massaged it, trying to help the blood flow naturally. "Thank you, Mistress," I heard her manage.

"It's me, Gabrielle," I said gently, letting her know I couldn't play anymore. I didn't want to disappoint her by ending too quickly, but I was at my own limit.

"Thank you, Xena," she immediately corrected, and I felt her relax under the realization. She raised her glowing face to mine, and sought out my mouth with a searing kiss. When she pulled back, she smiled at me, "Wow."

I chuckled. "I could say the same thing," I replied. "Are you okay?"

"Very…I feel like every one of my nerve endings is throbbing."

"I feel the same way."

Her eyes widened. "Really? How could you enjoy it as much as me?"

I laughed outright at that. "Oh, my innocent little bard, I have so much to teach you." I pulled her into my embrace, and only ended it when I felt her wiggling beneath me. "What are you doing?"

She had pulled the thigh harness free, and brought the phallus up to that incredible little mouth. "I'm sucking all your juices from it," she replied matter-of-factly, "and then I'm going to put it on you."

"Haven't you had enough?"

The phallus stopped right before it entered her mouth. She looked at me oddly, and then gave me a look that made my cunt do a flip-flop. "Xena, I can never get enough of you."

Gabrielle's Scroll
Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls