All For Xena--Gabrielle's Scroll (Conclusion)

I heard the door swing open very gently. Getting my other shoe on, I stuck my head through the curtains and told her, "I've been waiting for you, My Love." She looked a little unsure of what she was going to walk into.

"Sorry I took so long…"

I told her she wasn't late, and to sit down in the chair. I still had only my head peeking through the curtains, and was very nervous about her seeing me. It didn't really seem like something I would choose to wear, but this night was for Xena, and I intended for her to be satisfied in every way.

I closed the curtain, took another look at myself in the mirror, drew in a long breath, and burst through the curtains. My knees were shaking, but it was more from seeing my lover and feeling the lump in my stomach than nervousness. "Gods, Xena, I love you so much."

She smiled at me, sitting forward in the chair. I walked towards her, feeling like it was all in slow motion. Having only my chest and crotch area showing in this outfit, it was quite exciting seeing her take in every detail. She seemed very pleased without saying one word. I stood in front of her, giving her an extremely close-up view. "You like?" I asked.

I knelt between her legs, sitting with my knees folded beneath me. "Xena, tonight is all for you. There are no battles to be fought, no villages to be saved, and no one else in the world to think of. Just sit back and let me handle the work. All you have to do is relax."

I reached up and met her mouth, taking my tongue and tracing every detail of her lips. I could feel the heat coming from her mouth, hoping it was hotter a little lower. I told her not to move, and unlaced her boots, massaging her feet and watching her close her eyes and taking it all in. I then ran my hands up her legs, parting her thighs just a bit. "I can smell your scent" , I whispered, feeling her breath shorten. "Are you ready for me so soon?"

Still in her leathers, I pushed up her skirt, exhaling my own hot breath against her crotch. "I'm going to take the edge off…", I told her, removing her underwear. I pulled her long legs and placed them over each of my shoulders, scooting her closer to the edge of the chair and ensuring my easy access to her center. I could see that she was already drenched.

Sucking on the tender flesh of her inside thigh, I felt tiny goose bumps rise on her skin. I heard her above me whispering "Yesssss…", giving me command of her body. I took every bit she would give and dove my tongue inside her slit, licking upwards, and finally sucking her clit into my mouth. Her musky scent of arousal and leather took me on my own journey, and I felt all anxiety float through the ceiling.

Placing my hands under each thigh and pushing up, I held her center up closer to my mouth, devouring the flood and savoring the feast she offered. In no time, her core was contracting against my tongue and I knew she was climbing. I sucked harder, letting my tongue roam free for an occasional thrust and intake of her juices. Her body began trembling, and I looked up to see her head thrown back and then watched her come as I licked as wildly as possible. "Gods Xena, you taste delicious." She just looked down at me, her cheeks and top of her chest flushed. "Now it's time to get you undressed and more comfortable."

I helped her stand and removed all her clothing. She watched me, seeming to approve very much of what Delle had helped me choose to wear. I could feel the effects of our excitement running down my own thigh. "Get into the tub, Xena."

I held her hand as she stood on the step and then lowered herself into the water. Standing behind her, I moved her hair to the side and began washing her with lots of suds, taking extra time to move over each part of her body. I felt her relaxing beneath my touch, and enjoyed seeing her find the mental relief I wanted her to find. It wasn't in my plan, but I had already gotten very turned on and decided to join her. I felt like I couldn't touch her enough, and since she was letting me have my way with her, I wanted every ounce she would give me.

I quickly undressed and climbed into the warm water in front of her, taking her mouth into mine and feeling her make love to my mouth. I told her to sit up just a bit, exposing her breasts and enticing my mouth to travel farther. I moved my body closer and sat across her lap, our bodies touching at every possible point. "Comfortable?" I asked her. She smiled and said, "Oh yeah."

I put both of my hands on her breasts, squeezing her nipples and feeling them harden even more between my fingers. I pressed my center as firmly as possible into hers, and then kissed her neck…sucking the delicate skin between my teeth and feeling her start to move her hips into me. Sitting back just a tad, I moved my head farther down and ensnared her nipples into my mouth, while I reached down between us and found her throbbing cove. Her slick center and swollen lips invited me in, and I began fucking her with my fingers, feeling her moans vibrate into my mouth. I could have come so easily, but that was not my concern tonight. I wanted to concentrate on my lover. She started to come again for me, and she thrust against my movements inside her harder and harder, until her head fell forward against mine. Her chest still heaving, I held her face in my hands. "Getting more relaxed?"

She pulled me close to her, the water grazing our skin. "Much," she said. I held her tightly against me for several minutes, laying my head over her shoulder and rubbing my hands gently over her back.

"Now, let's get you out of this tub and let me dry you off." I stepped out before she did, grabbing a towel and quickly drying. I held out my hand and watched her take mine. She looked incredible…her long, tall body, water droplets dripping off her hair, her breasts, and every delicious part I could see. She stepped down out of the tub and I held out a nice, large towel. I slowly and lightly touched her skin, all over her body, leaving only moisture where it was necessary.

I finally wrapped the towel around her and told her I'd be right back. I grabbed my outfit and got dressed quickly, not wanting to spoil any mood we had created. I reappeared from behind the curtain and just looked at her sitting in the chair. Her smile was so peaceful. "Come on, Xena, let me show you something."

I reached for her hand and I held back the curtain for her. I watched her take in all the sights of what had been unknown to her. I think she was slightly disappointed at all she didn't see, but I would make up for scenery with loving her ultimately. I patted the cushioned table and told her to hop up. "Lie on your stomach, Baby."

I reached for the bottle of oil and rubbed my hands together. I felt her body melt when I began massaging her shoulders and back, and when I reached her lower back, I rubbed much more lightly, knowing this made her inside walls contract with want. I went farther down and began kneading her muscular legs, rubbing the warm oil into her skin. "Is that okay, Xena?"

"Mmmm hmmmm…" I heard her say. "It's great." I began kissing her gorgeous skin, and felt her try to part her legs for me. "Not yet…" I leaned down and whispered. I made it last as long as I could stand it, and was anticipating feeling her velvety center tight against my fingers and tongue. "Now turn over, and let's continue the journey."

I had to control myself completely to keep from joining her on top of the table. I started at her feet and worked my way up, aching to touch her center. My mouth watered every time I rubbed the skin near her sex. Her nipples reached farther for me with every stroke, but I tried to make sure we left the best for last. She knew how to work me…I saw as she skillfully parted her legs just enough to give me a clear view to what awaited me. Gods. Paradise on earth.

I dried the oil from my hands, and leaned down directly over her face. She took the initiative and kissed me with total passion. I was weak with desire, but maintained control as much as possible. I told her, "Get on the bed", kissing her ear .

I helped her off the table and led her to the bed. "Go ahead. Sit down." The look on her face was priceless. I reacted the same way, not knowing what to expect. She watched the mattress move beneath her, looking at me with surprise. "It's a waterbed", I told her, and explained that Delle had just gotten it for this room. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, because I knew she was going to love it.

I gave her a slight push, and she fell backwards, spreading her arms and legs apart. I pounced on top of her, and we laughed as we rode the waves. I arranged the plump, soft pillows at the head of the bed, and told her, "Lay back, Xena. Now it's time for me to love you."

It was so wonderful having this freedom to make love to my Warrior. And for her to allow me the privilege of loving her body. She moved to the head of the bed, spreading her legs apart for me. I moved my mouth to her sex, drinking up her wetness. She came for me several times, seeming to increase the intensity each time. Not having to hold back for any reason, this gave us plenty of time and freedom to just enjoy the night.

Finally, she told me I had done my job well and it was time to rest for awhile. She pulled me up beside her, laying my head in the crook of her shoulder. "Thank you so much, my little bard." She told me she didn't think anyone could ever wear her out, but that I had found a way. I reached up and gave her a kiss, knowing she could taste herself on my mouth. "Don't take off that outfit", she told me, and I listened as her breathing softened, feeling her body welcome sleep. I did not want to go to sleep and miss anything about her. I just lay there, feeling her glorious body, rubbing her skin and loving her.

It was still dark, probably three hours later, and I felt her stretch. "Didn't you sleep?" She raised her head from the pillows looking down at me.

"Didn't want to", I told her. I just wanted to watch you…seeing you enjoy the peace. You are so beautiful."

"Gabrielle, won't you at least let me do something for you?"

I propped myself up on my elbow and told her, "Well…there is one thing. I did want to feel your lips against mine."

"That can be easily arranged. Come here." She reached and pulled me on top of her, wrapping her long arms around me and holding me close to her. "And thank you for not taking this off," she said, tugging on my bustier.

"Anything for you, Xena."

She drew me in for a sensuous kiss, giving me so much of her emotion and rekindling the fire we had started hours ago. I felt like I had drowned between my legs already, and new wetness was escaping. The way she sucked my tongue had me unconsciously moaning into her mouth and making us both turned on more.

"How was that?" she asked, with a very satisfied grin that she had brought me to my knees.

"Exquisite. But I was talking about your other lips."

I grinned with satisfaction, because I knew I wasn't finished with her.

I grabbed two pillows and helped put them beneath her hips. I straddled her, placing my legs on either side of hips and slowly sat down. Bracing myself against her waist, I held on tightly and began grinding myself into her. I could feel her pubic bone meeting perfectly with clit if I held my hips back just right. "Can you feel that, Xena?" She said nothing, but the look on her face told me all I needed to know. I had already been wet for so long and mixing with her wetness allowed me to slide easily back and forth as I moved in a slow grind.

I leaned over and took each of her breasts into my mouth, bringing her nipples to full attention as I sucked them in, nursing her diligently.

"Touch your breasts for me. I want to use my hands for something else. She looked up at me, our eyes locking and reading the lust and want for each other as if we hadn't touched each other all night.

Without hesitation, her hands covered her breasts. I reached behind me, running my fingers through her dripping sex. "I want to go inside you. Spread your legs a little farther apart. I want to be able to fuck you hard when you're ready. Is that okay with you, Xena?"

She licked over her lips, wetting them. "Yessss," she hissed, and I felt her spread her legs open wider beneath me.

I easily plunged two fingers inside her, sitting on her clit and making contact as much as possible. "I'm riding your cock, Baby. Can you feel me taking you in?"

Her breathing picked up and I watched as her chest began to rise and fall more rapidly as she played with her nipples. She felt so good against me. I could feel myself getting close, and decided to not hold myself back this time. "Gabrielle…", was all she said.

"What is it? Can you come for me?"

"Yes…I'm ready." I could feel her clenching down on my fingers, and her hips started to move hard against me. Her juices were flowing so freely that my hand was covered in her essence.

"That's it, Xena. Come inside me. I'm waiting to come with you."

She sat up, holding onto me tightly, biting my mouth with an extreme kiss. She cupped my breasts in her mouth, sinking her teeth into the flesh.

"Fuck me, Baby…now…hard…" Her bangs were plastered to her forehead with sweat.

I moved as forcefully as I could. "Let it go, Xena. Come on…" I was trying to keep as much contact with her clit as I could and still pump into her as hard as I could.

She screamed loudly. "Oh Gods! Gabrielle…"

She sucked my breasts savagely, her hot mouth pushing me over the edge. I wound my left hand into the back of her hair, finally letting go of what had built for hours. When we finally stopped moving against each other, we just sat there holding onto one another as our breathing subsided. She laid back and took me with her.

Finally I lifted my head and looked into her closed eyes.



"Can I take this off now?" She opened one eye and looked at me, not showing any emotion.

"I guess…but keep that handy in our saddle bag."

"You've got it. I'm sure Delle won't mind giving us a souvenir."

I slipped out of my outfit and stretched my naked body against her. With that, we snuggled into our comfortable bed, her strong arms once again cradling me in total security and love.

Gabrielle's Scroll (Part 1)
Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls