All For Xena--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

One of the things I like best about Athens, is there's plenty of physical activity to keep me involved. In no time at all, I found some men involved in a knife-throwing contest. I reached down and pulled the dagger from my boot. "Can anyone play?" I asked, as I approached.

The knife throwing led to archery and then something called javelin throwing. We played for dinars, and by the end of the afternoon, I had collected a sizable amount. The men were gracious losers, and I felt I had made some friends among them. I arrived back at the inn, just as the sun was going down.

I had barely stepped in the front door of the inn, when a voluptuous young red head approached me. "You're Xena, aren't you?"

I couldn't resist giving her a smile. "Last time I checked."

She wasn't shy about giving me the once over, but then she looked me in the eye. "Delle sent me. She wants you to come to her place right away."

I sighed. Delle was a friend, but her "place" was the biggest whorehouse in Athens. Whatever troubles she was having were the sort I'd rather not involve myself with, especially now. Besides, Gabrielle was waiting for me.

Then a thought occurred to me. How could Delle have even known I was in Athens? And even more incredibly, how could she have known what inn we were staying at?

I began to wonder if Gabrielle had been returning from Delle's place when I saw her yesterday. It was on the east side of town, and that's the direction she had been coming from.

The last time we were in Athens, I had arranged the desert setting in one of Delle's special "playrooms" upstairs. I began to wonder if Gabrielle was arranging something similar.

"I'm all smelly and sweaty," I told the girl with a lowered voice. "Just let me go upstairs and wash up."

"Unh huh," she said, taking my arm. "I have orders to bring you back as is and immediately. Besides," she leaned in and sniffed at me. "You smell hot and sexy to me."

She grinned at me with raised eyebrows, and I had no doubt what her duties for Delle included. I shrugged non-commitally and let her lead me away from the inn.

She was tight-lipped; I'll give her that. All I got out of her was her name, which she said was "Monique", but somehow, I doubted that was the truth. She didn't look like a "Monique" to me. It didn't really matter though, as soon we were approaching Delle's brothel.

Delle had bright red hair the last time I'd seen her. This time, I couldn't help but notice it was dark blond, and cut very similar to Gabrielle's.

"Zeus's left testicle!" she exclaimed as she approached me. "I was beginning to think you didn't want to come and see me!"

I accepted the hug she offered me, and grinned back at her. "Now, you know me better than that, Dell," I told her. "I came as soon as I figured out what was going on."

Delle looked a tiny bit alarmed. "Don't tell me you're going to ruin the surprise for that sweet little thing. She's been working so hard on it."

Well, that confirmed whether or not Gabrielle was there. "No, I wouldn't spoil her surprise," I told her. "I'd never do that to her."

"I'd hope not." Delle wrapped her arm through mine and shooed "Monique" away. "You've gotten the chance to play with her enough tonight," she told the girl. "It's my turn."

"Monique" gave me a little wave, and sashayed off to the parlor. Delle and I watched her go.

Delle clucked her tongue. "Hot little thing, ain't she, Warrior Princess? She spotted your fine ass the last time you were here, and when she saw your little friend come in, begged me to let her help out in the plan."

I just shook my head, not offended in the least. I leaned over and let my lowered voice wash over Delle. "And just what is my little friend's plan?" I whispered, not surprised when I saw Delle shiver.

"Stop it!" she said, with a playful slap on my upper arm. "I know what you're trying to do, and Gabrielle promised to do great damage to me, if I wrecked her surprise. She might be little, but she packs a mean threat."

"Don't I know it!" I grinned back, thinking of some of Gabrielle's best threats.

Delle regained control, and took my arm again, leading me toward my stairs. "She's waiting for you in the same room the two of you used last time. She said to tell you to just go right on in. And enjoy."

I gave Delle one last look, but she wasn't revealing anything. "Thanks, Delle," I said then, and took the stairs three at a time. I could hear her laughter from behind me.

"Let's see if you can spread those legs that wide when she's done with you!" I heard her call after me.

I slowed my approach as I passed through the hallways. I had been here many times, and more times than not, had been there to sate the lust that built up in me after a tough battle. I had shed blood in this room, I mused as I passed one door, and in this one, I had a particularly memorable night with a pair of well-endowed twins. Delle didn't shy from giving me whatever I requested, and as long as I paid for any damages I did, never gave me a hard time for my more violent sessions. She confided in me once that she liked to question her employees after I had left, to find out what I had done to them. Her acceptance of the way I had been, and was now, made her someone I trusted more than the average person.

But now my thoughts were on my golden-harried lover, and what she had in store for me. I had no doubt it would be wonderful, but couldn't help but be curious what Gabrielle had chosen. I had traveled to far more places than her, and couldn't remember ever speaking of someplace I'd like to visit. And she knew at least some of my sexual experiences and had to realize there was very little I hadn't tried before.

I was there, finally, and took a breath before I opened the door. My eyes drank in the room hungrily, and I was a little dismayed to find there wasn't much to look at, with the exception of the large tub set off a little to the right. I could see steam rising from its surface, and could smell the scent of hyacinth, one of my favorites. Next to it was a soft chair. A wide curtain blocked off the rest of the room, and I wondered if I was supposed to move past the tub and see what was beyond the barrier.

Gabrielle poked her head out from a split in the curtain then, and I could see she was smiling at me. "I've been waiting for you, My Love," she said, using one of my own expressions.

I smiled back at her. "Sorry it took me so long…"

"You're not late at all," she replied. "And I can tell you've had a strenuous day. That's perfect. Sit down in that chair, and don't you move a muscle."

I did as she said, my mind still curious as to what she had in store for me. It was only a moment before she entered the room.

I took her appearance in with a long look, and I felt my center convulse. By the gods, she had chosen her outfit well, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She wore something dark red and lacy, but instead of covering up her breasts and crotch, they were the only parts of her torso not covered up. The outfit, which I now know is a bustier, was made of some kind of stiffened material which pushed her breasts upward, and left them totally uncovered to my devouring stare. Her nipples were hard and tightened, and pointing right at me, the rosy color of them darker than usual. And below, oh gods, the material was an upside down v that covered all her stomach, except for her pubic mound. I could see droplets sparkling in her silky hair there, and wondered if she'd taken a bath or if they were from something else.

She walked slowly toward me, and I took in the rest of her. The sandals she wore had a tall heel built into them, and it made her legs appear even longer and curvier. Around her wrists she wore silver bracelets, and there was a matching necklace around her neck. She was dressed as a woman bent on arousing her lover on her wedding night, and indeed, I felt like I had just stepped into a honeymoon of sorts. I swallowed hard, as she approached me.

When she was standing in front of me, she arched her back seductively, and her breasts thrust even more toward me. She was just within my grasp, but I remembered she had ordered me not to move. "You like?" she whispered, her eyes glowing down into my eyes.

I didn't have a voice at first, but then it came to me. "Gods, yes, I like," I replied, my intensity obvious. "Gods!"

"Good." She smiled, and her hands trailed down over her ribs and then flipped over to brush across her exposed mound. "Are you curious?"


She smiled seductively, and then knelt on her knees between my thighs. Looking up at me, I drew my attention from her firm, inviting breasts to her sparkling eyes. "Tonight is all for you, Xena," she told me, sounding almost as if she had rehearsed this speech. "There are no battles to be fought, no villages to be saved, no one else in the world to think of. I am going to relax you totally, and then I'm going to make love to you until you can't handle it anymore. You're going to feel more alive and at peace than you ever have before."

I couldn't resist and broke her rules, reaching down to cup her face. "What about you?" I asked. "Can't I do the same for you?"

"Tonight is all for you, Xena," she repeated. "Just sit back, and let me do the work."

I realized what she was asking for, and I willingly let her take it from me. She gave me a kiss on each of my inner thighs, and then stretched up so her mouth could touch mine. Bending over, I held back my passion and let her languidly trace her tongue over my lips. Her hands were on my thighs, and I could feel them kneading the tense flesh there. I groaned when she abruptly released me and pulled back.

"Don't move," she reminded me, and she began to unlace my left boot. She pulled it free, and her strong hands took my foot into hers. Her hands began to move into concentric circles, and I stretched my toes and closed my eyes at the sheer rapture of that simple touch. She repeated the action on my other foot, and then she slid her hands upward.

"I can smell your scent," she whispered against the flesh of one of my thighs. "Are you ready for me so soon?"

"Mm hmm…" I couldn't trust my voice for anything else at this point.

She paused, and then I felt her mouth working over the crotch of my breeches. My bard always liked me to be clean, and I took pangs to insure I was just that, but I hadn't had time to freshen up after the day's festivities. Tonight, she didn't seem to mind.

"I'm going to take the edge off," I heard her from below my skirt, "but don't get too carried away" I immediately began telling myself repeatedly that this was just going to be the appetizer. And then her hands were in the waistband of my damp breeches, and dragging them down over my hips. She removed them completely, and then my eyes widened as she pulled my legs over either of her shoulders. This was something I had done with her often, but as my body was a good deal heavier than hers, it wasn't always comfortable for her to love me in that position.

I rested most of my weight on my backside though, and scooted forward, my thighs parting further so she had access to my heat. I felt her mouth suck on my right thigh, and then it was planted firmly across my nether region.

"Yesss…" I hissed, as I felt her suction my center hard, impossibly drawing more blood to the already engorged flesh. I felt her nails dig into the top of my buttocks, as she pressed herself closer to me, and her tongue came out to length over my clitoris, down the center of my labia, and then into my cove, only to slip out again. She repeated this action several times, until I was wiggling hard.

This was so different from last night, and I reveled in the feeling that I could be as vocal and as responsive as I wanted. "That's wonderful, My Love," I told her, before a groan overtook me again. She stopped that incessant licking, and was now concentrating on my clit, which was alive with sizzling sensations.

I felt her lips close over it, and she sucked hard, making little noises in the back of her throat. I wished I could see her, but when her teeth came out to scrape me, I was a lost cause, and I came hard, grunting out my approval to her and the air around us.

She stayed where she was for a few moments, and then I saw her head reemerge from under my skirt. "Gods, Xena, you taste delicious," she said, and she licked her wicked tongue along her own chin, which was sparkling from my lubricants. I was still trying to fight for my sanity, and could only stare into her eyes.

She grinned at me; thrilled she had rendered me speechless. "Time to get you undressed," she said, reaching for one of my gauntlets.

I was extremely cooperative as she slipped my armor off me, and when it came time to removing my leathers and shift, I had to partially stand so she could get them off. The whole time, I couldn't take my eyes off the outfit she had worn. It was the kind of outfit Delle's employees would wear, and that made it all the more exciting to me. Despite my earlier climax, I felt the heavy throbbing that needed her touch to satisfy.

"Get into the tub, Xena," she was saying, and I'm sure she had to repeat it before I heard her. I did as she bid, and settled myself into the luxurious heat of the water. The sore spots on my body were suddenly making themselves known, but the caress of the steaming water was helping them to lessen in severity.

For a while, she concentrated on washing me, and it took little urging for me to lean back and close my eyes as I relaxed into her touch. I might have even dozed off, because I was taken by surprise when she was suddenly naked and lowering herself into the tub in front of me. "I wanted to see you in that outfit a little bit longer," I admitted, before I could stop myself. I didn't want to think I was complaining about her treatment of me so far.

"You will," she promised, seeming to understand. She moved forward then, and her hands wound through my soaked tresses. I met her lips with mine eagerly, and our mouths made a symphony of its own. She drew her head away with a gasp, and then began to slide her head down my chin and over my neck, stopping to suck where she knew I was most sensitive. She lingered for a long time on a particular spot, and I knew she was leaving her mark. I shivered with pleasure, despite the bath water, which was still very hot.

"Sit up a bit," she directed, and the erect tips of my breasts cleared the water as I did so. In no time, I felt the warmth of her mouth close over one, as her fingers moved to touch me down further.

The bath water washed away some of my moisture, and I felt a delicious friction as she ran the washcloth over my cunt again, and then abandoned the material to enter me with her fingers. Her lips and teeth continued to impassion my breasts, as she used two fingers to plunge in and out of me. It didn't take me long to reach rapture again, and she didn't even pause, continuing her movements until I reached a second quicker, higher peak. My head involuntarily fell forward against hers, as she took my breath away with her demands and skill.

"Getting more relaxed?" she asked, as she stroked my back and returned my embrace.

"Much," I managed, and just felt the sensations coursing through me.

"Good. Now get out of the tub, so I can dry you off."

Once again, I followed orders, but I found my legs were a little unsteady from the pleasure she had already brought me. However, I managed to hold my stance as she took a soft towel, and did as she said she would. Her little added movements and touches were designed to make sure one part of me couldn't be completely dried. As usual, she succeeded.

She took my hand and led me back to the chair. "Sit," she said, "I won't be long." I watched her pick up the outfit she had been wearing, and she disappeared behind the curtain again. True to her word, she was back in front of me again, dressed once more in the incredible garment.

"How are you feeling, Xena?" she asked, smiling down at me. "Are you feeling relaxed?"

"Getting there," I mumbled, my eyes drinking in the sight of her.

"Not there yet, huh? Well, maybe this will help." She took my hand and led me behind the curtain.

I must admit, I was a bit surprised by what I saw. It appeared to me we were in a bedroom, decorated beautifully, I will say, but not terribly out of the ordinary. The oddest thing about it was a cushioned long table that was about as tall as her waist. Other than the fact that the bed was bigger than most, the decor looked similar to other bedrooms we had been in.

She saw my curiosity, and gave a slight smile. "Lie down on the table on your stomach," she told me.

I did so, with my head rested on my folded hands. I moaned with pleasure as I felt her hands on my upper back. She had some warmed oil, and began to massage it in. "That's the spot," I told her; when she found the sore stiffness in my left shoulder, and she spent a long time rubbing it out. Her skilled fingers felt all the tight spots in my shoulders and upper back, and I felt myself wanting to melt into her touch. Gods, I had needed this more than I realized!

Her fingers found their way to my lower back, and she deliberately lightened her touch, knowing a light touch on that particular spot on my body was one that would be drive me crazy with want. I began to press myself harder into the table, my clit seeking just a little more pressure in order for me to soar. When her hands moved to my buttocks, kneading and caressing, I realized she was now working on making me relax in a different way. She pressed firmly into the flesh, and began to kiss each inch before her hands massaged in the oil. I started to spread my legs, but she shook her head no against me. "Not yet," she whispered, as she continued over the backs of my thighs and calves, and even my feet.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked again, and all I could manage this time was an "Mmmm." "We're getting there," she told me, happily. "Turn over, and let's continue the journey."

I rolled over, and this time, she started at my feet and worked her way upward, not getting in any hurry as she probed my flesh. She avoided my drenched center, and smiled down into my eyes when I groaned at the loss. I wanted for all the world to return the smile, but couldn't. I felt my breath taken away as her fingers found their way into my stomach muscles.

It took an eternity, and not long enough for her to finish the massage. She spent an inordinate time at my breasts, causing my desire to rise even higher, but not lingering on my nipples long enough for me to reach fulfillment that way either. I wriggled my ass against the soft cushioning of the table, and intentionally parted my thighs so she could smell the arousal sweeping through me.

When she had finally stroked over all of me, including my jaw line, cheekbones, and forehead, she paused long enough to wipe her fingers clean on a small towel, and then her hands were on my head again. Once again she found my mouth, but this time, I couldn't resist letting my own tongue probe the secrets of her mouth, as I transmitted my desire with my mouth. She read my signals, as always, and she pulled her head away, only to lick up the side of my face, and into my left ear. "Get on the bed, My Love," she husked, "And hang on."

I was shocked when I sat on the edge of the bed, with the intention of lifting my leaden legs onto it. It moved and undulated beneath me. I reached down a hand to test the tentative surface, and looked up at Gabrielle, genuinely surprised.

"It's a waterbed," she told me, with a laugh, as if that explained everything. "Delle told me about it, and I thought it would be perfect for us. And the best thing of all…" she leaned forward, bending slightly and lacing her fingers behind my neck, "it doesn't make me seasick."

My bard had a sensitive stomach when it came to the motion of the ocean beneath her, so I knew what she was telling me. We hadn't been able to make love for long periods of times whenever we were on a boat, because all the movement would get to her. But now…

She pulled her fingers free, and suddenly gave me a push. I dutifully let myself fall backward, and she pounced on me, causing us both to laugh when the bed rocked beneath us. It was a strange sensation.

"Lay back, Xena," she told me, patting the plump pillows at the head of the bed. "I'm going to love you now." I sank into the plushness, and bent my legs, so she could lie between them, her face inches from my womanhood. I felt her hot, ragged breath on me, and closed my eyes, letting her do as she willed.

It was a long time before she could exhaust me the way she wanted, and every moment was firmly etched in my mind. I could never remember a night when I had let myself just respond to her without reciprocating touches, but every time I tried, she stopped me, telling me she was getting her pleasure from the sights and sounds of me. Only when I was begging her to stop, telling her I couldn't handle the pleasure any more did she finally cease her ministrations. Finally, she kissed her way up my body, and lowered her head into the crook of my shoulder. My arms came around her automatically, and after she had slowly licked each of my fingers clean, she moved into my embrace.

"Thank you so much, my little bard," I rasped, barely able to raise my voice. "I used to think there was no way anyone could ever wear me out, but leave it to you to prove me wrong again."

She grinned at me, and then her mouth was on mine. I could taste my cum mixed on her tongue, and almost felt a pain down below, as my body responded in spite of itself. She seemed to realize what I was going through, and she turned the kiss turned from enflaming to loving. My eyelids grew heavy as our bodies sunk further into the bed, and each other.

"Don't take off that outfit," I whispered, and she promised me she wouldn't. She softly stroked the skin she could reach, and hummed me softly to sleep. I wouldn't have believed that it was possible for her to rock me to sleep like a baby, but then again, my bard was constantly surprising me by doing the impossible.

It was still nighttime when I awoke, and stretched as much of my body as I could, without disturbing her. I looked down, and was surprised to see she was wide-awake, watching me. "Didn't you sleep?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Didn't want to. I just wanted to watch you. You are so beautiful, and your face was so peaceful. I like that look on you, Xena. I want to see it on you more often."

I resolved then and there to try to show her that side of me more often. But now, I could sense something different in her, and realized she had one of my thighs clenched between her own, and she was subtly pressing herself into me. "Are you willing to let me show you my thanks?" I asked, my fingers finding one of her upturned nipples. "That would relax me very much."

She laughed at my obvious ploy. I couldn't slip anything by her. "I want to feel your lips against mine," she whispered then, as her amusement faded.

After I had kissed her thoroughly, she leered at me. "That was exquisite," she whispered. "But I was talking about your other lips."

I fleet a gush of moisture flow from my vagina, easing some of the sensitivity there. She moved her body, and reached for two pillows, which she slid under my ass. It tilted my pelvis toward her, and she pressed her clit into my pubic mound. I felt her fingers slide through my wetness behind her as she began to writhe against me. "All for you, Xena," she whispered, as her fingers began to tease my hardened clitoris once more.

Gabrielle's Scroll
Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls