She Knows--Gabrielle's Scroll (Conclusion)

Lila's voice was sounding a little afraid now, as Xena disappeared from my sight. Every fiber of my being wanted to follow her, but I knew I couldn't with Lila out here. I hurried in the sound of Lila's voice, and met up with her at the edge of the woods. "What is it, Lila?" I asked, trying not to sound too bitter.

"Your friend Vela is here," Lila told me. "She wanted to visit for a while."

With a nod, I walked back to the house.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Vela and I to realize we no longer had much to talk about. She was married with two small children and was content being a housewife, and while I was happy for her, I quickly became bored with her stories of domestic bliss. Thank the gods her youngest developed a sneezing fit, and Vela hurried home, worried her the little one was getting sick. I probably should have told her that I saw his older sister tickling his nose with a chicken feather, but I didn't. I just wasn't in the mood for small talk.

Not up to communicating with anyone else, save Xena, I retreated to bed. Lila was already stretched out in her bed, and she took my mood in the moment I entered. I assured her there was nothing wrong, and I was just really tired. Thankfully, she took the hint, and rolled over to go to sleep.

I was tired, but sleep wasn't going to come to me anytime soon. I stared out the open window, and kept thinking about the previous night…and how glorious it had been to spend it in Xena's arms once again. Gods, I could almost feel her strong fingers stroking over my body, her face hovering above mine so she could watch my every expression. She said watching me come was one of her greatest joys in life, and coming for her was certainly one of mine.

Gods, I moaned with the mistake I had made. Just thinking about Xena's long body stretched out next to mine, driving me insane with passion set my body on fire. My nipples itched against the sleeping shirt I had borrowed from Lila, and after a glance over at her, I sat up and pulled the offending garment off. I sank back down into the comfort of my bed, and tried to think of anything but my love touching me.

It wasn't working. My thighs were awash in juices and every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was the perfection of Xena's face, concentrating on bringing me rapture. My clit began to pulse heavily, and my hips began to move of their own volition.

How do I get out of this situation? I figured with my luck, if I tried to sneak out, Lila would catch me, That would be my luck. However, if I stayed where I was, I could keep an eye on her. I just prayed I could stop if she started to wake up…

I pulled the covers up to my chin, and then my hands were delving beneath, straight to my soaked center. I bit back a groan as the fingers of my right hand found my clit. I didn't even bother penetrating myself…my left hand never made it past my nipples. A few up and down strokes against my clitoris were all it took, and my thighs were clutching against my hand as I muffled my moan into the bed covers. Gods, it was quick, but it really did help. I rolled over on my stomach and recited the names of the Olympian Gods to keep my mind off Xena until I fell asleep.

It was still very dark out when I was awakened from my sleep by a hand being clamped over my mouth. I struggled immediately, but when I turned my head, I saw the most incredible sight. Xena was naked, wanting me to scoot over so she could share my bed with me. At that moment, I wouldn't have cared if my mother and father had walked in on me. I was so relieved to have her here with me.

I wiggled forward on the bed a bit, facing Lila, and then felt her warmth cuddling up against me. My head was resting on her upper arm, and I pulled her hand up so I could press kisses to it. With the length of her pressed up behind me, and her hand cradling my face, I had never felt more at ease and cozy.

I slept for a while, but awoke with a start from a dream I had dreamed a number of times before. I suppose it was the position she was in that had caused me to dream it, but the fire in my body earlier was nothing compared to the inferno raging in me now. With Xena pressed behind me though, what I had in mind was going to be difficult to achieve. I slid out from under her, and padded across the room to snuff out the candle that provided the only real light in the room. I heard Xena say my name as I walked back to the bed, but this time, I crawled in behind her. My dream was too vivid to not act out then and there..

I reached a hand around to touch her face gently and whispered my admission. "I've been wanting to do this forever."

I could feel her holding her body rigid, not sure what I was up to, but I'm sure she soon had no doubts as I pushed her over so she was half laying on her stomach. I threw my left leg over her, and sighed contentedly as my engorged clit found purchase on the firm flesh of her ass. Gods yes, this was it.

I began a strong rhythm almost immediately, pressing my nipples against her incredible back muscles as I began to ride her ass cheek. I had my arms wrapped around her to hold her to me as I humped her, and it was just a matter of moving them so one could torment one of her nipples, while the other slid down to slip through her own steaming wetness.

"I was dreaming about this perfect ass, and your incredible back. You were just laying there, letting me ride out my pleasure against you…gods…you're so firm!" The friction on my cunt was driving me mad. "My clit is on fire already…" I whispered against her ear. "How's yours?"

I wedged three fingers inside her as I heard her echo the words I had used. "On fire," she moaned, and she began moving in earnest pressing her breast harder into my palm while her ass flexed and shivered below my straining cunt. Gods, I lowered my head into her hair and took in her scent, and my arousal grew even stronger. I was going to explode.

"Gabrielle…" I heard her whisper my name, and then her head was half turned and I pressed my mouth to hers in a scorching kiss. I was beginning to lose control of my movements, and just concentrated on grinding my clit against her ass. I could feel her core pouring juices out over my hand, and easily slipped another finger inside her, determined that she would enjoy this as much as I was. I spread my fingers apart a bit, knowing I was stretching her vagina to its limit, but her muffled groans were telling me she was most appreciative of my efforts.

I stroked my thumb over her clit, and she bucked against my hand, pushing her ass firmer into my own sex. Oh gods, I was going to come and come hard. As I felt the first waves start to overtake me, I burrowed my face into her neck, smothering the scream that was threatening to break free. The pleasure continued to escalate as she continued to flex her muscles beneath me, and I did the only thing I could do. I bit into her neck hard, hanging on tight to keep myself from screaming out my joy and relief.

It wasn't the first time I had drawn blood on her, but I knew I was going to leave a mark that was going to show. I don't know if she cared, but as I finally began my descent from the heights of my climax, she twisted her body so she was facing me. Her need was evident in her expression, and when I felt her hand pressing mine tighter into her, I knew what my warrior princess needed. A good hard fuck.

I don't know if seeing me so turned on had gotten her so worked up, or if she had worked up her arousal on her own, but in no time, she was writhing on my probing fingers. Her hands came up to pinch her own nipples, leaving both of my hands free for contact lower, and I took advantage of it. My right hand continued to thrust deep inside her, stretching and scraping at her inner walls, while my left came down to play with her clit, sometimes rubbing, sometimes pinching, but always in contact. I loved the sight of her with her head thrown back, her mouth held open in a gasp of pleasure, and one of her hands left her breast to press into her mouth. Seems her climax was going to be as mind blowing as mine had been.

I could sense she was so close, and thinking of the great pleasure her ass had given me, I repaid the favor. I allowed my little finger to slip down through her wetness, and enter into the tight little bud hidden in the cleft of her buttocks.

I heard a stifled groan, and watched her back arch fiercely as her orgasm started. For a long moment, she seemed frozen in place, although I could feel her vagina fiercely pulse around me. Then her body galvanized and jerked violently against me, as she reached her fulfillment. Only a few moans escaped around her fist…and when she finally pulled her hand from her face, she was grinning a bemused smile at me. What had brought that on?

"Xena?" I whispered, trying to figure it out.

Her eyes were sparkling at me. "She knows, Gabrielle," I heard her whisper. She gestured with her head toward Lila's bed. "She knows, and she loves us for it."

It took a moment for realization to sink in, and when I realized what she meant, I sank into her embrace. I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and this time we slept in each other's arms until long after the sun came up.

Gabrielle's Scroll (Part 1)
Xena's Scroll
Lila's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls