Reunions--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

I quirked a smile. "Good." A voice was calling then, and I knew it was time to act.

I'm not sure at what point I began to suspect the Number One Wife was actually Sara, but when I heard her cries when I demanded Sara's head on a platter, there was no doubt I was right. What followed was a precarious, dangerous turn of events, but in the long run, Gabrielle had her vengeance, bard style, and we were on our way to returning her niece home to her mother.

Sara bore many emotional scars, and I knew it would be a long path for her to recover from all she had undergone while in Gurkhan's clutches. Eve had quickly formed a friendship with the young blonde, and I knew that alone would be a great aid to Sara's recovery. Gabrielle and I left the two of them the first night, sitting on the bow of the boat, discussing feelings of guilt and shame.

Gabrielle and I walked slowly back to our cabin, her head resting on my shoulder. I wasn't sure what she was feeling, so I asked her.

"I'm feeling relieved," she answered after a pause, "but I think it will be a long time before Sara can feel the same way. That makes me feel guilty."

"You shouldn't feel guilty," I told her. We were outside the cabin door, and I turned her to face me. I had to put a hand under her chin to lift her eyes to mine. "You should be feeling glad that we've rescued Sara, and that in time, she will regain the life she once had. You and Lila will see to that."

"You think so?" she asked suddenly, as if that was the thought that had been bothering her the worst. "You think she'll ever regain any normalcy in her life?"

I nodded. "I've seen far more damaged people," I assured her. After a deep breath, I added, "I've been the cause of it…and I know strong people like Sara can bounce back. You yourself have been through a lot."

She reflected on what I was saying, and I saw a genuine smile on her face. "Thank you," she whispered.

Gods, I desired her so much at that moment! I didn't want to press the issue though, so I just gave her a warm hug, and urged her to enter the cabin. I closed the door behind us, and watched as she lit a couple of candles to give us some light.

I was still wearing the white gown, and hadn't brought myself to redress in my leathers, although my body was no longer sore. Gabrielle had confided that she liked seeing me in the gown, and I had seriously considered using it as my form of dress for a while, but knew that wouldn't be practical. No, I would just add it to the other items of clothing I kept stored in the saddlebags, and she would know it would always be available for her at a future request.

Her eyes met mine. "You are so beautiful with your hair and eyes shining in the moonlight," she told me, and I realized she must have been looking at me for some time.

"As are you," I told her, my eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Once again, she took in my form, which was now stretched over the bed. "Would you like me to dance for you tonight, Xena?" she asked, her eyes glowing at me.

I'm sure my eyes narrowed as I considered what she was asking. She was wearing a white cloak over the blue and gold outfit she had worn while dancing for Gurkhan, and I couldn't help but notice flashes of her skin when she moved in certain ways.

"Do you want to dance for me?" I asked her. I know she knew I was anticipating her fulfilling that wish, but didn't want her to dance just to please me.

"Very much so," she replied. "I was inspired by your own dance, and uh…" her cheeks darkened in that blush I adored so much. "I want to inspire you."

I made a show of fluffing up the pillow behind me, and tried to appear casual as I waved a hand. "Dance for me, my little flower," I said with a smile.

She beamed at my airs for a second, and then suddenly, began to move. The music she swayed to was the night sounds of the ocean, and it was a basal, deep beat that I could feel in the blood pounding through my heart. Her eyes closed as her arms floated up, and her belly twitched enticingly before my eyes.

I felt a flood of juices flow from me when she shrugged out of the white cloak, and slowly ran her hands down her own body, her hips never stopping their rhythmic undulations. Gods, she was so gorgeous! And she was playing me like a lyre, her eyes only glancing up to meet mine fleetingly as she continued.

Her movements brought her closer to me, and she bent over backward, showing me her cloth covered breasts. I stared down her cleavage, my mouth watering for a taste, and then she shifted slightly, and I could see her hardened nipples making their presence known through the material. I reached out for her, but she danced away, wiggling a finger in a "don't touch" motion in my direction.

She moved forever it seemed, and as each moment passed, I felt my arousal move up a notch. She was still fully clothed, and now her eyes were closed, and there was a secret smile on her face. I wondered what she was up to, and then with a movement I didn't even detect, suddenly the chains at her back gave way, and her upper half was bared.

She continued to dance, but now my eyes were riveted to her breasts, bouncing slightly from her movements. I wanted more than anything to grab them, and ease my mouth's lusting one them. She knew that, I'm sure, and when her hands stroked over them, and then rested there, I was a lost cause. I saw her squeeze her nipples, and her head lolled back in a sound of pleasure, and I had to do something. I wiggled out of my own top, and my fingers immediately closed on my own throbbing nipples, pulling and pinching.

Her gaze met what I was doing, and she smiled approvingly, mirroring what I was doing on her own body. I was used to her being shy about touching her own body, but there wasn't any shyness tonight, only pleasure that she had caused me to touch myself. Her hips undulated in a broad movement, thrusting toward me, and my eyes were riveted to the glistening at her thighs. She caught my look, and one of her hands released a nipple, and I watched it travel through the glistening moisture. She drew the hand upward, and moaned as the finger disappeared between her lips. Her eyes closed slowly in pleasure.

Gods what she was doing to me! My own body cried out for contact, and I bent my legs, pulling up my long skirt so it bunched around my waist. My lower half greeted her eyes when she opened them again, and her eyes were riveted there as she continued the dance, her fingers back on both nipples.

My fingers ached to touch her, but she wasn't allowing that yet, so I settled with plunging into my own pussy instead. My hips arched from the bed with the intensity of the touch, and I began grinding my hips lewdly into my fingers, not even having to touch my clit. The frantic strength I was using with my thrusts pulled its protective hood back and forth over it, and it caused my whole cunt to pulsate.

"Oh gods, that's so hot," I heard her whisper, and I spread my thighs further, allowing her to see what my hands were doing to myself. I was hoping to entice her to let me do the same to her, but my own passion was too far gone. I came hard, with a grunt, on my own fingers, my upper half drawing to a sitting position. When my eyes regained their focus, I saw that she had slowed her movements almost to a stop, her tongue snaking out to lick over her lips. Seems I had done a little enflaming of my own.

Feeling much more under control, I leered at her. "Aren't you supposed to be dancing for me?" I asked, and then grinned as she began moving in earnest again. I pulled my hand from my vagina, and brought it up to my mouth. Her tongue came out again when she watched me suck each digit in.

Maybe, just maybe, she was beginning to regret teasing me so efficiently. I saw her hands hover near her own pubic area for a minute, and then she seemed to change her mind, and facing me, she bent backward so her crotch was the most visible part of her body. I know she was planning on pushing herself over with her legs, but I couldn't stand it anymore, and I dove for her.

I heard her gasped intake of surprise as my arms closed around her thighs, but I held her so she wouldn't collapse backward, and my mouth was instantly plastered to the wettest spot of her undergarments. I held on tight as I ripped the rest of the outfit from her body, and then pressed her upper half to the ground, my mouth never leaving her cloth covered cunt.

"Xena…" I heard the familiar chant as I plunged a finger into her, cloth and all. The material was porous and thick, and it was soon creating new sensations deep inside her. In no time at all, she was twisting on my mouth and fingers, her dancing no longer in her control.

Later, much later, we lay beside the bed, sated. Gabrielle unstrapped the thigh harness from me, and together we worked at cleaning the phallus with our tongues, tasting each other's mouths as much as the both of our juices on the phallus. When it had dropped from her fingers, unnoticed, we continued to kiss, both of us exhausted, but not willing to quit entirely.

Finally I drew her into my lap. She slipped her arms around my neck, and we just held each other, loving the intimacy we had just shared. She reached down and pulled the fur up over her waists, and settled herself against me. I was sitting up leaning against the bed, and didn't have the strength to lift either of us up to the bunk.

"That was quite a dance," I told her with a gleam, and she broke out in a laugh. She was so lovely to look at it, but the pink glow that still highlighted her cheeks and breasts made her even lovelier, if that was possible.

"I'd like for you to dance for me sometime," she said then. "I found yours very…erotic."

"I hope you don't mean now," I groaned, and she giggled again, her face snuggling in to the top of my breast.

"Not now, Silly," she purred, her finger tracing an idle path from my navel up through my cleavage. "I don't think I could handle all the pressure now. But later…"

I bent down and caught the errant finger between my teeth. She yelped and pulled it free when I began to suck on it. "Stop it," she chastised with a smile. "You've done your work too well…I need to sleep."

I nodded in agreement, and rested my head backward on the bed, not intending to move from this position for quite some time. She sighed softly and settled in against me, and our breathing quickly grew even as sleep approached.

"By the gods," I vaguely became aware of a startled whisper, and I lifted my heavy head, to look into the eyes of Sara and my own daughter. They were standing in the open doorway, frozen in midair as they took in the site of Gabrielle and I, obviously naked and our bodies still demonstrating the evidence of our lovemaking. I felt Gabrielle's body tense against me, and knew she was awake too.

For a long time, Eve and I locked eyes. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. She knew Gabrielle and I were inseparable, but I didn't know if she knew the extent of our relationship, and had gone out of my way to keep it private. It wasn't that I was ashamed, far from it. But different people had different reactions to women in love, and I knew Eve had a very definite interest in men. I never wanted her to hurt Gabrielle by my own daughter speaking out against the nature of our relationship.

Finally, I found my voice. "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed that my voice almost sounded like a croak.

My daughter smiled then, and glanced over at Sara. "We wanted to ask you a question, but it'll wait." Sara smiled back, and I saw it was a smile of recognition, as if she had expected to see this scene.

"Sorry to bother you," Eve said, and the pair turned to go. I relaxed, as did Gabrielle, and then Eve turned back with a dazzling smile. "Why did you go to so much trouble to try to hide it from me?" she asked. "Anyone who knows you can see the love between you two."

I shrugged guiltily, and watched them shut the door behind them. I shook my head as I realized that all our efforts to remain discreet had been in naught. And I felt a surge of relief when I realized that my daughter certainly didn't disapprove in my choice in partners. "You okay?" I asked the still quiet Gabrielle.

She looked up in my eyes, and her smile matched the one Eve had used. "I am more than okay," she answered. "I love you with all my heart."

"Backatcha," I chuckled, before tightening my hold on her, and resting my head backward again. This trip had been successful on more levels than one.

Gabrielle's Scroll
Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
Xena's Scroll (Part 2)
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls