Who Is Conquering Whom?--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

I smirked over my shoulder at her. "Surprise," I said, and sill facing away from her, I lowered myself into the bath. Only then did I look at her.

"Xena, what are you wearing? Is it some kind of chastity belt, because if you think I'm not going to touch you, you're-" her voice trailed off as realization sunk in. Her thoughts more than likely went back to the movement of her own hands on Argo's saddle horn. She had no idea how close she had been.

"Oh, gods," she whispered.

"Do you trust me, Gabrielle?"

No hesitance. "Yes."

"Watch me take my bath then."

I wanted to take my time, but was too aroused to be too teasing. Still, I couldn't resist raising each limb slowly, as I worked the bath sponge over my body. She licked her lips as I lifted my right thigh, then my left, and when my hands lingered too long out of sight; she began to grind against the bed.

"Steady there," I gave the familiar command. "I'm just washing." I lingered over each breast, then dunked my head under the water, soaking it. I scrubbed the soap into it, and could see Gabrielle's fingers making clenching motions. She loved to wash my hair, but I had to be in control tonight. I dunked my head again, and then used the pitcher she had lovingly left by the tub to rinse the rest of the soap from my tresses. I stood again, and with my back still to hers, used the rest of the water to rinse the rest of me. I grabbed up my towel, and dried as much excess water from my body as I could, making sure a particular new area was completely dry.

My back still to her, I growled, "Are you ready for me, Gabrielle?"

She paused a second, then replied tentatively, "I'm ready for you, Xena."

Slowly I turned, and gauged her reaction. Her eyes were locked in mine, but slowly they began the descent down my body. They stopped cold at my midsection, and her face darkened in a blush. "By the gods."

I felt my center contract. Fresh moisture streamed into an area that was only touched by bathwater a second ago. My eyes left hers, and traveled to the carved piece of wood that was harnessed to my mound. "I had forgotten all about this little beauty," I told her casually, my fingers moving down to stroke over the length of it. "Not all the weapons I had left behind at Tripolis were spears and arrows. Although I guess this is a spear of sorts."

She was speechless as she listened to me, and continued to watch the phallus.

I took a step closer, pausing only to slick my wet hair back over my shoulders. "It's a remarkable design really. The harness was useless though…I guess I hadn't cleaned it good enough and it had fallen apart. So I had to get a new one. " I touched the wet leather which had constricted nicely around the sides of my thighs. "This one is tighter…see there's a nice little nub at the base that ensures I feel everything I do with it." I stroked it harder, and the nub I spoke of pressed into my bundle of nerves. I groaned with the sensation of that combined with watching Gabrielle's face.

The phallus was only about six inches long, and of a reasonable girth, but Gabrielle had only been with one man, and I could sense her apprehension. I asked the question I asked often. "Do you trust me, Gabrielle?"

Unflinchingly, her eyes met mine again. "I trust you," she answered.

Suppressing a triumphant grin, I closed the space between the bed and me rapidly. "This is my cock," I told her, the pleasure at the eroticism racing under my skin. "Suck my cock, Gabrielle."

Her expression told me she had never done this, but by the gods, what she lacked in experience she made up in enthusiasm. Her cheeks were still aflame as she reached out and grabbed my ass, and pulled the phallus toward her mouth. She sucked in as much as she could, and pulled me tighter to her.

I felt each movement of her mouth against my clit, and my excitement soared. Gods! I had to regain control. "I want you to get it good and wet," I rasped, my hand stroking her bobbing head. "It's already hard enough, but you're going to want it as wet as you can get it."

She renewed her already incredible efforts, and her tongue began to stroke the length of it from underneath, until she reached my body and continued the lick. The little vixen!

"Good and wet, " she muttered as her tongue made the trip again, this time burying between my labia. My clit was firmly covered by the base of the phallus, but she could make me come just by her tongue at my opening.

Her actions darkened my thoughts. They came unbidden into my mind. I had already pleased her with my mouth, and now it was HER turn to please me. And pleasing me wouldn't consist of a climax on her lovely tongue. No, I had to ease my lust in a different way, by fulfilling the action I had promised earlier…by conquering her.

"That's enough!" I snarled, and I yanked the wooden object from her grasp, and stepped back from the edge of the bed.

I stood towering above her, my hand deliberately stroking the new appendage, and watched as she fell back to the bed, startled by my barking tone. Oh gods, she was trembling! I had to take a deep breath, and the realization sunk in. I didn't really want to conquer Gabrielle…I wanted to love her. I wanted to worship her and bring her pleasure. I wanted to share with her.

I felt the lust ease, as a wave of pure desire replaced what had been any negative emotions that had existed a few seconds ago. She looked up at me with her sparkling green eyes, her legs slightly parted, and I could see she was trusting me not to hurt or humiliate her as I had promised her. She was opening herself for me…willing to give whatever I needed, and suddenly, I needed to feel her arms around me.

I know my expression softened, as I leaned forward resting my hands on the bed beside her, and pressed my face to hers for a long, sensuous kiss. Her soft mouth opened to me as well, but instead of plundering its depths, I caressed it, licking the inside of her cheeks and teasing with her tongue. She gasped against me, and I felt her lower half arch toward me.

I smiled against her mouth, and pushed my hips forward until the head of the phallus was nestled between her lower lips, directly under her erect clitoris. I moved my hips slowly, in circles, letting her get used to the sensation, and then lightly penetrated her. I knew she could handle the size, but didn't want the whole idea of it all to frighten her.

"Xena…" she murmured against my mouth, her hands coming down to rub across my lower back and then lower.

"Let me love you, Gabrielle…"

"But Xena…" she was trying to speak, but I had closed my eyes in an effort to control my lower half, and I was having a difficult time concentrating on what she was trying to say.

"Xena!" She got my attention this time when she squeezed my ass tightly to punctuate her voice.

I was literally quivering, as I snapped back to the present. "What?"

"This isn't what you promised me…" Her eyes brimmed with sincerity and love, but I was confused.

"What do you mean, Gabrielle?"

She hesitated, then pulled me tighter against her. "You promised to claim me…make me yours. I want you to lose control with me, take me the way you want to. I know you won't hurt me…you couldn't. But…I want to do what you want me to do. Tell me what to do, Xena."

In her aroused state, it was amazing she could make such a lucid declaration and in MY aroused state, it was a sheer miracle I could understand what she was saying. The lust and passion in me both soared, intermingling until I could only see the truth. She was so in tune with my heart that she wanted what I wanted. Gods, did I love her! I gave her another kiss, more searing than the last, and I let the darker desires creep back into my expression. She shivered again, but this time I saw the shiver was brought on by her excitement, and she whispered with a tiny hint of a smile, "Oh yes, that's EXACTLY what I want, Xena."

"On your hands and knees!"

She hurried to do my bidding, her tight little backside daring me to fuck her. She sensed my mood, and knew not to question me. "Scoot up," I snapped, and gave her a sharp slap on that beautiful little butt. It would leave no mark, but got her attention. She yelped, and hurried to do my bidding, juices pouring down her thighs as she did. I knelt on the bed behind her, and wrapped a long arm around her midriff. Goosebumps broke out over her skin.

My other arm steadied myself on the bed near her ear, and she pressed her head against it. I leaned forward to the unprotected side of her face. "I'm going to fuck you, Gabrielle," I whispered, my voice anything but gentle. "I am going to pound your little cunt until all you can see is those stars you talked about earlier. I am going to invade your soul until all you know is the feel of my cock in your little pussy and the touch of my body on yours. And you are going to explode into a million little pieces, all of them with my mark on them. Do you understand?"

I heard her breath come out in a sob as she realized the intensity of my need. "I understand, Xena."

"Do you want this Gabrielle?"

"Gods, yes. I want you to take me."

The depth of her trust drove me closer to losing my control, but I held back as I pressed the phallus into her opening. I barely penetrated her. "You want me to take you?" I taunted.

"Gods, yes, Xena, do it!"

"Do what, Gabrielle?" I had to hear the words…had to. I didn't always, but this time, I had to hear them.

"Fuck me, Xena."

"Fuck what?"

She drew in a ragged breath, and I knew her face was flaming with the rush of blood to her cheeks. "My cunt, Xena! Gods, fuck my cunt!"

"Anything for you, my love," and I plunged in without ceremony, and she lifted from the bed with the power of it. My arm was wrapped securely around her though, and she landed quickly. I opened my mouth to question her again, but she beat me to it. "Yes, Xena! Yes…that's what I want! Give it to me!"

What happened to "take me"?, I vaguely thought as began to thrust, reviling in the sensations. The wooden phallus had no give and plunged through her depths mercilessly as I humped mindlessly at her. She responded perfectly, gasping and mewling and making little sounds I had never heard before. She moved her hips back against me, causing the thrusts to press even harder into me.

I could see her glorious breasts swinging heavily with each thrust, but grabbed her to me, pulling her upright on her knees before me. I plunged quicker into her, wrapping my hands around her breasts and squeezing her nipples. My own nipples were pressed firmly into her back, and she wiggled her ass against me. "Do you like this, Gabrielle?" I asked, "Being fucked by your warrior princess?"

"Yes," she screamed. "More!"

Her response was always perfect, and somehow, my hips moved even rougher, reaching new spots inside her. I couldn't resist. "Did Perdicus fuck you like this? Did he make your sweet little cunt cry out in pleasure?"

"Gods, Xena," she moaned against me. "No one else could. Only you." I left one of my arms pressed into her straining breasts, and reached between her tightened thighs. My fingers brushed the glistening wood, which felt hot to the touch, and then felt her pulsating clitoris. I tweaked it in time with a nipple, and whispered. "Give me your mouth…"

She turned her head, and my own pressed to hers, in no time claiming the identical rhythm. She was beginning to sway, as I know I was overriding her with sensations. My mouth on hers, my fingers on her nipples and clit, and my cock ravaging her was taking its toll, and she was reduced to quivering and panting before me. My own clit grew impossibly tight, and the pressure was becoming unbearable.

"Gonna come all over you, my bard," I managed between deep breaths. "Will you come with me?"

"Yes, Xena…yes!"

She fell forward on the bed, and I followed, my fingers and mouth never leaving her. My thighs were beginning to burn with the effort, and my sight began to black out. Oh gods, here I come.

"Now, Gabrielle!" I tweaked her clit hard and she screamed, and then tumbled over into the abyss, my arms holding hers as I fell beside her. My thighs pressed hard against the back of hers, and my clit was pressing just as hard at the nub as I rode out the climax. I know I was crushing the breath from her, but she didn't fight me as her own rapture continued to overtake her. My hand was soaked in her pleasure, and even as my tongue stopped its pillaging movements, she was continuing to kiss me.

"Thank you, thank you," she whispered over and over again.

I looked into her eyes, still dilated with aftershocks and brimming with tears of sincerity. Once again, my bard had met my urges with silent urges of her own, reassuring me that what I felt was something she could deal with, even desire.

"No, no, thank you," I finally managed to respond, pulling myself up slightly so I wasn't squishing her. My center still throbbed, but she had eased my blood lust considerably.

She pushed slightly, and I rolled off her, the phallus jutting obscenely into the darkening room. Her eyes widened, as she seemed to come to terms with the fact that this erection was permanent, and would always be there when she wanted. I saw her eyes studying the harness, then looking at me questioningly, and I nodded. "It's adjustable," I told her. "But tonight, it's a part of me."

"I understand," she whispered, for what seemed like the thousandth time. One hand came out to stroke my wet hair, the other on the phallus. "I want to ride you, Xena. Will you let me?"

My own passion hadn't subsided an inch, and as she climbed on top of me, the polished wood pressed into my center. This position would cause me to climb even higher, and I had avoided it the first time to ensure she liked what was happening. "All night, if you want, Baby," I croaked as she began to rise up and down on me. "Just make sure you hang on."

She anchored herself with a hand on each breast, and began to move. I swallowed hard at the wicked glint in her playful eyes.

Just who was conquering whom?

Xena's Scroll
Gabrielle's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls