Blondes Wear Leather Too- Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

She began to croon to me as she moved her hips back and forth, slowly at first. She was enjoying this too, and her words of approval helped me focus on the here and now. She asked if she could move all the way inside, and not trusting my voice with more than a "let me show you," I slipped my hand lower to her luscious backside and yanked her forward, until the phallus had plunged completely inside me. Bliss!

I was writhing below her, I know, but I couldn't help it. Being impaled on her as she watched and whispered pushed any decorum long from my system. I hoped she was enjoying this a fraction of the amount I was…she'd be in the Elysian Fields.

My vagina clamped down on itself when she pulled free after a few minutes, but I was able to respond when she told me to move up on the bed. She wasn't done, I knew, and I was willing to comply with where she wanted to lead me. Thank the gods she had let me orgasm earlier, or I never would have been able to cooperate!

She lay down beside me on the bed, and asked me to sit on her. My pleasure! But as I started to lower myself to her crotch, she grabbed my ass and pressed her mouth to my cunt. Her tongue flew over my whole center, and she rubbed her face into my arousal.

Apparently she just wanted a taste though, and I made some sound of desperation as she urged my hips down toward her cock. I slid onto the phallus, letting my weight burrow the nub on the phallus into her a bit. When I'm wearing the phallus, this is the position I enjoy most, and I wanted to ensure she was getting the full force of it. My own needs were being met at the moment, so I was able to make sure she was feeling some heat of her own. I began to kiss her, and squeeze her breasts between my fingers, feeling her gasp below me. She responded with some touching of her own, and lingered on my breasts before pressing her fingers to my mouth. I sucked them one at a time, and got a wicked idea.

"Do you want me to suck your cock, Gabrielle?" I knew from experience that the fact I had no hesitance in sucking in a cock that had just fucked me excited partners beyond reason, and I could see it had the same effect on her. I wouldn't be able to taste her fluids combined with my own directly on the phallus, but with a little creativity, I'd find a way to taste her.

She was speechless, finally, as I slid my hand over the length of her cock, and prodded below it into her river of juices. She was slippery, and I wondered how much of my rough fingers she could actually feel through her wetness. I knew she could feel it when I sucked in the cock though, and moved my head up and down, making sure the nub was pressing into her engorged clitoris. I sucked hard, my cheeks hollowing out from the action, and she stroked my hair and moaned from what her imagination was telling her. I could tell she was hovering on the brink as well as I was. She let me know she approved, and was giving me free rein. Her pleasure was my own.

I straddled her again, facing away from her, and leaned forward on my arms so the phallus could touch that spot on my inner wall that brought me such intensity. Her hands were all over my ass, pinching, massaging, dipping into my crevice. Gods, I loved that! And then one of her hands was on my clit again, and as it was already being stretched from this position, I was soon overwhelmed again. I slowed the climb, pressing down harder into her, listening to her responding in kind behind me.

Gods, she was perfect! I couldn't help but think how much I loved this feeling of her inside me, igniting more fire than I had ever felt before. She continued to stroke my clitoris, but I could hear the hint of her excitement as she whispered she was going to come inside me. She was inside me and she was going to come. She thrust against me and I let loose again, this time seeking the final release. My climax rushed through me, and I heard her echo from behind me, as we both finally succumbed to what we had been working toward

My vagina milked her dick forever it seemed, and it continued to clench long after my heart had resumed beating again. I pressed my face to the cool sheet beneath her for long seconds, trying to regain my bearings. When I could finally move again, I lay back on the bed, and she pressed her body to mine, after removing the harness. Her hand caressed my face, and then lay still, as exhaustion began to overtake her. I loved her with my eyes until her mouth parted in sleep, and she drifted off peacefully and satisfied.

For a long time I lay there contentedly, thinking of what my little bard had done for me. She trusted me, but more than likely felt I might be missing something in our lovemaking that she wanted to bring to me. The truth was, our life together was perfect, and if we never tried anything else new, I would never have any complaints or hidden desires. What she had done tonight made me ecstatically happy, and I was proud of her for wanting it as much as I had. I hadn't known I wanted it, until the opportunity had presented itself.

She moved a little in her sleep, and I felt her wet center press against my thigh. The fragrance of our lovemaking still filled the room…funny how at the time it is "fucking", but when it's all over, it's lovemaking again. That's because I love her…and she loves me. That remains above all else…our frenzied couplings…our frenzied arguments…our frenzied life together…the love always remains.

She whispered my name in her sleep, and my heart swelled with love. She was even dreaming about me. What was she dreaming? That she was taking me again, or I was taking her? I kissed her ear, and she moaned. I knew what she was dreaming.

"I want to feel you," I whispered, and I turned her a little, so she could feel me against her backside. My center was still throbbing, but I wanted to make sure she was as satisfied as I felt, and I felt new life pour into me as I touched her core. She was sodden, and began to move against my fingers. Feeling I had neglected her a bit earilier, I let my fingers trail up to her nipples, and I coated them with her own wetness. Her breasts prickled with goose bumps, and her nipples tightened against me. I began a slow grind into her ass, knowing she liked to feel me behind her, and dipped my fingers into her center again.

"Taste yourself for me," I whispered, and pressed the fingers to her mouth. She more than complied, using her tongue to wet my entire hand, as she made those little humming sounds that drove me crazy.

"I'm going to touch you now, Gabrielle," I whispered in a lowered, husky voice. My mouth was directly by her ear, and I felt her shiver.

"You don't have to, Xena," she replied softly. "Tonight was for your pleasure."

"And I'm going to touch you for my pleasure," I countered, as two fingers slipped inside her open core.

"And yours."

Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
Gabrielle's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls