Predestined...--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

She reluctantly released me, and laid back on the bed, a lazy smile forming over her features. "I don't think I can feel any better than I already do," she told me.

"Oh but you will," I assured her. I stroked her cheek gently as I kissed her. I would never be able to get enough of the sweet taste of her mouth. When I released her, she held that dreamy expression again. Her eyes flared with something else when I asked her to remove my breeches.

She pulled the underwear from me, and her eyes took my naked body in eagerly, as I reached for the item I had retrieved from the drawer. "Do you want to feel it?" I asked her, locking gazes with her.

"Yes," she answered, but when I held it out to her, she whispered, "Not in my hand though."

I nodded, pleased by that response, and I hurriedly strapped myself into the harness, letting her watch the golden tan of the straps meld into the color of my skin. The color was so similar to my own, it took a second look to even see the leather wrapped around me. The phallus too, was a golden hue, and wasn't overpoweringly big, but big enough. It had been presented to me as a gift, from a visiting king of a Southern land, and was fashioned from a mold of his own organ. He had been in my bed many times, and I silently thanked him for the gift once again. He had told me to think of him when I used it, but I think he would understand if I didn't this time.

Gabrielle stared at the organ jutting from me for a moment, then her face was looking up toward mine again. I could see the tiniest flicker of fear there, but it was overshadowed by the look of excitement. "I want you inside me," she said.

I smiled, and nodded. "I will be," I whispered to her, "But I want to make you ready first." She didn't resist when I pressed my face between her thighs again, this time making sure her entrance was liberally coated with her own juices. Rather than my finger, I let my tongue shallowly stroke inside, until once again I could feel her maidenhead. I licked my tongue over it, using an insistent enough stroke that I knew she would be able to feel.

"Mmm…" I heard her groan as I gently rubbed my thumb over her clitoris, feeling it harden beneath my touch. I had allowed enough time so it wasn't sensitive from her first climax, only pulsing for more. She groaned again when I pulled my head from her center, and knelt between her legs. I stroked my wet hand over the length of the phallus, causing it to glisten in the candlelight. Her lips licked over her lips enticingly, when she saw me reach toward my own pussy, my fingers scooping up some of my own secretions, which were streaking down my thighs. I rubbed them into the phallus, making sure it was saturated.

Finally, I leaned forward on my hands, and looked down on her. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked, just to reassure myself.

"Very sure…please!"

I saw her swallow hard, as I pressed my hips forward, so the tip of the phallus nestled between her swollen lips, not pressing for entrance, but rather just letting her get a feel of the texture of the phallus. The craftsmanship of it was amazing, and the leather had been worked until it had the feel of human skin. Beneath it was a finely carved piece of wood, slightly ridged around the bottom of the head of it. I preferred it of all the phalluses I owned. When it came time for me to be on the receiving end, because it felt as real as possible. It would even maintain the body heat it absorbed.

With a shudder of trying to maintain control, I pressed forward, letting the tip of the phallus just slide into her entrance, nudging it up against the delicate membrane she had saved for me. I wiggled my hips slightly, and my thumb found her clitoris again. It was swollen and slippery, and I pressed hard into it.

"Breathe for me, Gabrielle," I whispered, suddenly realizing she was holding her breath in anticipation. She let out a loud exhale, and slowly inhaled, and I waited until she was breathing normally before I continued.

"Tell me if it hurts too much, and I'll try to stop," I whispered. She wasn't the first virgin I had been with, but I had never been so concerned about any discomfort my lover might feel..

"Please, Xena, just do it…please."

Her eyes fluttered shut, and her hips instinctively reached toward mine. I could have pressed forward slowly, but I was afraid that would stretch out the pain too long, and I steeled myself, and jerked forward once, feeling her inner skin tear away and the phallus sinking into her almost halfway.

She whimpered a little in surprise, and her body arched up into mine as I deflowered her. I froze, and just continued to stroke her clit while my other hand came up to touch her face. "Talk to me," I begged. "Are you all right?"

I was a little alarmed, until I saw a slow smile stretch over her features, and her eyes searched for mine. I didn't realize she had dug her fingernails into my back until I felt her release me. Her soft talented hands massaged over the back of my arms. "I'm fine," she answered finally. "I'm better than fine…it stung a little at first…but now…I feel so full. Full of your love. Make love to me now, Empress."

I felt my cunt flair with her words, and I didn't hold back my movements any more, beginning a long slow rhythm, penetrating a little deeper each time. I tried to be as gentle as I could, but it wasn't long before I felt her nails finding purchase in my sweaty back again. She was urging me to move harder and faster, and her hips were rolling up to reach my own, deepening the strokes further. "Yes, yes…" she kept murmuring, over and over again, her hands pushing me even further. "You're so big, Xena…you fill me so perfectly."

I was amazed she no longer seemed to be feeling any pain…many times women were too sore to enjoy their first time. But Gabrielle was climbing steadily, her breathing becoming more ragged as I felt her thighs tightening around my own. "Can it happen again so soon, Xena?" she asked, and I could feel her clit twitching beneath my fingers.

"It can happen over and over again," I assured her, as I quickened my strokes, reading the signs in her face that she was nearly there. Gods, her response to my movements were the most sexy thing I had ever seen, and I felt an answering tightness in my own clit, despite the fact that it wasn't even being touched. I couldn't believe I was heading for my own orgasm right there with her.

"Xena…oh gods, Xena!" she cried out, and then she was pulling me as tightly to her as she could, her thighs wrapped firmly around my ass, as though she wanted me to remain buried in her forever. She grunted in time with the waves in her pussy, which were so strong I could feel the pull on the phallus. Below me, her face was glowing with awe and joy.

Eventually, she stopped moving in time with me, and her breath began to return to normal. Her hands stroked over the furrows she had dug in my skin, as though her touch would heal the scratches. They stung when my sweat ran down into them, but the pain was well worth the feeling of being this close to her. I kissed her, my tongue gently gaining entrance into the moist cavern of her mouth, and slowly, I eased the phallus from her. She moaned when it slid all the way from her, and I know she suddenly felt empty again.

She took a deep breath, and then whispered, "I want you."

I smiled fondly at her enthusiasm. "I know you do, my love," I whispered, stroking her sweaty face. "But we need to take it easy tonight…you're going to be sore tomorrow."

"No," she protested, "I want you with my mouth. I want to taste you."

My vagina suddenly convulsed as I realized what she was asking for. I unstrapped the phallus, and straddled her body, moving forward until I could grip the headboard above her. My dripping cunt hovered above her face. Below me, she took a deep breath and held it. I looked down and could only see her eyes, and they were trained on my center. "What do I do?" she asked, looking up at me.

I smiled down at her. "Just love me," I told her gently, "that's all it will take."

With a look of determination, I felt her hands sliding around my ass. Fractionally, she narrowed the distance between my pussy and her mouth, as if she wanted to tease me every step of the way. I felt the first lick of her tongue along one of my labia, and it was all I could do not to grind myself into her face. I gripped the headboard harder, and straightened my upper body, resting my body weight on my bent knees as I felt her exploring my cunt. She licked up and down my slit, and I could hear little noises coming from her, little sounds of pleasure. When her nose brushed my throbbing clit, I groaned deep in my chest. She recognized the sound, and suddenly, my whole world came to a stop, as she sucked in my hardon, and worked it hard between her lips. Gods, was she a quick learner!

COMING NEXT WEEK is the continuation of this scroll, in which Xena and Gabrielle explore the thoughts of making a life together in Rome, until Caesar and Alti interfere.

Gabrielle's Scroll
Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 2