The Snow Owl--Xena's Scroll (Conclusion)

Sweet Hera, but I was cold! I could see Sharona fighting back a smile after she realized I was okay, but I wasn’t amused. I felt like too big an idiot. A schoolboy wouldn’t have fallen out of a tree just because he had seen the golden pelt of a woman. Even a drop dead gorgeous woman like Sharona.

“I guess we’ll be staying up here tonight, huh Xena?” she asked me, approaching me gingerly.

“Considering the fact that my only clothes are soaked, yes,” I answered. I tried not to sound too bitchy. She really did have an enticing cunt. “But it’d really be best if we made our way back to the cave we stayed in last night. The wind will get pretty cold up here.”

“Okay,” Sharona nodded. She was actually looking sorry for her actions.

“Have you got the owl?” I asked, seeing her hands were empty.

“Yep, she’s tucked away safe and sound.” I imagine my eyes bulged out when she patted her cleavage. I was freezing in the cold, and the damned bird was nestled between her soft warm breasts.

My coat was sodden with the icy water, so I stripped it off, and rolled it up.

“Let me take that,” Sharona said, reaching for the bundle, but I wouldn’t let her. I strapped it on my back, instead of the bedroll which I had left in the cave we stayed in last night.

“Let’s go,” I said, through teeth that were chattering helplessly.

“Don’t you want to warm up at a fire first?” Sharona asked, having to scramble to keep up with me.

“I wanna get back to the cave and get out of these leathers and into my bedroll,” I answered, before lifting my body over the edge of the cliff.

I scaled my way back down the cliff as quickly as I could, leaving Sharona far behind. What should been a two hour climb was reduced to less than an hour. I had to keep moving, lest my muscles stiffen up. I was shaking violently as I rebuilt the fire in the cave, and then stripped off every stitch of my clothing. My shift and breeches were plastered to my body, and I had to peel them off. I then sank down onto my bedroll, and pulled the sleeping fur up and over my body, sitting as closely as possible to the fire. Under the fur, I rubbed my hands briskly over my arms and thighs, and gradually, I felt some sensation return to them.

I was almost back to a lukewarm status when Sharona entered the cave a while later. She knelt beside me, and stroked a lock of wet hair from my face. “Are you all right?” she asked me.

My time apart from her had allowed me to calm down and convince myself that she hadn’t actually intended for me to fall from the tree. No, when I thought about it, her exposing herself to me like that was nothing more than downright sexy. I’m sure she was aware of the effect it might have on me, and she could have never expected me to be so clumsy.

“Are you doing all right?” she asked me again.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answered.

“I’m really sorry, Xena,” she began then. “I never would have pulled a stunt like that if I’d thought-“

I held up a fur covered hand to quiet her. “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “I knew you didn’t plan it having that effect.”

“No, I certainly didn’t. I’m going to make you some hot tea.”

“You’d better take care of our owl friend before you do anything else,” I reminded her.

“Oh yeah.” Her hand came up to dig beneath her neckline, and then she produced the little bird who blinked sleepily at us. Sharona put the owl in the box, and set it the proper distance from the fire. The baby bird had enough food in the box to be fine until she was introduced to her new Amazon family.

Sharona set a kettle above the fire for the tea. She was sitting demurely on her knees. Her white dress didn’t even begin to cover her thighs, but her knees were pressed together too tightly for me to see if she had bothered to don her underwear again.

While the water heated for the tea, Sharona dug in her saddlebag and came up holding a towel. “Your hair isn’t drying; it’s freezing,” she said, and then she was sitting behind me. I couldn’t believe I allowed her to part her thighs on either side of me, scooting up till my ass was parked in the vee between her legs. Right now, my body was too stiff and achy to do much protesting.

She started by drying the ends of my hair, then gradually worked her way up until she was rubbing the towel over my scalp. I couldn’t help emitting a growl when I felt her fingernails scratching over my head.

Her voice was instantly very near my ear. “You like that, Xena?”

My eyelids were suddenly very heavy. “Mmm, yeah,” I answered.

At some point, I became aware that she wasn’t holding the towel anymore. But all she was doing was giving me a scalp massage, so I didn’t let it bother me. “Your hair is so silky and thick,” she purred in my ear, but I didn’t respond. I knew I should be pulling away, but suddenly, I found I was tired of fighting. The person whom I wanted love from didn’t seem interested in giving it to me. Right here, right now, there was a very beautiful person who seemed to desire loving me very much.

When I felt her hands leave my head to stroke over my shoulder, I continued to maintain my silence.

“You’re so tense, Xena,” I heard her whisper in my ear. “Surely to the gods that cold water didn’t stiffen you up like this?”

I shrugged into her hands. Once again, I was struck by how soft her hands were, despite the fact that she was a hunter. It was a caress I could learn to get used to.

“How long has it been since you and Gabrielle have made love?” she asked me then.

I groaned a response. “Too long?” she guessed.

Reluctantly, I had to nod. “I thought so.” Her fingers kneaded the sore spots in my shoulders, before making them throb with pleasure.

“How did you know?” I had to ask.

“The Amazons,” she answered. “Otere had suspected as much, telling me you weren’t acting that intimate with Gabrielle, and when some of the others told me about the Way of Love, I pieced it together. How long has it been?”

“I don’t know…a month maybe.” I couldn’t help but arch myself closer to her hands. I was like putty in her hands.

Her hands began to stroke lower now, covering the muscles in my upper back. The fur had slipped down my arms a bit, but I was completely warmed by now.

“Gods, Xena,” Sharona husked in my ear. “I can feel the power coiled in your body, ready to attack at any time. Yet your skin is still so smooth…so soft.”

I suddenly felt her tongue swirling in my right ear. Goosebumps broke out up and down my arms, but now, it wasn’t from the cold. “What are you supposed to do, Xena?” she was asking me. “Wait until Gabrielle finds peace with her life and decides it’s okay to be your lover again? What if it takes months? Or what if she never decides?”

It’s funny, when I’m with Gabrielle, I was easily able to convince myself that just being with her was all I needed. I wasn’t lying yesterday when I told Sharona that I always felt Gabrielle’s light when we were together. But somehow, since she was so far away, I suddenly couldn’t remember what her light felt like.

I felt Sharona’s mouth against my neck, and could hear her inhale deeply. THOSE were the only sensations I was aware of at this moment. “Well, Xena? How long will you be able to wait?”

I was aware of one of her hands that was now stroking over the ribs of my right side. A few more inches, and she would be at the swell of my breast.


My shoulders shuddered as I gave in to my passion. “I don’t want to wait,” I whispered, and I lolled my head back against her shoulder, as her mouth found purchase on my neck. Her mouth was unbelievably hot against my flesh, as she nibbled and licked at my pulse point. Tired of being toyed with, I turned my torso, so my breast pressed into her cupped hand.

Sharona began to gently squeeze my breast, as her other hand came up to touch my face. I dutifully let her turn my head, and our mouths were pressed together. I didn’t hesitate to plunge my tongue into her mouth, so I could begin a thorough probing of her own tongue and teeth. She liked that, and responded by pressing harder into my breast. The fur slipped down to my waist, leaving my upper half bared for her own explorations.

Eventually, I retreated my tongue and sucked hers into my mouth. I reached a hand back over my shoulder to wrap it around her neck. She groaned into my mouth as I continued to nurse on her tongue.

Finally, we had to separate for air. I was just about to turn to face her, when I felt her other hand stake its claim on my other breast.

“Lean back against me, Xena,” she told me. “I want to touch that magnificent body of yours. Will you let me do that?”

I exhaled noisily. “I’ll try,” I vowed. It wasn’t always easy for me to just sit back and enjoy, but I was going to do my best in this case. Something told me it would be well worth the effort.

I was slumped down slightly, and with Sharona sitting up tall behind me, she would have full access to just about every part of my body. “Close your eyes, Warrior Princess,” she purred in my ear. “All I want you to do is feel my hands on your body.”

I did as she said, and her hands returned to my shoulders briefly. This time, instead of massaging, they were enflaming. She was using feather like touches that awoke every nerve ending that was within proximity, and as she stroked over my upper chest, the awakening continued. “Are you ready for me to touch those beautiful tits, Xena? Gods, your nipples are so hard.” I just moaned, and tried to arch into her touch.

“Stop cheating,” she admonished, moving her hands upward a fraction as a punishment. “I’m calling the shots here.”

“Please,” I tried to sound pathetic, but she just gave me that low laugh that tickled my ear. Slowly, her hands began to inch downward again.

“Gods, yes,” I groaned, when I finally felt her fingertips just barely graze the top of my areolas. My nipples had tightened to the point I thought they might burst. I dug my hands involuntarily into the fur, restraining myself from trying to touch her.

She was peering over my shoulder, watching what she was doing. “Your nipples are such a deep red,” she was rasping. “Gods, woman, is there a part on your body that isn’t divine?”

I tried to form an answer, but her fingers closed on my nipples then. With the first firm pinch, my speech capability was gone.

“Mmm yes, you have very sensitive nipples, Xena,” she continued to whisper. “Just wait until I sink my teeth into them. You’re making my mouth water already.”

She was right about my nipples being sensitive, at times they were ultra sensitive. I had been known to reach climax, just from being touched there. Sharona’s skillfully deft fingers caused the lubrication to flow freely down below, as she pinched and twisted the engorged buds. Her irregular breathing filled my ear, and I could hear moans come from her occasionally. Her own nipples were pressing into my back, despite the deerskin that housed them, betraying her own excitement.

“Get rid of the fur,” I heard her whisper. After my brain had processed the directive, I lifted the fur off my lower half, and threw it aside.

“Sweet Artemis!” I heard her exclaim, and I had to smile, knowing my body pleased her. “I knew you’d smell like that, musky and sweet at the same time. You’re making my pussy water, just smelling yours.”

I grunted as she gave my nipples an extra-hard pinch. Her fingers slid from them, and began to stroke the underside of my breasts. It was another one of those spots on my body that seemed extra-sensitive.

But her fingertips didn’t stay there long, and were soon stroking over my ribs and abdomen. “Gods, Xena, even your muscles here are incredible,” she told me. I wanted to acknowledge her, but all I could do was give a jerky nod. My body was singing with sensations.

“No!” I called out before I could stop myself, when her hands purposely skipped over my entire cunt region, and went on to my thighs. She just chuckled at me. “Be patient,” she told me gently, and when I felt her lifting at my thighs, I obeyed, bending my knees so my pussy was tilted upwards.

“Perfect,” I heard her comment.

For a moment, she just ran her hands under my thighs, stroking and kneading the muscles. I could feel her hands shaking against me, but the strength never left her.

Gradually, her hands began to slide around my thighs, so she was caressing more along the sides of them. When her fingers finally moved to top the touch of my legs, I knew she was getting close the area I really wanted to feel her touch.

She drew her hand back slightly, so the back of one of them brushed through my pubic hair. “Are you ready for it, Xena?” she asked me.

“Gods, yes!” I blurted, before I could stop myself.

“You are?” She kissed the side of my neck, and the hand turned over and molded itself to my mound. “Tell me what you’re ready for, Xena,” she said softly.

Oh gods, she was going to torment me! She had worked me to such a crazed state, that I didn’t think I would be able to answer her demand. But I would try!

“I want to feel your hands on my pussy, Sharona,” I told her. “I want your fingers inside me while your stroke over my clit with your other hand. Please…just…touch me.” I trailed off into a moan when I felt her right hand slide down over the front of my mound. For a moment, she just continued to contain me, as her teeth ravaged over my neck. Then, blessedly, I felt a long finger sliding through my slit.

“I can’t believe how wet you are!” Sharona exclaimed, another finger gliding down my lips. “Gods, you feel so good.” I could feel one of her fingers curling, and then it penetrated me. It reemerged from my depths, only to be joined by another finger the next time she plunged into me. She added another finger, then another, until I was being filled with four of her long digits.

“Is that too much?” she asked me.

“No, I can take more,” I moaned, as my vaginal muscles clutched and released her digits. She was buried in me, but not moving her hand, and my body was trying to draw its own pleasure from her.

“You can take more?” she was musing. Her left hand was between my thighs now, and she was using it to hold my cunt open. “I’ll have to check that out later. But for now…”

“Ungh!” My body tried to sit upright when she abruptly pulled out her fingers, only to plunder my depths again, this time much harder. She sank her teeth into my shoulder, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was watching her own fingers fuck me. That’s why her left hand was holding my lips so spread apart, so she could see me.

I couldn’t hold back, and began to roll my hips toward her, meeting her thrusts with movements of my own. “You’ve got me so hot, Xena,” Sharona gasped, before sucking on my neck again.

The feeling was entirely mutual, as even in this position, with her arms stretched so far, I was able to feel her fingertips at the entrance to my womb. The pressure was incredible.

“Are you ready to cream?” she asked me then. “Is your pussy ready to squirt all over my hand?”

“I’m close,” I growled at her. “Touch my clit and bring me over.”

“Touch it yourself,” she countered, and I didn’t hesitate. My fingers closed on my erection in an instant, and I gave it a firm pinch between my thumb and forefinger. A couple more squeezes, and I finally came, shooting out fresh juices into her palm. I would have liked to have cried out my rapture, but restrained myself and instead grunted loudly into the quiet air of the cave. Sharona moved with me, her fingers never leaving my tunnel. When I finally began to calm, and my breathing was returning to normal, she slid her hands away from me. I offered a moan of disappointment at the sudden desertion of her touch.

I watched her bring both hands up to her mouth, and her long tongue swept out to lick my fluids from her hands. “Don’t worry, Beautiful,” she told me when she was finished. “I’m not done touching you.”

She slid herself out from under me then, and pushed my shoulders down to the bedroll. “Just make yourself comfortable,” she told me, her eyes glittering with lust.

Vaguely, I wondered why I was being so compliant to her whims. If it had been Gabrielle, I would have already…

Whoa…stop that line of thinking right now, Xena. I mentally chided myself for thinking of Gabrielle, and let my brain soak up the sensual beauty of the woman above me.

Funny, Sharona had nearly the same color hair and eyes as Gabrielle, but I never thought of them resembling each other. I suppose it was because of Sharona’s maturity; she was nearly twice Gabrielle’s age.

Stop thinking about Gabrielle! Sharona’s face pressed to mine for a deep soulful kiss. She was smiling sweetly at me when she raised her head. I returned the smile as I focused my attention solely on her. Her teeth shone brightly in the cave. “Sharona,” I said slowly. “Take off your clothes. I want to see you naked.”

She nodded, then reached for the lacing at the side of her dress. As she began to pull the lacings apart, I reached over and felt of the material. “That’s so soft. How did you manage to get an albino deer?”

I was trying to distract us, and we were both well aware of it. It was a way to slow things down a bit, and give us a chance to catch our breath.

“I didn’t plan on it,” she answered. I watched as she reached into her loosened cleavage, and pulled out a scrap of light-colored cloth. “In case our baby owl tried to leave a surprise for me,” she told me. “Anyway, there were a couple of poachers on Amazon land, and they just wouldn’t go away. The first couple of times, I chased them off, and then I began to get a little more direct when they returned a third time. When they came back a fourth time, I realized they had to be after something more than regular game.”

“They were after the albino,” I supplied, my eyes glued to her hands. They were holding either edge of her dress, and I was dying to see her pull them apart.

“Yeah,” she answered. Her teasing look told me she knew exactly what she did to me. Did I mention how adorable her dimple was when she had that expression on her face? “Apparently, one of them had hit the deer the day before, when I had escorted them from the land. I snuck up on them the next day, and heard what they were discussing, and found the deer before they could. She was suffering, and I put her out of her misery quickly and politely let the poachers know they were too late, before I made sure they left the land again. I made the dress in memory of the deer’s spirit, but didn’t think it would be a good idea to wear it because it made me rather…”

“Conspicuous?” I supplied.

“Right. Then I decided it would offer me a challenge if I did wear it. It would help me hone my hiding skills. So I still wear it.”

I nodded my approval. “That was a good idea,” I told her, “but now that you’re not hiding from me, how about taking it off?”

Her eyes were sparkling at me. “I gather you wanna see me out of it?” she asked.

Zeus, there was such thing as TOO MUCH teasing. “I’m going to give you a choice,” I told her. “Either we can go on with your plan of touch me, in which case, you need to finish undressing right now. Or…I’ll tackle you, finish stripping you myself, and you won’t get another chance to touch me for a long time.”

“I got ya.” My breath was suddenly sucked in and held, as she finally pulled the dress all the way from her body.

Gods, what a body! She was all muscles and curves, tanned and toned. “I don’t know why you were going on so much about my body,” I clucked my tongue and licked my lips. Her nipples were a dusky pink and smaller than my own, while her areolas were considerably larger. They highlighted her firm, medium sized breasts. Her torso was long and lean, and led the way to a flat firm abdomen and that dark blonde pubic hair that was threatening to entrance me again. Thank the gods there was no tree for me to fall out of this time, or I surely would have done it again! Her thighs were sculpted in bronzed muscles, as she sat there on bended knees, as though waiting for my approval. “You are absolutely…amazing.”

She glanced down at herself with a critical eye. “Thank you,” she answered. “I might be in shape, but I don’t have near the explosive power that you do. Your muscles are much more…developed.” She was eyeing my breasts as she said that.

I wasn’t in the mood to argue, and I was suddenly tired of talking. I started to sit up, but she pushed me down once again. “Stop it,” she told me. “You aren’t to move.”

My eyes narrowed at the challenge, but I decided to play along for a while. I stayed put.

“Very good,” she beamed at me. Her eyes raked over the length of me, from bow to stern. “You look like you could just rise up and eat me alive at any moment.”

I snarled at her. “I could…and I might yet.”

Suddenly, she had bent over and taken one of my nipples into her mouth. “Gods, who’s eating who alive?” I moaned, when I felt her teeth scrape over my left nipple.

“Mmm,” was her hummed response, as she opened her mouth to take in even more of my breast.

It’s no secret that I’ve had a lot of mouths buried in my cunt…I’ve had partners who floundered away down there not having a clue that the clitoris was the focal point of a woman’s pleasure. Many of those lovers were women! How could a woman not know?

Anyway, most of my past partners DID know what they were doing, and a talented tongue and set of lips could easily bring out a strong response in me. Gabrielle used that response to her advantage, and soon developed skills that were guaranteed to bring me over the top hard and keep me panting for more. Just the thought of her mouth licking its way through my hills and valleys would be enough to bring my wetness down in abundance.

I wasn’t thinking about Gabrielle now, though, as I was brought into a whole new world of oral pleasure at the mercy of Sharona’s talents. It had to be the huntress in her that caused her to freeze, her braced forearms on either side of my hips. She closed her eyes and just inhaled, her face contorting in a feral expression of pure animal pleasure. Gods, how could such a lovely face turn so fierce from that one experience? But now her eyes were opening and she was locking gazes with my own.

“You smell so hot…so wild…” she told me in a low voice, her tongue lolling out to lick over her lips. “Gods, it sends jolts right into my own pussy.”

I knew the feeling, but wasn’t in the mood to discuss it. My hips bucked involuntarily toward her. “Don’t talk…” I managed. “Show me.”

She smiled then, showing me her canine teeth, and then her head was lowering. I felt her tongue lick up the length of me, and heard her growl of pleasure, and then she was plopping herself down on her belly and went to work on me in earnest.

“Oh, fuck…” I heard myself groaning as she used her teeth and lips in a deadly combination to gnaw at me, her tongue constantly slurping up the juices I was gushing. Her teeth would find my clit, and she would press down on the hardened flesh insistently, and even work her jaw so my hardon was twisted insanely, and then just as I felt my cunt start to pulse with an orgasm, she would release me to focus on some other part of my center.

She was very familiar with the limits of my body, knowing just when a bite was about to become too much, or she had pulled too hard at my labia, and that hint of pain just lying beyond my threshold created an incredibly erotic tension in me. I was squirming like a dog in heat at the mercies of her rooting mouth, my brain screaming out for my climax, mostly because I was promising myself I would soon be doing the same to her. Oh yes, just wait till it was my turn!

“Sharona…” my voice took on a warning growl when I felt three of her long fingers penetrate me as her head slipped lower and her tongue slipped into my nether entrance. “Sharona…you’re playing with fire…”

I felt the immediate disappointment as her tongue slipped from me long enough to say “And it’s so hot,” before sliding inside me again. Her fingers fucked me without cease, and her thumb came up to press into my clit, rubbing it in circles that caused the rapture to radiate outwards.

The tongue in my ass was driving me crazy…she flexed and wiggled it, and drove me to distraction. My whole cunt was aflame from a constant barrage of sensations…it was almost too much for me to come. As my mind was puzzling over the possibilities of that, her tongue vacated me again, and just as smoothly she switched the positions of her thumbs and tongue. I felt her thumb slide into my anus and her mouth found purchase on my clit again, and she was sucking for all she was worth.

I moaned deep in my throat as all my heart pounded with rapture. I wrapped my thighs around her neck, trapping her against me. I didn’t want her changing positions on me when I realized my climax was suddenly so…imminent.

“Oh gods, Sharona, here I come…” I heard another growl issue from her and my sex convulsed, making me slam my head down into the cave floor. My pussy pulsed around her fingers, milking the long digits for all the sensation they would bring me, and I felt fluids spurt directly from me into her siphoning mouth. This time I did cry out, unable to fight back the intensity of the moment. My eyes were screwed tight as she continued to suck until she was sure my orgasm had subsided.

Eventually, my thighs released her, but she didn’t pull her head away. She continued to lap up my secretions, still making that growling noise that shot vibrations straight to my clit. I had to reach down and grasp her hair between my fingers, and physically lift her from my oversensitive pussy.

She finally relented and sat cross-legged between my quivering thighs. I watched in lust as she used her finger to wipe all the way around her luscious lips, and then sucked her fingers in one by one, including her thumb which had been buried in my nether passage. I was surprised by her own seeming control over her body…if I had just done that to her, my body would be demanding its own immediate release.

She smiled at me then. “The moment I first laid eyes on you, that’s what I wanted to do,” she told me. “I knew you’d be a woman who experienced great heights of arousal, and I was right. Thank you for allowing me to do this.”

How was I supposed to respond to that? I suppose I knew what she was saying…some nights I’d be content to just pleasure Gabrielle, but…whoops…I wasn’t going to go there, was I? The soft feelings in my heart threatened to turn to guilt, and I had to do something quickly to assuage them.

I let loose a growl of my own, and with a burst of energy, I bolted forward, tackling Sharona to the ground beneath me. She let out a startled yelp as I pressed my body deep into the heat of her own.

“You don’t think you’re getting away this easily, do you?” I rasped in her ear. One of my hands came up to caress her wondrous mouth, but I left my right one trapped between her bodies. I began to worm it toward the apex at her thighs. “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to just lay there and let you have your way with me? It sends visions into my own brain of me getting even. Are you ready for me? Ah yes, I can feel that you are…”

I could tell my words were affecting her, but apparently, my body had already done most of the work. I lowered my mouth to hers in a demanding kiss, biting gently on her tongue when it tried to join the act, and keeping my fingers wound in her hair to show her I wanted complete control now. It was my turn to take the reins.

I plundered her mouth with my tongue, making sure to taste every sweet crevice of her oral cavity. The taste of my own essence mingled with her breath made me groan in pleasure, and it was only an echo to her own sounds. She was moving rhythmically beneath me, her legs parting wider so I suddenly felt my fingers trapped between a hot moisture that was hers, and my own still itchy cunt. By stroking just right, I was able to touch both our clits at the same time.

“Oh Xena,” I heard her whisper, as our wetness flowed against the other. Her clit was surprisingly small, compared to the size of the rest of her, but just a few strokes told me it was loaded with nerve endings, and had tightened into a little nub of nothing but feeling. She groaned her disappointment when I lifted myself from her, but it was too soon for my clit to have such profound pleasure. I would not be responsible for my actions if I let it continue.

My mouth left hers and I nipped at her neck, then kissed her insistently, making sure to leave the mark of my mouth on her flesh. She gasped and arched, and I felt her nipples pressing into my upper chest. I loved her whimper when I finally sank my mouth to draw one of those nipples in.

“Oh sweet Artemis,” I heard her mutter when I widened my mouth to take in the whole of her areola and her nipple. Her flesh crinkled and tightened against my tongue in the sexiest way, making me lave saliva onto the proffered flesh. My fingers involuntarily sunk into her depths down lower, and somehow, she managed to close her upper thighs enough to keep me held tightly there. Sure, I could get away if I really wanted to, but why bother when the feel of her slickened tunnel around my digits felt so good?

My mouth found her other breast, and I repeated the treatment, finally releasing her head so I could pinch and knead the abandoned nipple now wet from my tongue. Below, I pressed harder into her, inching my thumb upward until it was slipping between her swollen labia. She was still clamped down hard, and with the strength of my hand, I knew it was only intensifying the sensations.

“Gonna fuck you,” I began to whisper, lifting my head from her nipple and staring deep into her eyes. “Gonna strap on that wooden dick I told you about and fuck you so hard you’re going to know every inch of it…do you like to be fucked hard, Sharona? Like to have a cock pounding at the back of your pussy until you think it’s gonna come out your mouth?”

“Ungh…” her eyes rolled back in her head as she struggled to answer, and I slathered my tongue across her parted lips. I could tell she DID like what I was saying, and I wouldn’t have to hold back any of my power with her, something I wasn’t used to.

She cried out unexpectedly when my hand pulled out of her, despite the stranglehold she thought her legs had on me, and I plunged in again, adding a finger and a twist to my wrist. My palm was coated in her arousal. “This is just the warm-up, Sharona…” I promised her, my teeth sinking into an earlobe so my voice would snarl right beside her ear. “I’m going to fuck you like a warrior…have you ever had that before?”

“I’m…n…not sure…” she whispered and then she exploded around my hand, her ass digging into the fur beneath me as if her cunt was trying to get away from my hand. I just pressed harder, making sure she felt everything. My teeth left her earlobe and sunk into her neck, as she screamed my name into the cold air around us.

I had to grin as I felt her flood my fingers with her lubrication, and I made sure to tease her clit enough to make it seethe again before finally removing my hand. I rubbed my wet fingers along her amazing nipples, and she shivered as the cool air hit them. My mouth soon warmed them up again I licked all vestiges of her arousal from them.

“Gods, kiss me, Beautiful,” she whispered, grasping my hair and pulling me up to meet my mouth with hers. This time I allowed her to use her tongue against mine, and the duel we fought helped her regain her bearing. I know it was hard for her to let herself be totally at my mercy, just as it had been for me to do the same.

When we came up for air, I offered a gentle smile, letting her know I wasn’t done with her. She replied with a dazzling one of her own, and then I felt her shudder. “What about that fucking you promised me?” I had to strain my ears to hear her.

My smile quirked into a grin. I couldn’t help it. “Don’t move,” I said, and I reached for the saddlebag. As I pawed through it, going for the phallus I noticed the box sitting a few feet away. “I’ll bet that little owl is getting an education it won’t soon forget…” I mused, and I was delighted to hear a full fledged laugh from Sharona. I’d heard her chuckle several times, but never a delighted laugh like this. It was soft, feminine, and I was struck again by despite the warrior’s body, she seemed a little more…woman than me.

“That is so hot,” I heard her, as I strapped the phallus into place. I glanced into her eyes.

“Have you never used one of these before?” I asked, noting her surprise.

“Not one that you wear,” she answered, her eyes finally meeting mine. “I haven’t even felt it yet, and I already know why you must like it so much.”

“Uh huh.” I had the phallus strapped firmly into place, and I climbed her body so I was sitting on her stomach, careful to support most of my weight on my knees. “Suck my cock, Sharona,” I ordered, watching her eyes light up in pleasure and lust from my words.

She did me one better, raising her head to suck in the head of the phallus even as her fingers were delving beneath the harness to find my clit. I slipped my hands beneath her head and helped hold it aloft as she explored. She slipped the phallus from her mouth for a second, and I felt her fingers probe more demandingly. “Your clit feels as big as the cock,” she whispered amazed. I know it was jutting out into her fingers in anticipation of feeling the base of the phallus pound into it. “Gods, you excite me.”

“Suck,” I told her, pressing the phallus back to her lips. The truth was, she excited me too, and I didn’t want to lose my concentration. She grinned as she realized from the pressure at the back of her fingers that the nub on the phallus could give me plenty of pleasure on its own, and her fingers left my cunt to dig into my ass cheeks, pressing me more firmly against her busy mouth

Zeus, but just watching her mouth on my cock was making me squirm against her, leaving trails of my juices coating her stomach. I pulled away abruptly, not missing her look of disappointment.

“Ready for that fucking?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

“Ready,” she sighed, and she settled back against the bedroll, her legs bending automatically.

“Oh no, this will never do…” I snarled at her as I lifted at a thigh, and half rolled her over, then gave her a sharp smack on that beautiful ass…”On your hands and knees…” I barked. “I wanna fuck you like the bitch in heat you are.”

There was about a second and a half of hesitation on her parts, and then she complied, sticking that ass way up in the air as she buried her face in the bedroll beneath her. The fight for dominance was brief, and over…as she left herself displayed for me to do as I willed. I got on my knees behind her, noting her long legs left her at such an advantage that I would actually have to thrust upward to enter her. Gods!

“Mmm…” I heard her purr as I moved in closer, and held the phallus in my hand, squishing it around in her wetness. I felt her tense as I teased her little pucker with the phallus, but maybe later, right now…yes…I sank into her pussy with the first thrust, offering a groan as I felt the base of the phallus meet abruptly with my own throbbing clit.

“Comfy?” I asked her, giving her a second to catch her breath and get used to my presence.

“Fuck me, Xena!” was the cried out answer, and I did as she pled, pulling back just long enough to slam my hips forward, lifting her slightly off the fur with the power.

“Gods, yes,” we both growled at the same time, as our bodies took over and I did just as I had vowed, fucking her harder and harder until the phallus was pounding against both of us at the same time. She screamed and cursed and twitched, but I noted with pleasure that her own body was coming down to meet my strokes, getting off on the roughness of my movements.

I wrapped an arm around her chest, my forearm pressed into her right nipple as my fingers found her left one under her body. I scraped over the bud, and she screeched, her hips bucking wildly beneath me. “Harder?” I asked.

“Yes, harder!” I was proud of myself from the tone of desperation in her voice, knowing I was issuing a challenge that she felt compelled to answer, and I had to release her so I could rest my weight back onto my arms and used the leverage in my thighs to slam even harder up into her. She was beyond any coherent speech at this time, and I thrust harder in the knowledge.

“Squeeze your clit,” I told her. “Squeeze it hard.”

I could see by her forearms flexing that she was doing as I ordered, and then her legs gave way, and she collapsed onto the fur beneath her, unintentionally ripping the phallus from her cunt. If it hurt her, she didn’t show it, but her moans and gasps were all I was aware of now as I dropped on her, the phallus sliding through the drenched cleft of her ass until my own climax started. I grabbed her and humped her ass, riding out the glory until the feelings subsided.

Finally, my breathing returned to normal, and I lifted off her a bit, concerned over what was going on with her. I was suddenly afraid I might have hurt her.

She lifted me slightly with her ass, and I felt her pull her hand free. It was on the back of my neck immediately. “Kiss me, please?”

I allowed her to roll over so I could take her in my arms, and our legs intertwined as I lowered my lips to hers. She left her mouth lax under mine, alarming me more, and finally I pulled my head up. “Are you all right?”

“No,” she groaned, and then she smiled at me. “You’ve ruined me for everyone else. Gods, you are unbelievable! The next day, we aren’t supposed to have any lingering feelings, remember?”

It took me a moment to process her words, and then I realized what she was saying. I relaxed a bit. “Then you’re all right?”

“I’m throbbing…everywhere…but yes, Beautiful, I am very all right. I now know why you’re called the Warrior Princess.”

I placed an arm at either side of her head, and stared down into the sparkling green eyes. Just now, there was a vulnerability there, and a hint of something I was suddenly afraid of. Yes, she was very good to be with, but I couldn’t afford to let her feel any love for me. I swallowed hard, and I know my eyes hardened before I rolled off her.

I’ll give her credit. She was very observant and had obviously seen my struggle. She moved to her side and propped herself up on an elbow. “It’s okay,” she told me gently. “I know what you’re going through, and it’s okay.”

Gods, I did NOT want to ruin such a beautiful moment by my own guilt. I couldn’t say anything, and just reached for my leathers which were now dry. “I’ve got to get back to Gabrielle,” I told her.

She just nodded, a slightly sad look on her face. Thankfully, she understood.

We dressed silently. I had no doubt I could make it down the rest of the mountain that day, even in my weakened condition, but I didn’t know about Sharona. At this point, I didn’t even trust my voice enough to ask. I was standing at the edge of the plateau, looking down below me when she approached me from behind.

“I’ve got the bedrolls packed,” she said softly. “Are you ready to go?”

I turned to her, surprised. “You think you can make it?”

She offered me an ironic grin. “Sure, I can,” she told me. “I feel so good right now, I could climb back up to the top and still make it all the way down before the sun set.”

Her smile was infectious, and I allowed my own to answer. She was trying to make this as easy as she could for me. “Let’s go,” I answered.

I had her fasten the owl’s box firmly at the center of my back, knowing it would be safe there for the rest of the way down. We checked one more time to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything, and then started the climb down. I had Sharona go first, so I wouldn’t get too far ahead of her.

After a few minute’s break at the first plateau, to catch our breath and quench our thirst, we continued down the mountain, and the sun was just disappearing as we reached firm ground again. “That wasn’t so bad,” Sharona said, almost to herself. “Last year, the climb down seemed to take twice as long as the climb up.”

I would have liked to tell her it felt like an eternity to me, but for some reason, thought that might hurt her feelings, and didn’t want to risk that. Whatever had happened between us, she truly wasn’t the one to blame, and I didn’t want her to have any guilt feelings, despite my own. I just smiled slightly and told her, “We made good time.”

I whistled for Argo, and while I waited, tried to think of a way to tell Sharona that I wanted to go back to the village tonight, that I couldn’t wait throughout the night to return to Gabrielle. I was even willing to leave her here and return in the morning to accompany her back to the village, but I had to see Gabrielle this night.

Argo was soon there, with Sharona’s steed at her heels. Sharona surprised me again by swinging immediately up into the saddle. “Do you want me to take charge of our little owl friend again?” she asked me, holding down her hand.

I didn’t question her, just turned so she could remove the box and watched her fasten it to her saddle horn, so it was nesting between her legs. She lifted up the lid of the box, and then nodded at me. “She’s fine,” she told me, and I know she watched as I hopped into Argo’s saddle. I patted my old friend’s neck, whispered a hello, and then looked expectantly at Sharona.

“You lead the way,” I told her.

She beamed at me, then urged her horse forward, heading for home.

It was a long ride back to the village, and took even longer at night, so it was close to midnight when we finally saw the light of the central fire pit flickering in the distance. Sharona pulled her horse to a stop when we almost there. “I doubt if they’re waiting up for us,” she told me. “With the snow, I’m sure they won’t be expecting us back till tomorrow.”

“What do you want to do?” I asked then, and my voice creaked from non-use. I hadn’t spoken in hours.

“I think I’ll go on home,” she answered after a beat. “I’ll come back in the morning, and if you’ll meet me here, we can ride in like we just arrived. No one but you, me, and Gabrielle will be the wiser.”

I nodded gratefully. “I’ll be here at first light,” I told her. “If it won’t be too much for you.”

“Sounds fine,” she answered with a wry smile. “I won’t be sleeping tonight, anyway.”

I tried not to let that statement bother me. “Neither will I,” I admitted. I dismounted, and started to lead Argo to the corral, then realized an early rising Amazon would spot her.

“Here,” Sharona was holding out her hand again. “I’ll give her a good rubdown.”

I handed the reins to Argo, expecting my golden friend to protest, but she gave me a look like she was glad to spend some more time with the black stallion. Sharona had assured me her horse had been made impotent, so I knew Argo was just enjoying the company of another of her kind, and she gave me a nuzzle before going on to stand at Sharona’s side. I stood there for a minute, awkwardly, wanting to say something, but not sure what to say.


She spoke quietly, and it took me a second to break out of my reverie. “Yeah?”

“Don’t let Gabrielle hate me, please. She’s obviously very special, and I don’t think I could stand for her to hate me.”

I looked up at the plaintive green eyes, and saw the sincerity and doubt there. But Sharona wasn’t to blame, and I wanted her to know that. “Don’t worry,” I answered finally. “If Gabrielle hates anyone, it will be me.”

“She loves you,” Sharona said then, her face brightening. “She’ll forgive you and go on loving you. That’s one thing I know. See you in the morning.”

“See you.”

I watched until she was out of sight, then took a deep breath. It was time to face the truth.

The water of the river was freezing, but I had to take a bath, and scrub any last traces of Sharona from my skin. I felt the anger of myself well up again when my nipples tightened beneath the sponge, and my whole pussy responded to my fingers when I worked the soap into it…it was a voluntary response but surely to the gods, I was old enough to control my physical reaction to a little stimulus? Apparently not, because one glimpse of Sharona’s enticing mound had been enough to throw three years with Gabrielle to the wind. Even after scrubbing myself furiously, I was still dirty.

Gods, I had to wash the phallus too…

I did so, and my brain filtered back to my past times with Gabrielle. This phallus had brought us so much pleasure, even from the first time I had taken her in that inn in Retivius. She had been a little taken aback by the reality of it all, but at the same time, had responded with so much encouragement that it became very common for us to include it in our lovemaking. I shivered when I thought of the time she had dressed in leather pants and a white shirt and actually wore the thing in public, making me aware of it when we sat in an inn eating dinner, and then later plunging it into me repeatedly in the privacy of our room.

Finally, I was as clean as I was going to be, and so was the phallus. I quickly dressed in a clean shift and breaches, then put on my leathers again. They were still stiff from being fire dried, but I felt fairly refreshed underneath for the first time all day. I took a deep breath, and then went to my bard.

It wasn’t hard for me to elude the guards watching the camp, but there was no way I could go through the front door of the hut without being seen, so I approached the back of the hut, so I could climb in the window. I had just barely rounded the corner when I caught a pink of flash light coming through the window. It was brief, and wasn’t terribly bright. I had to be seeing things. I gave my eyes a second to adjust to the dimness of the room. The fire was barely burning, and cast little light, but finally, I could see her.

Oh gods, this was going to be harder than I thought! Her innocent look in sleep always took my breath away, and now, she was curled up on MY side of the bed, her arms wrapped around my pillow. I felt my heart warm. She had once confessed that she liked to sleep with something that smelled like me if I wasn’t at her side. I was hard pressed to admit it, but I was the same way, finding comfort in holding something that reminded me of her scent.

I knelt beside the bed, and stared into her sleeping face a moment. Yes, there was a definite resemblance between her and Sharona, and I briefly wondered if Gabrielle would grow to look more like the warrior as she matured. I realized it didn’t matter though; although Sharona was gorgeous, she could never have the light that shone from Gabrielle like a beacon, offering her own beauty a perfection that was unmatchable. I shook Sharona from my mind, and prayed that I would get to be with Gabrielle when she got older.

She made a little sigh in her sleep, and my hand instinctively came up to caress her cheek. She moved a tiny bit into my touch, and I pulled my hand away, not sure of what to do. I was afraid of the truth and my love’s reaction to it.

I stood up, fighting the urge to leave…telling myself that maybe I wasn’t ready for this yet. “Xena?” I heard her whisper my name, and she was sitting up in the darkness. “Xena…is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me, My Love,” I whispered back, and knelt again. I had to look in her eyes.

“I missed you, Xena,” she said then, and held her arms out. They crept around my shoulders, and pulled me into her embrace.

“I missed you too,” I answered, and her lips were closing in on mine, giving me a kiss that touched all the way to the soul. When I started to pull away, her hands came up to twine in my hair.

She kissed me for a long time, far longer than in recent weeks, and I drank up the sensation of her lips working hungrily against mine. Her hands found their way beneath my coat, then beneath my shoulder straps, and I could feel her fingers squeezing my upper arms tightly.

She released my mouth suddenly. “I was wrong, Xena,” she said, her voice taking on a sobbing tone. “I’ve been wrong ever since I started listening to Eli.”

Gods, I couldn’t let her feel this way. “No, Gabrielle, the Way of Peace is right for you.”

“Not about that…” She was cupping my face in her hands again. “I believe the Way of Peace and Love is for me….but before, I didn’t think it included you. But now, I realize I can’t live it without you. Without you, I can’t feel peace…And I feel love, but if I don’t show it to you, how can I expect you to know it’s there?” She kissed me again, softly, and then released my face. “Come to bed, Xena,” she continued. “Let me show you how much I love you.”

I tasted the promise in her kiss, and began to strip off my battle armor, all discomfort momentarily forgotten. When I was naked for the third time that day, I slid into the covers, letting her body warm mine. I realized with joy, that she was already naked.

“Gabrielle?” I crooned, stroking her bare ass.

“I was hoping you’d come home tonight,” she whispered. “The Amazons said you’d wait till the morning, but I was hoping you’d be home tonight.”

Her words affected me deeply, and more than that, was the feeling of her hands now stroking over my back and ass. I had longed to feel her touch like this for so long. Did I ruin the moment by telling her the truth? I was tempted not to, but I couldn’t do that to her…she had been too honest with me.

Her mouth was on mine again but I tried to pull away, “Gabrielle, I have to tell you something-“

“Hush, Xena, it’s nothing that can’t wait, no matter what it is…I want you to make love to me right now…”

“No, Gabrielle, not until you hear what I have to say.” I tried to push her away, but she wasn’t going anywhere.

She didn’t relent. “Xena, I saw the way she looked at you…and I know what I put you through…I’m not proud of myself…and I know you’re feeling the same way…I can see it in your face…but for right now, I want you to make love to me.”

Oh gods, she KNEW…Of course, she knew! She knew me better than I knew myself! And yes, there was pain in her eyes, as I know I had silently told her that I had indeed been unfaithful to her. But more than that, I saw the look of love…and desire…and regret that her own actions had brought about my own. I would not let her take the blame for my own indiscretions, but for now…

She wanted me to make love to her. And Zeus, but did I want her to make love to me!

With a groan of surrender, I pressed my mouth back to hers, this time kissing her the way I wanted to, with all my passion centered in my mouth. She opened eagerly beneath me, and pushed her body even tighter into mine, her fingers continuing to draw distracting patterns on my back side. I lifted a hand and found her nipple, tightened and hardened against my own breast.

My eyes had fluttered shut with the kiss, but now I forced them open and watched her expression as I touched her. I gently stroked a thumb over her nipple, enjoying her whimpers of need for the first time in what seemed forever. I felt the floodgates open down below, and the scent of both our arousal wafted up to my nose. My mouth watered, and I kissed her even more deeply.

“That’s so nice…” she husked against my mouth, and I realized my own breast had sought out some sensation, and I had unknowingly moved so my nipple was pointed toward hers, and my thumb was stroking over both our tips. She moved rhythmically into my touch, and our nipples brushed against each other from time to time. “Xena, I need you to touch me lower…”

I felt shame flash through my body as I realized I had been satisfied earlier that day, while Gabrielle had not given in to the touch of another. Her body had its own needs, and she was well overdue for a climax at my touch. Now, how to give it to her?

As if reading my mind, she continued, “I want to feel your womanhood against mine, Xena…please.”

The begging tone in her voice didn’t go unnoticed, and I found my own clit pulse in sympathy with her need. Now knowing what she wanted, I reached down between her thighs.

“Oh yeah…” I heard her purr, as I held her lips open with my fingers, and pressed my hips forward, rubbing my erect clitoris between her labia. The second it pressed into her own bundle of nerves, it clung there, and I realized she had dug her nails into my back, trying to hold me steady. “Yes, Xena, your dick is so hard…I love the way it feels on my clit…can you feel that?”

She had reached through my legs from behind, and her finger was on the underside of my shaft, making sure I couldn’t stray too far from her clitoris. I released her labia, and gasped as I felt them close on my own, encasing me with the soft slickness of her pussy.

I didn’t dare move much, but didn’t have to, as I lifted my dripping fingers and pressed them against her mouth. She sucked them in immediately with another deep moan, and I felt her cunt soften even more beneath me, enveloping me in her hot wetness. Gods, we were barely moving against each other, and I was ready to soar! I felt her thumb continue to steady the length of my clitoris, and two of her fingers barely slipped inside my vagina, and then her hips were suddenly thrusting to meet my own.

“Gabrielle,” I moaned, as her cunt slapped into my own, making my body sing with joy. She was sucking unbelievably hard on my fingers, as her lower half continued to worm its way deeper into me, but she released my fingers them when I tugged, and met my mouth with her own. The river of juices increased as we came simultaneously, lost in the depths of each other’s mouths and cunts.

“Thank you…thank you…thank you…” I panted into her mouth, still swallowing her moans which sparked all the way through me. Her response was so heartfelt, and I knew she was coming from the intimacy of it all, more than anything. The welcome home she gave me overwhelmed me, and I felt my eyes sting with a rush of tears.

“Don’t cry, Xena…Oh please don’t cry,” she soothed, but I could see her own eyes glistening. “Maybe we were both wrong…but it doesn’t matter. I forgive you…can you forgive me?”

The tears did splash then…I couldn’t help it. “There is nothing to forgive you for,” I told her, my voice catching. Of all the things in the world, Gabrielle’s tender heart could make me cry faster than anything else. I wasn’t embarrassed this time though; I felt so relieved and safe, yet at the same time, the guilt was threatening to overwhelm me. “You did nothing wrong.”

She shook her head, as if she didn’t believe that, and then her thumbs came up to stroke the corners of my eyes, gathering up my tears. “No more crying, My Love,” she told me, and her eyes took on a glint I hadn’t seen in so long. “I’m going to make sure you’re mine again, and you can’t be crying when I do that.”

She waggled her eyebrows at me suggestively, and I sniffed back any further tears as I couldn’t help but wonder what she had in mind. She certainly wasn’t going to allow me to let any feelings of regret ruin whatever she wanted, and it made me love her even more.

“How are you going to do that?” I asked, letting her push me off her.

She had gotten up from the bed, and was halfway to the window, but paused to look back at me seductively over her shoulder. “You’ll see,” she promised.

The tears gave way, and I fought back a grin as I sat up against the headboard, noting she was opening my saddlebag. I barely felt a twinge of ill feeling as she pulled out the harness, and strapped it into place. If she noted the harness was still slightly damp, she made no mention of it.

My breath caught when she turned, stroking the phallus now jutting out from her midriff. “You’re looking mighty comfortable,” she mused at me.

Not sure how to respond, I finally nodded.

“Stand up, Xena.”

My legs were rubbery, but I steadied myself as I did as she asked, and then she was coming toward me, reaching out for my hand. I let her take it, and she led me to the to the corner of the room, nearest the door. I watched her curiously as she released my hand, and turned, bending over. I had just reached out to grab those enticing hips, when I saw what she was doing. She grabbed the handle of the low trunk that was normally at the foot of the bed, and then was dragging it into place in front of me.

Our height difference was something that we had learned to cherish, and it was usually barely noticeable when we were lying down, but making love standing up had proven to be a challenge for us. It was easy enough for me to prop Gabrielle up on some object, a dresser or even a tall chair, and to make love to her with the phallus, but with my height advantage, it was almost impossible for her to do the same to me. Now that I know what she had planned, I growled approvingly in my throat. She had thought this through thoroughly.

She stepped on the trunk, and I watched her rise until her eyes were an inch or so above mine. She beamed down at me. “This is perfect,” she told me, before lowering her head to mine.

“Perfect,” I managed to echo, before her hands slipped around me and her mouth stole my voice. She pushed hard against my body, her arms holding me in place so she could touch me at will. I felt her nipples rake down over my breasts and press into my stomach as she bent her knees a bit, and once again from behind, one of her fingers barely penetrated me.

“Lean against the wall, Xena,” she told me, as her other hand released me and came forward to cup my mound. “I want to touch you.”

I did as she bid, and sank onto her finger a bit more as I felt her other hand slip lower into my wetness. A second finger slipped inside me, and I felt the thumb of her other hand press between the cleft of my pubic mound and press into my clit. With both hands continuing the movements lower, her mouth latched onto a nipple and she began to pleasure my breasts as well.

As the feelings cascaded through my body, I was amazed that she was so bent on pleasuring me, as long as her own body had been neglected. Once again, I felt the warmth of my love flood through me as I realized she was doing this because this was what she missed most, even more than my making love to her. I felt the same way…wanting to make sure she was the one well-satisfied after the break we had taken. It was hard to be so complacent beneath her touch, but her eyes bore into mine, and I allowed her to continue because I knew she really wanted this.

“I can feel your cunt squeezing my fingers,” she was whispering, her teeth still holding my nipple. “You’re ready to come for me, aren’t you? I want you to come on my fingers…”

“Gonna come on your fingers…”I echoed, loving the involuntary tightening of my pussy around her fingers. It was like my body was doing its best to make sure the sensations never ended.

“Yeah, come for me, Xena…” She left my breast and moved her mouth to the other one, not letting any part of me feel left out. My legs started to tremble as the climax started deep within me, rumbling from inside my vagina until it was pulsing outwards, encompassing every inch of me. Gabrielle released my breast and straightened up, her hands never ceasing in their movements between my spread legs. My eyes wanted to close, but she was staring into them with such devotion I managed to keep my own open so I could show her my reciprocating feelings.

Finally, the pulsations subsided, and I was floating back to reality, still in awe at her control over my body. I used my hands to push my body from its slumped position against the wall, and then reached down, taking the phallus in my hand. I stroked it a time or two, letting her clit feel the pressure. “I want you to fuck me now,” I told her, then trying not to be too demanding, “If you want to.”

”Oh I want to…” She stepped in closer to me. “I want you to put it in, Xena,” she husked. “I want you to slide my dick in your pussy…”

I shivered with the strength of her words, grateful that somehow her way of love now included those whispered words of desire that added to our love making. I vaguely wondered what had changed her mind, but thought there was plenty of time for talking about that earlier. Right now, I had a void that needed to be filled.

I slid the head of the phallus around in my wetness, knowing she could feel it tapping against her clit, and then I grabbed onto her ass, and pushed her deep inside me. We both let out a long breath at the comfort of this position. Gabrielle didn’t have to strain at all even when the phallus was completely submerged in me.

“Oh, this is better than I dreamed,” she purred, and she began to move her hips in long even movements, filling me with each stroke. Her hands moved restlessly over my flanks, and any time I started to move too much, she grabbed on and urged me with my hands to restrain myself. It was difficult, but I let her dictate the pace. “I knew this would be wonderful,” I head her whisper before she pressed her mouth to mine in a searing kiss, her hips slightly increasing the rhythm.

She began to stroke harder, slapping my ass back against the wall behind me with the strength of her thrusts. Her breathing grew erratic and harsh, and her mouth ripped away from mine. I felt her teeth sink into my shoulder briefly, then she released me, and licked at the teeth marks…it was if she couldn’t figure out exactly what she wanted to do with me.

“Yessss…” I heard her hiss it when I lifted one leg and curled it around her ass, tilting my pussy until it was pointing straight at her. She arched her back, and her cock plummeted my depths as far as it could, and just a little more often. Her hands came up to grab onto my breasts, and then she was grunting with each thrust. I reached for her nipples, and the moment my fingers closed on them, she began to spasm, her hips losing all regularity and her head going back in a long moan that grew in intensity. By the time it had developed into a full fledged scream, she straightened up and pressed me back hard against the wall, her hips moving in strong drawn out strokes. She reached around my back and held my leg just above her ass, making sure I didn’t lose my grip. Her right hand held me there, as her left hand suddenly pressed between my legs, and she grabbed a firm hold on my clit. She tweaked my own hardon as she filled me with hers, and I began to shake from my climax, surprised to see she was trembling in yet another one so soon. I let out a heartfelt groan, and she whimpered into my shoulder as we rode the skies together.

After a while, our trembling subsided, and she released my leg. I lowered it, and then just held her close to me, enjoying the way her body pressed fully into me. Despite the fact that she was now taller than me, she still managed to cuddle her head into my shoulder, and it made me smile. I would always love this protective feeling I had for her, as long as she would allow me to have it.

Eventually, I heard her soft voice. “Let’s go to bed, Xena,” she said, and after a few more seconds of holding her, I acquiesced. She stepped down from the trunk, and never letting my hand go, led me to the bed. I laid down, and held my arms out for her, grateful when she didn’t hesitate to cover my body with her own. Her head lowered to the top of my breasts as she wrapped an arm around my waist, occasionally stroking my side. I held her in my embrace, running a hand up and down her arm, listening to her breathe.

“I love you, Xena,” I heard her say after a while.

“I love you too, Gabrielle,” I managed to answer, and then the tears came again. This time, neither of us did anything to try to stop them, The spectrum of emotions I had gone through that day caught up with me, and the guilt pressed heavily on my heart. After a while, Gabrielle pulled her body up, and sat against the headboard, pulling my head to her chest. She stroked my head, and rocked me like a baby, crooning softly to me.

Finally, my crying subsided, and I just clung to her, relieved and grateful that she still loved me despite my infidelity. I didn’t deserve her forgiveness, but was able to accept it, even with my heavy heart.

“Did you bring the owl back safely?” she suddenly asked. I couldn’t help it…it made me smile.

“Yes,” I answered. “You’ll be able to see her in the morning.”

“I’m glad.”

Silence reigned again for a couple minutes, and this time, I was the one who broke it. “Gabrielle…I know you said you forgave me, but I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”

I felt her hand stop the stroking motion on my back. “Why not?” she asked, her voice sounding truly curious.

“Because all I did was give in to my body’s weakness,” I finally answered, not trying to disguise the self loathing in my voice.

“Is that how you see it?” she asked quietly.

“Yes…” I lifted my head to look at her. “How do you view it?”

She smiled her wise smile at me. “I see it as you were feeling neglected, both physically and emotionally by me. I wasn’t fair to you, Xena…and I was the one who was wrong.”

“We could argue back and forth forever on this,” I protested, my tears dried now. I sat up against the headboard next to her, and took her hand. “But I’m always going to feel wrong about it.”

“And I’m always going to feel wrong about it too,” she insisted, with the same smile.

I held her hand up to my lips, and brushed them across her knuckles. “What do we do now?” I asked finally.

“We look forward to tomorrow,” she answered me.


“Uh huh.” She purred out the response, and then turned to lay on top of me again. “After the ceremony celebrating the retrieval of the owl, you and I are going to leave this village behind. As much as I love visiting with Amazons, I want to be with just you, making up for lost time.”

I smiled at the promise in her eyes and voice. I wasn’t feeling quite as optimistic about tomorrow, knowing that I would be facing Sharona again, this time, with Gabrielle at my side. I had the feeling it was going to get uncomfortable very fast. “Maybe we could skip the ceremony and just make up for lost time,” I offered, lowering my voice intentionally.

She giggled at me, aware of my true motives. “Go to sleep,” she said, snuggling in tighter. “We’ll work it out in the morning.”

I closed my eyes, suddenly confident that we would.

Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
Gabrielle's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 2