Taking Risks- Chapter 11

Chapter 11



Gabrielle heard Xena’s terse whisper from off to her left, but couldn’t see where the tall woman had ended up.




The whisper came again, and Gabrielle realized the voice was coming from somewhere up above her.


She peered up into the trees, hoping to at least get a glimpse of the blue eyes, but was unable to.


She heard a slight sound then, and suddenly, Xena was swinging down from a branch, holding on to it with her good leg and a hand. Her other hand grabbed Gabrielle around the waist, and swooped Gabrielle up into the tree with her.




It all happened so fast that Gabrielle wanted to laugh, but she had gotten a look at Xena’s expression, and she knew the dark woman’s movements weren’t in fun.




Xena used her momentum to lift Gabrielle safely so she could grab on to the same branch that supported Xena.


Gabrielle grabbed it hard and scrambled onto it as Xena seated herself firmly at the same time. She held a finger to her lips, letting Gabrielle know to be quiet, then pointed.




Gabrielle followed her outstretched finger. “I don’t see anything,” she whispered in a very low voice.


Xena pulled her finger back a bit, then stretched it out again in the same direction. Her blonde companion stared harder, and the she saw it…a slightly movement among some tall brush. Gabrielle watched silently as whoever it was drew closer.


She was amazed that Xena had heard the approachers so long before she had. Gabrielle knew Xena’s senses were much sharper, but even now, she was just beginning to hear the sounds.


Beside her, Xena had stiffened perceptibly, and Gabrielle heard her sudden intake of a sharp breath. She tore her eyes from the distance long enough to take a look at her silent lover. The color had drained from Xena’s face, making her unnaturally pale. When Gabrielle looked back, she understood why. Two men were coming into sight, and Gabrielle recognized both of them from the group of men she had arrived here with…a younger man named Andy and the spiteful Gene.




Xena had an arm wrapped around Gabrielle’s shoulder, and her fingers were digging hard in the flesh. Gabrielle winced, but when she heard Gene’s voice, she ignored the pain and strained her ears to hear.


“God damn it to hell,” he was growling. “I know I saw a piece of a trail here…somewhere…”


“Well, it’s gone now,” Andy replied. “And there’s not a sign of them anywhere.”


Gene nodded, his eyes still focused on the ground. “I still think that little blonde bitch helped her escape and ran off with her,” he snarled. “I don’t buy that shit about her being taken against her will.”


“Possibly,” came the response. “but what if she did?”


“Little dyke bitch,” Gene growled. “It explains why she turned me down…she had a hankering for wild pussy.”


Gabrielle gave a shudder of revulsion at the crudeness of Gene’s words, but felt comforted by Xena’s steadying hand on her.


“Can you blame her?” Andy was asking with a leer. “That wild woman was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Gave me my own taste for wild pussy.”


Gene laughed. “Fuck no, I can’t blame her,” he admitted. “It’s just that if they wanna play with each other’s cunts, I wanna watch.” He massaged the crotch of his pants and thrust his hips lewdly.


Andy watched the other man’s actions, and then they both chuckled and pounded each other on the back. “Come on, let’s get back to camp,” the younger man said. “Who knows…maybe one of the others spotted something. Besides, I lost thirty bucks in poker last night…gotta get that back.”


Gene gave one more look around, then nodded reluctantly. Xena and Gabrielle watched him and Andy as they turned and left the clearing.




The pair didn’t move for a couple more minutes, and then, Xena gave Gabrielle’s shoulder a little squeeze, indicating it was time to leave their impromptu hiding place in the tree.




Gabrielle and Xena were both silent on the way back to the cave. A few times, Xena pointed out tracks Gabrielle left, and then erased them, making it impossible for the men to know they had been around. Gabrielle was a quick learner, and paid attention to what Xena showed her, knowing if anyone gave them away, it would be her.




They had headed out of the cave that morning to get some breakfast, and Xena had indicated there was some game nearby. She had slipped off into the brush to locate it, leaving Gabrielle in the clearing. How Xena had ended up in a tree above the journalist was beyond Gabrielle, but she was grateful Xena had. She probably never would have heard Gene and Andy in time to make a clean getaway.




Xena secured some duck eggs on the way back to the cave, and Gabrielle set about frying them, using some of the herbs Xena stockpiled as seasoning. Xena smiled her approval at yet another new dish, but as they ate, the silence reigned. Both had a lot on their minds.




Later, their appetites satisfied, Xena leaned back against a cave wall, and opened her arms toward Gabrielle. It only took all of about three seconds for Gabrielle to fall into them.


Xena’s mouth was insistent and hungry as it descended on Gabrielle’s. She seemed to like to use her mouth the most in her lovemaking, for which Gabrielle would be eternally grateful. She accepted the full lips and exploring tongue with her own working mouth, allowing the strength and calming effect to let her body gradually relax.




For a while, they just continued to hold each other, kissing, caressing, and sharing. Gradually though, Xena’s movements began to grow more urgent, and Gabrielle didn’t protest when she found herself being divested of her clothing.


“You too, Xena,” she husked, when Xena was reverently removing her pants. “I want you to be naked too.”


Xena’s solemn expression followed the gestures of Gabrielle’s hands, and when she didn’t move, Gabrielle did. The blonde’s small hands made quick work of the fur that covered Xena’s body.


“God, but you are gorgeous, Xena,” Gabrielle breathed. This was the first time she had seen the dark woman totally naked with more than a campfire to highlight the perfections. Xena’s long limbs were curvy and muscled, the planes of her flat stomach melting into a slender waist only to taper out to wider powerful hips. Gabrielle glanced upwards once to see Xena’s eyes shining with joy and approval, and then lunged forward, pressing her face to the dark haired covered flesh before her. Xena had used her lips and tongue to bring Gabrielle repeated ecstasy last night, and it was an image indelibly burned in Gabrielle’s subconscious.


She had to taste Xena’s passion directly from the source, and as foreign as the desire was to her, the moment her nose was buried in the curls that guarded Xena’s treasures, Gabrielle knew she was where she needed to be. Xena’s soft moan, and then whispering of her name told her Xena agreed with her motives.




The afternoon dwindled toward evening, as the two continued to learn to love each other. Both knew they should be focusing on other things, but somehow, the moment they touched an intimate body part, those frightening thoughts would disappear, and be replaced with loving thoughts, the desire to give and receive pleasure that only one could bring out in the other.




Finally, Xena was lying with her head pillowed on Gabrielle’s thigh, her nose inches from Gabrielle’s center, idly twirling her fingers through Gabrielle’s golden pubic hair. The blonde had her head resting on one arm bent beneath her, and the other was stroking the damp ebony hair. The perfection of the moment took her breath away. Gabrielle had never dreamed she could give up the hustle and bustle of her working life to be content to just share bodies with someone else, but at this moment, she felt that she could live out the rest of her days just like this, and never grow bored.




With those warm thoughts filtering through her, it took her a moment for her to realize Xena had spoken. She blinked, and then saw Xena lifting her head to rest it on a bent elbow.




Xena looked confused, then repeated. “Gabrielle go? Xena go?”


“Go where, Xena?”


Xena was sitting up now, and she lifted herself over Gabrielle so she was stretched out beside Gabrielle. She saw goosebumps forming on the little blonde’s body, and pulled one of the furs up to cover them both.


Gabrielle snuggled in closer, and waited. It wasn’t long before Xena spoke again.


“Go…safe…” Xena shrugged, hoping it was the right word.


“Safe…you mean safe from the men?” Gabrielle was grateful when she saw the affirmative nod. “You want to leave the cave?”


Xena nodded again. “Xena safe…Gabrielle…” the look on her face told Gabrielle Xena was not worried about herself. More than likely, she was worried about not being able to protect Gabrielle if the situation escalated.


Gabrielle wasn’t going to argue, if she had understood Xena correctly. Xena wanted to go with her. Thoughts of spending her days here with Xena were suddenly whisked away as new thoughts took over. She immediately began to picture other occurrences, bringing Xena to her home and teaching her how to enjoy the comforts of a modern apartment. Stopping for fast food on the way home to Xena, so they didn’t have to take the time to cook or do dishes before falling into bed and each other. Teaching Xena to drive…her own father had given up with her on that task, and it was Ginny who finally accomplished it. Swallowing her fear and bringing Xena to her parent’s house, proud to have found her perfect soulmate…






Xena’s single saddened word caused Gabrielle to snap to reality again. She looked up to see the tall woman looking around the cave, rather forlornly, as though the word had only a negative meaning. “Xena leave…Xena…go…”


“With Gabrielle,” came the soft voice beside her. Gabrielle slipped an arm around Xena’s ribs, hugging the woman tighter against her. “Xena and Gabrielle go…not Xena go.”


Xena gave a shuddering sigh, and shook her head, as though clearing it. Her eyes were bright with tears, but she managed a small smile, and her own hand tightened around Gabrielle’s back. “Xena and Gabrielle go…” she whispered. “Good.”

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The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 4