Taking Risks- Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Gabrielle stood inside the entrance of the cave, and stared solemnly at the sight before her. She knew this would be hard for Xena, but she didn’t expect it to be this hard.


Xena stood with her back to the blonde, looking over the empty cave. At her foot were two of the bedrolls, now serving as suitcases. Gabrielle had helped her choose which things to take with them when they left, and the rest, they had either buried or tossed in the river, depending on the nature of it. There hadn’t been much to dispose of, once Xena had set her food stock out for the animals of the woods to share. They had kept enough for them for a couple of days, and gotten rid of the rest.


Gabrielle had packed her few belongings into her backpack, and was carrying the food wrapped in a smaller fur. Now she set the bag down however, and closed the distance between her and Xena.


Xena jerked a bit when she felt the small hands sliding around her waist, but relaxed when Gabrielle pressed her face to the taller woman’s shoulder.


“You look so sad, Xena,” the blonde spoke. “Are you going to be all right?”


Xena nodded, and Gabrielle was shocked to hear a sniffle. She released her hold from behind and moved so she was standing in front of Xena.


Xena stood with her head lowered, the black curtain of her hair hiding her face. She didn’t hesitate to accept Gabrielle’s arms around her waist, and slid her own around her the journalist’s shoulders, resting her cheek on the top of a golden head.


Gabrielle could feel her shaking, and despite not being able to see Xena’s face, she knew the woman was silently crying.


“It’ll be all right, Xena,” she said. “I know this is your home, but I have a home I want to take you to…and it will be your home too. You’ll love it, I promise, once you get used to it.”


“Mama say, ‘Xena go.’”


The words were spoken so softly, they didn’t register at first. Then Gabrielle was puling back. “What did you say, Xena?”


Xena finally raised her head, and the tears were there, staining her cheeks. “Mama say, ‘Xena, go.’” Her eyes swam with her pain. “Xena…go!”


Gabrielle couldn’t help jumping when Xena barked the last word, but she could see the tall woman was lost in a haze of memory. She tried to explain in her broken English, now even more broken by sobs and sighs. “Xena go…go now…Mama hurt…Xena little…see bad m…men…and Mama say go now.”


Understanding flooded Gabrielle as she watched the woman speak. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she could tell what she had just been told. All the clues Xena had given her up till now suddenly fell into place. “Oh Xena,” she whispered, drawing the woman into a deep embrace. “Your mama loved you very much. She was afraid for you.”


“Afraid…Mama afraid….” Xena held on tight, but her tears were lessening as she took comfort from Gabrielle. “Xena afraid…Xena go.”


“Xena go to the cave?” Gabrielle asked, trying not to let the smell of Xena’s clean hair affect her in the usual way. She mentally kicked herself for even noticing.


“Xena go to the cave…yes.” Xena looked around the empty cave again. “Mama go too.”


“To the cave?” Gabrielle was confused again, but Xena was shaking her head.


“No…Mama go…” Xena trailed off and used a gesture.




Xena nodded and fought back more tears. “Mama go away.”


Gabrielle considered what she had just learned. “How do you know that, Xena?” she asked, hoping to give her lover a ray of hope. “Maybe she’s been looking for you…her little girl? Maybe she just hasn’t found you yet.” The journalist in her went to work, imagining how she could help restore a long severed relationship.


“No!” Xena’s word was stern and definite. A frown settled on her face, making Gabrielle feel like a child being chastised by an angry teacher.


“How do you know, Xena?” she asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.


The dark woman seemed to realize she had sounded mean to Gabrielle, and she reached up a hand to caress Gabrielle’s face, her own expression now back to gentle. “Gabrielle…good…sweet…” she said softly, hoping it was the right word.


“And Xena is sweet and good too,” came the tender reply. “It’s okay.” Gabrielle kissed the hand that was still stroking her face, knowing it was Xena’s way of making an apology, and was relieved when she saw the furrow smooth its way out of Xena’s brow. “But can you tell me know how you know your Mama just hasn’t been able to find you yet?”


“Xena know…” was the only response she got. Looking up, Gabrielle saw tears on the verge again, and knew this time, she’d be crying along with her love, out of sympathy.


“It’s okay, Xena,” she whispered. She stood on tiptoes, and gave a brief kiss to Xena. “You don’t have to remember anymore. Let’s start a new life in a new home.”


Xena nodded finally, and gave Gabrielle another kiss. She picked up the bedrolls, and pulled one over each shoulder. Despite the leg splint, she was getting along fine without the walking stick, and she reached out for Gabrielle’s hand. Gabrielle took it gratefully, and they stepped outside the cave.




The blonde had managed to communicate to Xena last night where they needed to go, thanks to a map of the areas surrounding the forest. Xena couldn’t read the map, exactly, but Gabrielle explained to her through trial and error they needed to head to the west, away from the searchers’ camp and toward a small tourist town where they could find a hotel, until Gabrielle could arrange to get them home.




The weather wasn’t being very cooperative, and as the day went on, the sky became white with impending snow clouds. Xena had her fur coat on, and it was tied shut, but Gabrielle still caught flashes of bare skin from the revealing outfit beneath it. The blonde herself was wearing two shirts, her long underwear underneath her warmest pants, and both her jackets, but she was still chattering with the cold. How Xena managed to look so comfortable in the freezing weather was beyond her.


The snow started in the afternoon, and it wasn’t long before it was ankle deep. Gabrielle felt her steps becoming very heavy, and concentrated on lifting one foot in front of the other, watching the terrain in front of her to make sure she didn’t slip. She didn’t notice any change in Xena, until she suddenly felt her hand being squeezed tight. Glancing up, she saw the pain etched in the taller woman’s face.


“Your leg?” she asked, and when Xena nodded and winced, Gabrielle began to search out a place they could rest. The snow had uniformly covered the ground, it seemed, but Xena called Gabrielle’s name, and pointed to an area just to their left. The blonde took the bedrolls from Xena, and laid them down on the ground. “I’ll come back for them,” she said, and Xena nodded her understanding.




Xena limped heavily as Gabrielle helped her make her way to the spot Xena had pointed out. It was at the base of a small hill, where the wind was blowing the snow over a spot that was also sheltered by some trees. There was only a little snow on the ground there.


Xena unfastened her coat, and laid it on the ground, as Gabrielle watched amazed. “Xena, you’ll freeze to death!” she exclaimed.


Xena shook her head with a sweet smile. She sat down on the coat, and said, “Gabrielle…fur…”


Realizing that was her cue to retrieve the bundles, Gabrielle did so, surprised by how heavy they were. Even after her leg had hurt her, Xena had given no indication her load was heavy.


Gabrielle carried the bundles back to Xena, and watched as her companion unwrapped her belongings, and then pulled one of the furs underneath her. She pulled the other one over her legs, and then smiled at Gabrielle again. “Come, Gabrielle,” she said, holding her hands out toward the blonde.


Gabrielle couldn’t help looking doubtful. “Don’t you think we should start a fire, Xena?” she asked. She glanced around at the fairly protected area they were in. “I think I can gather enough wood for one.”


Xena nodded, and watched as Gabrielle worked quickly, building a fire in the way she had taught her. It wasn’t long before there was a blaze going, and it would help at least take some of the chill from them.


Gabrielle gathered a bit more wood to throw on the fire later, then shivering, made her way beneath the fur with Xena.




Xena immediately began rubbing her hands over Gabrielle’s arms, knowing the smaller woman was really suffering from the cold, but Gabrielle pulled away. “I’ll be okay, Xena,” she said. “It’s warm under here. I need to look at your leg.”


Xena stopped her hands though, just as they touched the splint. “Leg…good,” she said. “Sleep…leg good.”


Gabrielle eyed her puzzled. “Did you hurt it again?”


She received a shrug. “Hurt…little?”


“Little” was a new word in the dark woman’s ever-expanding vocabulary, but Gabrielle thought she understood. “You twisted it a little, and were afraid you might hurt it more in the snow?” Gabrielle asked.


“Yes,” Xena answered, with a nod.


“Okay,” Gabrielle responded. “I’m glad you’re not hurting too much. Do you know how far we are from the edge of the woods?”


Xena shrugged, then nodded again. “Far…no…”


“Not far?”


Xena shook. “Not far. Sleep…sun…no forest.”


Gabrielle had to grin. For someone who didn’t know many words, Xena was a whiz at communicating. “Tomorrow, when the sun comes up, we should be able to get out of the forest?”




“Okay…sounds good. Are you sure your leg it okay?”


“Okay…” After a pause, Xena added, “Xena…hungry. Gabrielle hungry?”


“Yes…I am hungry.”


Xena dug through their fur, and came up with an apple for the both of them. There was still some rabbit meat, but Xena had learned a long time ago that it was only good if cooked, and she didn’t want to make either of them climb out from under the warmth of the bedroll.




They sat next to each other, propped up against some of their belongings and ate silently, both watching the snowfall as the winter sun faded over the horizon. It was a beautiful sight.


When they had finished their apples, Xena asked, “Gabrielle hungry?” again, and Gabrielle shook her head no.


“Gabrielle sleep?” Xena asked then.


She was asking if Gabrielle was sleepy, but received another negative indication. Gabrielle smiled shyly at her lover. “Are you sleepy, Xena?” she asked.




Gabrielle half turned, so she was laying on her side next to Xena. “What do you want to do?” she asked then.


Xena’s grin was all the answer she needed.




Gabrielle couldn’t help but giggle at the expression on Xena’s face. “Mmm…sounds good,” she hummed, and she allowed Xena to pull her up a little so they could kiss.




It was amazing how quickly the pair had learned to share kisses that curled both of their toes. Gabrielle found herself shivering despite the fact that she was warm beneath the fur, and it was just from the sheer pleasure of Xena’s lips working against hers. The blonde opened her mouth first, and loved the moan of passion that escaped Xena when she licked over her lips.


For long moments, they expressed their emotions using their mouths, their hands reaching out to caress the arms and shoulders of the other. Gabrielle found her lower half cradled comfortably between the thighs of Xena, and reveled in pressing their bodies together. She could feel her moisture begin to flow, just from the sheer intimacy of being that close to the other woman.


Knowing Gabrielle felt the cold much more than herself, Xena considered her options as the kiss deepened for both of them. Her own center had flooded with juices, but she was determined to ignore it for now, instead wanting to bring Gabrielle her satisfaction first. She found touching the little blonde to be the most exciting experience she had ever had, and knew already that it made reaching her own peak that much sweeter.


“Ohhh…” Gabrielle couldn’t help but express her surprise when she felt Xena’s long fingers sliding beneath the waistband of her pants and beneath her long underwear, so she was cupping the smaller woman’s ass cheeks in her hands. With their breasts pressed against each other, despite the barrier of their clothing, Gabrielle was being showered in sensations both front and back.


“Good, Gabrielle?” she asked, squeezing the firm warm flesh beneath her hands rhythmically.


“Mmm…yes…very good.” Gabrielle’s face reddened with a blush, but she wriggled a little to the side, until her throbbing sex was pressed into the top of Xena’s good thigh. She had to have that contact.


Quick to catch on as always, Xena raised the leg slightly, giving Gabrielle a more firm surface to move against. Her hands began to urge the blonde to rub up and down against her, even as her fingers were sliding deeper into Gabrielle’s pants, down into the crevice of her behind.


“Oh my God, Xena!” Gabrielle wasn’t prepared for the touch of Xena’s fingertips brushing over her sphincter, and although Xena had planned on moving further down to touch Gabrielle’s clitoris, she suddenly found her curiosity aroused. She brushed her fingers over Gabrielle’s smaller opening again, and Gabrielle gasped and arched and began to move against her thigh even more urgently.


Xena drew her mouth away from Gabrielle’s, pulling back so she could watch the expressions on Gabrielle’s face. The journalist’s eyes were closed, and her teeth clenched in concentration, as Xena continued to explore and stroke this surprisingly sensitive area. “Name, Gabrielle?” the taller woman asked, and she asked again, “Name?” when she didn’t get an answer.


Her words penetrated Gabrielle’s clouded thoughts, and Gabrielle couldn’t bring herself to answer Xena’s question. Realizing she was on the verge of a climax from the unexpected stimulation that she was embarrassed by, she replied, “Oh Xena…you’re going to make me come…”


Xena recognized those words, and gave up on her question for now, instead, letting her mouth caress the exposed part of Gabrielle’s neck. Her teeth nipped her lover’s fair skin slightly, and she let one of her hands slide down further into the warm wetness of Gabrielle’s center. The tip of one of her fingers found the underside of Gabrielle’s swollen clit, and she stroked it firmly.


“Yes,” Gabrielle hissed, and she found her body succumbing to the rapture. Her orgasm warmed her from her crotch outward, as she rode out the sensations of being touched in so many places at once.


“Gabrielle pretty…” Xena hoped that was the right word, as she watched the blonde come. She was addicted to the loving feelings she experienced for Gabrielle, especially when she was able to please her so much. “Gabrielle come pretty.”


Gabrielle continued to undulate for a moment, even as the sensations were abating, and then slowly, she opened her eyes, to smile at Xena. “Thank you,” she replied. “You make me feel pretty when you make love to me.”


“Make love…” Xena’s hands slowly slid from beneath the clothing of Gabrielle, and immediately, she was bringing the hand that had been submerged the deepest to her mouth, so she could taste the juices that coated them. She sucked the fingers in, groaning at the taste.


When she had sucked them clean, she lowered the fingers, and Gabrielle’s mouth was moving to meet hers in a kiss again. Xena felt her own goosebumps forming, when the blonde’s lithe fingers began their travail down her body. She knew that now it was the time for her to reach her own completion, and she was more than ready.

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