Taking Risks- Chapter 13

Chapter 13- Taking Risks

Xena and Gabrielle started out early the next morning. The snow had continued to fall late into the night, and was nearly a foot deep in some places, but Gabrielle couldn’t help but noting that Xena was showing more of a limp on her injured leg.


“Is your leg hurting, Xena?” she asked, after they had been traveling just a little while.


Xena glanced down, as if not sure or what Gabrielle meant at first. “No hurt,” she answered.




They continued on in silence, while Gabrielle puzzled over that. She wondered if Xena had really reinjured her leg yesterday, or if she had some other reason for wanting to stop. She never would have suspected Xena would actually lie to her, but perhaps she had exaggerated somewhat.




After the incredible orgasm Xena had given her, Gabrielle had responded enthusiastically, touching and exploring Xena’s body until the darker woman had exploded with a near shriek. It seemed to be the most intense reaction yet. They had whispered words of love again, and then with their arms around each other, they had drifted off to sleep.




Gabrielle had awakened the next morning, surprised to find the fire had gone out, but she wasn’t overly cold. In fact, though her face stung from the bitter temperatures, the rest of her was what she could only classify as “hot”.


The only reason for that was the fact that Xena was already awake and had started off this day in the same manner she had ended the previous one.


Being made to feel glorious by the gentle, curious, yet skilled hands of the woman who had stolen her very heart, Gabrielle had moaned into Xena’s touch, and allowed herself to be seduced through another incredible climax.


She had immediately returned the favor, once again, touching Xena beneath her loin cloth and top, until Xena had shuddered and orgasmed from the sensation.


After a few minutes of kissing and silent thanks, they had each eaten an apple for breakfast, and set out once again.




Xena didn’t seem hesitant to start walking again, but as they traveled, Gabrielle could sense a tense apprehension growing from the dark woman. She knew Xena was a little frightened to be leaving the forest that had been her home for so long. Gabrielle could understand that, for she was now aware that Xena hadn’t originally come to live in the woods because she had been lost there, as Gabrielle had originally suspected.


The blonde now suspected that Xena had fled into the forest at the direction of her mother, who was under some sort of attack. It must have been brutal, for Xena was convinced her mother was no longer alive.




Gabrielle didn’t have any way of knowing how old Xena was when it had happened, but she knew Xena had to be quite young from the vocabulary Xena possessed. Someone older would have more easy recall of words, and the words Gabrielle used would have more than likely roused Xena into speaking more words from memory.


Xena’s grammar too was disjointed, and her use of pronouns so far was very limited. “I love you,” was the only real completely correct sentence that Xena had spoken, and Gabrielle realized that was from rote.




Despite her very limited vocabulary, it was obvious that Xena was very intelligent. Gabrielle suspected that the other woman had survived on her own for so long in the forest due in a large part to that intelligence. Of course, that was also due to a strong body and natural grace and power. Sure, some of that could have developed over time, but a certain amount of skill had to already exist.


Gabrielle figured part of that was due to heredity, and the way Xena been raised while in civilization. Therefore, Gabrielle reasoned that her mother must have been fairly strong as well.


Using that reasoning, despite Xena’s protests to the contrary, Gabrielle still had some hope that Xena’s mother might have survived the attack.


The journalist in her gave Gabrielle the self-appointed mission to try to find out what had happened to Xena and her mother, and perhaps even discover that the dark woman’s mother did survive.




Gabrielle had a hard time keeping a small smile from forming at the thought. The only negative aspect of her meeting up with Xena was that she had somehow stirred up memories long buried of Xena’s mother. Not that it wasn’t good for Xena to remember her mother, of course, but they were painful memories of what had happened to her, or least how Xena perceived it. Gabrielle certainly wouldn’t want to cause Xena any pain, and had unwittingly been the cause of it. The only real way Gabrielle felt she could make it up to Xena would be to find her mother alive.






Gabrielle realized Xena had said her name, and blinked herself out of her daydream. “Yes, Xena?”


The brunette was pointing and Gabrielle followed the direction of the out-stretched finger. “Oh!” she exclaimed, surprised when she hadn’t realized they were finally leaving the woods.




Apparently, among Xena’s many skills, she convinced an uncanny sense of direction, for it wasn’t much longer before they had stumbled on the town Gabrielle had pointed out to Xena on the map.




Gabrielle sensed Xena’s uneasiness growing immediately, when they saw the traffic moving through the town. She realized it wasn’t that Xena had never seen motor vehicles before, but rather, it had been a long time, and she knew that there were people traveling in those vehicles…people that she didn’t know. People that might be like the brutes that had attacked and tried to capture her in the forest.


Gabrielle was careful to keep their distance as they continued to walk just on the outskirts of town. It was early afternoon, and the sun was already beginning to melt the snow, but Gabrielle suspected that most people were staying in until the roads had been cleared better.


At last, Gabrielle spotted a small motel, and hoped there would be a vacancy. She explained to Xena that she was going to get them a room, and wasn’t surprised when she saw a glimmer of recognition ion Xena’s eyes. Leaving Xena concealed in the brush along the edge of the parking lot, Gabrielle went to the office of the motel to secure them a room.




The blonde tried to be nonchalant as when went about making sure the room she rented was as remotely located as possible. She paid for a two night’s stay, figuring it would take her that long to arrange a trip home, and then made her way back to where she had left Xena. Xena was waiting for her, although Gabrielle noticed the look of fear and doubt in Xena’s blue eyes that she had never seen there before.


After some soft reassuring, Gabrielle comforted her enough to get Xena to cautiously follow her to the room.




Gabrielle unlocked the door, and stepped back for Xena to enter first. The taller woman did, and sighed gratefully when the door was shut and locked behind them again. They thankfully hadn’t seen another soul.




Gabrielle watched her companion closely, genuinely curious to see how Xena would act in the confines of four walls and a ceiling once again. She sat at the end of the bed and quietly watched.


The look of doubt on Xena’s face soon faded. It was replaced with a look of contentment that led to a big smile.


The tall woman walked around the room inspecting this and that, remembering. Gabrielle broke out into a smile of her own as Xena opened and closed a dresser drawer, the closet door, even taking a moment to sit in the chair which sat in front of a simple desk. She stood again and flashed a brilliant smile at Gabrielle , then continued to explore.


Gabrielle watched her as she pulled open the door that to led to the small bathroom and stepped inside.


There was a pause of a few seconds, then the light came on. Gabrielle felt joy when she heard the exclamation and couldn’t help chuckling when she heard a faucet being turned on and off, and a few seconds later, the sound of the toilet being flushed.


Xena came out of the bathroom a minute later, and walked to the bed. She sat down beside Gabrielle at the end of the bed. A second later, she was bouncing up and down a few times. Gabrielle giggled again.


“Bed,” Xena said.


“Yeah…a nice soft warm one,” Gabrielle replied.


Xena nodded her understanding, and continued to look curiously around the room. “Good,” she said, relieving any doubts Gabrielle had. She had hoped Xena would remember and be comfortable inside a real structure again, but wasn’t sure until she had seen it for herself.


Xena stood again, and was now looking at the radio beside the bed. Her fingers played over the knobs, and she jumped a little when she apparently hit the right one, and music began to play. It took a second, and then she visually relaxed again, apparently remembering a long forgotten thing.


“Name, Gabrielle.”


“Music….” Gabrielle replied. “ A song.”


Xena nodded her head in time with the music briefly.


“Song,” she repeated softly.




For a few moments, Gabrielle went over the names of objects in the room with Xena. Most of them were readily available from Xena’s mouth, especially as time went on. It was as though the longer she was in the room, the stronger the memories became.




“Are you hungry, Xena?” Gabrielle asked presently, and she received an affirmative nod. Xena started to reach for the bag that contained their food, but Gabrielle shook her head.


“Let’s get some real food,” Gabrielle said. “There’s a restaurant next door.” She wasn’t surprised when she received a blank stare at that. “A place to buy food…a restaurant,” she clarified. “Stay here, Xena,” she said. “I’ll go get us some food. I won’t be gone long.”


After a minute, Xena nodded again. She seemed to understand what she was being told.




Gabrielle pulled her coat on once again, and stood to leave. “Gabrielle…”


Xena’s voice was sure, commanding even, and Gabrielle turned, surprised by it. “What, Xena?”


Xena’s long legs quickly closed the distance between her and the short blonde. She reached her hand out and placed it on Gabrielle’s lower back, pulling her tightly against her body. Slowly, she bent her head, and pressed her lips to Gabrielle’s.


Gabrielle accepted the kiss eagerly, and felt the familiar tickle in her body that she now associated with her sexual desire for Xena.


Xena cut the kiss short however, before anymore could develop. She pulled her head back, and didn’t release Gabrielle’s back. Instead, her other hand came up to gently rub along the side of Gabrielle’s face.


“Thank you, Gabrielle,” she said softly, her eyes revealing how sincere she was.


It took a second to realize what she was being thanked so sweetly for. “You’re welcome, Xena,” she replied. “I love you.”


“I love you,” came the solemn reply.


Gabrielle stood on tiptoe and gave Xena a quick kiss on her cheek, before turning toward the door again. “I won’t be gone long,” she said. Xena nodded, and watched her go.




Gabrielle was glad she had a little bit of cash as she entered the diner next door to the motel. She ordered vegetable soup, chicken salad sandwiches, some milk, and some tea. She wasn’t sure which beverage Xena would prefer, but figured she’d like at least one of them.


As she made the trip back to their room, Gabrielle noted the ominous clouds gathering in the sky again. It looked like they were in for more snow. She couldn’t fight back the grin as she thought of how warm and comfortable she and Xena would be in their motel room.




Gabrielle knocked on the door. “Xena? It’s me…Gabrielle…”


After a few seconds, the door was opened and Gabrielle entered. She held out the bags she carried. “Ready to eat?” she asked.


Xena nodded, and stepped aside to watch Gabrielle set the bags on the table. She started to take out the items she had bought, but something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and stared.




Xena had turned down the covers of the bed, and had the pillows leaned against the headboard. The covers were neatly folded back, as if it were something Xena had done every day of her life.


“Are you sleepy, Xena?” Gabrielle asked, when she had finally found her voice. She hoped she already knew the answer to that.


Xena followed her gaze and zeroed in on the bed. She turned back to Gabrielle. “No…” she said. “Xena and Gabrielle make love.” The matter-of-fact way she said it, made Gabrielle’s stomach do flip flops.


Then she nodded. “Sounds great,” she replied. “Let’s eat, and then let’s make love.”


Xena nodded with a slight smile, as though she was very much into this particular plan.




The vegetable soup was a big hit with Xena, but she wasn’t so sure about the sandwich. She ended up picking the pieces of chicken out of it, after Gabrielle told her it was fine for her to do that. The taste of the mayonnaise and sweet pickle was a bit too tangy for what she was used to.


And her beverage of choice was the tea, which she smacked her lips over. When Gabrielle told her it was tea, she nodded enthusiastically, like it was a fond memory for her.




After what was either a late lunch or an early dinner, Gabrielle cleaned up and threw the remnants of their meal into the trash.


When she turned back, Xena was giving her a heated look that told her she hadn’t changed her plans, but Gabrielle had another thought.


“Come with me, Xena,” she said, holding out her hand.


Xena gladly took her hand, and let herself be led into the bathroom. When Gabrielle turned to look at her, she had a puzzled expression on her face.


“How about a nice hot bath, Xena?” Gabrielle asked. “I’d like to take one with you.”


Xena looked at the bathtub, then back at Gabrielle. She nodded. “Bath,” she repeated, remembering another long-forgotten word.




Gabrielle ran the bath, and while the tub was filling, undressed Xena, who repeated the action on her. The water was quite warm, and earned a heartfelt moan from Xena when she sank her body into it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had relaxed in such comfort.


The tub wasn’t that large, but Gabrielle covered the faucet with a towel to cushion it, then crawled into the opposite end.




“God, Xena…that is good…”


“Good,” Xena echoed, her voice very much in agreement.


They had been in the bath for some time, and after washing themselves, Xena had reached for Gabrielle, pulling her so the journalist’s back was against her front, her legs propped on either side of Xena’s.


In this position, Xena had begun stroking her hands over Gabrielle’s body, starting at her collarbone, working her way to her breasts. The blonde’s nipples were flirting with the water line, but it wasn’t long before they were pointed well above it, as Gabrielle arched her back into the touch.


Xena pinched and stroked and massaged the tightened peaks of Gabrielle’s breasts with both hands for quite some time, enjoying the changing textures beneath her fingertips as well as the movements against her body, and the sounds Gabrielle emitted. She could feel the blood pounding between her legs to fill her clit, but once again, tried to ignore it for the time being. She wanted to feel Gabrielle instead.




Gabrielle was once again taken by how good and different Xena’s fingertips felt on her breasts. She had always found it pleasant to have her nipples touched, but it didn’t have the effect on her that it did when Xena was doing the touching. Perhaps it was because Xena would vary her touch so much, being tender and gentle one moment, then firm and authoritative the next. No matter what the nature of her touch, it felt marvelous to Gabrielle.




Xena eventually wrapped an around Gabrielle’s stomach, trying to hold the wriggling woman still. It was a difficult task, as Gabrielle wasn’t really thinking clearly. She was amazed at what a direct line there seemed to be between her chest and her clitoris. Whatever Xena’s fingers did to her nipples, seemed to translate itself down lower.




Xena, for her part, was enjoying what she was doing very much too. She enjoyed looking over Gabrielle’s shoulder, watching the erotic writhing of Gabrielle’s body. She watched the defined stomach muscles dance, as Gabrielle found it difficult to catch her breath. Gabrielle’s ass was wriggling against Xena’s own abdominals…and by bending forward just a little more, Xena was able to gain some pressure against her own itchy nipples.




Then, Xena let her right hand slide lower, so it was slipping under the water line, and making direct contact with Gabrielle’s clitoris. Despite the fact that the warm bath water had washed away her natural lubrications, Gabrielle hissed and arched her back, into the touch. She was taken a bit by surprise when Xena suddenly rose out of the water with her, but didn’t bother offering a protest when she felt herself being lifted into strong arms.




Gabrielle didn’t question Xena’s motives. She just wound her fingers in the back of Xena’s damp hair, and enjoyed the ride back to the bedroom. Within seconds, Xena was laying her back on the bed, and then bending in to kiss her.






Gabrielle lifted her head enough to grin at her lover, entranced by the expression of pleasure etched on Xena’s face. Her own bottom half was still humming with delight from the climaxes Xena had brought her, and she found the pounding sensation made her even hungrier for the taste of the dark woman’s body. When she had pushed Xena back on the bed, and straddled her thighs, she had gotten no resistance.




Now, a half hour later, she found herself buried in flesh that she knew she would never tire of feasting on. She was laying on her stomach between Xena’s spread thighs, and had her mouth attached to Xena’s clit, sucking it firmly into her mouth while her fingers moved in and out of Xena’s body. Xena was heading toward her third climax, and her inner muscles were pulling unbelievably strongly at Gabrielle’s two fingers.


Gabrielle sucked on the firm organ in rhythm with Xena’s own tug at her digits. Xena began to roll her hips in the same synchronization, adding to the whole effect. Gabrielle felt her heart soar at the thought of bringing the woman such obvious pleasure.


“Do you want another finger, Xena?” she asked, rubbing a third one around the entrance to the powerful woman’s body.


“Yes…please…” The answer was hissed out, and then the blue eyes rolled back in her head, leaving Xena speechless in the power of her body’s language.




Mere seconds later, Xena gave a grunting noise, and her upper body was bucking upward as she reached her fulfillment. Gabrielle made out the word “come” through the other woman’s utterings, and sucked harder at Xena’s clit, her mouth filling with the delicious liquids Xena pumped out.




Xena wrapped her fingers in Gabrielle’s hair a few seconds later, and gently lifted the blonde’s head. She smiled down at Gabrielle. “Stop…please,” she said, her voice almost a plea.


Gabrielle laughed and nodded, understanding what had happened. Xena was too sensitive for anymore at the present time.




Gabrielle crawled her way back up Xena’s body, and curled up next to her on the bed. She reached down and pulled the covers up over them both, reveling in the feeling of a real bed again. Within minutes, both of them were sound asleep.

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