Taking Risks- Chapter 15

Chapter 15- Taking Risks

Gabrielle did her best to not put too much pressure on Xena to make a decision. She was resolved to accept whatever Xena decided, but didn’t want to start making plans until she knew where the dark woman wanted to stay.




At first, Gabrielle had thought Xena would be eager to leave Canada. She figured with Gabrielle at her side, Xena would be eager to explore a different part of the world, as she reacquainted herself with modern living.


Gabrielle hadn’t accounted for the effect the real world had on Xena’s memory, however. She wasn’t exactly sure what the catalyst had been, but something had caused Xena’s nightmare and subsequent fear of leaving the area. Despite her best efforts, she had little success in convincing Xena it would be best to leave.




She wished she could communicate better with the dark-haired woman. They had made vast improvements in learning to understand each other, but there were still many gaps of comprehension. With a wry smile, Gabrielle thought of how easily they could communicate sexually. In that respect, they were able to easily understand and talk to each other.




When Xena had first offered hesitance at the idea of going to Ohio, Gabrielle had called Ginny and asked her not to come up yet. It had only been a couple hours before that when she had asked Ginny to drive up and pick them up, and luckily, the professor was still preparing for the eighteen hour car trip and hadn’t left yet.




The one feature Xena seemed to enjoy most about the motel room was the bathtub. She and Gabrielle had taken a long bath on the previous evening, and now, Xena was once again soaking in the tub, letting the hot water soothe the ache in her nearly healed leg. She laid her head back against the wall, and when sleep began to overtake her, she didn’t fight it. She let herself doze off.




While Xena was in the bathroom, Gabrielle took the time to call Ginny again.




The older woman had given her a lot of guff at first, teasing Gabrielle for not being able to make up her mind.


Gabrielle had the feeling that Ginny wasn’t quite sure whether or not to believe her concerning Xena. It WAS a rather far-fetched story, she knew, but Ginny also knew that Gabrielle wasn’t prone to flights of fancy.


She asked her mentor to do some research on Xena, while waiting to see whether or not Gabrielle needed the teacher to come and get them. Gabrielle asked her do to some checking at the library, in hopes that there might be some news articles on Xena’s mother’s attack, or Xena’s subsequent disappearance. Gabrielle thought she could learn some details on her dark-haired lover, and maybe she could learn what happened to her mother, putting some closure on Xena’s feelings.




After hanging up with Ginny, Gabrielle wandered into the bathroom. Xena was just waking up, and she blinked and smiled at Gabrielle. “Hello, Gabrielle,” she said sweetly.


“Hi, Xena.” Gabrielle bent down and gave Xena a kiss, then rubbed her hand over her cheek. Xena’s wet hair was slicked back from her face, exposing the angular perfection of her facial structure. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” she asked.


Xena wrinkled her brow. Gabrielle had used that word before, and she suddenly remembered its meaning. She smiled. “Thank you. Gabrielle beau…” She looked at Gabrielle with a questioning expression.


“Beautiful,” Gabrielle replied, saying it slowly. Her eyes were glowing at the wonderment of whether or not Xena knew what the word meant and believed what she was saying.


“Beau-ti-ful…” Xena said it slowly and hesitantly. Then more confidently, she spoke. “Beautiful. Gabrielle beautiful.”


Gabrielle beamed, seeing in Xena’s eyes that she had the meaning totally right, and was speaking her heart. “Not really,” she said, having never been called that before, “but thank you anyway.”


“Gabrielle beautiful…” Xena repeated it softly, almost to herself, then reached out a hand toward Gabrielle. “Gabrielle? Bath?” she asked.


Gabrielle considered it, then shook her head. “I’m sure the water’s getting cold by now,” she replied. She tried a few fingers in the water. “Yeah…cold. Why don’t we curl up together on the bed instead?”


Xena nodded her understanding. She stood up in the tub, the water streaming down her breast, over her belly, and down her legs.


Gabrielle stared, open-mouthed. She had already seen Xena naked several times, of course, but each time, it seemed to affect her a little bit differently. Xena was so tall, she seemed to fill the space in front of Gabrielle as she stepped out of the tub. She had broad strong shoulders, prominent collarbones, and her breasts were good-sized, but not so large that they sagged from their own weight. Standing in front of Gabrielle, her back straight, Xena’s nipples seemed to point right at Gabrielle’s suddenly dry mouth.


Gabrielle groaned a little, deep in her throat, and reached for a towel wanting to dry Xena off before she pounced on her. Xena stood quietly, allowing Gabrielle to take care of her.




After drying most of the water from Xena’s incredible body, Gabrielle took her hand and led her to the bedroom.


“Sit on the edge of the bed, Xena,” Gabrielle said gently, and the taller woman obeyed.


“I’ll be right back,” Gabrielle told her, and Xena nodded. Gabrielle went to her backpack and dug through it a couple of minutes. She climbed on the opposite side of the bed, and walked on her knees until she was behind Xena.


“Close your eyes, Xena,” she said. “I want you to close your eyes and just relax.” If Xena had any doubts of her words, Gabrielles’ tender hands brushing over her eyelids to make sure they were shut, then hovering over Xena’s shoulders, massaging for a few seconds quickly relieved them.


Xena caught on, and rested her hands on either side of the bed, leaning back to let Gabrielle have more control.




Gabrielle began to comb Xena’s hair, beginning at the tips of the long strands, and gradually working her way through the inky thick hair, drying it at the same time. Xena’s hair was so black, it shone almost blue in the artificial lighting of the room.


Finally, when she had combed all the tangles out and the hair was almost completely dried, Gabrielle picked up the hairbrush and went to work. Xena moaned sensuously at that, loving the feeling of the spines of the brush stroking her scalp, then tugging erotically at the thick weight of her hair.


“Good,” she breathed, after a while, just before another languid moan escaped her.




Gabrielle was quickly becoming as aroused as Xena was. The very fact that such an incredibly beautiful woman was totally under the control of her fingertips had a great deal to do with that.


Now Xena was leaning back even further, so her back was resting against Gabrielle’s crotch. She was still wrapped up in her towel, but didn’t resist when Gabrielle reached down and pulled the edges of the towel apart, exposing her body.


“God…so beautiful…” Gabrielle whispered it into ear, as she looked down the length of Xena’s body, taking in obvious and subtle signs of desire. When Xena acted as though she was going to pull away, Gabrielle gently held onto her shoulders.


“Please, Xena,” she husked in the dark woman’s ear. “Please just relax and let me touch you right now. Please don’t touch me yet…right now I just want to feel you.”


Xena nodded shakily, and steeled herself not to reciprocate what Gabrielle was going to do. She was used to going first…bringing Gabrielle ultimate pleasure before the blonde did the same with her. It was a form of sweet torture…making her own anticipation grow so heightened she felt she could explode at any time. It seemed to add enticement for Gabrielle as well., being able to see and smell Xena’s arousal.




But now, Gabrielle wanted to touch Xena first, and Xena found herself suddenly wanting that as well.


“Yes, Gabrielle,” was all she said, giving Gabrielle the permission she was so eagerly waiting for.




Immediately, Gabrielle spread her legs, and urged Xena to snuggle tighter into the vee of her crotch. “Gabrielle…naked…” Xena said, her voice hinting broadly at what she wanted


Gabrielle knew, but also knew Xena might be too tempted to touch her, and she would lose her resolve to bring Xena to fulfillment first.


“Later, Xena,” she crooned. “Just keep your eyes closed and feel what I do to you. Feel how much I love you.”


Gabrielle pulled Xena’s unresisting body along with hers, and moved till she was near the headboard of the bed.


“Don’t move, Xena,” she whispered, and she stacked her and Xena’s pillows on top of each other, then perched herself on top. It gave the shorter woman more of a height advantage, and she’d have move freedom of movement, along with a better view of the area she was going to explore.




Gabrielle started with the hair she had just so thoroughly brushed. She tested its weight, lifting it with her hands, and letting the strands flutter back down to land on Xena’s bare shoulders. Then, she used her fingers to scratch lightly over Xena’s scalp. Xena arched her back slightly, and let loose a purr of pure pleasure. Gabriel felt it right down to her clit.




She dug her fingers a little bit harder into Xena’s head, and then heard Xena say in a voice very close to a whimper. “More Gabrielle…please…”


Gabrielle recognized the hunger in her voice. Xena wasn’t asking her for more hair brushing. Gabrielle brushed her fingers over Xena’s shoulders, and then flipped her hands over, lightly touching Xena’s nipples with the backs of her hands. The purr deepened until it was closer to a growl. “Please, Gabrielle…” she moaned again.


Gabrielle grinned, pleased at her success in seducing her lover. She flipped her hands back over, and this time, grabbed fully onto Xena’s breasts.


Xena’s hard nipples scraped against Gabrielle’s palms, and Xena arched into the touch, obviously enjoying that very much. Gabrielle watched everything over Xena’s shoulder, loving the way Xena sucked in her stomach as she wriggled. Not being able to resist, she continued to fondle and cup Xena’s right breast with her right hand, and her left hand began to travel over the ribs that were prominent when Xena was in this particular position.


Xena was extremely ticklish on her ribs, and the moment Gabrielle began to lightly touch her there, she began twisting her body even harder, in a silent struggle to get away from the blonde’s persistent fingers. Gabrielle knew immediately what was happening, and her left hand quickly returned to Xena’s abandoned breast.


Xena relaxed a bit, trying to urge her own breathing to return to normal. She loved the feeling that she could trust Gabrielle; that the moment her lover knew her touch was almost unbearable on her sides that she moved her fingers elsewhere. Gabrielle would never try to bring her any discomfort.




Now, the blonde was bringing her a great deal of pleasure, as she continued to knead the flesh of Xena’s breasts, her open mouth coming down to suck and lick at the nearest shoulder. They moaned simultaneously, Xena being very sensitive there, and Gabrielle cherishing the silky smooth skin of Xena’s neck.


Xena’s eyes were closed, her excitement rapidly building, and it was all she could do not to reach down and touch her own throbbing center, bringing herself the relief that would be so easily obtainable. She could easily smell her own excitement wafting from her slightly parted legs, and it wasn’t difficult for Xena’s sensitive nose to pick up the scent of Gabrielle’s arousal as well. Knowing that Gabrielle found her own desire exciting made Xena’s arousal escalate even faster.


Gabrielle was focusing on Xena’s nipples now, rolling them slightly between her thumb and forefinger, giving them an occasional tug. Her mouth was watering to taste that particular part of Xena’s flesh, but if she wanted to continue to stay in the position she was in, that was a physical impossibility.


Instead, Gabrielle sucked on a particularly sensitive spot on Xena’s neck, occasionally scraping it with her teeth, and letting her own desire grow even more when she heard the sensual sounds Xena made in response to the contact. Her fingers were itching to move lower, to touch Xena and bring her the ecstasy she craved, but Gabrielle tried to hold off, to build the tension as much as she could.


The little blonde shut her own eyes, not wanting to, but finding the sight before her eyes so very tempting. She used a rougher touch on the hardened peaks of Xena’s breasts, swearing she could feel them still swelling to fill her touch.




Gabrielle could only maintain this for a couple more minutes. With her eyes closed, the taste and feel, and most importantly, scent of Xena became even more apparent, and it was beyond Gabrielle’s capabilities to drag out her seduction much further. The little moans and whimpers Xena was emitting spoke directly to more than one part of her body, most of all her heart, and Gabrielle found she no longer had it in her to tease the dark woman who was doing her best to remain in her control.


She released the salty skin her mouth was still attached to, and using her nose, nudged Xena’s hair away from her left ear. “How are you feeling, Xena?” she whispered. “Can you tell me how you feel?”


“Mmmm…” Xena made a little sound to let Gabrielle know she had heard the question, and then tried to articulate what her lover wanted. She knew how she felt, divine, but putting it into the proper words was another matter entirely.


“Xena feel…” she paused, and swallowed hard, her own voice sounding strangely thick in her ears. Gabrielle gave the dark woman’s nipples an extra firm pinch, hoping to inspire the right words.


“Xena feel…beautiful…” The last word was spoken very softly, and very reverently. Xena half-turned her head, and was pleased to feel the heat of Gabrielle’s mouth closing in on hers. Apparently, she had picked the right word.


For a moment, their mouths met in a hungry exchange of emotion, and Xena lifted her right arm to wrap it around the back of her own head and place it on Gabrielle’s. She turned her head even further, pulling Gabrielle tighter against her, her mouth desperately trying to express what her words could not. She needed more, and she needed it now.


Gabrielle wrenched her mouth away with a gasp, trying to catch the breath which felt as though had been sucked from her lungs. Xena’s need was palpable, and the will power she used to not touch herself or force more contact was amazing.


“That’s a wonderful thing to say,” Gabrielle whispered directly into the delicate ear again. The sensation caused goosebumps to reform on Xena’s extremities. “Are you ready to feel even more beautiful?”


Xena hoped she understood what Gabrielle was saying, and nodded quickly. “Yes…please…” she husked in responded.


Gently, Gabrielle’s hands released the breasts she had been touching so fervently, and her hands began to slide down the smooth plane of Xena’s stomach. She was careful not to touch the tall woman too lightly, not wanting to distract her by causing tickling sensations again.


Instead, she concentrated on gently raking her nails along the expanse of flesh, loving the way Xena’s body arched into her touch.




It was only a matter of seconds, before Gabrielle’s fingers touched the top of Xena’s pubic triangle. Xena gave a sigh of relief, and spread her thighs further, leaning back more heavily into Gabrielle. It was obvious she felt she knew what to expect now.


Xena’s dark curls were coarser than Gabrielle’s soft blonde ones, and it was just another difference in their bodies that Gabrielle celebrated. She let the tips of her fingers tangle in the moist hairs, tugging slightly, and was greeted with a fresh aroma of Xena’s juices.


There was a noticeable heat radiating from between Xena’s thighs, and as Gabrielle dipped her fingers even lower, she felt her fingers being bathed in the warm juices Xena was producing. She craned her neck, hoping to see the area she was exploring, but despite the pillows, she was too short.




When the idea first came to her, she hesitated, unsure how Xena might react and debating that it might be considered perverse, but Gabrielle couldn’t get the thought out of her head, once it had occurred to her. “Xena…I have something I want to do,” she whispered, and despite her words, Xena offered a throaty protest when Gabrielle temporarily withdrew her hands.


Gabrielle twisted and stretched, and was able to reach the bedside table without dislodging Xena from her position. She reached for the small mirror that was propped up on the table, and then held it in front of Xena.


“Would you like to see me making love to you, Xena?” she asked, watching the other woman’s reflection in the mirror.


She could see the words registering with Xena, and then saw the flushed reaction they caused. “Yes, Gabrielle,” came the choked answer. Xena took the mirror, and bent forward to set it beyond her spread feet, allowing them both to see the reflection of her lower half in the mirror.


“God…” the word was forced from Gabrielle, who hadn’t quite been ready for the sight of Xena’s dark pink womanhood, swollen and glistening with want. Her fingers immediately found their way back into Xena’s pubic hair, and quickly began to work lower.


Gabrielle glanced up long enough to see that Xena’s eyes were riveted to the mirror instead. Her eyes had narrowed to slits that only revealed a silver color, reflecting the intensity of her arousal.


“Hold yourself open,” Gabrielle whispered to Xena, and after a second, Xena’s hands were doing as directed, spreading apart her outer labia, so even more of her vulva was visible in the mirror.


Gabrielle let her fingers travel over the plump part of Xena’s pubic mound, and dance over the spot where her inner lips met…just above her erect clit. She had to smile when Xena automatically lifted her hips a bit, wanting to be touched a bit lower, but Gabrielle just lifted her hand slightly. It was all part of a game.


“Ohhh…” Xena made the soft sound when Gabrielle’s fingers dipped lower…once again avoiding her clit and instead, stroking along the length of Xena’s labia. They were swollen and dark red and nearly standing erect from the increased blood flow. Gabrielle tugged lightly at one of them, and Xena moaned louder. “Clit, Gabrielle,” she managed to say. “Clit.”


Gabrielle would have smiled, if she wasn’t so keyed up by what she was seeing and hearing. Xena was letting her know that her efforts were paying off, and she was ready to come. “Not yet, Xena,” she husked. “I want to touch you some more first.”


Xena nodded, taking a deep breath, and tried to let Gabrielle do as she wanted. “You’re soaking wet, Xena…mmmm….look at your wetness in the mirror.”


Xena was doing just that, and still holding herself spread wide, she let one of her pinkies trail down to move through a trickle of wetness heading toward the bed.


“Mmm…” Gabrielle watched this, her tongue licking over her lower lip, and then her fingers were following a similar past, trailing through the wettest part of Xena’s sex. Xena’s body felt hot and slippery on her fingertips.


Feeling a wicked heat flood her cheeks, Gabrielle reached beside her, and picked up the hairbrush she had used on Xena.


Xena watched, her eyes growing wide as Gabrielle began gently stroking the brush over her upper breasts, using a very light motion. The spines on the brush made her skin tingle with sensations, and Xena closed her eyes when the brush touched her nipples…gently pulling at them. “More…” she whispered in a gravelly voice.


Gabrielle knew that “more” could mean a multitude of things to Xena. In this case, she suspected it meant “lower”, and as the brush followed the curves of her under breasts and then down her stomach, she received a groaned “yes” as an answer.




“Oh yes, Gabrielle…yes!” A moment later, Xena was nodding enthusiastically as the brush crept further downward, hovering very near her center.


They both watched in the mirror as the brush gently worked its way through her tangle of hairs, and Xena automatically tilted her hips upward, her knees bending against the bed. “Gabrielle…more please…” she whispered.


Gabrielle gently drew the brush down the crevice between Xena’s legs, and Xena drew in a breath that was half-gasp, half shriek. “More, Gabrielle!” she said loudly, her voice leaving no room for argument.


Gabrielle hummed softly in Xena’s ear, and drew the brush up and down, still just barely touching Xena, watching the dark woman’s hips buck in an immediate reaction.


The feeling of power Gabrielle was experiencing at that moment was absolutely intoxicating. All of Xena’s power, all her strength of will and determination was being held in check, as Xena allowed Gabrielle to regulate her pleasure. Gabrielle’s own arousal was flooding her at the thought of that, coupled with the sight of Xena in the mirror. She knew she was leaving a big wet spot on Xena’s pillow.




Xena was trying…really trying, but the incredibly light touch was causing the tension in her clit to take over everything else, and she was losing her ability to think clearly. It felt so fantastic just feeling everything in her body rushing to center in that little area of flesh, but she was beginning to overload on feeling good. She needed release.




Glancing down, at herself, rather than the mirror, Xena saw the slender handle of the brush held firmly in Gabrielle’s grasp, and the textures and contours of the hard material didn’t escape her. She suddenly couldn’t resist.


“Gabrielle…” she said, taking the brush from Gabrielle, and when the blonde didn’t resist, Xena simply turned it around and handed it back to her. “In Xena…please Gabrielle…fuck Xena.”


“God…” Xena’s words caught Gabrielle off guard, and turned her on at the same time. Since that night she had used the word “fuck” with Xena, they hadn’t said it again, but somehow, it was obvious Xena knew the exact meaning of the word.


However, when Gabrielle didn’t move fast enough to suit Xena, she moved both their hands, until the handle had shallowly penetrated Xena’s vagina.


“God…” the word was repeated, and Gabrielle barely had time to get used to the sight, before Xena was thrusting her hips forward, taking the short length of the handle inside her easily, and not stopping the movement until their fingers were against her vaginal entrance, as well as, more importantly, her distended clit.


Taking a chance, Xena released Gabrielle’s hand, hoping her blonde lover would take the hint. Gabrielle did, and began to move the brush handle in and out of her in a strong rhythm, her hand coming away a little wetter each time.


Xena had obviously found the stimulation she had been seeking. She was moaning loudly with each thrust Gabrielle made, her mouth constantly opened, as she struggled for oxygen. Gabrielle adjusted her hold on the brush slightly, so that the spines near the handle were now brushing Xena’s erection on the upstroke, and Xena’s flailing body tensed immediately, freezing in mid arch, right before she called out Gabrielle’s name as she orgasmed.


Gabrielle helped support Xena as she humped the air in her mindless pleasure. The blonde was thrilled with Xena’s enthusiasm and response to her. She was gearing up to do it again, but Xena had other ideas in mind. She set the mirror aside, took the hair brush from Gabrielle, and then was pulling away from her only to roll on her stomach between Gabrielle’s thighs.


“Xena fuck Gabrielle” was all she needed to say.

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