Taking Risks- Chapter 17 (Conclusion)

Chapter 17- Taking Risks



Ginny screamed at the younger woman who was plunging through the underbrush, sounding hysterical as she called out Xena’s name, and Gabrielle didn’t respond to her teacher’s call. She was focused on one thing, protecting Xena.


The men had just gotten close to their fallen prey when a blonde streak flew into the picture and Gabrielle landed on Xena, covering her body with her own.


“What the f-“


“Oh, for shit’s sake…”


“She’s crazy, I told ya…” That was from Gene, but even he had to admire the courage Gabrielle exhibited by stretching out over Xena, only her eyes raised to shoot daggers at them.


She was exhibiting a courage she didn’t feel, but Gabrielle knew if she didn’t act this way, she was going to lose Xena. She could feel great warmth arising from the unmoving body beneath her, and when she realized it was a wet warmth, she risked moving her eyes long enough to see what she feared she would. A crimson pool of blood soaking the snow they lay on. Xena was hurt, and from the way the stain spread, she was seriously hurt.




Ginny had caught up by now, and she was standing nearby, unnoticed by Gabrielle or the men. The panic seemed to have disappeared from Ginny’s eye, as she watched what was unfolding.


“All right, Little Girl,” Gene was speaking, sneering at Gabrielle whose head jerked in his direction. “You’ve been kind of funny to be around…until now…But the game’s over, and we’re taking the woman…now get off of her, so we can finish what we started.”


Gabrielle didn’t move a muscle. “Go away,” she said through clenched teeth. “You’ve done more than your share of ruining this woman’s life, and I’ll be damned if I let you hurt her anymore. Go away, and leave us alone.”


“I don’t think so,” Gene replied. He pulled the bolt back on his gun and stepped forward, pointing the barrel between Gabrielle’s eyes. “Are you ready to die?”


Gabrielle swallowed hard, but her eyes didn’t waver. “I’m ready to be with Xena…” she answered evenly. “Wherever she is, I want to be with her.”




Gene seemed taken aback by that response and stepped back again, looking to the other men to see what they thought. No longer even caring what they were doing, Gabrielle lifted her hands to stroke Xena’s shoulder. The dark woman lay face down, and Gabrielle pulled the dark hair, already streaked with blood away from her ear. “Xena, don’t leave me…we’ve still got so much to do here…” She choked back a sob, catching a glimpse of a bloodied face.


Xena moaned, and her torn lips tried to form words. The only one Gabrielle could make out was “love”…and then suddenly, the blonde’s world flashed in a dazzling bright haze of color.




Gabrielle wasn’t aware of a passing of time, but when she opened her eyes again, she realized immediately that some things had happened. Gone was the cold hard floor of the forest, and in its place were a warm soft bed, the intimate lighting of candles, and an inborn feeling of comfort. Startled totally to awareness, Gabrielle scrambled to sit up, wondering what was going on.


“Take it easy, Sweetie.” Ginny was suddenly there, beside the bed, and she reached out to touch Gabrielle’s shoulder gently. Gabrielle gasped as a feeling of calm flowed through her, seeming to radiate from the gentle hand on her bare shoulder. She looked down, and saw she was naked, her body unmarred from the scratches she had earned from rushing through the woods earlier. Slightly embarrassed, she wrapped the sheet from the top of the bed around her.


“What’s going on, Ginny?” she asked, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. “Where’s Xena? And what is this place?” She looked through the room which appeared to be a luxurious bedroom, in muted pinks and beiges, certainly nothing like she’d ever seen before. It seemed both ancient…and familiar.


Ginny giggled then, a sound Gabrielle could not remember hearing the older woman make before, and there was another painful flash of light. The little blonde squeezed her eyes shut instinctively, and when she opened them again, her heart pounded with unexpected emotion.


“Aphrodite!” she exclaimed, as startled that the goddess of love was there as she was by the fact that she recognized and remembered who the smiling woman in the pink negligee standing before her was.




Aphrodite beamed. “Hi, Sweetpea, I’ve missed you.” Stepping forward, she threw her arms around Gabrielle and gave her a sweet embrace. Gabrielle returned the hug, but was still confused by what was happening.


“Where’s Xena?” she asked, after the hug had ended.


“Be patient, Little One,” Aphrodite replied, and she sat on the bed beside Gabrielle. “She’ll be here soon enough.”


A million thoughts tumbled through Gabrielle’s head, adding to the puzzlement that had existed the moment she woke up. “How did I end up here? What in the world is going on?”




It was always unusual to see a serious expression on Aphrodite’s lovely features, but that’s what she offered as she took Gabrielle’s hand. “You have to search your mind, Gabby,” she said gently. “This isn’t the first time this has happened. You and Xena have always found a way to be together, but it’s not for my brother’s lack of trying to keep you apart.”


Gabrielle tried, but shook her head, beginning to look upset.


“All right, let me just explain it as best as I can. From the beginning, Ares and I have argued about who Xena belonged with. He has always wanted her to join with him, as you well know, and I always knew that the two of you were destined to be with each other.”


Gabrielle nodded somberly, remembering that part of the story clearly. The god of war made no compunctions about trying to entice Xena to join his dark forces, but she always made the choice to stay with Gabrielle. But that had been in Ancient Greece…not the United States of the 1950’s as Gabrielle remembered.


“The other gods got tired of the arguments,” Aphrodite continued, “even though most of them had chosen sides. Some of them agreed with me, of course, that true love and soulmates should never be separated, but some of them thought Xena would be more…useful if she was stirring up trouble in the world. I’m sure you can figure who sided with whom.”


Gabrielle nodded again.


“The deciding vote came down to Athena, and remember, this was before she had actually met with Xena in battle. The agreement was made long before that.”


“The agreement?” Gabrielle asked.


“Yes.” Aphrodite didn’t look quite as confident as now. “It boils down to this. As you and Xena passed from lifetime to lifetime, you would be separated, but not so far that you couldn’t find each other. However, it would always be under unexpected circumstances with no conscious memories on either of your parts that you are soulmates. It was up to you and Xena to decide whether or not you stayed together, and if you made that choice, you would be allowed to live your lives out in peace, until the ends of your natural time. When you are separated by death, a new set of circumstances were brought into play, and you had to choose again.”


Gabrielle shook her head, growing more confused again. Aphrodite saw it, and smiled patiently, “Watch…” she said, and then she waved her hand so a portal appeared in the air before them.


Gabrielle stared as images began to appear before her. They were pieces of her and Xena’s original life together; Xena fighting the Persians while Gabrielle lay near death, Gabrielle’s killing numerous Roman soldiers while Xena lay nearby paralyzed, the first time they made love, Xena’s first sighting of Gabrielle as the writer of a play that had just touched her deeply, on and on. The images warmed Gabrielle’s heart as she remembered each and every occurrence. Even though some of the events were harsh, they had all served to bring her and Xena closer together.


Then the images changed, and became less familiar to Gabrielle. The clothes were different now…in one vision, Xena was dressed in a pair of jeans and black shirt, a wide brimmed hat over her forehead while Gabrielle wore a long printed dress…there was images of one or both of them dressed in some sort of uniform, elaborate dresses, flowing robes, in a variety of settings, a palace, a devastated battlefield, a dusty looking village, the forest. With each vision came a shard of memory to Gabrielle…it was as though she couldn’t put her finger on it, but she couldn’t argue that she had been there, as had Xena, and they had been in love.


Aphrodite waved her hand again, and the portal disappeared. She gave a tentative smile at Gabrielle. “Do you remember now?”


Gabrielle shrugged. “Parts of it,” she replied honestly. “Enough to realize that you are telling me the truth. But what happens now? Where’s Xena?”


“You sound like a broken record,” Aphrodite giggled. “I’ll answer your first question first. You and Xena have constantly angered my brother by unfailingly choosing to stay with each other no matter what the odds. When you covered Xena’s body with your own and you proclaimed you wanted to be with Xena, no matter where she ended up, you made the choice for this particular time and place.” She smiled warmly at Gabrielle. What happens now is you and Xena will begin a life together in this world. You’ll be returned to the motel room you were staying in, and will be able to decide how to proceed with your lives.” The goddess of love gave a little shiver and moan then. “I haven’t pried into all your activities together,” she said, “but I have no doubt you and Xena will have no problem rekindling your relationship as soulmates.”


“What memories will Xena have?” Gabrielle asked then. “Will she know who she is, or will she remember the Xena of the wild?”


“Why don’t you ask her yourself?”




Gabrielle’s eyes widened at the voice.


“Hello, My Love.”


Standing in front of her, clad in a simple pair of black trousers and blue button down shirt, stood Xena. There was no sign of injury on her, and her eyes were glowing down at Gabrielle’s with a very familiar look of love and desire.


“Oh God, Xena!” Gabrielle was on her feet in an instant, wrapping her arms around Xena in a hug of relief and recognition.


“I love you,” was the warm response she got, and then there was the blessed sensation of Xena’s mouth covering Gabrielle’s in a tender expression of the same sentiment.


Aphrodite stood, and watched the two women who held each other tightly, their mouths locked upon each other in a most passionate kiss, and didn’t even bother trying to draw their attention.


“There’s plenty of time to send you back to the motel,” she whispered. “I’ll just let you stay here…and get reacquainted for a while.”


She started to tiptoe from the room, but Xena pulled back from Gabrielle long enough to grasp Aphrodite’s elbow. “Thank you,” she said. Gabrielle nodded ferociously in agreement.


Aphrodite shrugged mischievously and grinned. “It’s what I do,” she quipped. “Now, I have to go gloat in front of my brother for a while. When you two are ready to enter your new lives, just step through the door. I’ll see you when it’s time for you to discover the truth in your next life.”


She giggled when Gabrielle pressed a kiss to her cheek, and then stepped out the door, leaving the two lovers alone.




For a minute, they stood apart, just drinking in the sight of the other. Then Gabrielle reached for Xena, pulling out her arms prodding them. “Are you all right?,” she asked. “You were so hurt!”


“I’m fine,” Xena replied. “Aphrodite took care of all my injuries, and explained to me what’s been going on. Seems we’ve been through this sort of thing before.”


Gabrielle shrugged. “I don’t really remember much about that…only that I’ve always loved you.”


“You were willing to die just to be with me,” Xena whispered then. Her hand came up to caress the side of Gabrielle’s face. “Aphrodite says that’s what allowed her to save us from the men. You were so brave.”


“Bravery had nothing to do with it,” Gabrielle replied, saucily. “I belong with you, and wasn’t selfish enough to let you go anywhere alone.”


Xena’s face relaxed in a seductive smile. She knew Gabrielle would never take credit for the import of her actions, mainly because the blonde knew Xena would have done the same if the situation were reversed. It was comforting, knowing that their devotion was that real, and Xena felt she suddenly wanted to change the subject.


“You do belong with me,” she replied, “and right now, I belong on that bed over there. I’ll always be ready to begin a new life with you in the new world, but how about we enjoy this time here and now?”


Gabrielle glanced at the inviting bed, and when she looked back, the seductive smile Xena gave her made her weak in the knees. “How about it?” she replied, and she giggled when Xena suddenly swept her up in her strong arms.




Xena made the few steps to the bed, and laid Gabrielle down reverently. “I’m overdressed,” she said, as Gabrielle allowed the sheet to slide from her body, revealing she was naked underneath.


Xena’s hands came up to the buttons on her shirt, and she slowly unfastened them, her eyes locked with Gabrielle’s the whole time. She pulled the shirt open finally, and then shrugged her way out of it, goosebumps forming on her body from the pleasure of Gabrielle’s eyes lowering down her body. The little blonde licked her lips in anticipation at tasting the flesh being bared before her.


Xena wore no bra, and after letting the shirt drop to the floor behind her, lifted her hands to rub them over her breasts. Her heed came back automatically, loving the sensation of the rough pressure against her tightened nipples, but she wasn’t planning on teasing Gabrielle. She kicked off the low shoes she was wearing, and then was reaching for the fastening at the top of her pants.


Gabrielle slid backward on the bed, so she was laying with her head on the pillow, her eyes never leaving Xena. Xena had the pants undone now, and shimmied them down her hips, revealing she wore no underwear either. Almost on impulse, Gabrielle’s thighs spread, and her hand began to stroke over her trembling inner thighs.


Xena grinned, loving the boldness her lover was displaying. She lifted one of her own legs, and propped it on the bed, letting the warm air of the room breeze over her own swollen need. Gabrielle’s eyes were riveted there.


“Please, Gabrielle,” Xena said, her voice very nearly a whimper. “Show me what I do to you.”


Gabrielle didn’t know if Xena was thinking about her hesitance and embarrassment at certain things when they were first discovering their mutual love in the cave, or if Xena just wanted to see it, but she didn’t feel any discomfort in spreading her thighs further, and letting her fingers make their way to her center. “Mmm…” she couldn’t help but let the moan escape when her fingers met her aroused flesh, and she felt how wet she was already. Being near Xena seemed to always have that effect on her.


“You’re so beautiful,” Xena whispered, her eyes riveted to the sight of Gabrielle touching herself. Her own sex cried out in need, and it was only a natural reaction that her fingers would follow a similar trail, to bury themselves between her own thighs.


“I want to see you too,” Gabrielle pled, and Xena turned her body a bit, bending her leg more to the side so her own need was revealed to Gabrielle. “Yes…” Gabrielle hissed her approval, and her fingers began to move with even more purpose.


They fell into an identical rhythm, both of them watching the other avidly as their fingers rubbed up and down their labia, brushing against clits that were pounding out their desire for release. Their breathing became harsher, and Xena began to find it difficult to continue standing on one leg. “Are you close?” she managed to ask.


“Yes, Xena…very close…” Gabrielle smiled sweetly, then suddenly pulled her masturbating hand free. She held out both arms toward Xena.


“Please, Baby…” she said. “I want you to be the one to bring me over.”


With a grateful groan of agreement, Xena pulled her own hands from her body, and fell to the bed beside Gabrielle, laying her body down next to her, and drawing her into her arms. “And I want you to do the same for me,” she whispered, before drawing Gabrielle’s lips into a passion filled kiss.


Their mouths continued to taste and explore each other’s, as their hands rubbed over the flesh of the other, both making their ways downward. Both were so close, they knew it wouldn’t be long before they were sharing their first climax together, but somehow, both Xena and Gabrielle felt in their minds that it would be a reaffirmation of the fact that they belonged to each other.


Xena’s fingers reached their goal first, and Gabrielle shivered and spread her legs again as she felt the digits of her lover stroking over her. “Makes my mouth water,” Xena clucked with her tongue, and when she would have moved downward to pleasure Gabrielle with her mouth, Gabrielle stopped her by crossing an arm across her body.


“Not yet,” she whispered. Her hand then slid between Xena’s tightened thighs, and once again, silently, they both knew what the other was desiring.


Their knowing fingers slid along the labia of the other, brushing the underside of a tensed clit occasionally, and once again, the predominant sounds in the room became harsh breathing and erotic wet sounds. Soon, both women were shivering in impending orgasm.


For some reason, they both tried to held back, probably in order to prolong the rapture, but Gabrielle succumbed first, and her fingers stopped moving against Xena as the sensations began to pour through her body. Xena recognized the signs, and her fingers quickly found their way to the hard nub at the top of Gabrielle’s crotch, grasping it between her thumb and forefinger and rolling it between them.


“Thank you, Xena!” Gabrielle managed to force the words out, and then she was rapidly tumbling into the wonderful precipice of bliss that only Xena’s skilled fingers could direct her to.


Xena smiled ferally at the view before her, excited even more by seeing Gabrielle’s eyes rolling shut slowly as her thighs clenched together holding Xena’s fingers where they were. The blonde’s hips bucked slightly of their own volition, and her parted lips let out a long sigh of satisfaction.


It was only seconds later though, that Gabrielle’s fingers began to move against Xena’s arousal again. And in a move very similar to Xena’s, her digits moved upward to concentrate on the seat of Xena’s pleasure when the dark woman showed the evidence she was on the verge of her orgasm.


A long throaty hum was forced from Xena as she allowed the convulsions in her womanhood to take control of her body, and Xena’s hips rose to meet Gabrielle’s fingers looking for a more firm touch. Gabrielle obeyed, pressing her fingers into Xena’s clitoris, and drinking in the sight of Xena reaching her fulfillment.




When they were both recovered, a smile formed on their faces, and simultaneously, they raised their hands to press their fingers against each other’s mouths. Tongues wrapped around the sopping fingers, and both accepted the offered gifts.


The flavor of Xena’s juices had disappeared from Gabrielle’s fingers, and watching the soft pink lips and tongue working on her own had taken its toll on the dark woman. Xena released Gabrielle’s fingers from her mouth with a resounding popping noise, and was drawing the smaller woman into her arms, her mouth insistent in claiming Gabrielle’s once again.


Gabrielle released Xena’s fingers as well, and answered the kiss with an impassioned one of her own, grateful that she still had the memory of making love with Xena in so many ways under so many circumstances. Maybe she didn’t remember specifics, but she did know it was the one thing in life that brought her the most joy.


“Come here,” Xena whispered softly, when they parted to draw in ragged breaths, and she half-lifted Gabrielle so she was pulled to lie on top of her, the blonde’s shorter legs cradled between her own. The feeling of their wet mounds touching was heavenly, and both couldn’t stop themselves from wiggling against the other in order to intensify the sensations.


“I wish we had a phallus,” Gabrielle said softly. “I’d love to have you buried deep inside me while you held me like this.”


Xena nodded her agreement, and replied, “I would too, but I’m sure for now, we can make do without it.”


“I’m sure we can,” Gabrielle agreed, and then she was throwing her head back as the warmth of Xena’s mouth closed over her throat. Xena sucked at the sweet flesh, running her tongue repeatedly over it as she tightened her thighs’ hold on Gabrielle’s, rocking the slighter body gently back and forth.




There was the echoing sound of a familiar giggle, and then a thump beside Xena’s hip as something landed on the bed beside her. She reached down and picked up the strap-on phallus, and grinned as a lilting voice filtered through the room, “Just passing by…”


“We owe Aphrodite big time,” she told Gabrielle, as the smaller woman took the phallus and pulled her body away immediately, strapping the imitation male organ in place on Xena’s body.


“You aren’t kidding,” she whispered, as her fingers knowingly slid the narrower end of the phallus inside Xena’s vaginal opening. Xena vocalized her immediate pleasure. They were no stranger to this kind of phallus, and knew it would bring the wearer as much joy as the receiver.


Once the phallus was in place, Gabrielle kept her hand on the base as she stretched upward for another kiss. Her mouth probed Xena’s, rubbing against her tongue and gums, and it was a natural reaction for her hand to begin milking up and down the phallus.


Xena’s reaction was immediate and heartfelt. The sensation of the phallus plunging her depths and tugging at her labia was quickly taking her breath away, and before she lost all her sense of control, she placed a hand on each of Gabrielle’s shoulders, and rolled them both over.


Gabrielle didn’t seem surprised by this turn of events, and even though she had spoken of riding Xena, she knew that for now, Xena wanted to be in the rider’s seat. It didn’t matter to her, Xena would bring her the ultimate pleasure in whatever position they chose.


The smaller woman’s hand was still wrapped around the phallus, but Xena reached down and gently urged her fingers to release it. Then, just as firmly, she took hold of Gabrielle’s left leg, and lifted it until it was laying straight against her upper torso. Xena couldn’t resist running her fingers through the exposed pink flesh this action served to reveal.


“Please, Xena,” she heard a languid moan almost immediately.


Tearing her eyes away from the sight before her, Xena studied Gabrielle’s eyes. “Please what?” she asked, already sure of the answer.


“Please…make love to me…I need to feel you…”


Xena grinned as she heard she had guessed correctly. She leaned in her lower half closer, so she could rub the head of the phallus through the slick juices coating Gabrielle’s sex. Gabrielle shivered from the contact, knowing what was to come next.


Pulling her hips back just enough to slide the phallus lower, Xena was soon able to slide easily into Gabrielle’s depths, feeling as though she were being sucked in by the vortex between her lover’s legs. Immediately, her hips began a long slow stroke, as Xena placed one of her hands on Gabrielle’s breasts and the other began stroking against the leg that rested against her body.


With a shudder, Gabrielle tried to relax into the touch, but she was feeling her own urges to put her hands on certain parts of Xena. She pulled her leg closer to her body, feeling a slight stretch where the back of her thigh met her body, but trusting Xena not to overtax the muscles. Xena leaned in, and her breasts were suddenly within the reach of Gabrielle’s reaching fingers.


Xena’s thrusting movements allowed Gabrielle to extend her fingers and just brush the hardened peaks of Xena’s nipples at first, but it wasn’t long before Xena’s hips were picking up steam, and she was shortening her strokes, plunging in and out of Gabrielle’s vagina with quick intense motions. Gabrielle curled her fingers around Xena’s nipples, and held on, feeling the tightness in her clit increasing rapidly, as her excitement grew along with Xena’s.


Once again, their climb to orgasm was incredibly fast and synchronized with each other. Xena’s eyes fluttered shut, and her lower half moved in a blazing fast rhythm, the smaller end of the phallus creating a delicious friction inside her body. She tightened her internal muscles, on the downstroke, which pulled at her labia which in turn pulled at her turgid clitoris.


Gabrielle tilted her pelvis upward, and groaned when she felt Xena’s hands coming up under her backside to lift her slightly from the bed. This gave her a little freedom of movement, and she curled her ankle downward over Xena’s shoulder. Xena’s long fingers were parting the cleft of her buttocks, exposing even more of the tunnel the phallus was plundering, and pulling the hood tighter against her throbbing clitoris. Gabrielle was soon there again, hanging over the edge of the abyss of rapture.


“Yes…Xena…gonna…come…” Her panting voice penetrated Xena’s clouded brain, and Xena forced her eyes open just in time to see Gabrielle give herself over to the sensations. The blonde’s mouth gaped open as she panted for air, a long heartfelt groan escaping from her throat.


Simultaneously, Xena felt a hard tug at the phallus as she continued to thrust in and out of Gabrielle. Gabrielle’s vagina had tightened in reflex with the intensity of her climax, and that added resistance was more than Xena could hold out to. Her own center convulsed in an equally powerful orgasm. She gritted her teeth tightly, and it was the only thing that kept Xena from screaming out her supreme joy.


Gabrielle began to calm down first, and she slid her leg from its position against Xena’s body, and then leaned forward a bit, stroking her hands up and down Xena’s biceps. “Mmm, that was incredible,” she whispered.


“Sure was,” Xena agreed. She grinned her biggest smile. “Wanna do it again?”


Gabrielle wrinkled her nose at her, as she returned the expression. “Yeah…” she replied, “only this time…”


“Yes?” Xena asked, eying her curiously.


Gabrielle wasn’t strong enough to flip Xena, if Xena didn’t allow it, but the taller woman saw the gleam in Gabrielle’s eye, right before she grabbed Xena by the shoulders, and rolled them both over, the phallus still buried between her thighs.


Xena gave a little growl when Gabrielle slid her hands down her arms, and then took Xena’s wrists and pressed her hands into the pillow above her head. “I’m going to be in charge this time,” Gabrielle husked, before leaning in to give a wet, hungry kiss.


Xena responded eagerly to the lips pressed against hers, then settled herself a little deeper into the pillow. “Have at me, My Love,” she said with a winsome smile. “I hope Aphrodite realizes she’s not going to get her bedroom back for a while.”


Gabrielle lifted her hips off her lover, and then wiggled them enticingly as she thrust herself downward. “For a long while,” she whispered, her eyes sparkling into Xena’s warmly. “Welcome home, Xena.”



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