Taking Risks- Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“Good?” Xena asked, after Gabrielle had the chance to taste her.


“Mm hmmm…” Gabrielle’s eyes were now shut, and she felt her body quiver as she was overwhelmed with sensations. The taste of Xena’s arousal was uppermost on her mind, of course. Gabrielle found the flavor different than hers, a little tangier, maybe not quite as salty. She was close enough to Xena that she could smell the enticing scent of Xena’s excitement, which didn’t seem to be dissipating despite the dark woman’s recent climax. The scent was different from Gabrielle’s own too…a little muskier, and more…inspiring somehow.


Xena’s fingers were still buried between Gabrielle’s lips, and she found it oddly pleasurable to continue sucking, even though the flavor was long-gone. She began to swirl her tongue over the tips repeatedly, and watched Xena’s eyes grew heavy-lidded in response.


Gabrielle tugged harder at the fingers, and watched as Xena squirmed a little on her seat. Obviously, she liked the sensation of having her fingers orally massaged very much, and it seemed to be sending a message to other parts of her body.


“Gabrielle…” Gabrielle heard her name whispered in a wondrous tone and Xena was reaching up to touch her face.


Gabrielle was caught up in the look on Xena’s face. It was warm and open, and if Gabrielle didn’t know better…




Slowly, bit by bit, Xena’s head was moving closer. She gently pulled her fingers free from Gabrielle’s mouth and with her own lips slightly parted, Gabrielle just knew she was going to be kissed.




Gabrielle was thrown a slight curve, however, when Xena didn’t move in to kiss her, but rather bent slightly, and took her hand. Gabrielle watched bemused as Xena lifted the hand, and sucked in Gabrielle’s three biggest fingers, just as the blonde had done with her own.


Xena suckled the digits gently, her eyes narrowing as she carefully studied Gabrielle’s reaction.


Gabrielle had to hiss in a deep breath, the eroticism of Xena’s mouth making her stomach dance. Xena sucked harder, and Gabrielle smiled.




Something in Xena’s wanting to return the sensations really touched Gabrielle. Somehow, she sensed that Xena was returning the favor Gabrielle had bestowed on her, in an effort to return the pleasure.




The realization of that though warmed Gabrielle from the inside out. Although she had no way of showing it, Gabrielle was suddenly under the impression that Xena cared for her. Not just a sexual response…there was some sort of emotional feeling as well.


It was a good thing too. Because Gabrielle was coming to the realization that she cared for Xena too, in much more than just the obvious physical way.




Xena still had Gabrielle’s fingers firmly in her mouth, her whole body motionless as she stared at Gabrielle. She could feel a sudden change in the atmosphere in the cave…and a change in Gabrielle. She had been enjoying the taste and feel of the blonde’s fingers in her mouth, but now she slowly pulled them out, caught up in Gabrielle’s sparkling green eyes.


Gabrielle swallowed hard, her eyes focused on Xena’s full lips. They had felt silky soft against her fingers, and suddenly, Gabrielle wanted to feel them against her own lips more than anything.


Xena watched as Gabrielle slowly closed the distance between them, and her then her lips were brushing lightly against Xena’s. Xena’s lips were still slightly parted, and as Gabrielle drew her head back, she saw Xena’s eyes were wide open, and had lightened in color to silver.


Gabrielle smiled nervously, wondering what was going through Xena’s mind. She was shocked at her own actions, but couldn’t resist.


Xena was staring at her friend’s mouth. Her fingers lightly came up to touch her lips, then Gabrielle’s. Gabrielle watched as Xena’s mouth moved as though trying to form some word, that it was eluding her. Apparently, Xena gave up on trying to come up with it. On impulse, she leaned in and kissed Gabrielle as softly as her little friend had kissed her.


“Mmm…” Gabrielle’s eyes automatically closed when Xena kissed her, and she moaned a little at the sensation.


Once again, Xena’s brow furrowed. “Ki…”


“Kiss!” Gabrielle exclaimed, suddenly realizing what Xena was after.


“Kiss.” Xena nodded, indicating that was the missing word. “Yes…kiss.”


“You remember that word, Xena?” Gabrielle asked. It was a dumb question, but she waited until the dark head nodded.


“From when you were a child?” She held up her hand to indicate a short person.


Xena nodded again vaguely, not looking terribly sure of herself. “Kiss…” she whispered again. She could barely remember this touching of the mouths from before she came to live in the forest. She could remember kissing the other person…the one she couldn’t picture…at night perhaps…but she didn’t remember it ever feeling this soft…this…stirring.




“Who do you remember kissing, Xena?” Gabrielle was asking.


Xena looked at her lost, shaking her head.


“You remember kissing someone else?”


Frowning, Xena struggled to put her thoughts together. She remembered the kissing…and something else.


She wrapped her arms around herself and swiveled back and forth a couple of times, simulating an embrace.


Gabrielle watched and thought. “Your mother?” she said, guessing. “You remember kissing your mother?”


“Mama!” The clarity with which Xena exclaimed it told Gabrielle she was right on the money. Xena’s face brightened in a half-smile as she nodded at Gabrielle. “Mama,” she repeated.




A gamut of emotions tore through Gabrielle. On one hand, she very much wanted to continue exploring kissing with Xena. The two kisses had been brief, but exquisite and incredible and Gabrielle was eager to do more.


But on the other hand, seeing the spark in Xena’s eyes, and hearing her call out “Mama” so sweetly, she realized she probably needed to give Xena time to remember her past. Perhaps she would be able to tell Gabrielle how it was she came to live here in the forest..




Xena made the decision for her. She shook herself out of her musing, and looked at Gabrielle. “Mama…go…” she said in a low voice.


“Where, Xena?” Gabrielle asked. “Where did she go?”


Xena was shaking her head before Gabrielle even finished the question. “Mama go…” she said shrugging her shoulders. “Mama…go…Xena…little?” She held up her hands for a small gesture and Gabrielle indicated she understood.


“I see…you haven’t seen your Mama since you were a little girl.”


Xena nodded then touched Gabrielle’s lips again. “Gabrielle kiss Xena…” she whispered, her mind obviously in a whirlwind of thoughts.


“Yeah…” Gabrielle held her breath. She wasn’t sure if Xena was making a statement, asking a question, or making a request and decided her one word response should cover all the bases.


“Xena kiss Gabrielle.”


“Yes…” She was hoping these mono-syllabic responses would indicate Gabrielle was very much into further expereiences.


Xena beamed then. “Kiss good.”


Relieved, Gabrielle broke out into a giggle, and said, “Yes, Xena the kisses were very, very good.”


Xena nodded and continue to grin. Gabrielle couldn’t resist leaning forward, and their lips met again.




This kiss was longer, and Xena seemed to sense exactly what to do, her mouth pressing back at Gabrielle’s, opening enough to gently suck at Gabrielle’s lips. Her actions felt so good that the journalist groaned, and her hands came up to reach around Xena’s shoulders. She held on, as she continued to kiss Xena, opening her own mouth a bit more.




Xena was still trying to figure everything out, but after a few seconds of seeing Gabrielle’s face all relaxed with the kiss, she relaxed too, and gradually, her eyes made their way shut. She reached up, and grasped Gabrielle’s shoulders in a like manner, then reached higher, and instinctively caught her hands in the fine hairs at the nape of Gabrielle’s neck.



Xena was enjoying the subtle pressure against her mouth, still not quite sure what was going on. The kiss was bringing out all sorts of odd sensations in the lower half of her body. She wiggled a little to try to alleviate the pressure.



Gabrielle was concentrating on Xena’s lips, but at the same time, when she felt Xena’s lower half writhing against her, the fire that had been burning inside her began to blaze brightly.


Xena’s fingers were lightly caressing the back of the blonde’s neck, creating streaks of pleasure that shot down Gabrielle’s body. Gabrielle was suddenly trembling with desire, but she was determined to go slow with this.




Finally, Gabrielle pulled her head back, taking in a great draught of air. Xena did the same, her eyes shining brightly. After a couple of seconds, she was drawing Gabrielle’s head back to hers.


Gabrielle didn’t resist, and let Xena pull her into the kiss. She purposely tried not to move her mouth, to see what Xena would do.


Xena wasted no time in pulling Gabrielle to her, and then wrapping her arms all the way around Gabrielle and drawing her tighter against her tingling body. Her mind was on overload from all they had done that morning, but somehow, she still felt it wasn’t all… Or nearly enough..




Gabrielle’s stomach chose that moment to growl then, and they broke off the kiss, both of them smiling.


“Gabrielle hungry,” Xena said, rubbing her companion’s stomach gently.


Gabrielle couldn’t help pushing the boundaries a little further. “I’m hungry for many things, not just food.”


Xena was lightly tracing over her friend’s lips again as she spoke. She looked into Gabrielle’s eyes. “Gabrielle teach Xena?” she said softly.


“Yes, I love teaching you Xena,” she replied, wondering exactly what Xena meant, but figuring that was a safe answer.


Xena was shaking her head. “No…Gabrielle teach Xena,” she repeated, and when she saw the confusion in her friend’s eyes, she took her hand. She moved Gabrielle’s fingers to her lips, then gently led the hand to the area between her legs, that was pounding with renewed vigor.


Gabrielle wondered if Xena’s heartbeat picked up as much as hers immediately did. “Yes, Xena, I’ll teach you what I know.”


Xena nodded shakily, then pulled her hand away. “Gabrielle and Xena hungry. Food. Go.”


She stood, and picking the stick up with one hand, held her hand out for Gabrielle with the other. The blonde took it and smiled. “Do you know of another peach tree?” she asked, half to herself as they exited the cave.




Apparently Xena didn’t, but she took Gabrielle on another tour of the forest. Gabrielle still got lost within minutes, but she did realize that they were headed up river, away from the men’s camp. For that, she was very grateful. She desperately wanted to figure out a way to explain to Xena that she had no idea the dark haired woman would be captured and abused at the hands of the men. And that she would have done everything in her power to stop them if she had suspected.


That led to other thoughts. The dangerous situation they had been thrown in was horrible, but would she had ended up where she was, staying with Xena in a cave and sharing what she was feeling with the woman? She doubted it. No good could come from Xena’s capture, but at the same time, it had been leading to a wonderful experience for the both of them.



Xena smiled to herself, watching Gabrielle hurrying to keep up. Her leg was feeling so much better…she wished she could take off running, but she knew better, it wasn’t that strong yet.


The blonde seemed lost in her own world, looking around her, but her eyes obviously not really seeing anything. Her lips would move occasionally, as though she were talking, and Xena knew she was talking to herself again. She did that a lot, and Xena was used to it by now.




Those lips…Xena found herself focusing on the soft pink lips of her companion. She remembered very little from kissing her Mama, only that it was something she had done when she was a child and it was a comfort to her. But kissing Gabrielle was a whole different thing.


She could understand why kissing Gabrielle made her own lips tingle, and made her feel like she wanted to do that more and more. It was like that every time she touched Gabrielle, no matter where. It was as if Gabrielle’s beauty rubbed off through her fingertips and she loved the warmth that touching the beautiful girl gave her.


But she couldn’t figure out how kissing Gabrielle could awaken such powerful and pleasant sensations in the lower half of her body. How could it feel like she was so close to coming when she wasn’t even being touched there? Even now, there were still small tremors running through that area of her body, as a result of not taking care of the urge she had gotten while kissing Gabrielle. She had considered it, but thought it would be better to let Gabrielle eat before they continued with their lesson.




“Where are we going, Xena?” Gabrielle asked, hopping over a log Xena hadn’t even adjusted her stride for so she was walking beside the dark woman.


Xena processed that question, and was pleased she could understand what was being asked of her.


“Food…” was all she said, and with a smile, urged Gabrielle to take a left hand turn off the path.




The were close to the river again, and then Xena was sitting on a log, removing the fur shoes she wore. Despite the fact the day was warming up, it was still chilly out, and Gabrielle gasped when Xena stepped into this shallow part of the river, not reacting in the least to the cold.


Xena turned, and with a stern look, held her fingers to her lips, giving Gabrielle the universal sign to be quiet.


Gabrielle nodded her understanding, and sat on the same log Xena had used, watching what Xena did. The taller woman was now standing in the mid stream, her head cocked to the side, bent toward the water.


“What the-“ Gabrielle was amazed when Xena’s hands suddenly flew into the water, and with a triumphant grin, she stood again, holding a fat flopping fish in her hands.


“That was just incredible!” Gabrielle exclaimed, clapping her hands together and standing up again. She would have never thought it possible if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes.


Xena was grinning at her, and made movements telling Gabrielle what she wanted. A second later, Gabrielle found herself catching a very disgusting-feeling fish. She squealed, half dropping the fish, but somehow, summoned up the courage to not let the fish flounder its way back to the water.


Xena nodded her approval, then held a finger to her lips again. Gabrielle watched and wasn’t surprised this time when Xena straightened with another fish.




Instead of throwing this one, Xena started back toward Gabrielle with it. She laid the second fish by the other one long enough to slip back into her shoes, and then bent and picked up the first fish, and with a finger jabbed into the mouth of each ones, picked up her walking stick.


“Name?” she asked, holding up her morning’s catch.


“Fish,” Gabrielle replied. “I don’t know what kind.”


“Fish…” Xena nodded, as if that name was very familiar to her. “Cook fish?” she asked then.


“Yes, I definitely want my fish cooked,” Gabrielle answered.


Xena nodded, and started back from the way they had come.





Once they were back at the cave, Xena sat outside and began to clean the fish while Gabrielle stoked the fire and prepared to cook it. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was questioning fish for breakfast, but nothing else had been normal since she’d arrived here, so why not?


The fresh fish was delicious, and the two women made quick work of them. Xena took the remains outside to dispose of them, once again impressing Gabrielle with her intelligence. She couldn’t help but wonder how Xena was able to learn to take care of herself so well.




“Xena!” she exclaimed, when the woman returned to the cave.


Xena’s head snapped up to look at her, alarmed.


“Sorry,” Gabrielle laughed, standing. “I didn’t mean to startle you, but you aren’t didn’t use your walking stick.”


Xena looked toward the stick leaning against the cave wall, and shrugged.


“Your leg must be feeling much better,” Gabrielle continued, now standing beside her tall companion. She was looking down, trying to note if Xena was even favoring the injured leg.


Xena bent her head while Gabrielle was looking down at her body, and her head automatically came down to inhale the scent of the golden hair beneath her. The clean fragrance of it once again tickled her nose, and then the pressure between her thighs began to grow again. Xena took a puzzled step back, more confused than ever. She was feeling a response, and this time, hadn’t even touched Gabrielle.


“What’s wrong?” Gabrielle asked, straightening up and catching the wary look in Xena’s eye. When Xena didn’t respond, she added, “Xena? What’s the matter?”


Taking a deep breath, Xena broke her stare. “Xena…need…”


“Yes?” Gabrielle asked, pleased to see the use of the new word.


“Xena need…”


“What do you need, Xena?” Gabrielle closed the space between them, scared now by the strange look on Xena’s face.


If Gabrielle didn’t know better, she would have sworn it was a blush that was forming on Xena’s face. The dark woman’s head was lowered a bit, and Gabrielle watched her long fingers creep down over her stomach, and then dip beneath the waist of the loincloth. All it once, Gabtfielle was very aware of what Xena needed.


“Xena need come…” she words were finally whispered.




Gabrielle was captured by the sight of Xena’s hand disappearing beneath the fur, knowing exactly where it was headed. She took a deep breath of her own, then reached a hand out and gently touched Xena’s wrist, near the spot it disappeared from her eager eyes.


Gabrielle saw the need that had apparently swelled up in Xena quickly. She could see the points of the woman’s nipples pressing through the top of her outfit, and now that she was close, she could smell the proof of Xena’s desire. Knowing if she didn’t do something quickly, she would be treated to another show of just how Xena took care of herself, she reached up and cupped Xena’s face with her other hand.


“I want to make love to you, Xena…” She saw Xena struggling with those words, so she tried to use terms more familiar to her companion. “I want to make you come.”


Xena looked startled at that, but her hand slid from her own center. The pounding between her legs was going to make standing an impossibility very soon, but Gabrielle was leading her to the sleeping fur. Gabrielle sat, and tugged on Xena’s hand, urging her to sit beside her.


Tossing any embarrassment or fear aside, Gabrielle pushed Xena to her back. “I love you, Xena,” she whispered. “And now I want to show you just how much.”


Darkening blue eyes were boring into her face. “L…love…” The word, like so many others, was sparking something deep within Xena’s brain. She relaxed then, visibly, as Gabrielle leaned over her to press her lips to hers once again..

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