Taking Risks- Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Gabrielle swallowed hard. She was going to get her wish. Xena now seemed eager to touch her, just as she had been so eager to touch the dark woman earlier. Xena’s fingers were roughly pawing at the buttons on Gabrielle’s shirt. It was obvious she knew how the buttons worked, but her fingers were shaking too hard to cooperate in unfastening them.


“I’ll do it,” Gabrielle said softly, and she pulled back far enough that she could move unfettered. Xena watched Gabrielle take over, her own hands clenched into fists on her thighs, her eyes glittering.


Gabrielle finally had the last button unfastened, and she shrugged her way out of the shirt. Underneath, she wore a cream colored bra, and she glanced up at Xena, to see her reaction.




Xena was staring at the garment, and it was obvious to Gabrielle she was remembering her past again. “Did your mother wear one of these?” she asked Xena, slipping a finger under one of the straps.


Xena nodded. “Name…Gabrielle?” she said.


“It’s a bra,” Gabrielle replied.


“Bra…” Xena shook her head again as the word reentered her vocabulary. She leaned forward then, her eyes taking on a whole new agenda.


Slowly, Xena’s hands reached out, and slipped under either side of Gabrielle’s bra straps. She leaned forward and gave Gabrielle an unbelievably tender kiss. Then slowly, she began to lower the straps on either shoulder.




Both women held their breath as the straps slipped toward Gabrielle’s elbows and the bra cups loosened around Gabrielle’s chest. “Breasts…” Xena said softly…reverently, and then she was pulling at the top of the silk material.


Gabrielle reached around her back and unfastened the hooks, and the under clothing came free in Xena’s hand. Xena looked at the item lightly running her fingertips over it for a moment, then set it aside. Gabrielle could see Xena taking a deep breath, just as she had done before she viewed Xena’s bared breasts for the first time.


“Oh, Gabrielle…”


Xena was staring, her eyes huge and bright. She had a hand reaching out towards Gabrielle, but now she looked a little more hesitant. She glanced up into Gabrielle’s eyes, searching for something.


Gabrielle recognized it. “Please, Xena,” she whispered, giving her permission. “Please, touch me like I touched you.”


Xena nodded with an understanding smile. She gently pushed Gabrielle to her back as the blonde had done to her. The moment Gabrielle was laying back, Xena was making herself comfortable by her side.




Xena bent and gave Gabrielle a kiss, and this time, it was more lingering. Gabrielle eagerly opened her moth and accepted Xena’s tongue, which danced in and out. The dark woman nibbled at Gabrielle’s lips and then her mouth was pulling free and she began to lick over Gabrielle’s chin, and then her neck.


Gabrielle brook out in goosebumps and Xena licked and sucked at the flesh offered to her. “Mmm…” she moaned her pleasure of tasting the little blonde at the same time Gabrielle was expressing her pleasure at being tasted.


Xena’s hands came out to firmly grip Gabrielle’s shoulders, and she kissed even lower, her tongue stroking repeatedly at Gabrielle’s flesh. The more she licked, the more Gabrielle responded, and the stronger the taste, sounds, and fragrances that filled her senses.



Xena’s fingers brushed the tip of Gabrielle’s left breast, and she drew back her hand, a little startled, as Gabrielle jumped at the contact.




“Yesss…” a few seconds later, Gabrielle was in bliss as Xena’s fingers found both nipples.


Xena’s face was displaying an ever-changing myriad of emotions, the most obvious a fascination with the way Gabrielle’s breasts were so similar to hers, yet so different at the same time.


“Good, Gabrielle?” she asked, her fingers extremely gentle on Gabrielle’s aureoles.


“Oh yes, Xena…very good…” Gabrielle groaned, her body arching up involuntarily at the pleasure.


“Mmm…Gabrielle smell…good….” Xena said. Her eyes were closed, and she took a deep breath. “Gabrielle…clit…smell good…”


“God, Xena…”


Something about that statement drove Gabrielle crazy, and she was pulling on Xena’s hands, urging her to use a harder touch on her.


Xena took the cue, and tightened her fingers around the nipples, pinching and rolling them between her fingers. Gabrielle’s eyes rolled shut, and she didn’t see Xena’s eyelids lower as a thought occurred to her.




“Oh my God…Xena!”


Gabrielle had to cry out when she suddenly felt the heat of Xena’s mouth first breathing on, then closing around a nipple. The journalist’s hands flew up to wind in the hair at the nape of Xena’ neck. She dug her fingers in the flesh there, while pressing her breast upward toward Xena’s mouth.


“God, how did you know?” she half-whimpered, wondering how Xena was aware to use her mouth in that way. “That is so good, Xena.”




Xena’s mouth tightened in a grin around the nipple she was sucking. She had long ago figured out that breasts were for feeding young…she had witnessed enough of that in the various animals nursing in the forest to know that. But somewhere along the line, she had learned that breasts had even more purpose than that.




She wasn’t surprised when she didn’t taste any milk, but she was surprised how wonderful it felt to nuzzle into Gabrielle’s breasts. She often felt curious stirrings in her own nipples, and it was common for her to touch them in rhythm with the touching of her clit.


She was dexterous enough to lick her own nipples, and knew that her own mouth felt glorious against her own hardened nipples, which caused sparks of sensation to rocket through her body to down between her legs.


She hadn’t noticed it feeling good to actually be sucking on her flesh, but nursing at Gabrielle was a totally different experience. Her mouth was hungry to continue, her ears and eyes filled with the sights and sounds of Gabrielle’s extreme pleasure, and at the same time, the whole action of sucking Gabrielle was wreaking havoc on her body. In one instance, it had a calming effect, yet at the same time, it was increasingly exciting her..




She switched breasts and heard renewed gasps from Gabrielle. At the same time, Xena could sense the smell of Gabrielle’s arousal growing even more pronounced. As much as she was enjoying what she was doing, the dark haired woman suddenly had more important tasks at hand.




Reluctantly, she released Gabrielle’s nipples from both her fingers and mouth, and pulled her head back a little. Gabrielle’s eyes came open immediately, missing the exquisite sensations.


When she was the look of pure hunger in Xena’s eyes, she knew what was going on, and she curtailed any complaints she might have had.




Xena’s eyes caught Gabrielle’s then, and they were full of such eagerness and confidence, that Gabrielle didn’t resist when Xena pressed her arms above her head, just as Gabrielle had done with her.




Keeping her injured leg straight, Xena straddled Gabrielle’s lower legs with her own. She reached up and laid light fingertips on Gabrielle’s breasts, the let them trail downward, over the abdominals, and then to the waistband of Gabrielle’s jeans.




Xena slid a finger down the front of Gabrielle’s jeans, and traced along the amount of it she could reach. Her fingers made their way back to the front, and Xena unsnapped the jeans. A few seconds later, she was sliding down the zipper.




Gabrielle sucked in her breath, not believing she was in this situation. Xena was on the gateway of lowering her pants, and exposing the lower half of her body to God and everyone. But God help her, she wanted it…more than anything else she had ever wanted.




Xena’s hands pulled her jeans open a little further. She could see Gabrielle wore another undergarment, a pair of silk pink panties. She stroked over the part she could see, and then her curious fingers were delving lower, until she was pressed into the hottest, wettest part of Gabrielle’s underwear.


“Oh…” Gabrielle could only groan, as she felt the slight pressure of Xena’s fingers on the pulsating area between her thighs.


She was gearing up to beg Xena to do more, but the dark woman seemed just as eager. She pulled her hand free, and was reaching for the waistband of Gabrielle’s jeans again. This time she grasped them firmly, and began to tug them down over Gabrielle’s hips, her motives quite obvious.


Gabrielle started to lift her hands. “Need to get my boots off…”


“No.” Xena gently pushed her hands down again and reached for the offending footwear. She made quick work of it, and Gabrielle’s socks, then was pulling the pants the rest of the way off.


Xena tossed the jeans aside, and looked at what was left before her. Not having the words to express it, she just gave Gabrielle one of her warmest smiles. “Gabrielle good,” she said, indicating Gabrielle’s nearly naked body.




Gabrielle felt a shiver go through her body at the look Xena was giving her. Her underwear was sodden against her, but she had been like that for so long now, she almost felt used to it.


Xena had skootched back a little and was rubbing her hands up and down Gabrielle’s thighs. Gabrielle’s legs weren’t nearly as long as her own, but her thighs were curvy and firm to Xena’s touch.




Gabrielle realized Xena was exploring and had never had the chance to touch another person’s body like this before. Never mind the fact that she hadn’t either…Xena had probably never been this close to another naked person, period. Even though she might not want to admit it, Gabrielle knew that if she had really wanted to, she could have been with other people in this state of undress in her life..




Xena’s fingers brushed a little higher, against the crotch of Gabrielle’s panties, and Gabrielle’s hips shot up immediately in response. Recognizing the arching motion, Xena stopped her examination of Gabrielle’s muscular structure, for the time being. She grasped the smaller woman’s’ underwear, and Gabrielle lifted her hips so Xena could pull the final garment off of her.




The moment the panties were totally off her body, Xena tossed them aside, near Gabrielle’s jeans, and laid her palms on top of Gabrielle’s thighs again. She pressed gently, and Gabrielle didn’t hesitate to let her thighs part.


“Mmmm…” Xena leaned in and inhaled deeply. Her eyes were riveted to Gabrielle’s center, but she seemed to be in control of herself. Her fingers were stroking softly over Gabrielle’s inner thighs, as she continued to stare.


“Xena…” Gabrielle was doing her best to hold still, but enough was enough. “Xena…please…touch me…”


Xena blinked as though she was being awakened from a deep sleep, then she gave a nod. Her fingers barely skimmed over Gabrielle’s plump outer labia, testing Gabrielle’s reaction again.


Liking it, she slid two of her fingers into the valley of Gabrielle’s sex, her fingers searching out Gabrielle’s clit.


“Yes…” she hissed happily when her fingers finally made contact with the hardened bud of Gabrielle’s arousal.


“That’s perfect,” Gabrielle moaned, her eyes closing as the warmth of Xena’s touch flooded over her. She was so turned on, it was only going to take a few more strokes like this, and Gabrielle knew she would be orgasming.


Xena was peering closely at the part of the body her fingers were making contact with, extremely curious. She was rubbing her fingers over Gabrielle’s clitoris, loving the sensation, but found Gabrielle’s outer lips were way too swollen to get a good look at Gabrielle’s center.




Xena didn’t really have an extraordinarily clear idea of what her own sex looked like. She had seen wavering reflections of it in the river, plus, she had felt the shape of her own body with her fingertips, and had a vague idea of what she looked like, but now she had a chance to observe Gabrielle’s center firsthand. She wanted to see if she had been close in her musings. She wanted to take in the color of the aroused flesh, and experience the smell close up…everything.




Gabrielle’s breath caught in her throat when she realized Xena’s other hand had stopped caressing her stomach, and was now between her thighs as well. Gabrielle felt the cooler cave air kissing the sensitive flesh, and realized Xena was holding her vulva opened with one hand, while continuing to stroke her with the other.


“Pretty…” Xena remembered the word, and Gabrielle’s eyes flew open when she heard it. Xena’s face was just a few inches form Gabrielle’s crotch, taking it all in, a look of wonderment on her beautiful face.




“Please…a little harder, Xena,” Gabrielle managed to say, her voice husky with need. “Just touch me a little harder, so I can come. I need to come…”


“Need…come…” Xena repeated, but she didn’t change the pressure of her movements. “Gabrielle?”


It took Gabrielle a few seconds to realize how close Xena’s face was as she continued to touch her. Her face was very near Gabrielle’s crotch, but she was looking up expectantly at Gabrielle now.


“Huh?” Speaking required more concentration than Gabrielle could muster right then, so she managed to bark a short response.


She groaned when Xena lifted the hand that had been holding her outer lips open, and slid the long fingers in her mouth, her cheeks hollowing slightly from sucking on the digits.


Xena’s cheeks were flushed pink with pleasure. Gabrielle’s excitement was absolutely filling her senses.


“Mmm…good…” she whispered, licking her tongue over her lips. She inhaled deeply, and her throat worked again, as she swallowed down the last bit of flavor.




“Please, Xena,” Gabrielle pleaded, her voice growing in desperation. “You’re killing me here.” After Xena had released her with her left hand, her right hand wasn’t pressing as hard into the blonde’s clit, and Gabrielle’s need hadn’t abated, but rather had heightened.


Xena nodded, and her left hand came to spread Gabrielle’s lips apart once again. Gabrielle closed her eyes, and relaxed back on the bed, confident she was going to get what she wanted.




Almost instantly, her eyes were flying open again, as she was suddenly getting more touch than she had bargained for. The touch on her clit was much softer and wetter than a fingertip, and the second Gabrielle saw Xena’s face between her legs, her tongue licking up the length of Gabrielle’s clit, Gabrielle’s body was instantaneously rocking in a huge orgasm.


Xena rode out her movements, her mouth closing around the shaft of Gabrielle’s clit, hanging on tight…as Gabrielle humped against her face.




The strangled tone and volume of Gabrielle’s voice caught Xena off guard, and she jerked back her head, releasing Gabrielle’s clit abruptly.


“Oh God!”


Like a lead weight, Gabrielle’s ass dropped back to the bedroll, and she pulled her legs together, squeezing her thighs as tightly as she could to contain the incredible aftershocks. She was quite taken aback by how easily Xena was able to take control of her every movement, and how just the flick of Xena’s tongue had brought her tumbling over the edge of her climax.




Xena was bending over her now, looking closely at Gabrielle’s face, her eyes full of concern. “Gabrielle?” she asked, tentatively.


Taking a deep breath, Gabrielle smiled back up at the dark haired temptress. “Yes, Xena?”


Xena looked nearer to fearful than Gabrielle could ever remember seeing her. She reached a hand down and gently stroked Gabrielle’s mound, then asked, “Gabrielle, hurt?”


“Hurt?” Gabrielle repeated, confused. “No…not at all…”


Xena’s face was a mask of intent seriousness as she studied Gabrielle’s face. Gabrielle could still read the confusion in her blue eyes, and tried to figure out what had brought it on.


“Xena kiss Gabrielle clit…” Xena finally managed to say. “Hurt Gabrielle?”


In an instant, it all became clear to Gabrielle. “Oh God, no, Xena, it didn’t hurt…it felt…wonderful!” She smiled brightly not wanting to leave any doubt as to the meaning of her words. “It was just so…perfect…sooo good…I was caught by surprise.”


The stern look had abated somewhat, and now Gabrielle was reaching up to stroke over Xena’s parted lips. “You make me feel so good, Xena…” she repeated. “I just wasn’t ready for it.”


It took a minute, and then Xena nodded, thinking she had it figured out. She touched one of her own fingers to her lips, and then moved it to Gabrielle’s mound again. Immediately, Gabrielle squirmed a little bit, amazingly turned on by Xena’s interest in her. She let out a moan simultaneously, to let Xena know she approved.


Xena’s finger easily slid into Gabrielle’s cleft, and she grinned down at the blonde. “Gabrielle make Xena feel good too,” she said, before taking a still erect nipple in her mouth.

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