An Even Better Night--Gabrielle's Scroll

Scroll 63

“Gabrielle?” At first, I thought she was getting on to me for something, but I felt her hand give my shoulder a slight squeeze. I knew she was just maintaining her role as the decision maker for these people. “Come with me,” she said gently.


I would have followed her anywhere, and this time, anywhere ended up not far from the village on a tall cliff top, where we could look down on the enemy settling in for the night below us.


“Look at that,” I couldn’t help but marvel. I had no idea we were up against so many soldiers, and I knew immediately, Xena was helping me be aware of how dangerous this particular mission was going to be.


“I won’t be here when everything breaks loose…” she was saying. Whatever Casesar appears to do, it’s always part of a design. I’m afraid Phlanagus won’t see it.”


Suddenly, I knew where she was going with this, and a beat later, she confirmed it, “But you know Caesar and you know how I think.”


She was asking me to take command of the army while she was off taking care of Caesar and Pompey themselves.


At first, I was thrilled that she trusted me to take such an important role. I had come so far from being that innocent little girl from Potodeia, and it was wonderful that she recognized that, feeling I was capable of leading a sizeable group of men in what could be a fierce battle.


But then I thought of what she was really asking me, and I could see there was regret and pain in her eyes. She had faith in me, but at the same time, she was asking me to do something that she knew I didn’t really want to do, something that would more than likely result in great horror for me. She was asking me to be responsible for the death of innocent men.


The fear ran white hot through me, and I spoke before I could stop myself. “I can’t just give the command.” I shook my head. “I cannot lead those men to their deaths.”


I saw a faint glimmer in her eye die out, and knew I was the cause. “I’ll tell Phlanagus,” she said, and she was walking away from me.


Oh gods, I wish I had kept my mouth shut! I couldn’t believe how quickly she had turned her back on me, and not even tried to change my mind, and I realized immediately why it was that way. She hadn’t expected me to agree, and was only giving me one token chance to agree to her plan.


She was getting away, and I called her name, my emotions suddenly at war with me. I could feel the onset of tears.


There was genuine concern in her eyes when she turned back to me and asked me what was wrong, and I suddenly had to have her arms around me. I began apologizing as I fell into her embrace, the tears running unchecked.


I could feel her arms stroking my shoulders, and her soft voice crooning in my ears, and I could also tell by the uncertainty in her actions and voice that she didn’t know exactly why I was so upset. She just wanted to comfort me.


The thought of that helped my tears dry. I realized then that I had misread her going to tell Phlanagus he would be leading the men. It wasn’t because she had been angry with me.


I was done crying now, and just remained standing there, enveloped in the strong arms of my lover.


“What brought all that on?” she asked me, and I almost smiled at how wonderful she had been, even though she didn’t know what had caused my emotional outburst.


I had to look her in the eye, knowing the depth of caring I would see there would allow me to be totally honest with her.


“I just want you to know…I really think the hardest thing in my life is knowing that I’ve disappointed you.”


I had caught her off guard, and it took several seconds for her to respond. “Oh, Gabrielle…You’re worried about something that’s simply not true.” I welcomed her lips for a brief time, and then she continued speaking, “I would like for you to take command because you are the best equipped to handle it. However, I don’t expect you to take it just to please me. I respect you for the fact that you don’t want it. You recognize what it entails, and what the results could be. You haven’t disappointed me at all. You’ve made me love you that much more.”


Her words made my heart soar. Everything she said made me realize I wasn’t the only one who had changed, and that she was now trying her best to not force me into a situation I really didn’t think I could handle. “Thank you” was all I mustered, but I wanted to say so much more.


She was almost casual in her reply. “No need to thank me; I should be thanking you.”


Did I hear her correctly? “Thanking me? Why?”


The smile she gave me just reaffirmed it all. “For giving me another glimpse into your peaceful nature.”


Once again, the response came without thought. “My pleasure,” I whispered, captured by her silvery gaze. There was no mistaking the desire there, and my own passion was answering hers. It had been days since we had allowed ourselves the time to feel like this, and I had missed it so.


Perhaps she misread my own desire or maybe she simply didn’t think there was time, but she took my hand, saying we should go find Phlanagus.


“Just a minute.” I wasn’t about to let the moment pass without at least giving us the chance to act on it.


She turned yet again, and I saw her eyes flare, as she definitely recognized the signal I was sending. I wanted her and I wanted her now.


Taking her hand, I pulled it to my back, and pressed my crotch to her thigh, letting her feel how wet I was already. “It’s going to be a couple of hours before you meet with Caesar, isn’t it?” I asked, my voice far deeper than usual.


She told me that was true.


I had to smile as I could now detect the delicious scent of her arousal. Oh yeah.


“Let’s not get in a hurry to get back to Phlanagus,” I told her.


There was no doubt in her now as to my intentions, but she wanted me to spell it out for her. “What do you have in mind?”


I was ready to be naked with her now. I lowered her hand so it rested on the material of my skirt. “You’ll think of something,” I said, pressing against her even tighter.


Oh gods, somehow I was harkened back to the first time Xena and I had made love, way back to that inn in Pergos, when we were both trembling with need, and Xena was intent on making me feel the pleasure first. I had been so frustrated that she wouldn’t undress for me, but she had her reasons.


She was making her intentions known now as well, her mouth working its magic on my own before moving to touch my neck, pleasuring on all the spots she knew would bring about my goosebumps. I could see her own desire, but for some reason, she was holding back, not allowing me to undress her.



I didn’t realize what she was doing at first. She did remove her breastplate and armbands, and I thought she was going to strip for me, but her attention was suddenly on my own clothes, and she focused on removing my shirt.


She was throwing constant curves at me, for after she removed my shirt, she laid it on a low flat rock and lifted me so I was able to lay back on it. I liked the angle of this position, and lifted my hips when she was reaching for my skirt, but it was only to push it up, not remove it completely.


“You look so hot like that,” I heard her say, and the glow in her eyes warmed me, letting me know she was speaking what she felt. Her hand was running over my center, and despite the covering of my panties, my clit throbbed in response.


“Gods, Xena…please don’t tease me…I need you.” It was more of a moan, than a statement, and her answer took my breath.


“I can tell.” Gods, she played me like a lyre and I loved every minute of it. I tried to resolve myself to an extended teasing, but wasn’t sure if I was up to it right now.


Luckily, I didn’t have to be. Xena was touching me again with one hand, but I was thrilled to see she was using her other to slip out of her breeches, letting them fall out of sight, letting me know her bottom half was naked. Gods, it was right there!


“Nope…no touching,” her voice was light and teasing, but I knew she meant what she said. She obviously had a plan in mind, and who was I to upset it?


I rushed to do her bidding when she commanded me to remove my own underwear, and her eyes lit up when they focused on my need for her. Her fingers burned hotly into me when she was touching me to pull my leg around her body, but it was the kind of heat I craved. And then she was inside me. I couldn’t help but cry out when I felt two of her fingers slide home.


“Oh gods, that feels wonderful, Xena!”


I heard her respond with “Sure does,” but didn’t really have time to reflect on that. She was finally inside me, and my body responded in the most welcoming way it could, by lubricating the way to make her fingers slide in and out easily.


I shut my eyes and enjoyed what she was doing to me, her fingers using a rhythm guaranteed to bring me over in time. It was so easy to forget what our situation was, what was coming up and what might be the result of it. All I could concentrate on was my love for her, and how wonderful she was able to make me feel.


I know I was voicing my pleasure in the back of my throat, and I could hear her breathing coming in pants as she fucked me harder, but I was becoming aware of something else. It was the little groans that punctuated her breaths, the muted sounds she often used when I was inside of her.


I opened my eyes, and saw she was touching herself in the same rhythm she was fucking me. Her eyes were boring down into mine, and the mindless smile she gave me told me she was as close as I was. Oh gods, my climax was nearly there just from the realization! I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself so I could watch her a little more. Knowing she was driven to touch herself made it nearly impossible for me to hold back though.


Especially when she began to touch my pounding clit. On the instroke, her thumb unerringly found the center of my pleasure, and there was no way I could withstand this assault without my body surrendering.


I was vaguely aware of hearing her say she was coming with me, but I was already well on my trip to bliss, my body jolting in response to her talented fingers drawing it out as long as she could. It wasn’t until I was on my way down that I realized she was pressed against me, her breathing ragged as she made the trip to the heavens herself.


My orgasm had been so incredible, and watching her expression, I could see she had felt it too. “Wow. That was amazing.”


She nodded in agreement as awareness returned. “It certainly was. We ought to cut ourselves off more often just to get more climaxes like that.”


At first, I was almost convinced, then I realized what she had said. I looked at her wondering if she was serious, and saw she wasn’t.


With matching grins, we shook our head. “Nah…”


My body had recovered by now, and I was far from being finished. I asked her again to undress for me, and was very pleased when she did so. She stripped my skirt from me too, leaving us naked, and staring hungrily at each other. No matter how many times I saw her like this, nude, aroused, hovering above me, I could never get tired of the sight. She was so beautiful, so strong, so perfect.


“Come here,” I said, reaching out my arms toward her, and she fell against me gratefully, her mouth searching for mine immediately. I opened mine against her, and her tongue was inside instantly, tasting, teasing, tickling me. My hands found their way to her back, and I stroked the pronounced muscles there, feeling her wiggle tighter to me, her wetness painting my stomach.


With her position above me, I knew she could take control again at any moment, and as much as I would have loved to feel her focusing on me, I was in need for something else. I wanted to be as close to her as possible, our passions shared equally, and when I gave a little urging against her shoulders, she acquiesced, rolling over dutifully so suddenly I was the one on top. I looked down at her, grinning at how willing she seemed to be to let me lead now.


I reached for one of Xena’s thighs, and pulled it up so it was bent on the rock, leaving her pussy exposed to me, her large clit pointing right at me, letting me know she was far from finished as well. I had to groan in my throat, and then leaned over so I could kiss her. When her tongue came out to greet me again, I sucked it in, not letting it thrust in and out as I know she was wont to do.


I could feel her fingers stroking over my lower back and ass, and her short nails dug in slightly when I pulled my mouth from hers and pressed it lower to her neck, then the top of her breasts. I felt a hardened nipple brush against my chin, and a deep growl bubbled from her when I drew it into my mouth.


“Harder please, Gabrielle,” I heard her groan, as I took the hardened flesh lightly between my teeth and nipped at her. I gave her what she asked for, biting a little more firmly, working my teeth back and forth so the nipple rolled with the sensation, and her body arched convulsively in pleasure.


“Yesss…” I heard her hiss in response.


Pleased I had pleased her, I released the nipple with a pop, only to dive in and bestow the same treatment on the other breast. My mouth tightened around her in a smile, when I saw her hand had taken up residence on the abandoned wettened nipple, and she was continuing to torment it with her own digits.


As much as I would have liked to continue doing this all night, my cunt was pouring out its arousal in its eagerness to feel her again. My mind briefly shuffled through all the possibilities I could make love to her in, but I released her breast from my mouth and straightened, suddenly knowing what I wanted to do.


I placed a hand on her bent leg, and pushed outward, and she took the hint immediately, readjusting so the thigh was lying flat against the rock. That opened up her pussy even more to me, and I was able to push forward, my mound rubbing into her center immediately.


“Oh yeah,” she moaned, knowing what I wanted, and she arched her back again, her aroused flesh pressing firmly into mine. She reached for me, but I gently slapped her hand away, instead holding my vulva open so I could meet her wetness with my own.


We gasped simultaneously at the combined heat, and I began to move my lower half up and down, rubbing against her clit with my own, reveling in the sensation. Her erection created a delicious friction against me, and I felt our juices increase immediately, aiding in our movements.


“Gods, Gabrielle,” I reached up and grabbed a breast in my free hand, catching her nipple between my fingers and tugging at it in time with my humping movements. My legs were already burning with the struggle of maintaining this difficult position, but I could tell she was close, and thought I might be able to bring her over before I had to try something else.


“I want you to come with me, “ I heard her say in an almost pleading voice, and knew then that I would have to go for another position. Her hand tugging at my thigh told me she understood and was telling me how to move.


I lifted my right leg and flattened my foot slightly under her stretched thigh, so she could have my ankle to rest against, and my spread labia plastered themselves against hers immediately. I felt as though her pussy was engulfing mine, and immediately, both of us began to thrust our hips toward the other, as we fit each other perfectly.


“This is it,” I wheezed, my upper half straightening so I could gain more leverage to move against her. In this manner, I could feel all of her, the amount of wetness she was pumping out, her blood-filled labia, her clit which had swollen impossibly hard. I know I was soaking her with my own desire, and I suddenly felt lightheaded with the amount of blood rushing to fill my own pussy. I was close to the edge in a matter of seconds.


“I want you to come with me,” she husked again, and looking down in her eyes, I saw this was doing at least as much for her as me. Her hips reached up for mine again, and remained poised in midair, her ass circling so her clit was suddenly snaking its way to rub all over my enflamed flesh.


“Ungh!” I couldn’t hold back when her clit pressed directly into mine, and my breath caught in my throat as I felt the orgasm begin in my toes. I was vaguely aware she seemed to be going through the same thing, but couldn’t be sure until I felt her pulling my upper body up so I was laying on top of her, her hands tangling in my hair.


“I love you so much,” she whispered, her body shaking against mine. “No one else can make me feel the way you do.”


I lowered my head so I could hear her beating heart, feeling the exact same way for her, but rendered temporarily speechless.




Much as I would have loved to continue this all night, I knew we couldn’t, and eventually, we began to dress. I caught her glancing at me from time to time, a slightly wistful smile on her lips. No doubt she was satisfied, as I was, but we could never have enough.


Much as we would have liked the sanctity of those moments to last forever, we had to face reality, and make our way back to the men we were responsible for. We were both lost in thought, and although I had no idea what Xena was thinking, my own thoughts were disturbing. I now knew Xena wasn’t really expecting me to take command, but I couldn’t help but think she felt our best chance at winning would only come if I did leave the men. She wouldn’t ask me to do it for her again, but that only made me WANT to do it for her.


I still couldn’t convince myself of doing it though, not until Xena had gone to complete her part of the mission, and I realized Caesar didn’t have to be on the battlefield to command it. Xena had been right when she said I knew how he thought, and the moment I heard his army was retreating, I could plainly see what was going on.


I was almost amused when I heard Phlanagus tell the men that Xena had told him to listen to me in such a situation. She hadn’t laid a guilt trip on me and had let the subject drop, but apparently, her faith in me had convinced her to talk to Phlanagus should I choose to do as she had asked. Phlanagus, who was no dummy, was good at following orders, and now he, and the rest of the men had realized who was going to be in charge of the battle.


It almost worked. Not surprisingly, Xena was able to complete her part of the mission, which included distracting Caesar long enough to keep him from finding out we knew about his plan. On the battlefield, we had a tough fight, but we were obviously gaining ground, and I threw myself into the fight with great gusto, still scared, but now feeling a bit more confident.


And then it happened. I was too far away to do anything about it, and I wish I had been too far away to witness it as well, but I saw Phlanagus fall in battle, and there was a Roman soldier right there, waiting for him to falter. I cried out “No!” but could do nothing to stop the sword from running my friend through.


Gods, a thousand thoughts went through my head, predominately the thought that I never should have taken command; that I had no business leading an army. If I hadn’t been over-confident, Phlanagus would still be alive.


That lack of faith in myself weighed heaviest when I picked up the heavy spear. I could have easily killed the soldier that had killed Phlanagus, but at the last moment, realized I would just be perpetuating the cycle of violence that I was trying to teach Xena was all wrong. I aimed wide, so the spear would miss the soldier.


A few seconds later, I saw the same soldier get skewered with a bow and arrow, and for a brief second, I thought Xena was there. She would have had no trouble taking revenge on the soldier, and if the truth would be known, I would have been grateful for it.


Then I saw what had really happened. A young villager named Temechula, who was very skilled with a bow and arrow, had been the one to kill the soldier.


The realization of what he had done sunk into us both immediately. We had discussed what it was like to kill, and I had done my best to convince the young man that the first kill changed everything, and not for the better. But I know he loved Phlanagus like a father, and I’m sure he acted out of pure instinct when he had acted.


That didn’t make it any easier for me to handle though, and I thought my heart would break when the realization set in that Temechula had killed at such an early age. I could still vividly the first time I had been responsible for the death of another, and although Xena had eventually convinced me it was an accident, I would never be able to forget that start feeling of being a killer.


I got on my knees and took Phlanagus limp body in my arms, mourning his death. Temechula was not far from me, and his own look of grief made my heart hurt even more.


I tried to think of what I should say to him, but I didn’t really know where to begin. I felt like screaming “I told you so!” to him as I saw the weight of a man’s death already changing him, but that’s what he needed. Still, I wasn’t sure if I could give him what he needed.


And then Xena was there, out of nowhere, her eyes taking in the situation. I was so glad to see her, but for now, could only say, “Everything worked out just as you said.” It was obvious that wasn’t the whole truth though, and I had to add after a few seconds, “Almost everything.”


I could see the disappointment in her eyes, and I assumed they were at my obvious failings. She had to know I had taken command, and I had failed miserably. It was true enough she was gentle with me, telling me in her own wonderful way that I did what I could, but still…I’m sure she wished she had left someone else in charge.


At the funeral, Xena sang the dirge poignantly. It was a duty she was called on to do way too often, and each time I heard her sing the sweet notes, it affected me a little bit differently. When she was finished, she spoke briefly to Phlanagus widow, and then she was beside me.


I finally found the words to speak. "I could have saved him. How do I get over that?"


Xena, who was not known for her speeches, seemed to have the perfect answer for me. "I can't answer that question, maybe `cause there's nothing I can say that can take away that feeling you have. You wanna know that what you did was for all the right reasons, but with that pain in your gut and the weight on your shoulders, the best you can come up with is that it was a good day of fighting. I've seen so many changes in you, things I would never have expected, but as hard as the changes have been, you've gotta know that it's for a reason. All this is for a reason. Otherwise, what's the point? I was asking myself that same question when I first met you."


She constantly praised me for my forgiving nature, but she sold herself short. With those statements, she was telling me that she wasn’t angry with me for failing, that she understood. Perhaps a different day, I could have been successful.


"I should talk to Temecula,” I finally replied. “I should tell him that what he did was for the greater good, and there is a reason for it. It was a good day of fighting."


She nodded that she agreed, but didn’t follow me as I walked up to the handsome young kid. I found myself hoping she’d come with me, in case he began asking questions I couldn’t answer, but she didn’t know Temechula well, and obviously didn’t feel comfortable enough to approach.


I wasn’t sure how to begin at first, then I decided it was best to speak from experience, so I briefly told him an annotated version of the first time I killed, and how it affected me. Perhaps he was comparing his own feelings to mine, but I could see that the stoic demeanor he had adopted was rapidly cracking. When I finally got to the part about how battle shy I was after my time, his tears began to flow.


“I don’t know if I feel sorry or not,” he admitted between sobs, as he clung tightly to me. “I killed the man who killed my best friend. Should I feel sorry for doing that?”


I told him that was a difficult question that I couldn’t answer for him. It would be up to him to look inside his heart and determine if he should be regretful. And I told him besides all else, he would mourn the death of Phlanagus for quite some time, despite the fact that his murderer was dead as well. I tried to help him prepare for that, and don’t know if I succeeded or not.


I stayed with Temechula, until I thought he would be all right. I know he was in for a long rocky path, but the fact that he wasn’t too jaded to cry was a good sign. It wasn’t until the emotions wouldn’t come, that I began to worry about someone.


When finally I left Temechula, I saw that Xena had left the burial ground. I don’t know if it was because she was tired of waiting or had other business to attend to, but I immediately set out to find her.


Even though it didn’t take long for me to track her to the same spot we had made love in last night, I found myself very concerned as to why she had made so much distance between herself and me and Temechula. Once again, fearing that she was disappointed in me, I approached her cautiously. She had one foot on the rock we had used as a platform for our lovemaking on the previous evening, and was looking down into the valley below her. I called her name.


She was smiling slightly when she turned to face me. “How did it go?”


Somehow, I felt she didn’t really care, and I asked my own question, hoping she wouldn’t hide the truth from me.” Where have you been? No one saw you leave, and I thought something was wrong…”


My emotions were threatening to overwhelm me again, and even if she wasn’t pleased with me, I still needed to feel her strong arms comforting me. I walked right into the circle of her arms, and held on tightly, letting her soothe and reassure me.


I heard her say she was ready to get out of the village and wanted to make sure Caesar and Pompey’s armies were withdrawing, and of course her words made sense. But still, niggling at the back of my mind was a single thought. Did she think I was weak?


I couldn’t be sure, but I could be sure of one thing…a need to prove to myself and possibly her that I wasn’t weak, that I was capable of taking complete charge, should I truly want to.


“Can we stay here tonight, Xena?” I asked, with ulterior motives.


“Sure,” was her reply, even though I could tell she was surprised by the question.


My mind quickly formulated a plan, and after giving her a promising kiss, I told her to build a campfire while I left for a few minutes. She agreed.


I hurried as much as I could back to the hut we had been staying in at the village, and retrieved Xena’s saddlebag, along with one of our bedrolls. I needed a little help tonight in asserting myself, and the saddlebag contained that help.


I heard her ask me if I was hungry as I rapidly approaching her, and I answered, “I’m not hungry for food.” I spread out the bedroll near the fire she had built. “I’m hungry for your body.”


I demonstrated that statement by urging her to lay down on the bedroll, and then joining her, working my mouth hungrily against hers. It was as though I was trying to eat her alive, and she moaned in my mouth as I tugged at her hair.


She was staring at me slightly alarmed when we paused to catch our breaths. “What is it?” I had to ask her.


“I’m just making sure you’re okay. I wasn’t expecting this side of you tonight,” was her response.


I assured her I was fine, and I felt better than fine as I began to undress her. “I’m desiring you very much. You don’t mind, do you?”


I knew the answer to that one before I asked it. “Mind? Not at all.” The smile on her face was deceptively gentle. ”In fact, I’d like to encourage that behavior.”


I laughed joyously, and continued the beloved task, only stopping long enough to slap her hand away when she tried to undress me as well. “Me first,” I told her.


The complacency with me that she was using encouraged me even further, and after I had removed her body armor, I decided to push her one further. I undid the laces on her battle dress, and rather than removing them, I slid the material down so it bunched at her waist, then followed suit with her shift, leaving her luscious breasts uncovered.


I heard her grunt out a “Gods” when she realized her hands were pinioned to her body, and I grinned down at her. She was laid out like a sacrificial lamb, and as I had stated before, I was starved. I started with her breasts, tasting and teasing and nibbling at her. What an appetizer!


She was very uncomfortable with her arms restrained the way they were, and asked me again to finish taking off her clothes. I wasn’t about to however. “You didn’t undress me at first last night, and I enjoyed it very much. Besides, I kinda like the way you look like this for now…all sprawled out, looking like the only thing that’s going to satisfy you is a good hard fuck.”


It was strong talk coming from me and it worked. She groaned in response and it encouraged me to continue my monologue.


“Do you want that, Xena? Do you want a good hard fuck from me?”


“Oh, yes,” came her immediate response.


I felt the need to kiss her again. Somehow, despite the rough games we sometimes played, a kiss always served to help remind the other that it WAS all a game, and the love was still very much there. She responded perfectly, her mouth opened against mine, allowing me to take her tongue in my mouth and just suck on it.


I’m sure she had no idea what was bringing out the aggressiveness in me, but she wasn’t questioning it, and in fact, the scent of her arousal told me she was allowing herself to go with what I offered, her body quickly climbing the peak of arousal. I could smell the delicious fragrance of her excitement, and I had to plunge my fingers between her legs so I could feel it against them.


I contented myself with finger fucking her for a while, while my mouth worked on the upper half of her body, assuring her of a wild ride to completion. I used my teeth a bit more than usual, nipping and sucking, but I knew from experience that she liked that, and the little sounds of pleasure she was making confirmed that for me.


I concentrated on teasing her, not giving her the full penetration I know she was desiring. It was hard to resist plunging my fingers deep inside the warm haven she offered, but it was always so much better when she asked me for it.


Obviously, I had miscalculated though, and rather than voice her needs she seemed only able to talk with her body. I let a couple fingers just barely slip inside her, and she was jolting upwards harshly, trying to take me deeper.


I could no longer resist, and I stroked inside her to the deepest point.


She found her vocal cords again, and responded with an enthusiastic “Oh fuck!” as I began moving the way she wanted me to, fucking in and out of her rippling inner muscles in a speedy rhythm guaranteed to bring her to a rapid climb.


She gritted her teeth and took hold of my outstretched forearm with each of her hands, her whole body moving in time with the movements of my fingers within her. I lifted myself above her a little, so I could take in the eroticism of her motions more fully.


Gods, but watching her excited me! I took in it all, the smell of her arousal, the sight of her pleasure-filled face, the sounds of my fingers within her, and of course, the incredibly sexy textures of her tunnel as it gripped my finger. I found myself going into sensory overload, and since I wasn’t in a position to do anything about my own relief right then, I shut my eyes to at least try and get the vision of her ecstasy out of my head. It helped a tiny bit.


But despite the skyrocketing level of my own arousal, I could see she was soaring even higher. “Are you enjoying this, Xena?” I asked her.


She didn’t answer me at first, still very much into what was happening to her lower half, but I heard her finally acknowledge that I had asked a question. I fought back a grin, and guaranteed that I would get her attention. The thumb of my thrusting hand began to just tease her hardon, making her gasp from the contact. She struggled to press into my fingers, but it was easy enough to pull back so she couldn’t gain any more contact, saying, “Not yet. Are you enjoying this, Xena? Your bard fucking you without mercy?”


She recognized what I was doing, and knew I wouldn’t continue without my answer. When she opened her mouth, a groan came out first, and then her response, “You know I am. It feels great…”


“Great?” I repeated, still fighting back the grin. She had done good to get out any words at all.. “That’s the best you can do? When I’m fucking you like this…”


To prove my point, my thumb finally came down to meet her clit with the same strength my plundering was using. She bucked and growled and I saw her stomach muscles suck in as she neared her climax.


“Does that still feel great?” I had to ask.


She was able to get out her reply, “Gods, no, it’s perfect” and her cunt walls clamped down harder on my fingers, signaling she was coming. Gods, with her body all tensed like this, she was so magnificent I felt my own breath being stolen away. “Oo yeah…come for me, Baby,” I encouraged her as she continued to spasm.


While she was recovering from the intensity of her orgasm, I stripped out of my clothes, and I was already planning for what I wanted to do next. There was a change in plans however, when her own aggressive nature perked up, and I suddenly found myself flat on my back, her mouth driving my nipples crazy while her fingers now did the fucking.


I would have liked to resist her seductive skills, for this wasn’t on the agenda for the evening, but it felt so good, I decided to go with the sensation, and soon, was wrapping my thighs around her as she worked her incredible hypnotism on me. My cunt was screaming to orgasm, and it was only a matter of moments before it got what it wanted, my clit feeling like it was bursting from the pressure.


It was glorious and inspiring, and at the same time, helped bring my excitement down a notch or two, so I could take the control back. I released my thighs from around her arm, and the moment she started to pull free, I was pouncing on her. “Time for you to get a real fucking,” was all I said.


I felt like I was relentless in my treatment of her tonight, and I knew it was only because she allowed me to be. I strapped on our phallus, and she gave me an enthusiastic blowjob like only she could. The sensation of the phallus being pressed repeatedly into my clit was heightened by the sight of Xena holding it, licking it, sucking it, her eyes darting upward to meet mine. The expression on her face was of arousal and confidence…confidence in me.


I tore the wooden dick from her embrace, not wanting to come this way, and saw she had been touching herself as she sucked me. She knew I was about to bury the cock in her, and started to pull her hand away, but I stopped her. “No…keep playing with your clit, Baby…I want to watch you play with yourself while I’m fucking you.”


She was so willing…so compliant. The head of my dick slipped inside her, and then I began to move, my hips starting out fast and becoming even faster as she groaned and continued to stroke her clit in time with me. Gods!


“Fucking you so deep…feels so good…” I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and appreciated her for letting me do this, but that would require blood moving through my brain, and right now, it was all rushing to my center..


I think she asked me a question, but I’m not sure. I was resting all my weight on my hands now, and my hips were suddenly pistoning as hard as I could. The sounds of our flesh smacking together filled the air, but soon, my own moans drowned them out.


“Gods, I’m coming…” It felt so fantastic, the total release of way too much tension and I had to bite my lower lip to keep from shouting too loud. Just as abruptly as my urgent need to command her had surfaced, it disappeared.


It was unusual for the one wearing the phallus to come first, and now, I only felt a need to curl up in her arms and go to sleep. But when I opened my eyes, I saw she still needed her own completion, and that suddenly became my top priority.


Her hand was still at her own clit, but she wasn’t moving it anymore, as she had become so caught up in watching me. I pulled the phallus free from her, and then gently pushed her hand aside, so I could bring her over the edge.


Her own crying out was so sweet, so breathless. She had apparently liked what had happened too, and that encouraged me somehow. I was sure I’d like a repeat performance in the future, but for now, I was too tired.


I removed my male equipment and then snuggled down into her waiting arms, ready to welcome a blissful sleep. It had been a good day fighting, and an even better night not fighting.




I awoke early the next morning, when a shaft of sunlight shone directly in my eyes. Xena was awake too, but was laying next to me, still naked, still holding me in her arms.


I gave her a tentative smile. “Good morning, Xena.”


She beamed back at me. “Good morning, Gabrielle.”


I swallowed, and tried to gather my thoughts. “Xena…about last night…”


Before I could even get all those words out, she was taking my hand. “Last night was exciting,” she said softly. “Exciting, erotic, and educating.”


I pulled the edge of the bedroll back to reveal her naked form. There for all the world to see was the evidence of my roughness last night. There were lingering bruises on her breasts and neck, even teeth marks in a few spots. I reached down and pressed a hand to her sex. She hissed and jerked, and I could see the pain in her eyes.


“I am so sorry I hurt you,” I whispered, stroking softly over her stomach. I couldn’t erase the memory of last night, of my pounding into her without mercy.


“Gabrielle, don’t…” she said. She took my hand and pressed it to her lips. “Don’t torment yourself.”


“But I hurt you…”


She took the hand she still held, and pressed it between her legs again. “I’m not hurting,” she replied. “I’m sore…and it’s a feeling I treasure.”


Somehow, her eyes were telling me she spoke the truth. My fingers were still at her midriff, and I tickled between her labia, feeling her moisture forming to greet me. “Is it all right?” I asked.


She spread her thighs further, and pressed my hand harder against her. “It’s more than all right. It’s very needed,” she husked, before pulling my head down to hers.

Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 3