Scroll 63-An Even Better Night--Xena's Scroll

Scroll 63

I would do anything I could to spare Gabrielle the pain.




Despite what people think, killing is never an “easy” thing to do. Don’t get me wrong. There were a few…okay…a lot of people I didn’t mind seeing dead.


But the moment of the kill, when you actually plunge the blade in the victim, feeling the skin give way easily, and then the tougher resistance of flesh, sinew, bone…No person’s body offered any real resistance against a sword or a dagger, but sometimes the blade would strike directly on a bone and didn’t go right in on the first try.


That always gave you that split second of ultra-awareness….that you were working hard to end someone’s life. When it was someone bent on killing you as well, it’s wasn’t so difficult.


Fortunately, that’s the way it almost always was for me now. I’m not going to lie and say there weren’t a few times when other factors interfered, but most of the times these days, my killing was either in self-defense or to protect someone from being killed. There was often that pang of regent when I knew I had ended someone’s life, but it was a necessary evil.




Not surprisingly, Gabrielle didn’t feel the same way. It had been over a year since she had made her first kill, and since that time, she had entered more battles that resulted in her killing. She did all she could to avoid taking another person’s life, but a couple of times, she had been left with no other choice.




When I realized both Caesar and Pompey were approaching the small village, I knew it was going to get bad. Neither one was the type to be discouraged easily, and the innocent people were going to be caught right in the middle. I had to come up with a plan, and I had to come up with it fast.




There was a capable soldier named Phlanagus who would be very helpful in my plan. He had fought for the Romans before, and although at first I thought I wouldn’t get along with him, it wasn’t long before I saw I was wrong.


He was courageous and intelligent and the men respected him, that much was obvious. I’m sure they assumed he’d be the one to lead them into battle.




There was one problem with that however. Even with Phlanagus’ experiences in battle, he couldn’t be prepared for battle against two such brilliant tacticians as Caesar and Pompey. They had to be aware by now it was me they were up against and they would change the way they attacked. I couldn’t even put it past them to team up in an effort to try and defeat me.


More than likely, they’d get lucky and it would be easy to catch Phlanagus in their web of deceit. He would fall right into the trap.




That’s why I wanted Gabrielle to lead the army. Despite her lack of experience in taking command, I knew she would have a better chance of figuring out what Caesar and Pompey were up to, and thus, being able to defend against them.




Getting her to do it though, might be a whole other story. I thought hard about how I wanted to handle it. I certainly didn’t want to ask her in front of anyone else. I wasn’t sure how she’d respond and whatever happened, I definitely didn’t want her to feel obligated.




Phlanagus and I ran a spy mission to Caesar’s camp. I tried not to let the very sight of the bastard upset me too much, as I peeked into his tent, listening to him speak to his soldiers. The plan I had should be enough to get the best of him.


But Phlanagus had panicked a little when the guards approached, and not realizing I was fully capable of handling myself, he created a disturbance and got himself arrested as a distraction.


Unfortunately, he timed it just as Caesar was getting ready to tell Brutus a secret part of his plan. I was going to overhear it, and thwart all his plans, when the guard entered the tent with Phlanagus in tow.


Damn it! I didn’t have much choice. Caesar had snapped at the guard to execute Phlanagus. I circled back around to the front of the tent, and it was only a matter of seconds to free Phlanagus. But unfortunately, those few seconds were long enough for me to totally miss the hidden part of Caesar’s plan.


We had stirred up enough excitement so Phlanagus and I left quickly. Some other way, I would figure out what Caesar was up to.




Gabrielle was back at the caves we were using as a base of operations. She and Phlanagus' wife seemed to have formed an easy friendship and were working together, looking after some injured men, and making sure everyone had enough to eat.




Gabrielle gave me a soft smile. “How did it go?” she asked.


“Mixed bag,” I answered, figuring that was safest response for now. I spent a few minutes checking to make sure that the other parts of the plan were coming together as they should. Thankfully, it seemed as though they were.


Gabrielle stood nearby, listening to what I was arranging. Phlanagus said he’d give the men a hand, and I nodded my agreement. He had been standing there, holding both of his wife’s hands in his, and now he was leaning in close to give her a rather lingering kiss.


It wasn’t that Phlanagus was extraordinarily handsome, nor was his wife particularly beautiful. And it wasn't that they were ugly either. The kiss wasn’t the most erotic one I’ve ever witnessed. I can’t explain why I suddenly felt the way I did. I think it was mainly because we had been so busy the last few days, and Gabrielle and I hadn’t had much time alone. I couldn’t resist licking over my own dried lips while I watched them.


I don’t think anyone noticed though. Phlanagus left, and I said, trying to sound authoritative, “Gabrielle?”




If my tone bothered her, she didn’t let on, and she approached immediately. I put a hand on her shoulder, so she’d know it was an act. “Come with me,” I said.


I mainly wanted to get us away from the crowded cave and the men who seemed to be constantly milling around.


We ended up near the edge of a cliff, which gave us an excellent view of Caesar’s camp.


It was huge, to say the least. There was well over a hundred campfires dotting the countryside. I had seen them already but felt it was time for Gabrielle to see what we were up against.


“Look at that,” she whispered.


I let her get a good eyeful, so she would know how tough our mission was going to be.




She knew I was going to have my hands full with Caesar and Pompey, but now it was time to let her realize things were going to be tough for everyone.


I told her the truth…that I hadn’t been able to hear all of Caesar’s plans. “I won’t be here when everything breaks loose…Whatever Casesar appears to do, it’s always part of a design. I’m afraid Phlanagus won’t see it.” I paused and looked right after her. “But you know Caesar and you know how I think.”




There it was…all but spelled out for her. She had no idea how much I hated having to ask her. But, it was honestly the only solution I could see.




I saw it…the dread and pain in her eyes. I suddenly found myself traveling back to the last time we were in Rome, when I had really given her no choice in the mess with Crassus and Verkinix. Even though Crassus was a ruthless killer, it had still been very hard.


I remembered my own words, asking her how many more times she was going to follow me into battle. Her conscience was weighing heavily on her, but at the same time, my own was giving me Tartarus.


“I can’t just give the command,” she said gently. “I cannot lead those men to their deaths.”




Immediately, I knew she was right. She wasn’t going to go through it again, particularly with innocent men.


I wanted to let her know I wasn’t going to try to convince her otherwise…not this time. “I’ll tell Phlanagus,” I told her, and I turned to do just that, determined not to pressure her.




I hadn’t intended to sound angry, but I guess I did. I was really just intending to let her know that she had said all I needed to know.


I had taken about three steps, when I heard her calling my name.


I stopped instantly, shocked by the sound of a near sob in her voice. Turning, I saw her eyes were sparkling with forming tears.


“What’s wrong?” I asked, heading back toward her immediately.




I was totally confused by the tears that were now spilling down her cheeks. “Gabrielle?”


“I’m sorry!” she cried, and she launched herself into my arms. “I’m so sorry!”


I wrapped my arms around her and held on tight, pressing my nose into the top of her head. In a gentle rhythm, I rocked her back and forth.


“Shhh…”I whispered, even though I was totally confused. “It’s all right.”


She continued to shake against me for quite some time, and gradually, the tears began to fade.


Eventually, I became aware that she was no longer crying, and was now just holding on tight, her head nestled up to my shoulder.


“What brought all that on?” I asked finally.


She sniffed, and I noticed her hands slid from their place on my waist to a more confident position holding my shoulders. She pulled her head back enough to look into my eyes.


“I just want you to know…I really think the hardest thing in my life is knowing that I’ve disappointed you.”


I blinked, and what she said sunk in. “Oh, Gabrielle,” I crooned. “You’re worried about something that’s simply not true.” I paused long enough to give her a quick kiss. “I would like for you to take command because you are the best equipped to handle it. However, I don’t expect you to take it just to please me. I respect you for the fact that you don’t want it. You recognize what it entails, and what the results could be. You haven’t disappointed me at all. You’ve made me love you that much more.”


As I spoke, she looked up into my eyes, a small smile on her face. The smile steadily grew wider until it was a full-fledged grin. “Thank you,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper.


I shrugged. “No need to thank me,” I answered. “I should be thanking you.”


“Thanking me?” She echoed. “Why?”


I gave her my warmest, most genuine smile. “For giving me another glimpse into your peaceful nature.”


She gave me a shrug much like the one I had given her a few seconds earlier. “My pleasure,” she said softly.


I started to turn and took her hand. “Let’s go find Phlanagus,” I said.


“Just a minute,” Gabrielle said then, tugging on my hand to keep me from moving.


“Hmmm?” I turned and saw it, that gorgeous gleam in her eye that I knew so well.


She still had her fingers entwined in my hand, and now she was pulling it so it was behind her back, very near her wonderful ass.


“It’s going to be a couple of hours before you meet with Caesar, isn’t it?” she asked in a very low voice.


I nodded. “Yep…at least.”


Her smile widened so that her nose wrinkled with the expression. “Let’s not get in a hurry to get back to Phlanagus,” she said.


I smirked down at her. “What do you have in mind?” I asked, although there was no doubt in my mind.


The hand she was holding was suddenly lowered, so it was down near the bottom of her skirt. “You’ll think of something,” she said, wiggling her hips suggestively.




Oh yeah, I could think of something all right. We were in an area not protected by much cover, but there would also be plenty of advance warning for us to hear if someone was approaching.


I bent my head, and Gabrielle stretched upward to meet my lips in a kiss that I felt down to my toes. We hadn’t had this kind of time together since we’d first come to this village.




Glancing around, I saw the perfect spot for loving her. She had released my hand, knowing it wasn’t going anywhere, and her hands were now tugging at my breastplate.




I released her ass long enough to urge her hands to wrap around my neck. When she had done so, my own hands slid under her sweet little butt again, and this time I was lifting.




As always, she knew exactly what I wanted, and she allowed me to lift her and pull her toward me. She folded her legs around my waist, and was pushing her mouth toward mine once again.




Oh yes, this was bliss! I couldn’t feel her heat or wetness through the thickness of my leathers and shift, but I could feel every wriggling movement she made against me.




I squeezed my hands, loving the feeling of her firm butt in them. Her legs grasped me a little harder, and I began to lick across her lips, rather than probing inside her mouth.


She took that for the sign it was, and she relaxed her own mouth, allowing me to take complete control of her. My mouth slid down over her chin, and her head fell back, as I latched onto that delicious neck of hers.




It was only a few steps to a flat rock that was conveniently waist high on me. It was a chilly evening, and I knew that the surface of the rock would be cold for her, so for now, I urged her to just sit on the edge. Once again, she did as I silently asked and allowed me to place her there. I leaned forward on my outstretched arms, and gave her another kiss. When I pulled back, I said, “Don’t move.”


She nodded up at me, trustingly, and the only part of her that disobeyed were her eyes that followed my every movement.




I sat up straight then took a half step backward, my fingers finding the releases of my chest armor she had been fumbling with moments before.


The breastplate was soon off, and I laid it on the grass near the rock. I slipped out of my gauntlets and they too were forgotten for now.




Gabrielle’s eyes held a slight disappointment when I stepped forward again. I know she was wishing I would finish undressing, but the truth of the matter was I really didn’t feel like taking the time to undress. I was too interested in seeing her naked.




I reached down and grasped the lacings at the front of her shirt. With practiced hands, I soon had her top open, and was pushing the edges apart.




She lifted her arms so I could slip the garment totally from her. Leaving it spread open, I laid it down right next to where she as at, and then my hands were under her armpits, against lifting her. This time, I only moved her a few inches, so she was sitting on the soft material.


Urging her to lie back, I was soon pushing the bottom of her skirt up.


I gave her a wickedly delighted grin as I succeeded in my task, baring my beautiful bard’s lower half to my hungry eyes.




“You look so hot like that,” I whispered, running a hand up her right thigh and over the slight protrusion of her mound through her panties. I pressed a bit when my hand touched her crotch, and felt the damp heat I had missed earlier. It made my eyes close for a few seconds, just from the sheer pleasure of the feeling.




Gabrielle groaned, and her crotch arched toward my hand.


“Gods, Xena…please don’t tease me…I need you.”


“I can tell,” I replied, trying to sound calm. The truth was, I was feeling a great need of my own, and I wasn’t planning on teasing her much longer anyway. No sense in letting Gabrielle know that right now though.




Instead, I pressed my fingers just a bit harder at the wettest part of Gabrielle’s underwear, my fingers slipping into the indentation of Gabrielle’s cleft with my right hand.


With my left, I reached for the bottom of my battle skirt, and reached underneath. Gabrielle’s face flushed with pleasure as she watched me slide my breeches to my knees a minute later.




Gabrielle’s hands reached for my hips, but I evaded her easily. “Nope…no touching,” I said in a singsong voice, wagging a finger at her.


Gabrielle sighed, and I could see she was trying to lie still, knowing I had a specific purpose in mind, and that nothing would change my mind about it.


“That’s better,” I told her, and I leaned forward again to give Gabrielle a kiss as a reward. I sucked heavily at her lower lip, knowing she could feel the tug down lower.




“Take off your panties,” I whispered in a hoarse raspy voice when I had finally released her mouth from mine.


Gabrielle complied immediately, her hands rushing to her midriff to remove her underwear. A couple of seconds later, the nippy evening air was caressing her swollen membranes.




I crooked a half-smile, my eyes immediately boring into Gabrielle’s arousal. “Mmm…” I hummed in the back of my throat, catching the scent of Gabrielle on the breeze. I closed the step between us, and reached down, taking Gabrielle’s right thigh. Once it was secured around my waist, I released it, only to tickle my way from the knee up to the sensitive spot where it met her body.




“Oh gods, that feels wonderful, Xena!” Gabrielle moaned, when my first two fingers finally slipped inside the entrance of her body.


“Sure does,” I mused, letting my fingers stroke deeper. Gabrielle’s body was pumping out an abundance of juices, soaking my hand and tantalizing me.




Gabrielle’s eyes were closed, and she didn’t see me step the rest of the way out of my breeches. My own excitement was growing too fast,. I balanced on my right foot, and lifted the other one so it was on the rock beside Gabrielle’s hip. The strips of my battle skirt parted as my left hand plunged into my own pussy, slicing through my wetness.


I shoved three fingers into my own tunnel, and the muscles squeezed hard, apparently grateful for the penetration. This wasn’t going to take long for either of us.


Gabrielle’s hips were thrusting upward to meet my hand, her pussy gripping my fingers in the same rhythm.


Her moans were steadily growing in intensity, and her breath began to come in pants as the minutes continued. The sounds of my fingers sloshing in the overflowing juiciness of both of our cunts must have sounded exceptionally loud to Gabrielle, and she opened her eyes to focus on me.


I grinned at her, never stopping my pistoning inside either of us. I could fell Gabrielle’s inner muscles clench as she nearly came, then she seemed to back off a little.





I was hovering at the edge of my own orgasm, the vigorous fucking I was giving myself causing my pussy lips to bob up and down in the same pattern, which in turn offered a steady stimulation on my straining clit. It was going to be just enough.


Gabrielle began to whimper now, her body tensed for more, and demanding that she get it.




On another occasion, I might have tormented her further, pushing to see what she would do in her desperate bid to come. I might do one of two things, either have her begging or have her angry as I held her orgasm off.




But our time wasn’t limited, and I wanted to show her I meant it when I told her I was proud of her. With both of my hands working in tandem, I straightened my right thumb and began to bump it against her elusive little clit.


“Oh gods!”


The words were spoken softly, but had a lot of emotion behind them. Gabrielle’s eyes snapped shut again, and she sucked in her lower lip as her arousal reached its summit.


“Yeah, Baby,” I whispered, adding a little twisting motion every time my thumb made contact with her bud. “I’m going to come with you.”


My upper half jolted forward as I did just what I said, and I pulled my fingers from my snatch and pressed it to my erection as I reached my fulfillment.




Gabrielle landed back on Earth first, and her hands came up to stroke my face as I panted above her. When I had finally caught my breath, I smiled at her and received the same expression in turn.


“Wow,” she whispered, her face full of wonder. “That was amazing.”


“It certainly was,” I agreed. “We ought to cut ourselves off more often just to get more climaxes like that.”


“Yeah,” she concurred brightly.


It only took about two seconds to rethink that. We looked at each other again.


“Nah…” we said simultaneously and laughed at the synchronization of it.




Gabrielle’s fingers were on the straps of my battledress now. “Xena…will you please undress for me, now?”


I nodded at her, grateful as always that she desired me so. In just a couple of minutes, I was totally naked, and pulling her skirt the rest of the way from her.




Our encounter, though brief, was extremely satisfying for both of us. After the first rather abrupt orgasms, we settled it not more of a concentration of caressing each other, a slow leisurely mutual sharing of our love. Our final orgasms came virtually at the same time, leaving us weakened with the intimacy.




We held hands on the walk back to camp. I had the feeling Gabrielle’s concentration was divided like mine was between the mission at hand, and the desire to continue our lovemaking.




The activity at the camp brought me back to reality though. I made myself a silent promise that as soon as we got through this mission, I was going to steal Gabrielle away for more quiet time with her.




Which leads us right back to the bad situation Gabrielle ended up in I really wish I hadn’t been right but I had been betrayed by Caesar too many times.




Caesar was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. Particularly on the battlefield, he was very clever and resourceful and I always had a real struggle on my hands when I faced him.




I would be the one actually battling him, but Gabrielle, Phlanagus, and the village would be battling his men, and the men would be following orders directly handed down through the chain of command from Caesar. So even without physically being there, the others would be battling him as well.




Since I didn’t know what Caesar was planning and it was the thing “not even Xena would expect”, I found myself in a real predicament. I had to keep Caesar and Pompey occupied with each other and me, in order to creative a diversion so both of their armies could be defeated above where Gabrielle and the villagers fought, hopefully without killing any of the makeshift soldiers.





Caesar was very smart, but he was also too self-confident. During my scuffle with him and Pompey, he told me what his plan had been, and how Gabrielle and the others would be walking right into a trap.




Gods, what a chaotic mess the battlefield was! I was relieved to see the villagers were still fighting, which told me that even if they had fallen for the trap temporarily, they had eventually figured out that Caesar’s retreat wasn’t for real and what could have been a massacre turned out to be a very long battle instead.




But I couldn’t spot Gabrielle as hard as I tried. She was dressed in the same uniform as the rest of the soldiers, including wearing a helmet which caused her hair to blend in. I found myself a little panicked, calling out her name, searching for her.


Romans just kept coming, but I took care of them without any difficultly, all the time still looking for Gabrielle.




Finally, I spotted her. She was on her knees, very near a fallen body. I rushed to her side, putting my hands on her shoulders, and saw then that she was kneeling by the fallen body of Phlanagus.




He was a good man, and a good soldier and it was a horrible waste for him to be killed. I checked for a pulse, but he was already cold.


Nearby Gabrielle, Temechula sat on one knee, leaning on his bow for support. He looked as devastated as Gabrielle did, which was quite understandable. He had commented more than once that Phlanagus was like a father to him.




Gabrielle appeared to be in shock. Her voice sounded broken as she attempted to tell me what was going on in the battle. I tried to get her to stop talking, but she continued. “Everything worked out just as you said.” After a moment, she added, “Almost everything.”




Gods, I had failed her yet again! I had forced her into a situation where she was the one in charge of whether a man lived or died, and she had made the decision to give the man his life, only to have Temechula get his first kill.




It took a while for me to find out exactly what had happened. Phlanagus had been killed in battle by a soldier, who struck the death blow when Phlanagus was down. Gabrielle had witnessed the murder, but had been unable to do anything to prevent it.


But then, she had found herself holding a spear, and in a split second, she had the opportunity to at least avenge Phlanagus' death. She had a clear shot of the soldier who had killed him, and was plenty skilled to skewer him. At the last second though, she decided the soldier was just doing his duty, and threw the spear wide. She didn’t want to cause a senseless death out of anger over another senseless death.


But Temechula didn’t have the same kind of presence of mind as Gabrielle, and when he saw the man responsible for killing Phlanagus still alive, the young archer had drawn his bow and sent an arrow straight into the soldier. He had reacted purely on instinct, and it had resulted in a man’s death.




I’m not sure what Gabrielle struggled harder with. It might have been the fact that she had pulled up short at the last minute, and not taken revenge on Phlanagus. Or it might have been knowing that Temechula had taken his first life at such a young age, and now that he had done it once, would more than likely do it again…possibly over and over again. He was such a fresh faced kid, just the thought of him becoming a killer…it bothered even me.


I tried to explain to Gabrielle that what had happened was something that was unavoidable, and that she had done the right thing. We had talked about the greater good so much, and I know she believed in it, that I hoped when I told her it had been a good day fighting, that she would understand the correlation. I think she did, because when the funerals were over, and she caught sight of Temechula watching from a distance, his face heavy with grief and new-found responsibility, she whispered to me that she needed to go talk to him, to convince him it was indeed a good day of fighting.


I stayed back and watched, and was touched by the scene. For a long time, Gabrielle just stood by the young man, and I could see she was talking quietly to him. He remained impassive at first, and then he began to nod every once in a while.


Then the dam broke, and the boy began to sob, hanging on to my beautiful bard as the shuddering crying swept through his body. Gabrielle held him through it all, stroking his hair, and continuing to whisper softly to him. I watched until I felt the emotions threatening to overtake me, and I turned away, knowing she’d return to me when she thought Temechula would be okay.




It took longer that I thought. I was back at the cliff where we had watched Caesar’s camp last night, only now there were far fewer campfires, and I could see movement here and there which told me the men were breaking camp and would be moving out by morning. We had done our work, ending what could have been a big step for Caesar or Pompey in conquering people far outside of Rome, but still…I felt the pain inside.


The pain of my love hurting, and a vague feeling that I was responsible, despite her claims to the contrary.






I heard her soft voice as she entered the clearing, and forced a gentle smile on my face as I turned to face her.


“How did it go?”


She ignored my question, and approached me, a scared look on her face. “Where have you been? No one saw you leave, and I thought something was wrong…”


She moved into my embrace, and I gave her a soft kiss, then looked at her face, her eyes still swollen and red from crying, the look of grief still evident in her eyes. And she was worried about me?


“Sorry,” I replied, finally finding my voice. “I guess I’m ready to get away from the village, and thought I’d make sure the army is moving out.” Keeping my arm around her, I gestured toward the view below us with my free hand. “It is.”


Gabrielle nodded, looking at the same view. Then, when she looked at me again, her expression had changed.


“Can we stay here tonight, Xena?” she asked quietly.


“Sure,” I replied. “Anything you want.” I meant it.


She was suddenly pulling my mouth down for a searing kiss, surprising me. I hadn’t been expecting such hunger. “You start a campfire,” she said after she had released me. “And I’ll be back in a few minutes.”


I nodded, and watched her go, curiously. I expected it to be a long night of holding her and comforting her, but something in the slight sway of her ass told me she wasn’t needing that kind of support from me. No, I got the impression that tonight was going to be very physical instead. I wasn’t about to complain.




The sun had gone down completely as I built the campfire, and though she hadn’t mentioned it, I chakramed a couple of rabbits for supper. If Gabrielle had something else in mind, we could always leave the rabbits with Phlanagus’ wife and child on the way out of the village in the morning. Hunting and cleaning them helped keep my mind occupied, at least to a certain extent.


A while later, I heard her approaching the campsite, and I stood up from the log I had been sitting on to watch meet her. Her eyes raised to mine, and I saw her smile hungrily, and then I noticed she was carrying my saddlebag on her shoulder. Mmm yeah, I know what that meant.



“I got us some supper,” I said, as her legs speedily ate up the ground as she closed the distance between us.


She barely glanced at the skinned rabbits hanging from the nearby tree. “I’m not hungry for food,” she said, and I realized she carried a bedroll with her as well. She shook it free, and spread it out over the ground near the fire. Then she was reaching me and pulling me to the ground alongside her. “I’m hungry for your body.”


Surprised again, I let her pull me into her arms, and our mouths came together in a combination of heat and wetness. She pulled my tongue in immediately, and I didn’t fight her as she sucked on it rhythmically as she ran her fingers through the fine hairs at the nape of my neck.


When she released my mouth so we could catch our breath, I pulled my head back just a tad, to look into her eyes.


“What is it?” she asked.


“I’m just making sure you’re okay,” I answered after a beat. “I wasn’t expecting this side of you tonight.”


“I’m fine,” she murmured, her fingers busy at work at my breast armor. “And I’m desiring you very much. You don’t mind, do you?”


I feltt a smile that started between my legs, and rapidly moved upward. “Mind? Not at all,” I replied. “In fact, I’d like to encourage that behavior.”


She giggled, and her fingers continued to do their work, soon relieving me of the heavy chest armor I wore. I reached for the ties on her shirt, but she batted my fingers away. “Me first,” she purred.


Still not willing to argue, I dutifully lay back, and let her undress me. She removed my gauntlets and arm bands, and unfastened the lacings at the sides of my leathers. I expected her to slide them from my body, but instead, she pushed the leather down enough to uncover my upper half.


All that remained between me and her skilled hands now, was the thin material of my shift, and she just pushed the straps down over my shoulders, and was soon shoving that article of clothing lower as well.




The exclamation was wrenched from me, as I felt my hands trapped at my side and realized I was unable to move them, as she dove into my chest and started feasting like she was starving. Up until a few minutes ago, lovemaking hadn’t been on the agenda for tonight, at least for me, but I felt my body responding with a vengeance.


“Mm…” Gabrielle was making little moans in the back of her throat as she latched onto one of my nipples and began to suck hard, using a pressure that she would usually build up to. She hadn’t lied when she had said she was hungry for my body.


“Gabrielle…I need some help…gods!” I gave up what I was trying to say, as I felt her teeth scrape across the nipple she was suckling on, and my back arched when her hand found the other nipple and gave it a vigorous twist. Her actions were aggressive and demanding, and my pussy suddenly flooded in response.


She bit the nipple again, once again, timing it perfectly with a pinch at the peak of my other breast, before releasing me. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she husked, her voice going down in pinch. “I can smell how much you’re enjoying this.”


Without giving me the chance to respond, her right hand was moving beneath my battle skirt, and it had cupped as much of my crotch as it could. I know my wetness had already seeped into the cloth of my breeches, and she would be feeling it against her hand.


“Oh yeah,” Gabrielle didn’t fight back the moan, and I caught the scent of my bard’s arousal filling the air. “You’re enjoying it very much.” Her hand was pushing the material of my skirt higher, and I couldn’t believe she was ripping my breeches downward, leaving me struggling against my clothes which were constricting tightly around my squirming body.


“I’d enjoy it more, if you’d finish undressing me,” I hinted, when she slowed her hand down in its relentless rubbing over my inner thighs.


She seemed to consider that, then shook her head. “You didn’t undress me at first last night, and I enjoyed it very much. Besides, I kinda like the way you look like this for now…all sprawled out, looking like the only thing that’s going to satisfy you is a good hard fuck.”


I didn’t fight back the groan. Her voice had a growl-like tone that was speaking directly to my clit, and it was responding by standing at attention.


“Do you want that, Xena?” she asked, her eyes capturing mine. “Do you want a good hard fuck from me?”


“Oh yes,” I didn’t even try to hide my desire for my aggressive lover. I hadn’t realized how much I wanted it, until she had offered it, and now I felt the juices streaming down my cleft at the thought of Gabrielle taking me roughly.


She was pulling herself up, until she was resting on one elbow, her hand hovering just above my midriff. Once again, I was struck by the odd expression in her eyes. The hunger was still there, along with a wildness I don’t recall ever seeing before.


“Good,” she was saying. “Because I don’t think I can stop myself now.”


Her mouth closed in on mine again, and hungrily, we sucked at each other’s lips. I wanted to fight her tongue for dominance again, but once more, she grabbed onto my tongue with her mouth, and began to suck. It felt so sensual, the warm moist cavern closing in on my tongue, but the pleasurable sensations of that were soon out of my mind as something else was happening.


She was resting along her left bent arm, but her right hand was free to do as she pleased. And right now, she had it pressed between my legs between, her fingers first pushing to either side to urge me to spread my thighs further.


I obeyed immediately, and then felt the bliss of Gabrielle’s fingers beginning to worm their way through the swollen flesh my legs had been protecting. Her fingers were cool against me, but not uncomfortably so…it felt wonderful against my hot membranes.


Gabrielle tore her mouth away from mine, and my tongue immediately missed the suction she had set up on it, but she was bending her head even lower to suck at the flesh of the my neck, once again, nipping at my flesh with her sharp little teeth. Gods, each scrape of her teeth against my flesh directed my attention to what she was doing to my neck, and then she’d perform some maneuver down below that would take over my thoughts.




At first, I could feel her fingers just lightly slipping through my slippery cunt, stroking lightly along the length of my slit, and occasionally tweaking a labia as her fingers settled on it. It wasn’t long, however, before her touch grew more insistent, and I could feel her starting to press her way deeper into me, teasing me with wiggling, lingering storks.


Gabrielle was groaning into my neck, seemingly enjoying this as much, if not more, than I was. Eventually, her fingers found their way to the entrance to my body, and she began to penetrate me in light strokes, using two of her fingers. Rather than thrusting, her fingers were moving in a circular motion, dipping in and out, stretching my entrance, and coating her fingers with my essence.


I arched my lower half into her touch, letting her know I approved heartily, and was answered by a deeper touch. Her fingers knifed into me completely, and the loud wet sound echoed through the still forest air.




I couldn’t keep the words from forming as she quickly set up a fast rhythm and began plunging her fingers in and out of me. Gods, it felt wonderful, and I began an instantaneous climb.


Gabrielle’s teeth released my neck, and she lifted herself a little higher above me, so she could gain more leverage in her fucking of me. My eyes swept down the length of her body, and I could easily see her own arousal level was very high, despite the fact that she was still fully clothed.


I could see both her teeth were clenched tight, her breaths hissing in and out from behind them. Her eyes, too, were clamped shut, and sweat was forming on her forehead and above her upper lip. Glancing down, I could see the tendons in her arm standing out, as she continued to ravage me with her pistoning arm


She was fucking me hard, and I loved every moment of it. Normally, my bard was given to expressing her love in a more gentle fashion, but the pent up energy she was using right now was just as expressive, albeit it had a far different effect on it. I couldn’t keep my hips from humping upward, my clit swollen to capacity, and my muted grunts blending in perfectly with hers.


I didn’t realize my own eyes were shut, until I heard her speaking, and they popped open to see her staring down at me, her brows furrowed with intensity.


“Huh?” I managed to grunt, not sure of what she had said to me.


She shifted positions a bit, and I could feel her thumb sliding up between my labia now, as she continued the pounding. It hovered dangerously close to the base of my clit, but when I wiggled to try to gain purchase against it, she eluded me easily.


“Not yet,” I heard her say plainly this time. “Are you enjoying this, Xena? Your bard fucking you without mercy?”


“You know I am,” I managed to respond. “It feels great…”


“Great?” she echoed sounding offended. “That’s the best you can do? When I’m fucking you like this…”


I was tempted to grin at her taking on a challenge I hadn’t meant to offer, but she had a point to prove, and her hand slammed into me with renewed vigor, her thumb pushing into my clit in an abrasive manner. It would have made most women scream for her to stop. It just drove me higher.


“Does that still feel great?” I heard her whisper tersely.


“Gods, no, it’s perfect,” I relied, and my pussy was convulsing in pre-orgasmic waves that stole my power of speech.


I barely heard her chuckle as my climax started, a powerful wave of pleasure beginning in my toes and radiated upwards. “Oo yeah…come for me, Baby,” I heard Gabrielle growl as I rode the ecstasy with her help.




We were far from finished, I soon learned. And Gabrielle was far from demonstrating the amount of control she had over my body. While I was still lying there, panting to regain control of my breathing, she was sitting up, finally pulling her clothes from her body. When she was naked as I, she reached for the tangled mess of my own clothes, which were twisted around my midriff, tightened by my perspiration and the force of her movements.


I partially sat up, and drew one of her hardened nipples into my mouth, sucking fiercely at her salty flesh. She purred her approval, and finally tossed the rest of my clothes aside, and then clutched my head to her breast, spreading her legs for my seeking fingers. Within seconds, I had two fingers buried in her depths, amazed at the amount of heat and moisture she had produced without being touched.


It wasn’t long before Gabrielle was on her back on the blankets, her legs wide spread, as I gave her an enthusiastic finger fucking. I wasn’t using nearly the strength that she had on me, being careful not to hurt her, but instead, concentrated on giving her many sensations to try to focus on. As the moments passed and she grew wetter and more excited, I leaned in, and caught her hardened clit between my lips, sucking in time with my thrusts.


Just as her arms had wrapped around my shoulders earlier, her thighs were now capturing me in their grip, as I sucked at her lower. She squeezed around me, thrusting arm and all, greatly hampering my movements, but that didn’t really matter, for she was bearing down hard on me as she began to come. Her body took care of stretching out the climax on its own.




I continued to struggle for breath as she rode out her pleasure, her thighs cutting off my air supply, but eventually, she loosened her grip, and I was able to wriggle my way free. I was still caught off-guard by the command she was taking. It wasn’t the first time by any means, and it certainly wasn’t that I disapproved. On the contrary, it excited me greatly. Especially when she recovered quickly from her orgasm, and had released me quickly. She was sitting up almost immediately, and pushing me on my back.


“Time for you to get a real fucking,” were her promising words, as she reached for my saddlebag.




Gods, I don’t think I’ve ever tormented her to the degree she was working me up! She positioned my body jus the way she wanted it, legs sprawled, knees slightly bent, and propped herself up on one arm beside my waist. The phallus was strapped firmly in place around her body, and she held the head of it close to my mouth. Every time I moved upward to try to take it in though, she pulled it away.


“Gods, Gabrielle,” I finally moaned, after the fourth time of going through this ritual. “Quit teasing.”


She continued to hold the wooden dick, stroking it lightly as she looked down at me, her face a mask of innocence, except for the wicked glint in her eyes. “Something you want, Xena?” she said sweetly.


“You know what I want,” I responded, trying to keep my temper from rising.


The cock brushed over my lips lightly, then retreated again. “No,” she answered, her voice deceptively lilting. “Tell me what you want.”


She was using a tactic that I was fond of myself, and I was slowly beginning to realize that she really needed this feeling of being in control. I played her game willingly.


“Please,” I replied, realizing I sounded as needy as I felt. “Please, I want to suck your cock…I want to show you how much I love it.”


Gabrielle seemed to like that response, and was suddenly pushing the phallus into my mouth. I closed my lips around it, and sucked firmly, bobbing my head up and down, which would cause a nice thrusting motion against her clit. She closed her eyes as her head reared back, and she began fucking my face.




She didn’t overdo it, which told me the real Gabrielle was in there somewhere. She was thrusting shallowly in and out of my mouth, not becoming overzealous in her motions, and I allowed some moans to form as I slurped away at her. I didn’t really need to wet the phallus, as I was producing plenty of wetness on my own, but I loved willingly giving her the blowjob she obviously wanted.




I was very much getting into it, when I felt the phallus being pulled from my mouth. “That’s enough,” I heard her husk, “I’m going to fuck that hot pussy of yours now.” She slid down my body, and clucked her tongue when she saw I had my fingers between my legs, stroking my clit. I could have pulled away my hand before she saw, but I wanted her to know how much she was turning me on.


“Couldn’t wait, huh?” she asked, positioning the dick at the entrance to my tunnel.


I shrugged and grinned, and started to pull my hand away.


“No…keep playing with your clit, Baby…I want to watch you while I’m fucking you.”




Zeus, and fuck me she did! At first, I stroked my clit in time with her thrusts, but her movements were becoming rougher and more urgent, and before long, she was slapping into me with blistering speed and substantial power. I didn’t even try to move my fingers, and instead, held my fingers still, and let her thrusts move my body beneath them.


She was holding my knees for leverage, her curvy hips moving in a blur of motion as she pumped into me. I stared up at her, wondering what made her feel this need to fuck me so hard, but her eyes were unseeing. She must have had a whole lot of pent up energy, and was now releasing it all in a concentrated assault on me. It was amazing.




“Fucking you so deep…feels so good…” Gabrielle had set up a mantra, letting me know she was appreciating what we were doing as well. She dropped to support her weight on her outstretched hands, and lengthened her strokes, somehow not losing strength or power in the meantime.


“Just good?” I managed between groans, wondering if she’d take the bait.


“More than good,” she replied, and I’m sure she meant to say something else but she moaned loud and long. “Gods, I’m coming…” were her words, and her body stiffened as she was on the instroke, and she called out her pleasure in a strangled scream. I didn’t even feel the neglect of the stimulation on my own clit at first, so caught up was I in watching the intense relief settles over her features.


Her eyes were clenched shut as she regained control of her breathing, and she slowly opened them, taking in the situation. I noticed immediately that the wild look was gone from her expression.


She looked down at me, and then she was gently pulling free from me, making me shudder from the loss of the feeling of her dick inside me. Firmly, she nudged my hand aside, and she pressed a finger on either side of my clitoris. Without saying a word, she skillfully and tenderly brought me to climax, swallowing my cries of ecstasy with a loving kiss.


There was no doubt my Gabrielle was back; whatever demons she had been facing were now out of her mind. No matter how much I had liked what she had done, I couldn’t help but think her motives were out of some inner turmoil.




She gave my clit one last loving stroke, and then was withdrawing her hand. After she licked her fingers clean, she reached down and unstrapped the harness from her waist. I held my arms out, and she sunk willingly into my embrace, pulling the edge of the bedroll up to cover us both.


I had plenty of questions for her, but they could wait until tomorrow. For now, I would content myself to sleep snuggled up with my beautiful bard, who was already sleeping serenely in my arms.

Gabrielle's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 4