Scroll 65-Brazen Bard--Gabrielle's Scroll

Scroll 65…Gabrielle

I’ve never been given to true mood swings. Not like I’ve seen in Xena. Most of the time, her mood swings could be attributed to impending danger. She could be in the midst of playing a game with me, sexual or otherwise, but the moment she heard sounds of a skirmish of some kind, she would become all business, her sword drawn, any thoughts of merriment long forgotten.


I had learned with time, of course, to follow suit, but with Xena, it was a natural reaction to go from playmate to warrior in a matter of seconds. With me, I had to shake myself mentally, realizing we were suddenly approaching a life and death situation. Of course, having a growling fierce Warrior Princess next to me helped me out a lot.




Now, I found myself a willing participant of a mood swing. It had started out innocently enough. Xena had disappeared when I got wrapped up in a scroll, and when I was finally finished, and went searching for her, I found her in an unsurprising spot, beside the river, a string of fish near her feet.


What DID surprise me was that she was no longer fishing, wasn’t doing sword drills, and in fact, wasn’t moving at all. Instead she was standing, looking out across the river, and a quick glance showed me that she was viewing a spectacular sunset. I had convinced her to slow down and take in the beauty of nature a few times, but to see her doing it on her own…aroused something in me.


“So this is where you’ve been for so long?” I asked her as I approached.


I was charmed by the disconcerted look on her face. “Uh…sorry about that.”


My heart warmed even further. I told her there was no need to be sorry; that I liked it that she was taking the time to appreciate the beauty.


When she pulled my body next to hers, I could feel the desire rising from her body in waves. I loved this moment of utter tranquility, and had the feeling I was in for a long sensual night of pleasure with my love.


I felt even more right when I heard her say “Ready to go to bed?”


For an answer, I gave her a kiss…a kiss full of promise and the response that would tell her I was very ready for a long night in the bedroll with her.


She released me to pick up her evening’s catch, and I picked up her makeshift fishing pole, knowing she might want to do a little more fishing come morning time. I untied the line from it, knowing Xena never used the same pole twice, but she would want to use the same line.


I’m not sure why it caught my attention, but there was another stick of birch nearly hidden under some brush, and I bent and picked it up. It was obvious the birch had been freshly cut, and there had been some…modifications made to it.


At first I thought it was just another fishing pole that she had been working on, because of the thickened handle on it, but something about the way she had stripped the bark from the opposite end told me it wouldn’t be strong enough to pull in fish of the size she had already caught. I thought perhaps she had abandoned it when she realized the fish were too heavy, but then I caught a glimpse of her face.


The Warrior Princess was blushing.


It wasn’t the first time I’d seen a blush on her gorgeous features, but it was a rare expression to me. More than once, I had seen a blush form on her body when she was in the throes of a powerful orgasm, and I had seen her face flush with red when she was truly angry, but this blush was more of embarrassment. It was an expression more akin to the kind I was likely to have with her when she was suggesting something a little…unusual.


I decided to push the issue. “This isn’t a fishing pole…what is it?


Xena could lie with the best of them…most of the times, but my suspicions grew even stronger when she replied with a shrug, “Nothing…just something to keep my hands busy.” If anything, her blush deepened


I studied the branch again, and then it occurred to me. I was suddenly feeling a little heat in my own face when I looked into her eyes one more time.


The branch had a familiar feel to me, its weight was light, and when I bent the tip of it, it sprang back quickly. It resembled a riding crop, and since Xena never used a riding crop with Argo, it could only be meant for me.


My mind raced with the thought. Xena had threatened me with whippings more than once in the past, and I had received more than one errr…chastisement at the palm of her hand, but this instrument had a wicked looking edge to it that both frightened and intrigued me.


“It’s a cane, isn’t it?” I asked, stating the obvious.


When she didn’t speak, but offered me a reluctant nod, I felt a thrill go through me. Xena was in the mood to dominate, and I suddenly felt myself no longer thinking about a long night of tender lovemaking but a heated night of being her slave instead.


“You’ve been thinking about playing rough tonight?”


Again with the nod.


I realized how much the idea suddenly appealed to me, and at the same time, realized my mood swings were coming much easier to me. Two minutes ago, being submissive had been the furthest thing from my mind…but now…


“I want it too,” I told her, surprised at how shaky my voice sounded.


Her response was to give me a relaxed smile, and she turned me so we could head back to our campsite.


We were both very quiet as we walked the short distance. At first I tried to figure out what was going through her mind. I had seen no signs today that she might want to dominate me in bed this evening, and usually, there were signals that she sent me whether she was aware or not, that she was feeling the need. Irritability, vigorous sword drills, a particularly close call in battle…none had been in evidence as we had spent a leisurely peaceful day in this quiet woods.


Even now, despite what she had said, I still wasn’t feeling the signals. She held my hand gently, and her steps weren’t hurried. If anything, I caught an almost shy glance from her, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she had thought I might be hesitant to agree to her.


It wasn’t like Xena at all, but maybe she was struggling with the fact that she had no reason to want to be my mistress, other than the sheer desire to. That was a new thought to me, and I chewed over that as we traveled.


I had pretty well made up my mind to try and convince her that I was very much approving of the idea when we entered the clearing where we had made camp. It was just as I had left it, our bedrolls laid out side by side our belongings all neatly packed to discourage scavengers of the forest.


I was thinking how Xena would want to start when the most remarkable thing happened. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I don’t think I could have ever believed it had happened.


She pulled her hand away from mine suddenly, and her strides suddenly lengthened, until she was right at the edge of my bedroll. I tired to still the hammering of my heart, figuring she was quickly going to make her first demand known.


She was, and it turned out to be the only demand she would make that evening. When I suddenly saw her sink down to her knee and look up at me through lowered lashes, my confusion grew even more pronounced.


I had to ask. “Xena…what are you doing?”


She paused, and then responded, “I’m waiting for you to command me.”


At first, I knew I had to have heard her wrong. But looking at her bent head, her meek pose, her whole demeanor, I began to realize that she might actually be serious. The realization that she was asking me to take charge slowly began to creep over me.


But I had to be absolutely sure this is what was happening. Xena could be very conniving when taking the mistress role, and if by some off-chance she was trying to trick me, I knew the results would be devastating.


I would feel more comfortable if she proved she wanted to be submissive by something other than her words, so I took a step forward so my feet were very close to where her bent head was.


I took a deep breath, then said, “Prove it.”


There was no hesitation on her part. I stood and looked down as Xena leaned forward and not only kissed the top of my shoes, but remained supine, her cheek on top of my feet.


I now knew, without a doubt, that Xena wasn’t trying to trick me. I never expected in a million years for her to actually kiss my feet, and seeing her do so, then remain bent before me convinced me that she really did want me to take command.


Almost immediately, I felt another mood change, and this was to he the one I would remain with for the rest of the night.


I realized I still held the cane in my hand, and I touched her shoulder with it. “Look at me, Xena.”


When her eyes met mine, I tried to convey to her that I was willing to take the challenge, and was going to do my best to dominate her completely. Obviously, she wanted it, and I was more than willing to give it to her.


It wasn’t the first time I took the dominant role in our lovemaking. There had been other times, when she was suffering from the haunting vision of our crucifixion, and had turned me down when I asked her to become my mistress. On a lark, I had suggested we take the opposite roles, and she had agreed. I couldn’t quite contain my smile, remembering the highlight of that night, at least for me. It had been shaving Xena’s pubis bare, and then delighting in the delicious sensation of her smooth flesh against mine. Keeping it shaved would be too much trouble, but for a couple of days, it had been an experience to remember.


Then there was the time after our horrendous battle at Helicon, when I had lost more members of the Amazon nation than I had been able to save. It was the only time in my life that I had experienced full-blown battle lust, and I had difficulty identifying it at first. When Xena helped me do just that, she had been the willing recipient in the punishment I wanted to dole out.


And dole it out, I had that night. I had been brutal, whipping her with her own bullwhip until she had bled in spots, then tormenting her before finally slipping the phallus into her nether entrance and roughly fucking her ass. She had responded perfectly, fighting me at all the right times, and cooperating when I really needed her to, and later, had told me she was battling a different kind of battle lust…She had felt helpless in the Helicon battle, and needed to feel helpless sexually with me, as well. As usual, we were so in tune with each other.


There had been other times, when I had been extremely aggressive in our lovemaking, and I quickly ran down the list of times that had happened, asking myself a single question. Had Xena, during even one of those times, asked me to take the aggressive role?


Nope, not a single one.


I wanted a minute to think this through privately, so I told her, “Lay down on your back on my bedroll. Spread your legs and keep them that way.”


Amazingly, she did exactly as I said without any hesitation. She was still fully dressed, but just having her lay there obediently was enough to make my pussy clench in anticipation. I had to make this good.


I thought hard about the best way to control her as I left the camp. Although she used restraints, most of the control Xena would take over me would be mental. She had this way of just looking at me, that would make me feel so meek and inferior. Then she would speak, playing manipulative mind games with me that made me continue to feel that way.


I was getting better at it, but wasn’t able to use the same kind of control. I thought about the time after Helicon, and how delicious it had been to whip her luscious ass, watching the flesh quiver with each stroke.


The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became what my predominant act would be. If Xena had made the cane with such loving care, and then asked me to command her, then she must want it used on her.


I smiled, and looked around to find something I could use as rope.


It didn’t take long to find some vines that were thick and very strong. I tried cutting through one with my sai, and it took a lot of sawing to even make a dent in it. That should do.


Back at the campsite, Xena was still lying as I had directed her. Gods! Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was partially opened. I stood for a moment and just watched her breath. She was breathing a little faster than usual, letting me know she was rather excited as well.


I took a deep breath, steeling myself, and then approached her with a confident stride. Her eyes fluttered opened, and she saw me coming, then she lowered her own eyes so she wasn’t looking me in the face again. I tried to ignore that, as I reached for her wrists, and tied them to a tree that was near the head of my bedroll. A few seconds later, and I had taken off her boots, and was tying her ankles separately to two more trees at the opposite end of the bedroll.


I thought of how Xena often started her dominant sessions with me, and it was with a kiss and a gentle reminder of our safe word. Leaning forward, I gave her the softest of kisses, and I loved the excuse she gave me when she responded eagerly to it.


The hardened peak of one of her breasts brushed my wrist, and I took hold of it, despite her clothing and twisted it hard.


Xena was no dummy, and realized since she had only done one thing, responded to my kiss, she must have done it wrong. Immediately, she withdrew her tongue, and left her mouth lax beneath mine.


I rewarded by sucking and chewing on her lips, not hesitating to let my hunger dictate my movements. When I pressed my tongue between them, she parted them obligingly, but her tongue remained dormant in her mouth, letting me have full reign to taste her.


I decided to attack with a combination of mental and physical approaches, and now was as good as time as any to start with the mental. I continued to consume her mouth, knowing she was very much into the kiss, and at the same time, I began to touch her body. She moved cooperatively so I could unfasten her leathers, then pulled it out from under her.


Xena’s eyes were still closed, so I took the opportunity to appreciate the view of her shift-clad body. Even tied up and lying down, her body was long and powerful, and I reached out and touched several of my favorite spots. Her breathing changed when I touched certain places, but I wasn’t getting the response I really wanted.


I quickly remedied that. My fingers sought out her left nipple, and I caught it in my hand. Normally, I would start with a light touch on them, and would slowly build to a more vigorous amount of pressure. But in order to catch her attention tonight, I grabbed on tight, and pulled hard.


That got a response! She gasped out loud, and although I know I was hurting her, reacted by arching her pussy toward me. Even through her breeches, I could smell her extreme arousal.


The scent only grew more pronounced when I used my other hand to torment her right breast in the same manner.


Despite the fact that her arms and legs were being held down, Xena was still doing a very good job of moving into my touch. It was an incredible image, the way her body bent and thrust toward me, and I considered going ahead and stripping her the rest of the way right now and then, before I had planned on it.


While I was considering that, something else caught my attention however. I could tell by the soft grunting noises Xena was making, and the sudden jerkiness of her head tossing back and forth. She was on the verge of a climax.


For a second, I was torn. I always felt joy in seeing Xena come, especially when I was the one who had brought it about, and it was very difficult for me to forego that joy and stop her from coming.


But I was supposed to be in control tonight, and if I wanted total control, it would have to involve denying her body certain…needs. And orgasm was the greatest need of all.


Just as her body started to galvanize, I pulled my hands back, stopping the stimulation that had been driving her to the edge.


For a second, I thought she was going to come anyway. Her hips humped at the air and a hiss was forced through clenched teeth, and I’m sure my eyes widened in amazement as I heard the hiss move into more of a frustrated desperate sound, and her body came to rest on the bedroll, obviously not satisfied. The look she gave me was pleading, and it was difficult not to relent and give her what she needed.


But then I was able to regain the hardness I needed. She’d get what she sought, but not till later, and I placated myself with that thought.


I gave her a nod, both to reassure myself and let her know I was pleased she hadn’t fought me more.


I took one more deep cleansing breath, then got down on my knees beside her. I told her how much I loved her in this position, knowing she was at my complete mercy.


She forced out a “Yes!” in response to me, and then I could see she was struggling with something…almost looking afraid as if her response wasn’t enough for me. I knew what she was thinking.


“No, Xena, I’m not asking you to call me your mistress tonight. You’re tied up, unable to move, and completely at my mercy. Tonight I’m going to be much more than your mistress. It doesn’t matter if you do or say or not…you have no choice in the matter. You can misbehave all you want, and it simply won’t matter.”


My words had their intended effect, although they took a couple of minutes to sink in. I think she realized that I wanted to do more than just be her mistress that night. I wanted to be her MASTER…the complete controller of all she did and more importantly, felt. No matter how she might try to manipulate me with her own sheer will, it wasn’t going to work.


To make my point even more obvious, I picked up the cane that she herself had fashioned. I held it so it was right above her face, and her glittering blue eyes were immediately riveted there.


“Do you understand what I’m saying?”


Her voice broke slightly as she blurted out another “Yes!”


I took in the level of excitement she was exhibiting, and the effect it would have on me. It would be so easy to get carried away with my big strong defiant Warrior Princess, and I knew if I wasn’t careful, I would really hurt her in the heat of my own excitement. I had to make sure she knew I’d be able to bring it to a halt.


“And you know how to stop it, right?”


For the third time, she answered, “Yes.”


Of course, I was referring to our safe word, “Illusia”, which she herself had given me as an out if our dominating games ever grew too much for me. The beauty of it was, I had long ago resolved myself never to use it, and with the level of intensity our game playing carried, I had never truly found myself tempted to use it. I didn’t want to risk losing future adventures, as she had promised would be the consequence of using the safe word. And I was content in the knowledge that she would feel the same way. Still, it was a comfort to have it established, and it had become a ritual to remind each other the word existed..


Now that the safe word was out of the way, it was time to begin again.


My attention was once again focused on the cane, knowing she obviously wanted to feel its sting, and I used it to caress over her body, watching her suck in her breath and try to squirm away from wherever it came into contact with her. She was waiting for me to strike her, and we both knew it.


I pushed the issue though. Reaching down with my free hand, I pushed up the bottom of her skirt, revealing those firm bronze thighs that I so loved to have wrapped around me in the heat of our lovemaking. The scent of her arousal was stronger than usual, more than likely do to her interrupted climax, and it made my mouth water to taste it, but I wanted to help her anticipation grow.


“I want to ask you something, Xena, and I want an honest answer.” She nodded her understanding.


I indicated the cane. “When you were making this…what was going through your mind?”


Her answer surprised me. She told me she didn’t have any purpose in mind. “I was honestly just doing what I said, keeping my hands busy, and it wasn’t until I stopped and thought about it that I realized what I had made.”


I watched her eyes as she spoke, and they never once wavered from mine, which told me she wasn’t lying or even exaggerating. There was something exciting about he the thought of her subconscious mind directing her to make a device of punishment. I asked her when she HAD started thinking about using it.


Was that embarrassment I saw in her expression again. She replied, “When I suggested we go to bed and saw that smile on your face.”


I wracked my brain and couldn’t remember. “What smile?”


She told me it wasn’t my usual “let’s go to bed” smile…but rather a “let’s have a wild night in bed smile”. I didn’t realize there was a difference, and then I thought about her bedroom eyes, and how sometimes she could just give me a look that made me realize she might have something unusual in mind. Perhaps I had the same look.


I thought back to how I had felt when I saw her in that clearing, first looking at peace with the world, then looking as though there was something on her mind that might be more than peaceful.


“You’re right,” if finally said. “I had the impression that you had something a little unusual in mind, and then when I saw this lovely thing, I knew I was right.”


She could only nod.


Enough talk for now. I pushed the tip of the cane into her mouth, and watched her suck it in without hesitating, just as she would be doing on my body parts soon. I fought back a shiver. “And tell me this, Xena,” I had to ask, “ when did you decide you wanted it to be used on you?”


I’m not sure what kind of answer I expected to that, but she admitted she hadn’t really been actively thinking about it until we had gotten back to camp. I pictured what she was saying…what must have been going through her mind, and felt a sense of pride well up in me. Though she didn’t exactly state it that way, she had felt confident in my ability to take charge to the point that she would ask for it.


“Hmm….when I saw you kneeling on my bedroll, your head bowed…” I tried to express my pleasure in the responsibility she had given me, but found myself unable to complete the thought. The thoughts of controlling her swept through me once again, and I hoped she couldn’t see the weakness in my knees.


I distracted her, by lightly touching the cane up and down her body again, this time zeroing in on the area of her crotch. “I began to desire just that,” I admitted, and then, before I lost it completely, I raised and lowered the cane quickly against the area of her legs just above her knees.


I loved the look of shock in her eyes when I hit her. It was more shock than pain, as if she hadn’t really thought I’d really strike her, or at least maybe not so soon, but I slashed downward again, this time just above the other mark, and saw the surprise leave her expression, to be replaced with resignation that the challenge was officially being offered.


After the fourth or fifth hit, I was assaulted by a fresh wave of her body’s response to the pain. Whether or not she’d admit it, her cunt was responding to what I was doing, and I could tell she was pumping out fresh juices with every touch of the wooden cane to her thighs. Suddenly ravenous, I began to lash out in more earnest.


I had originally intended to flip her over, so I could watch the welts raise on that golden colored ass of hers, but I found I was too much into watching her move in the position she was. It was obvious the cane was painfully effective on the front of her legs, and I was using far from full strength, only to be rewarded by muffled gasps of pain and lurching movements that told me I was causing her more than a little discomfort.


I should have had her keep count of the blows, I realized, as in my lustful haze, I quickly lost track of how many times I had brought my arm down. I was too busy staring at her, watching the flesh on her legs deepen to an angry red, raising in painful looking welts in some places, and lightening into what looked like already forming bruises in others. The aroma of her pussy continued to fill my nostrils with the sweet scent of desire, and her eyes registered a mixture of rapture and agony that spurred me on. I whipped her until there wasn’t a spot of flesh that wasn’t affected, her thighs a mass of tender, swollen flesh. Gods, but that had to hurt!


I had seen enough scourging to know that more blows would break the surface of her tightened skin, so I let the cane drop for now, and out of curiosity, touched her raw flesh. The heat radiating from it was incredible, and as my hands touched higher, I felt an equal heat emanating from between her legs, where the cane hadn’t touched her. My own pussy flooded with the knowledge.


I got to my feet, and made my way to her discarded leather, picking up an object I had use for, and slipping it into my cleavage before turning to face her again. Seeing she was relaxing despite the pain, her eyes closed, I bent and picked up the cane again.


“Fuck, Gabrielle!” she barked at me, when she felt the cane touching her sore legs, and opened her eyes to see what I was doing.


Mmmm…now THAT was a good idea. I let the picture of fucking her in this state fill my mind, then I murmured, “Oh, I will, Baby.”


Her plaintive stare told me she was having trouble concentrating on what I was saying, and I had lost her.


Feeling bold, I explained for her. “I will fuck you when I’m ready…I’m going to fuck you hard like only I can…but only when I’m ready.” I watched her eyes roll shut again, and recognized the expression. “Mmm…that idea appeals to you, doesn’t it? Your pussy is screaming for me to pound it, isn’t it?”


For some reason, it infuriated me when she didn’t respond to that.


I struck her legs again with the cane, the hardest yet.




If I hadn’t heard her scream out with my own ears, I never would have believed it. The blood continuing to pump under the skin of her thighs apparently kept reminding her how much damage I had done there.


I had to chuckle, secure in the knowledge that the caning was nearly over, but realizing she had no way of knowing that. “You are so fucking, hot, Xena,” I had to tell her.


Her eyes were now watching me carefully, as I touched the tip of the cane to her thighs and as lightly as I could, stroked her. She even responded to that light touch, groaning, as every part of her body but her thighs seemed to tense as if she expected another blow at any time.


Instead, I decided to do a little exploring, both for my own self-indulgence, and to remind her what the real purpose of the torture was. I carefully avoided the area of her inner thighs where some of my blows had landed when I couldn’t control my excitement, and then I was able to slide the tip of the cane up underneath the leg band of her britches. I was pleased to feel it slide right in, knowing I had found her vagina with the first try.


I fucked the weapon in and out of her a few times, knowing the narrow width wouldn’t be enough to bring her off, although it would stimulate her further. Her hips were just unconsciously beginning to pick up the rhythm, when I lifted the leg band free of her leg and pulled my other hand back suddenly, carefully.


I expected the tip of the cane to come away glistening, but certainly not coated in a thick white substance, rather than the usual clear color. “Mmm…look at that,” I had to say, knowing what had brought it about. Xena’s constant twisting and straining at her bonds, coupled with her great excitement must have whipped her own juices into a foaming froth.


I saw the hunger in her eyes, knowing that she was willing for some sort of sexual contact at this time, even if it only amounted to tasting her own emissions on the end of the cane. By increments, I moved the cane’s gleaming tip toward her luscious lips, watching her swallow and open her mouth to receive it.


And still, I felt the urge to push her even higher. Rather than give her what she wanted, I brought the cane down against the flesh of her cheek, not overly hard, but strongly enough that it would make her eyes water. A glob of the white fluid clung to her cheek where I hit her, and I couldn’t resist rubbing the cane over her face, until the cane was clean and her face glistened with her own excitement.


Gods, but what that vision did to me! I leaned in close and inhaled deeply, the whole time watching her closely. I could tell she wanted to speak…but was holding back. It didn’t take imagination to figure out what she wanted to say.


I know the smell of her own desire would be surrounding her, tempting her the same way it tempted me, but she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until I allowed her. To illustrate that point, I gave a long lick over her lips, making sure any trace of her juices was caught up on my tongue. I didn’t want her to have even the slightest of tastes.


Once again, she maintained her silence. I couldn’t help but wonder if she keeping quiet because she was afraid I would use her own words to further torment her, or perhaps because she might be embarrassed by how desperate she sounded. Regardless, I resolved myself right then and there to make her talk.


The best way to get her to talk was by asking her a question. “How are you feeling, Xena?”


She barely paused before answering, her voice kind of breathless. “I’m feeling a lot of different things.”


I saw her half-wince as the words left her mouth, but I know she had given me an honest response. I encouraged her to continue.


I was taken by surprise when she clammed up then. She had answered my first question so easily.


“Xena, do you have any idea how painful this would be on your nipples?” I held the whip above her right breast, letting the end quiver just a bit, as I reached for the parting in her shift with the other, and pulled it aside. I wouldn’t really hit her on the nipple, not because I didn’t want to cause her that kind of pain, but because I wouldn’t want to split that delicate flesh open, but she didn’t have to know that.


“All right!” The words burst forward almost instantaneously. I had to smile at how hard it was for her to come clean.


“I’m feeling a good deal of pain from the lashing you’ve been giving me.”


It was nice, somehow, to hear her admit that. I nodded at her. “I want you to think about me every time you move for the next couple of days.”


“You’ve succeeded,” she replied, not sounding bitter.


I loved that admission, but sensed there was more. “Go on…”


She didn’t keep me waiting long. “I also feel a strange pride that you’ve been able to dominate me so completely. When you took the lead, I never thought you’d would keep it up for this long.”


I saw that expression that had a flicker of fear again, and realized she thought that might anger me. Whereas, I could have taken it as an insult that she thought I might not be able to totally dominate her, I chose to look at it from the other angle. That I was succeeding.


Just to be sure, I said, “You’re not thinking that anymore, are you?”


Sure enough she answered “No.”


Pleased with that, I urged her to continue. “What else?”


She started to hesitate again, and I gave her an impatient “Yes?”


Her next quiet admission went right to my clit. “I’m also turned on.”


Gods, it sounded so good, I had to hear her say it again. I held a hand to my ear, cane and all, and intoned, “What was that?”


Her voice was still raspy but a bit louder. “I’m also turned on.”


I nodded and didn’t bother trying to fight back my grin. “Oh, really?”


“You know I am,” she replied, in what sounded like her more normal voice.


I’m not sure why, but I decided to come clean. “That was obvious. Seems to me that might be a good thing, because I am too.”


Right before my eyes, her expression changed from one of submission to one of seduction. She was purring as she said, “Mmmm…why don’t you let me help you take care of that?”


I wasn’t fooled for a minute, even if I was a little tempted. I know very well that she could take more than adequate care of my need, but that wasn’t what was this night was all about. I decided to start my own seduction.


I got on my knees between her widely stretched thighs, and rubbed my hands lightly over the hot flesh I had marked.


“Are you saying you would like to help me take care of my itch?” I asked, teasingly.


“I’d be able to do a lot more if you’d let me have my hands,” she replied, letting me know that was exactly what she had meant.


My momentary lapse was over, and I felt the need to take control again. I took hold of her wrists, and then, before I could stop myself, I dug in with my nails and moved all the way up her arms. I left furrows in her flesh, and I felt a slight twinge of shame when I saw blood ooze up in several spots.


She seemed surprised, but didn’t offer a protest, and somehow, that encouraged me. “Nice try,” I said, recovering, “But I rather like you like this.”


To illustrate my point, and make her suffer a bit further, I decided it was time to relieve some of my tension and put on a show for her at the same time. I relaxed backward slightly, and pulled up my skirt, letting her get an eyeful.


She did just that, and I wasn’t shy about letting my hands push their way under the waist band of my panties and onto my pussy. I’m sure it was no surprise when I groaned, “I’m so fucking wet, Xena…”


But just to keep her interest growing I pulled my hand free and showed her the amount of wetness covering my fingers. I thrilled when I saw her tongue slip out to touch her lips, obviously wanting a taste.


I moved my hand just below her nose, so she could get a good smell of what I was producing, but suddenly reversed my hand and sucked my own fingers clean.


It tasted good, but my groan was more from the thought of what I was doing to her. “Still feeling all those things, Xena?” I asked when I had pulled my fingers clear.


I heard her answer in the affirmative, and made myself more comfortable between her legs. “Which one are you feeling the most?” I asked her.


I felt my own pussy grow even wetter as I moved into position to do what I knew would drive her even crazier. She recognized it too.


“Arousal!” she croaked.


.“Arousal?” I repeated curiously. “Even more than the pain?” When she nodded, I continued, “I was hitting you very hard. I know you’re tough, Xena, but aren’t you hurting?”


She nodded so fast, I know she was trying to avoid my hurting her more. “Yes, very much.”


I glanced down again at her reddened thighs and the scratch marks on her arms, and caught on. “You’ve transferred all that pain to pleasure?”


Her response was a shrug.




I don’t know if she expected me to add to her pain or not, but at that moment, I resisted the urge. I had other…urges…that were suddenly more…urgent.


I moved as languidly as I could as I slipped my head down my torso, and then beneath my panties again. “Gods, that feels so good.” I was referring to the wetness my hand encountered.


My fingers easily slipped into the slippery flesh they encountered, and I brushed my clit, finding it had already tightened into an ultra-sensitive nub of sensation. I knew it wouldn’t take much to bring me over, so instead of focusing on it, I moved my fingers up and down the length of my slit, knowing the movement would catch her attention.


It more than caught her attention…in no time at all she was groaning.


I stopped for just a second. “Something wrong?” I couldn’t resist asking.


Her mouth opened, and a second later, the voice came through. “No.”


Zeus, but I was close already! I had to stop the movement I was using, for just the lightest and briefest touch on my clit was nearly sending me over. Instead, I moved my hand lower, and started finger fucking myself.


Her excitement was obviously building as well, and she began to squirm against her bonds, which obviously caused her pain. The sound of helplessness that she made was so sexy, I found myself having to slow down again, or else I would be coming despite the lack of contact with my clitoris.


Then a delicious thought occurred to me. Why was I holding back on my orgasm? There was no reason, really, to continue to torment myself…the goal tonight was to torment her, and with that thought, and a brisk rub over my clit with my thumb, I allowed myself to come.


It was sweet, and I relished the pulsations my cunt delivered as the pleasure rippled through me. I didn’t milk it for as long as I might though, knowing I would have plenty of time for long orgasms later. “whew…I needed that,” I said.


I let a little laugh out at her expression, then pulled my hand free and once again, showed her the proof I had come. Her plaintive expression caused my pussy hole to contract again, but I tried not to let it affect me too much as I inhaled the scent of my pussy juice, letting her know how good it smelled.


She went from pussycat to tiger in a heartbeat, and her growl caught me off guard. I looked up to see her teeth gleaming at me in the campfire.


I realized quickly that she was growing desperate, and she was willing to try anything to get me to take a more active role in her own arousal. I smiled at her, pleased I could bring this out in her, and then I was touching her thighs again. I knew the wetness on my hands would sting her.


She gasped and for a second, I thought she would cry out, but her eyes rolled shut instead, and I could see her fighting the pain internally. Gods, but was she tough!


I decided it was time to give her a slight respite, so I reached behind me and took up our waterskin. After drinking from it and quenching my own thirst, I held it above her mouth.


There was something very sensual about watching her throat swallow, but when she started to move, I realized she needed a breath. That was fine, as I had other ideas.

Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 3