Scroll 65-Brazen Bard--Xena's Scroll

Scroll 65 Xena

“Fuck, Gabrielle!”




She stood there, legs apart, her arms crossed, the tip of the cane hovering above my upper thighs. The tip of it just stroked my tender flesh and I tensed, expecting her to strike at any time.


“Oh, I will, Baby,” she purred at me.


I blinked sweat from my eyes and didn’t even bother trying to hide my confusion from her.


“I will fuck you,” she clarified. “When I’m ready….I’m going to fuck you hard like only I can…but only when I’m ready.” I swallowed a groan, knowing it would be futile to try to conceal my distress. I was still having trouble determining exactly what she wanted from me…how she wanted me to respond to her.




“Mmm…that idea appeals to you, doesn’t it?” Gabrielle asked, still eying me carefully. “Your pussy is screaming for me to pound it, isn’t it?”


I fought back another shudder, and again, didn’t respond.




The was a mistake. My eyes were shut and I never even saw the evil gleam in her eye, never even saw her raise her right hand, the damned birch branch still held in her grasp.








I couldn’t help but screaming out as she brought the makeshift whip down once again on my upper thighs, where the skin was already tight and throbbing from the previous beating she had given me.




She giggled evilly, and I slammed my lower half back down, almost grateful she had me restrained so tightly. If I wasn’t held so firmly, I’m afraid I’d might really tear into her out of revenge for the extreme pain she was delighting in bringing me.


But no, all I could do was lay here and continue to take the abuse until Gabrielle had worked it out of her, or perhaps, my system.




“You are so fucking, hot, Xena,” she was saying. I eyed her and her instrument warily, as she was now stroking it very softly over my marked flesh. Her touch was so light, I couldn’t even feel it on my numb flesh, but I groaned anyway, in the hopes that Gabrielle would think she was hurting me sufficiently and wouldn’t strike again.




A few seconds later, I felt the tip of the cane pushing a little harder against me, underneath the leg band of my breeches. Gabrielle expertly pushed for a moment, and the groan I was fighting this time was of pleasure.




The pleasure was short-lived though, as she only massaged me for a moment or so, and then she was withdrawing her hand.


“Mmm…look at that,” I heard her purr.


She was holding the tip of the cane up in front of her face, and not only was it glistening with my moisture, but it was also coated with a very thick liquid. The fluid was pearly white, rather than clear, and clung stubbornly to the surface of the cane.




It wasn’t the first time I had seen something like that. There were many times in the past when either Gabrielle or I would produce such a viscous lubrication, but it was usually as a result of a vigorous fucking at the end of the phallus.


It was as if the phallus created a churn-like effect inside the vagina, and thickened our emissions as a result. They didn’t taste any different…they just had a very different appearance and consistency.


But now, my pussy seemed to have churned up the juices without Gabrielle stroking deep inside me, and I figured that how I managed to do that made her as curious as me.




I think it probably came about from all my thrashing under the tutelage of Gabrielle and her whip. Despite the fact that my legs were tied apart, I was able to jerk and thrash quite a bit in an effort to escape, and maybe I stirred them up that way.


Gabrielle was now pushing the cane towards my face, and I figured she would want me to lick it clean. I certainly didn’t mind.


I was just opening my mouth to suck it in, when I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. The wooden cane made a slight splattering sound where it had struck me.


The blow made my eyes water, and I tensed for more, but she only struck me once,. Now she was rubbing the end of the cane over my nose, my cheekbones, and my chin. The scent of my juices filled the air and my nostrils, but she had put the moisture where I couldn’t reach it with my tongue, but the scent would remain heavy in my mind.




Suddenly, I blinked in surprise when she leaned in, so her nose was very nearly touching mine. I forced my eyes to stay open and focused on hers. Her face was so close, all I saw was one big green eye, and even from this odd view, I could see there was a very wicked glint in it.




She giggled, and her tongue slipped out to lick over my lips. It was the closest thing to a kiss she has given me in a while, I realized.


She straightened up and continued to regard me in the position I was in. The tip of the cane lifted to rest against her chin lightly.




“How are you feeling, Xena?” she asked me finally.


It may have been a trick question, but I decided it would be best to answer her. “I’m feeling a lot of different things,” I answered honestly.


I half-expected another punishment for my response, but much to my surprise, she nodded soberly, as though she agreed and was thinking the exact same thing.


“Tell me some of them,” she said, her voice sounding surprisingly gentle. “Tell me some of the things you are feeling.”


I took a deep breath, and once again, wondered if it might be a trap. She could be trying to get me softened up so I would be off-guard for another of her attacks.


I remained silent.


Almost instantly, the whip was raised just above my breast. She had smacked me there a couple of times already, and as I still wore my shift, we both know that they were just love pats.




“Xena, do you have any idea how painful this would be on your nipples?” she asked me, as if reading my mind. She wound a couple fingers in the cleavage of my shift, and pulled it to the side, revealing a hint of my areola.



I swallowed. Gods, she would do it too. She seemed to have demons inhabiting her blood this night and as a result, was quite capable of being extraordinarily cruel.




And yes, it was exciting to me.




Very exciting.




Okay, I’ll be honest…very, very exciting.




“All right,” I gasped finally. There were enough spots on my body that were hurting already, and I didn’t really relish the idea of having one or both of my nipples split open.


The cane didn’t move, just continued to float above me in a threatening manner. “I’m feeling a good deal of pain from the lashing you’ve been giving me,” I began.


She nodded, looking very pleased with herself. “I want you to think about me every time you move for the next couple of days,” she said.


“You’ve succeeded,” I replied.


“Go on…”


I took a deep breath. “I also feel a strange pride that you’ve been able to dominate me so completely,” I said. “When you took the lead, I never thought you’d would keep it up for this long.”


I watched carefully, wondering if my words would anger her. They didn’t seem to. Instead, she looked rather smug, and gods help me, even sexier.


“You’re not thinking that anymore, are you?” she asked.


I shook my head and swallowed. “No.”


She merely nodded again. “What else?”


She wasn’t going to let it go, that much was for sure. I thought of times when I was in charge, and had her laid out in a similar position. I would play mind games with her then too. It added to the overall efficiency of taking control, keeping the captive’s mind in a flurry of thoughts, confused, uncomfortable at times.


“I uh…”




The smirk she was giving me was so much like my own, I was amazed. No wonder others found it so annoying when I gave that expression. Hers was damn near pissing me off.


“I’m also turned on,” I finally said.


She held the whip up by her ear, cupping her hand slightly, as if she were having trouble hearing me. “What was that?”


I fought back a sigh. “I’m also turned on,” I replied, slightly louder.


She smiled again. “Oh, really?” she said.


It was hard for me to admit. “You know I am,” I answered.


She nodded, the smirk disappearing to be replaced by an almost sympathetic smile and a cock of her head. “That was obvious,” she said. “Seems to me that might be a good thing, because I am too.”


I couldn’t help but thrill to that admission., hoping her arousal would serve to preoccupy her, at least for a while, and she would let up on the torture just a bit.


“Mmm” I said, “Why don’t you let me help you take care of that?” She was still fully clothed, and though I was half-dressed, I was more than eager to see her bare flesh, rather than have her bare my own. Well…more than see it…I wanted to involve all my senses. But seeing her would be a great start.


She finally set the cane down, and now kneeled between my spread thighs, her hands coming up to rub over the tender flesh on my thighs.


“Are you saying you would you like to help me take care of my itch?” she asked me.


I gave a slight tug with my hands on the ropes that held them in place. “I’d be able to do a lot more if you’d let me have my hands,” I tried.


Her hands were immediately off my thighs, and after grasping my wrist, she dug her nails in and scratched all the way up until she was on my biceps. There, she clawed me so hard, I could feel the blood run.


“Nice try,” she said, “but I rather like you like this.” She sat back on her heels and pulled the bottom of her skirt up, folding it back and tucking it into the waistband.


My eyes bore immediately into the area now exposed to me. She was wearing a pair of pink panties that were so sopping wet, they were redder than pink where her legs met. Oh yeah, she was turned on, all right.




Gabrielle sat back on her heels, and her hand slid down the front of her panties.


Her eyes rolled closed immediately. “I’m so fucking wet, Xena…”


For evidence, she pulled her fingers out and held them in front of my face. In the light of the campfire, I could see her copious wetness glistening on her hand.


I licked over my dry lips, making it no secret that I wanted to taste the digits she was displaying before me. She moved her hand closer to my mouth, and just as I had leaned my head forward and was ready to get a taste, she pulled her fingers back and sank them in the depths of her own mouth.


“Mmm…” she moaned, her eyes rolling back slightly.


I continued to eye her as she put on a show for me, slurping away at the fingers that I desperately wanted inside my own mouth. I had been on the receiving end of Gabrielle’s dominant side before, but this was by far the most effective she’d ever been. Not only had she already caused my body a great deal of pain, but she was making me do a considerable amount of suffering in my mind as well.




And I had the feeling she was just getting started.




Eventually, she pulled her fingers from her mouth, and then she gave me a wicked smile. “Still feeling all those things, Xena?” she asked.


“Yeah,” I managed to croak, knowing I’d be in trouble if I didn’t answer her.


“Which one are you feeling the most?” she asked me, as she wiped her fingers on the top of my breeches, then settled down opposite me, so she was sitting between my outstretched feet.


I swallowed hard as I saw her prop a leg up, and had a feeling I knew where she was going with this.


“Arousal,” I answered finally.


“Arousal?” she echoed. “Even more than the pain?”


I just clenched my teeth and nodded.


She was studying me, looking slightly puzzled. “I was hitting you very hard,” she said.


Once again, I nodded.


“I know you’re tough, Xena, but aren’t you hurting?”


“Yes, very much,” I replied.


She stared a minute more, then I saw a candle light behind her eyes., “You’ve transferred all that pain to pleasure?” she asked, sounding genuinely curious.


It was difficult to explain, especially when I was in the condition I was in. As conniving as she had been tonight, I was sure anything I said would be used against me.


So I tried shrugging instead.




Surprisingly, she let me get away with that. “Amazing,” she said, and then my eyes were riveted to her right hand.


Slowly, she drew it over the front of her neck, then trailed it languidly over a breast, before it continued to move downward.




Her fingers crept beneath the waistband of her panties again, and she grinned maddeningly at me.


“Gods, that feels so good…”


I found myself swallowing, as I watched the bulge her hand formed under the crotch of her underwear. It was difficult to see exactly what she as doing, but easy enough to pick out a rhythmic movement. If I had to guess, I’d say she was stroking two fingers just inside her outer lips, up and down the length of her vulva.


Gods, all the time I wanted her to touch herself, she had to comply now! Now…when my body was taut with stinging pain, increased blood circulation, and heightened senses.


And she was making matters that much worse by not letting me actually see what she was doing. The sounds she was making were little moans of pleasure that I usually brought out in her. Even as I watched, I saw the speed of her hand increase.


I didn’t fight back the groan that was building in me.


Gabrielle’s eyes snapped open, and her hand stopped moving. “Something wrong?” she asked.


“No.” I was surprised when my voice cracked on the word.


Her fingers moved a few more seconds, then stopped once more. I saw her hand move a bit lower, and there was no mistaking the wet squishy sounds of her fingers entering her cunt.


I couldn’t help having to readjust my lower body, so much was the pressure building down below. When I did, the flesh on my abused thighs screamed loudly in protest. My groan ending up sounding more like a whimper.


“Ahhh…” Gabrielle was watching me, and I could see a blush rising to her cheeks telling me her orgasm was imminent. She really hadn’t been masturbating for very long at all, but I had the feeling I was offering her some real visual stimulation.


“Oh yeah…” it was mere seconds later, when I saw her legs quiver and her upper body set almost upright as she came, her mouth gaping open for air.




She relaxed gradually, and her bent leg straightened as she sat up, her hand still buried in her panties. “Whew, I needed that!” she exhaled, then gave a little giggle.


She pulled her hand out of her panties once again letting me see the abundance of juices her body had produced. Gods, she was so wet! The streams of arousal were dripping down the back of her hand.


I couldn’t help wiggling my hips again, and I tried to put my most pathetic looking pout on my face.




I didn’t fool Gabrielle for a second. She held her hand beneath her nose and breathed deeply, giving a throaty hum. “That smells so good…” she purred.


I felt like I was nearing the end of my rope. Enough was enough after all. I bared my teeth and offered a feral growl.


Gabrielle’s head shot up to stare at me in surprise. I couldn’t read the exchange of emotions that fluttered across her face, but I felt them in my pussy. Then, a sweet smile melted her features, and she was leaning forward.


For a moment, I thought my sweet bard was back, but I soon realized that was not to be the case. She reached forward with her cum-coated hand, and rubbed it hard against my tortured thighs. The saltiness of her fluids caused me to see stars in my pain, and it was all I could to keep from howling in pain. I’m not sure, but I might have even blacked out for a minute.




When I was fully aware a few minutes later, Gabrielle was on her knees with her back to me. When she turned around, I saw she held a waterskin.


She opened it, and took a long swig from it, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her eyes were locked into mine the whole time.


I was thirsty, although I would have much rather had a mouthful of her pussy juice, but when she held the waterskin above my had, I opened my mouth dutifully.


She tipped the skin so a nice trickle poured out to fill my mouth as I swallowed. I started to move my head away, having had enough, but she didn’t move her hand, and the water continued to trickle out, over my chin, and down the front of my chest, to the cleft between my breasts, where it pooled and made goosebumps rise. The water was very cold.


“Mmm…that’s nice,” I heard Gabrielle say. I saw her gaze was on my chest, and my own eyes traveled downward.


The water had soaked through the material of my beige undergarment, darkening it, much as the material of her panties had darkened. I could see my hardened nipples pressing against the material, forming twin tents of material.


Gabrielle recorked the waterskin and set it aside. Then she stretched out her body so she was resting on her straightened arms on either side of my waist. The rest of her body was lounging between my spread thighs.


My eyes were locked into hers as she lifted them upward to see my face. The same smile was on her features, and her mouth was gentle when it closed in on my left nipple.




Gods, finally! The moist heat of her mouth sucked firmly on me, and it felt absolutely divine. I couldn’t feel the roughness of her tongue directly on my skin, but the suction she was using was incredibly stimulating, even with the pain of her mouth touching the flesh she had already struck with the cane.


I glanced at my right nipple, and saw it had risen even harder, feeling neglected since the left one was getting all of Gabrielle’s attention.


Gabrielle must have noticed my discomfort, because she lifted her head and switched nipples, sucking in a similar fashion. After all the pain she had put me through, she was easily making up for it with a few sucks of her talented mouth.




When she lifted her head, I was panting for breath, and feeling even more eager to get some relief. Now, not only did I have a dark ribbon of wet cloth striping down my torso, but now I also had two large wet spots where Gabrielle’s mouth had been.


Gabrielle inhaled deeply. “Mmm….you smell delicious,” she told me, her voice husky.


“Thank you,” I replied, hoping the word “delicious” meant she’d be feasting there soon.


Supporting herself on one arm, she reached down with her other and pushed the bottom part of my shift up even higher.


My own breeches were black, and wouldn’t be nearly as reveling as hers in announcing my level of excitement. Gabrielle’s outstretched hand pressed up against my mound, and I sighed with the feeling of it.


I felt her hand stroking over me, high up where the fleshy part of my mound was. “You’re soaked clean through up here,” she whispered.


My wiggling and thrashing had helped accomplish that, but she didn’t have to have the details of how it came about. “You really want it, don’t you?” she mused.


“Uh huh,” I managed, through gritted teeth as her hand gradually began to wander lower. I felt the tips of her fingers lightly pressing into the coarse material of my breeches, occasionally brushing my clit. It was only the lightest of touches, but at this point, I’d take it.


I know I had an easy smile on my face, my breathing growing more regular again. My eyes made their way closed once more.


“Hmm…” she continued to make that soothing noise in her throat as she continued to probe me, pressing a little harder now.


Oh yeah, it had been a torment being so close to her while she touched herself and yet not being able to see anything. But I wasn’t going to think about that now that she was finally touching me.




She continued to hum as she pulled her hand back and slapped it back down on my pussy…hard.


I yelped and tried unsuccessfully to get away from her hand which was now mauling me roughly. The tender smile was gone and in its stead was the wicked grin she had used during the caning.


Her hand lifted from me and clapped down again, making me jump once more, but at least I avoided crying out this time. Gabrielle massaged my whole pussy harshly again, then spanked me a third time. This time, the sound her hand made was less of a smack and more of a dull quelching noise.


“Gods..” we both muttered at the same time.




The betrayal of my body shouldn’t have come to a surprise to either of us, but I was still disappointed. With anyone else, and I mean ANYONE else, I would have been able to control my reaction…and if I didn’t want them to know I was having a good time…they wouldn’t have known.





When had I lost control over my emotions? When had I become so transparent? I shook my head, not willing to spend too much time trying to figure it out.


Gabrielle wasn’t so cooperative though. She was reaching for the dagger that I kept in my boot. Given her activities with the cane, tying me up, manipulating me…I was a little afraid what she would cook up for me with the knife. She had already gone far beyond what I would have expected of her.




The absolute truth was…I was the one how had invited this. Sort of…





Gabrielle had been finishing up her latest story, and I had decided to do a little fishing in the stream not far from our campsite. I had already had my bath, and didn’t feel like getting in the water again, so I decided to fish the old-fashioned way.


There were a few white birch trees along the banks of the creek, and I cut a couple branches, wanting to test them with my hands rather than on the tree, where they can appear deceptively sturdy.


I found them both to be acceptable, and I tied my line to the thickest one, keeping the other one beside me as a replacement should I need it.


It worked perfectly, and soon, I was hard at it, tangling with some surprisingly large fish.


We were due in the small town of Chamara tomorrow, and I caught some extra fish, knowing that I would be able to sell or trade them there. I was really enjoying myself so much that dusk sort of snuck up on me, but Gabrielle found it easy enough to track me down in the dwindling sunset.




I had a line of ten fat fish at the water’s edge, and now was standing on shore looking out over the horizon, lost in a whole myriad of thoughts. When Gabrielle approached, she immediately saw what my eyes were gazing at, and turned to capture the vision too.


“So this is where you’ve been for so long?” she said, with a smile in her voice.


“Uh huh…sorry about that.”


“No reason to be sorry, Xena…I like it that you can take the time to appreciate the beauty.”


I gave her a small smile of gratitude, and slipped an arm around her, holding her close. Gabrielle rested her head on my shoulder, and the scent of her shampoo combined with the natural scent of HER tickled my senses.


We stood there a couple of minutes longer, then I said, “Ready to go to bed?”


She turned her head far enough to offer her lips to me. I bent to kiss her briefly, and waited for her to respond. She nodded with a sly smile.


“Oh yeah…”




I had to release her so I could bend down and retrieve the string of fish. When I stood up again, Gabrielle was holding my fishing pole in her hands, pulling the line free of it.


She pitched the pole in the river, and started to turn, but stopped suddenly. Something had caught her eye. When I saw what it was, I felt a slight twinge of heat on the back of my neck, and in a decidedly more Southern part.


Gabrielle bent over and picked up the spare birch branch. She held it between her hands, and slowly turned it every which way as she examined it.


I had cut the branch to the proper length, then spent a good deal of time stripping the outer thin layer of bark from two/thirds the length of it, making the exposed surface of it even and smooth. Then, around the opposite end, I had wound a thin length of vine meticulously so it created an evenly textured, thicker handle. I had worked on it during the lulls when the fish weren’t biting.


Gabrielle examined the item, the looked up at me. “This isn’t a fishing pole…what is it?”


I shrugged, trying to be non-challant. “Nothing,” I replied, “Just something to keep my hands busy.”


She was bending the thin branch now, noting how springy and strong the deceptively light wood was. Damn.


When she looked up, I saw the look of recognition in her eye. She knew exactly what it was now. She held the branch by the handle, and let it drop so it hung next to her thigh. She was eyeing me carefully.


“It’s a cane, isn’t it?” she asked.


I shrugged and nodded.


Gabrielle knew what a can was most likely used for, and I wondered what she’d thought of my fashioning one. I saw a slight blush steal up over her cheeks, but she didn’t back down.


“You’ve been thinking about playing rough tonight?” she asked then.


Mutely, I nodded. There was no way I could lie about it.


She took in the thought with a nod. It didn’t take her long to make up her mind. “I want it too,” she said quietly.


I grinned, and slipped an arm around her, leading her back to our camp.




As we closed the final distance to our bedrolls, and I realized she had been walking silently, her eyes cast downward, I knew I had to clarify. We were almost there, and I jerked my hand away from Gabrielle’s abruptly. She barely reacted, and I’m sure she thought it was because I was going into Mistress persona.




I took a couple of long strides forward, my heart pounding in my throat. I don’t know what Gabrielle was expecting, but I’m sure it wasn’t seeing me bending down on one knee on her bedroll. I lowered my head, but raised my eyes enough to take in her reaction.


“Xena…what are you doing?”


I took a deep breath before answering. “I’m waiting for you to command me.”


If I hadn’t been so full of lust just then, I would have laughed at the amazement in her expression. I knew I hadn’t given her any clue I was feeling…submissive. I hadn’t realized it myself until I had held the birch branch in my hand and tapped it smartly against my thigh. The sharp sting had travel straight to my clit, and I suddenly had the desire to feel it over and over, directed by the hand of my exquisite warrior bard. It had been too long.




I’m sure Gabrielle first thought I might be playing an evil trick on her. Was I trying to get her to let her guard down before I turned the full dominant on her?


In all the times we had played the master/slave game, not once did I ever ask to be the slave. I had taken that role on a few occasions, but it was because Gabrielle had needed to be the master, not because I needed her to.




That’s not to say I didn’t get into it, because I did…very much… But still…to ask for her to take complete control of me…




Gabrielle took another step forward, and her toes were just an inch or two away from my face.


I know she still had some doubts, but her voice was strong as she said in a thick voice. “Prove it.”


The pit in my stomach suddenly dropped to my cunt as I leaned in and reverently kissed the top of each of her boots. When I had finished, I kept my head resting lightly on the top of her feet.




I’m sure that was enough to convince Gabrielle. I would never do something so humbling as that, even as part of a trick.


I felt her kick ever so slightly upward with her foot, making me raise my head enough to allow her to move her legs. I felt something touching the back of my head, then my shoulder, and I realized it was the cane.


“Look at me, Xena.”


Her voice was stern and commanding, despite the velvety sound of it, and I lifted my head to obey.




She was staring down at me with fire in her eyes, somehow more than her normal lust…yet somehow less than battle lust. It was a look I never expected to see Gabrielle give, but I was eternally grateful she was.


She nodded slowly, and an odd smile quirked the left side of her mouth. “Lay down on your back on my bedroll. Spread your legs and keep them that way,” she said, before turning on her heel and sauntering off.

Gabrielle's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 4