Scroll 66-Subdued Warrior--Gabrielle's Scroll

Xena’s 65 cont’d


If possible, Xena was even sexier wet than dry. I could remember when I had first started traveling with her that bath time was always a particularly difficult time for me. She was always so free with her nudity, whereas I was shy, and she had no hesitation to enter whatever body of water we were to bathe, exposing herself fully to me. I was so embarrassed and aroused at first, that I would have my back to her, but more times than not, I would turn my head to catch a glimpse of her firm curvy butt as she entered the bath. No one would ever accuse me of being a fool!


Almost invariably, she would be finished with her bath before me. I would never tell her I lingered because I couldn’t resist the sight of her exiting the water, the liquid streaming down her body, causing her skin to glisten enticingly, her hair slicked back along her neck. Gods, but she was the most beautiful creature in the world, goddess or otherwise!


I had seen her naked and wet many times since then, of courses, but it still never failed to make me catch my breath. Snapping back to the present, I allowed the water to continue to pour, so it soaked the front of her shift, between her breasts. The material was quickly plastered to her chest, causing her nipples to stick out further. I let her know how nice that vision was.


I had avoided touching her sexually for too long now, and the sight of her breasts so aroused was too much for me. I straddled her body, and sucked in a nipple, despite the cloth barrier.


Immediately, I could feel the hard flesh poking the roof of my mouth, as I suckled at her. She was arching her back despite the restraints, and a small groan escaped her. She echoed it with another louder groan when I switched nipples and sucked in the other breast.


My mouth was salivating with the desire to taste the skin I was nursing, and when I lifted my head, I could see I had soaked the material above her breasts. I smiled at the strange picture she made with her strategically darkened shift, then a slight breeze caught my nostrils.


“Mmm…you smell delicious,” I said, before I could stop myself.


She thanked me, but I was already working at pushing up her shift, so I could press my fingers into the cleft between her legs. Not surprisingly, it was sodden. “You’re soaked clean through up here. You really want it, don’t you?”


She was again mastering her control. “Uh huh,” was what she told me, even though I could tell she wanted to scream out for me to touch her.


I continued to lightly stroke her, and watched as she relaxed slightly.


It was quite pleasurable watching her facial expressions respond to my touch, and any other night, I would have been contented to do just that. Tonight wasn’t just any night though. Time to get her attention again.


She cried out when I smacked her right on her pussy.


I didn’t raise my hand after the slap, and began to handle her crotch much more roughly, watching her begin to writhe again, I’m not sure from what. I slapped her again, and then a third time, and the sound was like hitting a wet sponge. At least one of us had to whisper, “Gods” at that.


The little whimper that escaped her throat told me that just the touch of my fingers caused her pain to grow even worse, and I decided to allow her time to recoup from that for a while. Instead, I reached down and picked up the breast dagger she had confiscated from me so long ago.


I didn’t really think anything about what my actions might be interpreted as until I heard a gasp escape her lips. She was staring at my hand, a look of abject terror in her eyes. My eyes followed hers, and I realized she was thinking I would do the worst with the knife. I had no intention of doing that, but if she thought I did…


Being careful to press just hard enough, but not too hard, I slowly pulled the knife’s tip along the length of her torso, even pressing it between her legs so it traveled the length of her slit. She shivered during the whole process.


I fed off her excitement, and couldn’t hide back a smile. “You’re so tense, Baby. Am I making you nervous?”


She paused, and then replied in a hoarse, dry voice, “A little…”


“I am?” I relished that confirmation, and now that she had felt the blade on her slit, thought it was time to give her a more uncomfortable touch. I began to touch her caned thighs using the same light stroke. Her features tensed up even more. “Are you afraid of what I might do with this knife?”


Unbelievably, her response was to shake her head in the affirmative.


Should I keep her hanging? Should I let her go on wondering in her mind if I was so into this, that I would actually use the knife to hurt her further? I quickly debated the issue, and then thought of the answer.


“Don’t worry, Xena, I won’t use the knife to cut you up.” Her eyes revealed that pleased her very much. “You’re far too beautiful to mark in that way.” I was hoping she’d pick up on the underlying message I was sending to her. Using the knife would be far too easy…anyone could dominate with such a deadly weapon in their command. No, I wanted to use far more subtle tactics.


I did want to use the knife for one more purpose however. I started at the top of her underwear, and the razor sharp blade easily split the material that covered her crotch, as I drew it downward. In no time at all, her cunt was complete bared for me.


Xena was so much better at deciding what to do in this sort of situation. Her former days as an evil warlord had given her lots of experience in this sort of sexual activity and I have the feeling there was little she hadn’t tried. I watched her face carefully as I asked, “Do you know what comes next?


I saw a glint of hope in her eyes for just a second, and wondered what had just gone through her mind, but the more demure look returned. “I’m not sure,” she replied.


I thought of all the mini-fantasies which had run through my head at one time or another, usually after seeing Xena all sweaty from one skirmish or another. It seems when she was using her most tough attitude that I would think of her on her knees before me, submitting to my will.


But something more basic came to mind…something more primal. I held up the phallus which I had concealed behind me when I retrieved the waterskin. I spoke slowly and deliberately. “Now…is when…you get fucked.”


I waited for her response, expecting either a moan of gratitude or a groan of disappointment because she wanted something a bit more forceful. I didn’t get either. Instead, she just continued to lay on her back, in her most submissive posture, not moving or speaking.


It was neither a refusal nor a complaint, but I had to be sure she was willing for me to fuck her. I could smell her, but I ran my fingers over her mound and along her outer labia and felt the moisture that had already seeped out that far. “Methinks you’re more than ready for it,” I murmured, pleased.


The only visible sign that she had heard me was a small gulp. I caught the movements in her throat muscles, and somehow that one small show of emotion revealed much to me. Xena was being as complacent as she possibly could, trying not to offer me any signs of resistance or exert her will against me. She obviously liked the idea me fucking her as promised, and didn’t want to distract me from that plan.


The phallus took a natural course of exploration, moving from the part between her thighs up over her cleft, and then up over her mound toward her abdomen. She moved almost imperceptibly against the touch, and that subtle visual cue was more of an aphrodisiac than a huge thrust against me.


This time I let her know my pleasure at her response by giving her a smile. The sound of the cock sloshing through a particularly damp spot made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up from a slight shiver. I was losing a battle within myself.


“Gods, Xena…I want to fuck you, but you are sooo wet…I need to taste you first.”


I saw that slight swallow of anticipation again, and the need to tease her a bit more, so instead of diving right in, as I’m sure she would have preferred, instead I brought the phallus to my mouth and cleaned it with my tongue. The thick muskiness of her juices was a heady mix, and I realized immediately that I had made a miscalculation. I had to have more.


I set the phallus to the side, and touched her crotch once again, this time letting my fingers linger briefly in the valley of her slit. I wasted no time in transferring the collected juices to my mouth, savoring every last taste of it.


By the gods, she tasted so good, that I still couldn’t get enough. I made myself more comfortable, in the classic pussy eating position, reclining on my stomach so I could press my face directly into her cunt.


Just to remind her who was in charge, I ran my hands over her still hot-feeling thighs, hearing her make a slight hiss of pain. Then I slid my hands into one of my favorite positions, directly under her ass cheeks. She moved to allow me to cup and hold her, knowing it would tilt her pussy into a position favorable for licking.


Xena was watching me now, I realized, perhaps forgetting the submissive was to keep her eyes averted, but I let it slide for now. Instead, I hummed my approval of the scent of her body, and began to lick her pussy.


My eyes had caught it as I was lowering my head to taste her. Her clit was hard and prominently making itself known from beneath its hood. It was always responsive to any attention I gave to it, but sometimes, I would have to coax it out of its protective hood, either by direct contact or by raising her arousal to a higher intensity. Apparently, her arousal was already there tonight, and her clitoris was responding in the way it usually achieved the best results, by making its presence known.


I know that if I licked her clit, I would be able to sample all the juices I wanted to, and of course, at the same time, I would bring her the ultimate pleasure. I was tempted, but reminded myself what tonight was all about, and instead, began to trace a path up and down the length of her pussy that allowed me to lick just below her hardon, if possible, driving her to an even higher state of arousal.


Gods, but she tasted divine! I was holding her cunt toward my face, drinking from her almost like a bowl, and for a while, she held still so I could repeat the path my tongue was taking over and over again. I just enjoyed the sensation of her smooth wet flesh under my tongue, the smell of her arousal filling my nose, and best of all the taste of her excitement on my tongue.


It wasn’t long though, before she was no longer holding still, and instead, was beginning to move her hips in a swiveling movement, trying to push her engorged clit against my pressing tongue. I allowed her just a light touch, but didn’t fall into her trap.


Midway through my tongue’s journey the next time, I actually thought about what had almost happened. With a simple movement, she had nearly made me forget my whole agenda, and for some reason, that bothered me. I thought it was time to teach her a lesson.


My fingers were already holding tightly, almost convulsively to her butt, but now, I tightened my grip even further, until I felt my nails dig completely through her skin. For a brief second, I felt guilty, but when I heard a groan of both distress and pleasure from above me, I chased the guilt from my head.


“You’re trying to cheat, Xena…You’ve got to remember that I’m the one making up the rules here. You got it?”


I tried to sound as though I was talking down to a misbehaving child, and it must have worked to some degree because she made a deep sound in her throat and nodded, as though feeling chastised.


“That’s better,” I told her with a slight nod of my own. I felt her relax a bit, but added, “Now…how am I going to punish you for forgetting your place?”


She carefully masked any response, which gave me fuel as I thought about what the punishment could be.


Then, it occurred to me. “I’ve got just the thing.”


I went back to the saddlebag and dug around it, longer than I needed to, knowing behind me she was mentally squirming, wondering what was in store for her. When I turned back to face her, I kept my hands behind my back, knowing a great deal of effective punishment included the element of surprise.


I told Xena to close her eyes, and as soon as she did, I was tying a black cloth over her lovely eyes, filling a twinge in my clit when she gave a slight gasp as I did so.


Oh yeah, this would do nicely.


I wasted no time in digging into the closest body part, her firm stomach. I raked my fingernails down over the length of it, then back up, watching her breathe in deeply and then try to move away from my touch. I dug in a little harder, and she tensed, expecting me to draw blood again, but I was enticed to touch her nipples again.


And touch them I did, roughly and urgently, stretching and pulling them as far as they would go without causing permanent damage. The sounds she made in her throat were incredible.


I had to tell her I loved her nipples, because it was the truth. “They’re so rich in color and get even darker when they’re filled with blood.” I punctuated the statement by giving her nipple a vicious squeeze, and was thrilled to hear her gasp again.


I did something I had been dreaming of doing to her, ever since the first time she had done it to me. I clamped her nipples, watching the flesh bulge out around the tightened teeth that dug into that flesh I knew to be among the most tender on her body.


Gods, but it did funny things to my own nipples just seeing hers in this condition. I was glad she couldn’t see me because I know I was grinning from ear to ear, as I drank in the sight of her swollen tits, which seemed to be reaching out toward me.


But of course, that wasn’t enough for me. I knew from experience she was feeling a warmth in her breasts, a slight tingling sensation that really didn’t contain much pain. It was time for her to feel the pain.


She sucked in her breath and held it when I tightened the thumbscrews on both clamps at once. Gods! I tried to maintain my composure and work slowly as I worked, milking out the distress for as long as I could. When she had done this to me, I had sometimes been allowed to watch the effect the blood infusion had on my nipples and I used this as a guideline in knowing when to stop tightening the clamps. I didn’t quit until the tips of her breasts were such a deep red, they were bordering on a darker, more unnatural color.


Her whole body was increasingly growing tenser during the course of this operation, and I think I knew why. I didn’t have as much experience as her when it came to this, and she was afraid I would overdo it to the point of permanent damage. As tempting as it was to continue to tighten the screws, I made myself quit.


Still, I had to voice what I thought. “Gorgeous, Xena. Gods…just gorgeous. I don’t know why I didn’t do this to you a long time ago.” I reached out and lightly touched her nipples, thrilling to the throbbing heat I had created. “They look like ripe plums sitting on your tits. All that blood trapped inside, making them swell up so big and purple.”


I don’t know even know if she was aware she gave a slight moan at that, but I cherished the sound. Probably a little too much. My pussy was so wet, it was sloshy, and I suddenly realized what I would do next to torment her.


“Time for a good fucking,” I told her, and I could immediately sensed her relief at those words. If I were in a different frame of mind, it would have made me want to act upon that sense of relief. Not tonight, however.


I reached for the item I had retrieved from the saddlebag earlier, and began to strap it on her.


It was almost funny how easily I could sense what she was going through. First was the confusion when she realized I was strapping our thigh harness on her. I intentionally started out very gently in touching her as I pushed the straps to the proper position, but as I began to tighten them, she began to feel the pain slowly transferring into agony as I pressed the harness and its leather holder deep into flesh already taut with pain. Then came the outrage as she realized my words, “time for a good fucking”, meant time for her mistress to be the receiver.


“Perfect,” I whispered, studying her carefully as I stripped my clothes off, taking a quick mental inventory of my own body. She would have loved it. I straddled her thigh and hovered above her. “Don’t you wish you could see me?” I asked her.


“Yesss…” It was the first time I had heard her speak for a while, and it was a heartfelt hiss. Spurred on, I lowered my body onto the phallus. I was quickly the one moaning, letting her know how much this turned me on.


Gods, but this was exciting. Xena was restrained beneath me, her body all tensed and sweaty…her nipples engorged beyond belief. Her thighs were straining against the pain and the sensation of my riding her up and down, giving me a deliciously firm surface to rub against. I was soon coating her thigh with my pleasure.


I’m not sure if she was trying to focus away from what was happening, so I used my words to bring her back to the here and now. “Mmmm…gods…your cock fills me so good,” I purred, surprised at how husky my voice sounded. Involuntarily, my body began to pump harder.


And somehow, through my haze of rapture, I became aware of something that amazed me. Xena had somehow heard my words, that was obvious, and despite her pain, or perhaps because of it, she seemed to be making a concentrated effort to increase my pleasure. Her teeth were gritted, her jaw clenched, and although I couldn’t see them, I’m sure they would be squeezed tight as well. The tendons in her neck and in her upper chest stood out in her effort to keep her torso still. Sweat was pouring down her in rivulets that almost made me want to bend over to lick it off her. Almost…but instead I remained upright, so I could get the full benefit of the work she was doing down lower on her body.


I was producing a fair amount of sweat on my own, and could feel it dripping on her body. Along with that were the juices my pussy was producing in copious amounts and both of the fluids had to be stinging her wounded legs. Coupled with that was the fact that my fingers were furiously twisting her distended nipples as my crotch pounded repeatedly against her sore legs which combined to cause her a great deal of pain. Yet still, she was thrusting upward with her leg, meeting my downward strokes with her upward ones, allowing the cock strapped to her thigh to penetrate deep inside of me. As a result, my clit rubbed harshly over the harness, bringing me rapidly toward an extreme climax.


I think I temporarily forgot my role as mistress, as her efforts pleased me to the extent I felt she should be rewarded. I stopped tormenting her nipples, and instead, began to release the clamps I had forced on her.


It took little time for me to release her, and even less time for her to respond to the blood rushing back into the peaks of her breasts. She sucked in a breath, but my fingers only left her nipples long enough to fling the clamps aside, and then I was gently rubbing them to help lessen the fire- needles feeling of the aftermath. I’m sure they still throbbed, but the pain seemed to lessen for her.


And still, the pleasure continued to build in me. Seeing the small bit of relief on her tensed features, and knowing that it was due to the clamps being removed seemed to make a warm feeling swell in my belly, and rapidly move to fill a slightly lower portion of my anatomy.


Gods, I was going to come any second, and it was going to be a mindblower. I had enough sanity to realize I was soon going to be totally devoid of energy, and I was ready to end the game. The thigh I wasn’t riding had fallen back against the ground, leaving that beautiful and very swollen pussy of hers exposed, and though I would have liked to have licked it, I couldn’t quite contort in that way. Instead, I made a wedge with three of my fingers, and effortlessly slid them deep inside her.


It was easy to fuck her in the same rhythm she was fucking me, and although I know she had been looking forward to more than just my fingers at the beginning of the night, she responded enthusiastically, a long groan almost immediately emitting from her throat.


I suspected she was still in her role as slave, and felt it was time to release her. “I want you to come with me, Xena,” I told her softly. “Will you do that?”


Her lack of a response was the answer I needed. “Oh yeah,” I said, mainly to myself, and then my cunt galvanized, taking the rest of my body with it. I swear I rode the heavens as I came, and from the sounds of her noises, she was right behind me on the entire trip.


Finally, I found the strength to open my eyes, and I was able to catch myself as my body pitched forward so I didn’t land fully on Xena. Her eyes were still closed, but I could hear her breathing evening out, and if I’m not mistaken, there was a hint of a smile on her gorgeous lips. She appeared for all the world to be sleeping peacefully, but I have the feeling she had passed out from her exertions. I would never be able to convince her of that however.


She gave a soft moan when I began to untie her, but didn’t awaken until I had her fully in my arms, and began to apply salve to the areas on her body that I had hurt. When her eyes opened fully, and focused on me, I was blessed with that warm smile that told me she was pleased with what had transpired, and I had done well. It’s impossible to explain how I felt at that very moment, but I felt my heart swell with love and I just held her close, cradled against me.


After a few minutes, I felt her stir, and she yawned at me. It made me smile. I’m sure we both felt the need to talk, but she was probably even more exhausted than I was. I whispered she should sleep now, and immediately, she closed her eyes to obey. In seconds, she was breathing rhythmically against me.


It took a little longer for sleep to overtake me. My body was definitely ready for sleep, but my brain wouldn’t let me relax enough to succumb. I kept thinking about that smile that Xena had given me when she first woke up. It was a genuine smile, full of gratitude, contentment, and perhaps a little bit of pride. I had caused her so much pain and distress, yet it had made her happy in the long run. This realization helped me deal with any guilt that was nagging at me, making me more comfortable with my own actions.


Tomorrow, everything would be back to normal. Xena and I would fight the bad guys, right wrongs, create a little more peace in the world. And at night, we would find a place to camp, and then make sweet love to each other. If our night in the bedroll began to veer in another direction however, another night of role-playing and domination, I would be even more willing to explore, especially if I found myself on the giving end. Calmed finally with those thoughts, I gently lowered myself to the bedroll, my love still in my arms, and slept.

Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 3