Taking Risks- Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“What are you doing, Xena?” Gabrielle asked, not comfortable at all with the position she was suddenly in.


Xena didn’t even act as if she had heard her name spoken. She was turning her whole body with the exception of her shattered leg, so she was resting on one elbow, looking down at Gabrielle who suddenly found that she could do nothing but lay there and stare back up at her.




Gabrielle felt a knot form in her throat, just from the sensation of having Xena this close to her while she was lying down. She was wearing thick woolen underwear, and even thicker denim pants, and was extremely grateful for that. She had suddenly become aware of a dampness in her crotch that embarrassed and shamed her. She associated the wetness with her sexual excitement, of course, but had never experienced it because of her attraction to another woman.




Xena was still on her side, looking down at Gabrielle. She would never be able to truly offer her thanks for everything the blonde had done. The little woman had gone to so much trouble to get Xena safely away from those men and even now, she should be heading back to the safety and security of wherever she came from, and yet, Gabrielle stayed here.


She had done so much to relieve Xena’s pain, wrapping the leg, that funny white stuff on her cuts, even the tea. She was constantly checking Xena for new pain, and the look of concern and caring on her face was genuine.




Xena didn’t know what she could do to show her thanks to Gabrielle, but would work on that later. Right now, she was still weary, and she could see Gabrielle was yawning as well. Figuring Gabrielle wouldn’t sleep without some coaxing, Xena did the easiest thing she could thing of, urged Gabrielle to lie down beside her.




Xena began to wonder if her new friend was feeling bad. Her face, normally lightly tanned, seemed much darker than usual, and the smaller woman was swallowing convulsively hard, as though her throat was dry. She seemed to be trembling slightly, wrapping her arms around herself.


Xena reached behind her for one of the furs, and gently covered Gabrielle with it, hoping that would stop the shaking. Gabrielle clutched at the edge of the thick fur, and gave a wavering half-smile to Xena.




The blonde felt better having the fur covering her, but she still didn’t know exactly what Xena was planning on doing with her. The thing that concerned Gabrielle the most was the thought that Xena wanted something totally different from what Gabrielle was tensing for. Gabrielle couldn’t seem to control her body’s reactions around Xena, but it was obvious that Xena didn’t feel the same way.




Xena looked down at Gabrielle for several long seconds, noting her tremors had calmed, but weren’t gone entirely. Wracking her memory for the right choice of words, she spoke.




She said the words plainly, and Gabrielle studied the blue eyes, puzzled. “No, Xena, I’m not hurt.”


Xena pursed her hips, and exhaled noisily, not happy with her own choice of words. She didn’t know how to express her question.


Gabrielle shivered noticeably when Xena laid a hand on her forehead. “Gabrielle…hurt?” she asked again.


Gabrielle though about what Xena might be trying to ask, and then it occurred to her.


“You mean do I feel bad? Like do I feel sick?” she made a few motions as though her stomach and head were hurting.


Xena, somehow, looked relieved. “Yes…” she said, the word readily coming to her, just as “no” had.


“No, I don’t feel bad,” Gabrielle replied. She shook her head to emphasize her words, and was delighted to see Xena mimicking her by shaking her dark tresses as well.




Another yawn overtook Gabrielle then, and when the wateriness had cleared out of her eyes, she noticed Xena’s expression was closer to a smile than any she’d seen up to that point.


“Gabrielle.” The soft, delicate pronunciation put on each syllable was yet another simple enticement to the journalist. Xena’s voice, while still unsure was deep and resonant and…Gabrielle decided not to go there again. “Gabrielle…” With her free hand, Xena slowly reached out toward Gabrielle’s face. Having survived having her face caressed once before, Gabrielle steeled herself to do it again.




Gabrielle gave a start when Xena’s palms gently touched not her cheek, but her eyelids. Gabrielle felt the downward motion and realized Xena was trying to urge her to close her eyes for sleep.


“You want me to go to sleep with you?” the blonde asked, her head spinning from the turn of events.


Xena’s tongue seemed to have some trouble wrapping around the beginning “S” sound. It took her a couple of tries to get out the word “sleep”, but she finally did, then relaxed and rolled back onto her back.




The blonde decided Xena must think she wasn’t sleeping enough. Or perhaps the darker woman was afraid Gabrielle would get into trouble if she were left on her own while Xena slept. Exhaustion was sill etched on Xena’s sultry features, and she realized Xena really needed to get more sleep.





Maybe, just maybe, Xena just didn’t want to sleep alone, Gabrielle finally decided




But still, Gabrielle found herself in a delicate position. Lying where she was, slight movements on her or Xena’s part would bring them in bodily contact with each other, and Gabrielle wasn’t sure if she could handle that.




Xena turned her head to look one more time. “Gabrielle…”


Gabrielle nodded with a smile. “Sleep sounds really good, Xena,” she said softly, determined that she could do this.


Xena nodded in return. “Sleep…” she repeated.




Gabrielle WAS tired, but was also ultra-aware of the woman lying next to her. She highly doubted she’d be doing any sleeping that night, but if her presence nearby helped Xena to sleep better, she would do that part.


After a few glances from Xena however, Gabrielle closed her eyes to at least feign sleep. It was obvious Xena didn’t plan on allowing herself to sleep until Gabrielle did.




As attracted to Xena as Gabrielle felt, she was able to control herself, mainly because she knew Xena was still hurting so much. Anytime Xena would try to move in her sleep, Gabrielle would hear her give out a little gasp of pain. Gabrielle had the feeling it was going to take a long time for a lot of that pain to go way, especially since she couldn’t truly immobilize the fractured leg.




Even with the thoughts tumbling through her head, at some point, finally, Gabrielle relaxed enough to fall asleep.




When she awoke a few hours later, the incredible bleakness of her surroundings disoriented and confused Gabrielle. She cried out something in her fear, as she struggled to sit up.








Xena’s voice filled her ears with sanity and relief. Gabrielle was in Xena’s cave, and the fire had gone out, submerging them in blackness as well as making the air around them freezing cold.


“Xena, we need to get the fire going again.” Gabrielle sat up and began to grope around in the dark. “I’ve got some matches in my bag.”




There was a flare of light a second later as Gabrielle located the matches, and struck one against the bottom of her boot. She moved towards the fire pit and tried to stir up some burnable bits of wood.




After a couple of minutes of burning her fingers on the matches without getting the kindling to spark, Gabrielle ripped off a piece of her writing paper and lit it. In no time, the sticks began to burn again.




With some light finally chasing the shadows away, Gabrielle saw Xena was pushing herself up into a sitting position.




“You don’t need to move, Xena,” Gabrielle said. “I’ll get some wood.”


Gabrielle kept the fur wrapped around her as best she could, as she creakily walked to the pile of wood in the corner. She started gathering up some of it into her arms, determined to make as quick work out of this as she could.


“Gabrielle, no…” Xena’s voice startled the blond, and when she turned, Gabrielle saw that Xena was pointing to a different spot in the pile of wood.




Gabrielle learned in the next half-hour that she didn’t have a clue about how to build a campfire. Everything she tried to do got a “No, Gabrielle” and a point from Xena, but through trial and error, and a whole plethora of signals and gestures, the fire was finally built to Xena’s satisfaction.




Gabrielle didn’t let Xena’s attitude bother her. In fact, if anything, it made her feel better. Gabrielle figured if Xena was that particular, she might be feeling a bit better. When the fire was burning brightly once again, Gabrielle sat down next to Xena.




“You would have thought all that moving around would have warmed me up,” she commented though her chattering teeth. Gabrielle bundled the fur up tighter around her, and rubbed her hands up and down her arms.




The cold had crept through the cave earlier that night, gradually numbing both women as they sleep. Upon awakening though and rebuilding the fire, the discomfort had set in and Gabrielle, who was less used to it, was quickly becoming miserable.


Xena knew it would be a while before the fire had chased away most of the cold. She would be fine in the meantime, but she didn’t know about Gabrielle. The woman was shivering fiercely.




Gabrielle glanced over at Xena. Her companion was holding her own covering fur up, her eyes offering a tempting invitation to Gabrielle.


“I’m afraid I’ll hurt your leg in my sleep,” Gabrielle muttered with a shake of her head, feeling her face flush with heat again.


“Gabrielle…” the voice was insistent.


“No, Xena.”


“Gabrielle…” after a pause, Gabrielle heard the word…”Please?”




“Thank you” and “please” were the only words Xena seemed to have come up with on her own, and that helped build the mystery even further for Gabrielle. The enigmatic woman had certainly been extremely gentle with her up till now. Unbelievably gentle, especially when Gabrielle knew the dark woman possessed such an incredible strength. Somehow, somewhere, sometime, she must have learned how to keep all her strength in check.




But the truth be told, it wasn’t Xena’s strength that had Gabrielle nervous just then. She had managed to lay a foot or so from Xena and didn’t have too much trouble with that, but she couldn’t even imagine sharing the same sleeping fur with Xena. Not with the…unstable way she had been feeling. Her body had calmed somewhat while she had slept, but she knew it was only a matter of seconds before her arousal flared up once again.


But just the very thought of laying there, her body huddled next to those amazingly firm breasts, that washboard stomach, and oh God, whatever was beneath that loincloth all within…touching distance…it was just too much. Gabrielle was having enough trouble fighting her feelings as it was, without tempting herself even more.




She was still shaking her head vehemently. “Sorry…Xena…I just can’t.”


Xena wrinkled her brow at the young woman. Gabrielle was acting very strange, and Xena couldn’t see a reason why she couldn’t join her. But for some reason, the blonde girl continued to refuse. The whole time, her body was shaking and she was beginning to look slightly blue around her lips.


Not being capable of arguing with Gabrielle, Xena did the only thing she could think of. She wrapped her arms around herself and faked a shiver and a moan.


Gabrielle’s head came up immediately. “What’s wrong, Xena?” she asked.


Xena just clutched herself a little tighter and managed another groan. She clicked her teeth together a few times, to add to the act.


“Ohh, you’re cold too.” Gabrielle moaned that out when she had realized what the problem was. With Xena in her weakened condition, the last thing that Gabrielle needed was for her to get sick. She gave a sigh, and crawled the short distance to Xena’s bed, carrying her own cover still wrapped around her. She started to spread it out over Xena, but Xena stopped her with out stretched hands, shaking her head at Gabrielle. Gabrielle narrowed her eyes, immediately suspecting foul play.




An odd thing happened then. In the dim firelight, Gabrielle noticed a slight twitch at the corners of Xena’s mouth. It was very near a smile, and the twinkle in her blue eyes confirmed her amusement.


“Well, it’s about time,” Gabrielle mused, a feeling of warmth settling over her, that wasn’t due to a sexual rush. “It’s nice to see you smile,” she commented, flashing her own pearly whites at the once-again serious woman. Xena looked at her curiously again, and Gabrielle shook her head. Tucking the blanket securely around herself, Gabrielle rolled so she was facing away from Xena.


“Good night, Xena.”


A few seconds later…came the response. “’Night…Gabrielle.”


Locked up in the security of the blanket, Gabrielle did her best to ignore the warm breath fluttering on the back of her neck. The regular breathing of Xena was lulling her to sleep as easily as if her mom was rocking her in her arms. With those final thoughts, Gabrielle closed her eyes and drifted off.




Xena awoke first the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping in the still, early air. She also awakened to find her arms wrapped firmly around the little blonde. Gabrielle’s back was pressed firmly to her front, and Xena’s left arm was outstretched, and Gabrielle’s head was softly pillowed on it.


For a few minutes, Xena was loath to move. She had been on her own for so long, that she never really missed having contact with anyone. But suddenly, she found she was desiring it very much




Most of the people who camped in the woods Xena lived in were men, and some were quiet, some noisy. Some were cautious in their ways, and others were careless. Some seemed gentle but most of them seemed rough, using their guns to bring down the creatures of the forest. Xena herself hunted some, but she used every bit of the animals she brought down. She had seen hunters cut away certain parts of their victims, usually the head, and leave the rest of the animals behind as fodder for the scavengers, and it sickened her.


Xena had no use for the hunters, or people who held the curious instruments to their faces and tried to whistle like birds. It had been so long since she had been in contact with people; she knew she wouldn’t become tolerant of their ways. She couldn’t; her own independence had so far exerted itself that she would never be able to follow another’s dictations.




But for some reason, she felt differently around Gabrielle. The little blonde talked to herself, and Xena had found herself listening to the girl’s prattle, not really understanding what she said, but enjoying the lilting tone of voice and the little giggles the girl gave out often.


The woman had a circle of light around her that fascinated Xena. Not a real circle, but she made Xena feel lighter somehow. Despite the pain of her injuries, Xena felt far better than she could ever remember.




A cold wind blew into the cave, and Xena’s thoughts turned to more serious matters. The winters here were very hard, and Xena had been busy getting ready for it, storing up enough food and wood to get through the long snowy months. She had gathered nearly enough, but with Gabrielle here, she realized she would have to have more food. There was probably enough wood, but she needed to fell a deer or two to insure they’d have enough to eat.




Just as quickly as it had entered her mind, food quickly became the last thing in Xena’s thinking right now, however. Even the dull throbbing ache in her leg was of no consequence, suddenly.




Leaning in and inhaling deeply, Xena found that Gabrielle’s hair smelled wonderful, of a fragrance she didn’t recognize, but found very enticing. It was soft and flowery, but wasn’t the scent of the type of flowers that grew around here.


Still enjoying the fragrant smell, Xena slowly assessed the position of her body, not getting in any hurry.




Her broken leg had come off the fur pile again, and was pushed out so it was behind the rest of her body, out of harm’s way. Xena’s other leg seemed to be making up for the loss of contact though. It had insinuated itself between the thighs of Gabrielle. The dark woman moved it a bit to test the position, and found it ensconced warmly between two firm legs, which gave no indication of releasing her.




A soft cheek reposed on one of Xena’s arms, and the curve of Gabrielle’s waist fit the contour of the other arm. It was funny how comfortable Xena felt, considering that she’d never had someone in the cave with her before. It was almost as if the little blonde had belonged there with her all along.




Xena felt like she had already slept more in the last day than she did in a week, but she knew her leg was going to keep her from getting around much the next few days. Deciding warm and snuggly was a good way to be, she pressed her nose into Gabrielle’s hair a little deeper, and let her eyes drift back shut.





Sometime later, Gabrielle stood just inside the entrance of the cave, looking out. “Are you coming, Xena?”


“Mmm…I sure am.” Xena’s voice was a deep sensual growl that sounded right beside the blonde’s ear. Then a warm tongue licked over Gabrielle’s earlobe and the sensitive flesh just below it.


Gabrielle started to turn, but Xena’s hand on her shoulders stopped her. “Just stay like you are,” she husked, now nipping a little more insistently.




That was a difficult task. Xena’s hands did crazy things to her, but when it was coupled with looking at Xena’s incredible body and sensual face, it seemed like Gabrielle’s rapture multiplied.




Even so, Gabrielle was willing to give it a shot.




Gabrielle shivered when she felt one of Xena’s thighs suddenly pressing upwards between hers. It nestled intimately against Gabrielle’s damp, hot crotch, and as Xena continued to move more seductively and urgently, the heat and moisture began to grow more intense.


Xena’s long-fingered hands started on Gabrielle’s shoulders, massaging, caressing, and testing the flesh. Gabrielle shrugged slightly into the skilled digits, sighing with pleasure from time to time.




Xena’s fingers soon began exploring more, stroking down Gabrielle’s biceps and up over her firm shoulders. Her leg was pressing tighter, clenching in a rhythm that built an inferno in Gabrielle’s cunt. And now Xena’s mouth was closing in…to tease and nibble and lick at all the flesh she could reach.


“Oh…” Gabrielle ‘s legs suddenly threatened to give way beneath her, just from the immediate pleasure, but Xena’s powerful thigh supported her. Xena’s fingers continued to make the torture worse though, as they began to venture a little wider, so they were brushing against the outer side of Gabrielle’s breasts.


Involuntarily, Gabrielle’s head began to loll backwards, and her mouth opened long enough to give a languid groan.


“You like that, don’t you?” Xena hissed in her ear. “It gets you hot when I touch your body like this, doesn’t it?”


“Oh yes,” Gabrielle answered. She had learned not to resist telling Xena the truth in situations like this. It only made it that much longer before Xena would bring her to her completion. And right now, her joy had grown to the point that release was going to be most imminent.


“Where do you want me to touch you?” a hot breath vibrated over Gabrielle’s eardrum.


Gabrielle took a deep breath. “My nipples, pleases, Xena. Please touch my nipples.”


The fingers strayed, but to give the most feather-light of touches. Gabrielle moaned futilely.


“Something wrong, Sweetling?” Xena whispered.


“More please,” came the whimpered reply.


Xena chuckled. “More what?”


Her fingers pressed just a wee bit harder against the nipples, then darted away.


“Oh…more…of you…” Gabrielle managed.


“More touching…more pressure…please Xena.”


As she spoke, Xena began to respond with each of the specifications Gabrielle requested. Gabrielle caught on quickly.


“More pinching…more pulling…more of…everything you know I like.”


Xena chuckled again, and obeyed as best as she could. Meanwhile, her leg began to saw back and forth against Gabrielle’s center, creating an even hotter fire down lower.


Gabrielle’s eyes began to roll back in her head. Even though Xena was doing as she had asked with her top half, she was making the situation much more pressing in Gabrielle’s lower half.




Gabrielle knew the situation was just going to elevate, so she decided to try to head it off at the pass. She opened her mouth, ready to plead for Xena to fuck her.




But before she did that, she opened her eyes.




“Oh my God!”




Gabrielle had called it out a little louder than she intended, but she was so shocked to realize she hadn’t been dreaming.


Well, maybe not dreaming completely, for at least part of what had been happening in her sleep was occurring in real life. It only took seconds for Gabrielle to realize the thigh between her legs was very real, and that one of Xena’s hands was cupped confidently around a breast.




Gabrielle pulled away from Xena as quickly as she could, despite Xena’s obvious reluctance to release her. Rolling completely free of the dark woman’s embrace, her bedroll, everything, Gabrielle came up crouched on one knee. She glanced down at herself, becoming aware the she was feeling extremely…alert…in many ways. Her chest felt itchy almost, and sure enough, when Gabrielle looked down, she could see the points of her erect nipples sticking our prominently despite the thick material of her shirt. From the position she was in, she was also aware of a scent that she hadn’t noticed before. Her eyes widened when she realized she was smelling her own arousal.


Xena had awakened when Gabrielle jerked free from her grasp, and had been quietly watching Gabrielle’s actions. She wrinkled her brow in concern for her friend.


“Gabrielle?” she asked quietly.


Gabrielle’s head flew up as she became aware that Xena was awake. “Uh…it’s okay, Xena.” She couldn’t help but stutter. “I need to go…outside for a minute…but I’ll be back soon.”


“Gabrielle…” Xena said it again, and sat up, wincing at her leg, but still reaching out toward Gabrielle.


“Xena, no! It’s okay…really!” Gabrielle snapped it this time, holding a hand out in a “stop” gesture.


Xena blinked and jerked her hand back as if she had been burned. Gabrielle couldn’t help but notice the hurt expression in the darker woman’s eye. It made her feel horrible, but she was feeling…so charged up at the moment that she was afraid she’d just make the situation worse.


“I’m sorry, Xena,” she said deliberately slowing down her speech and standing up. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?”


Her calmer tone and cheery smile did help Xena relax some . She nodded, but continued to watch concerned as Gabrielle headed out of the cave.




The blonde, true to her word, was only gone a few minutes. Xena noticed Gabrielle was wearing different colors than she had been before. That puzzled Xena, but she didn’t let it bother her.


Gabrielle crossed her arms, and sat down a few feet away from Xena. “I’m sorry I sounded…mad,” she said. “I wasn’t mad at you…I just sort of…had a…problem to work out.”


Xena cocked her head slightly, trying very hard to understand what Gabrielle was saying. She gathered Gabrielle wasn’t upset anymore, but other than changing clothes, didn’t know the reason for that.


But Xena was very happy that Gabrielle was no longer angry.. That made her feel better and she nodded at Gabrielle, that same teasing smile quirking at both corners of her mouth.




That expression delighted Gabrielle as it had on the previous night. She burst out into her own bright grin, which caused her pert little nose to wrinkle up.


That grin was infections…there was no doubt about it. Gabrielle had learned at a very young age that if she was in trouble, she could give that smile and usually charm whomever was asserting authority, either getting her a lesser sentence, or out of punishment all together.




She still had the touch. The appealing cuteness of her smile touched deep within the recesses of Xena’s brain. The slight smile started to widen even more.


“Oh yes, Xena,” Gabrielle praised. “Please smile for me! It would make me feel so much better if I knew I could cause you to smile!”


The smile on Xena’s face didn’t grow any bigger, but Gabrielle was pleased with her accomplishment, nonetheless. She was determined to make this a good, peaceful day, no matter how it had started out.

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The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 4