Taking Risks- Chapter 5

Chapter 5

By afternoon, they had made real progress. Gabrielle spent most of the morning going over all of the names of the objects around the cave with Xena.


Xena, not surprisingly, showed a keen intelligence and an excellent memory. Gabrielle suspected, once again, that rather than hearing them for the first time, the dark woman was relearning the names of things she had known when she was younger, but had forgotten how to see from lack of use.


“Cup”, “fire”, “wood”, “apple”, nuts”…by now Xena could master about all of them. Gabrielle realized she was running out of objects, and tried to decide if she wanted to start on basic action words or names for the parts of the body next.




It was really an easy decision. As much as Gabrielle would have liked to have started a game of Show and Tell on Xena’s and her bodies, she didn’t dare trust herself to limit herself to that.




Despite those random thoughts, Gabrielle felt much more comfortable around Xena that day. She was rather ashamed of her little performance that morning, but she knew she wouldn’t have been able to withstand smelling the scent of her own arousal all day, especially when Xena was so close. She had left the cave to take a quick cold bath in the river, then put on some different clothes.


She knew Xena noticed she changed clothes. Whenever they lapsed into silence during their lessons, Gabrielle couldn’t help but wonder if Xena knew WHY.




That put the journalist on a whole other line of thinking, and one she couldn’t spend enough time thinking on, much as it disappointed her. While she was a virgin, at least technically she was a virgin, she did know what sex consisted of. That including being familiar with the fact that two women were capable of “intercourse” if one of them was properly prepared. She knew that, but had no way of knowing if Xena knew that. Or if Xena would even desire that.


Was the dark haired beauty aware of what people could do sexually? Did she have any clue how much her very looks and demeanor had such an erotic effect on those around her? She had sent the effect Xena had on the men the other day. She frightened the men, more than anything, but besides that, Gabrielle couldn’t get certain images out of her mind.


She had noticed bulges at the front of several of the men’s trousers while they had tormented Xena, and it was hard to get some of their lewd comments out of her brain. She knew without a doubt, if she hadn’t shown up when she did, Xena would have experienced sex first-hand, whether or not she already had the knowledge of what men and women could do together.




Gabrielle felt the sexual pull, obviously. But she had no desire to follow in the men’s footsteps. They would have raped Xena, or at the very least had taken her when they had no right. Gabrielle had no way of knowing if Xena was a virgin, and God forbid, had experienced sex on more than one occasion. Even if on the unlikely premise that she had enjoyed it with the men, it still wouldn’t have been right.




Another even more wicked thought tried to creep into Gabrielle’s thoughts, despite her efforts to keep it from doing so. More than likely, Xena’s knowledge of sex would come from whatever she had witnessed in the wild. Gabrielle said a silent prayer that was all her involvement was, as she realized Xena would have more than likely witnessed the animal kingdom. She would probably have a basic idea of how male and females fit together, but no idea of foreplay or romance. And more than likely, no idea of what two inventive females could do together.


Oh no, did she really want to go there? Gabrielle began to think a blush was going to be a permanent part of her outfit. Xena was pointing to objects along one of the cave walls, mumbling their names in an effort to commit their names to memory. She didn’t see the sudden dark flush that covered Gabrielle’s face.


Despite the fact that they had enjoyed each other’s company that day, Gabrielle couldn’t force her thoughts to be totally innocent. Xena was bent forward, looking at something on the floor of the cave, and Gabrielle trained her eyes on the sight. The loincloth covered just about everything except flashes of Xena’s sculpted thighs in most positions, but this positioning gave Gabrielle a view of a lot more thigh and a wonderful amount of very tanned backside.




Gabrielle shook her head, wondering what was wrong with her. She had no business thinking the thoughts she was, but she simply couldn’t get them out of her head.




Xena turned just then, holding up a round flat piece of wood. “Gabrielle…name?”


“Plate,” Gabrielle replied, grateful to have been shaken from her daydream.


“P…plate…” Xena was still having trouble with some of her “p” and “s” sounds, though she was improving.


Gabrielle nodded. “I’m hungry,” she said. She rubbed a hand over her stomach. “Are you hungry, Xena?”




It was another new word that Xena had mastered. “Xena hun…gry,” she continued. “Gabrielle hungry?”


Xena’s voice went up at the end of her words to signify she was asking a question. Yet another first step and sign of intelligence.


“Yes, Gabrielle very hungry.” The young blonde woman turned toward the food stockpiled in the cave.


“Gabrielle VERY hungry.”


The way Xena said it, Gabrielle turned to look at her, the voice inside her head screeching, “Oh God!”


Xena was sitting there on her fur, one hand rubbing her stomach. On her face was a huge grin, a teasing smile so bright her perfect teeth shining through caught Gabrielle off guard. The whole expression, the full-lipped smile teamed with the chiseled cheekbones and the bright blue sparkling eyes…Gabrielle suddenly lost her fight with her desire again. She felt a sudden trickle of moisture begin anew in her underwear.


Xena’s playful expression faded immediately when she saw the odd look on Gabrielle’s face. It was the same look she’d been seeing the last couple of days, only this time, it hit her even harder.


“Gabrielle…” she said holding a hand out toward her friend. She had thought Gabrielle’s earlier reaction to her smile had pleased Gabrielle, and had only wanted to please her again..


Gabrielle had tears in her eyes, when she raised her head toward Xena again. She shook her head at Xena, battling the strong feelings that were threatening to drive her out of control. She had never been a weak person, and suddenly, she was finding her own failings very disconcerting.




But Xena was totally unaware of the dilemma she had raised in Gabrielle. Her smile was long gone, and now her brow was wrinkled in concern at Gabrielle’s actions. Xena didn’t understand what would bring this moodiness on so suddenly. Gabrielle had the same look on her face as she had that morning. A look of pain, anger…and something else.



Xena wished her legs would support her, so she could approach Gabrielle and reach out to touch the slumped shoulders. She seemed to vaguely remember a position of wrapping her arms around someone to make them feel better.




It was almost there…an image that had been gone for quite some time. Xena knew there was a woman from her past, shorter than Gabrielle, her hair closer to the setting sun in color, than Gabrielle’s, who rivaled high noon. Every time that Xena tried to see the face of that past woman closer up, she couldn’t quite bring it into the light. She did know that she really cared for that short woman and she was now gone from her life.




Gabrielle stood on the far side of the cave, staring at Xena. The expression on Xena’s face had gone from that incredible soul-stirring smile to a very sad and wistful expression. Her face, despite the mature angles and comely beauty became younger. The tall woman’s expression was now childlike, almost like an innocent who had just learned her puppy had died.


Shaking the rest of the arousal off, Gabrielle closed the distance between her and Xena. “Something is wrong, Xena,” she said, sitting on her knees close to her dark friend. “What are you thinking about?”




Xena continued to stare into the fire, shaking her head slightly.


Cautiously, Gabrielle reached a hand out and touched the shoulder beneath the rapidly fading wound. When nothing happened, she tapped Xena’s shoulder lightly again, and when that got no response, Gabrielle grasped the bicep and gave a little shake. “Xena?”


Xena blinked, and looked up at Gabrielle.


“What are you thinking about?” Gabrielle asked again. Her hand left Xena’s arm, and trailed upward to touch the bottom part of the strong jawbone. “Why do you look so sad?”


Xena glanced around her. Knowing the words for plate and furs and rocks couldn’t help her express what she was thinking. She shook her head at Gabrielle, futilely. One thing, out of concern for Xena, Gabrielle’s mood seemed to have calmed yet again, and that was a relief.


Gabrielle sunk back on her behind, and ran her fingers though her hair, frustrated. “We just don’t communicate very well, do we, Xena?” she asked.


As usual, Xena’s eyes were trained on her face, but there was no response. Gabrielle gave an ironic smile, thinking of their time together during the last day. “We do manage to get a lot accomplished though, don’t we?”


After another minute and a sigh, Gabrielle broke the eye contact, afraid of the sensations that were welling up in her yet again. “I uh…need to …use the bathroom…”


“Gabrielle, pee,” Xena said brightly. It was one of the words Gabrielle had taught her first thing this morning. She had offered to help Xena when her dark friend had obviously needed to visit the river, but was relieved when Xena waved her off, and tottered outside the cave using a short stick for help.


“Right,” Gabrielle said with a half-smile. “Gabrielle, pee. I’ll be right back.”





Xena nodded and watched Gabrielle go, wondering if she was going to change clothes again. She tried flexing the toes of the foot of her broken leg, and found she had a bit more freedom of movement than she had even this morning, and knew that her healing skills were well on the way to making her whole again.




That though brought a hesitating fear up in Xena. She knew from experience that within a few days, she would be getting along very well on her hurt leg. Once that happened, she would be able to take care of herself again.


When that happened, would Gabrielle have any more reason to stay?




The more Xena thought about it, the more worried she became. Gabrielle was constantly fussing over her injuries, making sure she was all right. Perhaps that was the only reason the blonde was still here.




Suddenly, the sad feelings about not being able to picture the woman from her past was gone, and a new weight settled over Xena’s insides. She had long since forgotten what the other person looked like. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing Gabrielle too. Somehow, she had to find a way to let Gabrielle know that.




Outside, by the river, Gabrielle emptied her bladder, then wiped herself totally dry after rinsing in the river. She put on another pair of underwear, embarrassed by how often she felt the need to change them. She was going to have to wash her clothes the next day.




Gabrielle couldn’t help feeling deeply ashamed for the way her body was reacting. It might be understanding if Xena was trying to seduce her, but it was obviously not the case. No, the few touches and smiles Xena had offered her had been out of affection and innocence.


And despite her best efforts to the contrary, Gabrielle’s body automatically interpreted them as a sexual signals.


Telling herself she was tired of her body’s weakness, Gabrielle decided to go back in the cave with a new attitude.




Xena was sitting up against the cave wall when Gabrielle reentered, bent over something. When Gabrielle got a little closer, she could see Xena had some dried reeds, and was thatching them together. There was a half-eaten apple beside her, and Xena held another one out toward Gabrielle.


“What are you making?” Gabrielle asked, sitting down beside Xena and giving her an easy smile, taking the apple.


Xena looked up, and for a moment, her brow puckered. Then she said, “Bed.”


“Bed?” Gabrielle echoed. She turned her head and looked in the same direction Xena had.




Xena reached out with her good leg and flipped a corner of her sleeping fur up. Underneath it, Gabrielle could see thatching just like Xena was making.


“Xena,” she said, pointing to her bed. “Gabrielle,” she said, pointing to the one she was working on.


“For me? Thank you, Xena.” Gabrielle didn’t understand the purpose of the woven mat, but was touched that Xena was making it for her.


Xena just nodded soberly and continued her work.




Sometime later, Gabrielle began to yawn repeatedly. She had worked in her journal diligently, but the dim light from outside the cave was gone now, and the fire light was beginning to strain her eyes.




Finally, Gabrielle gave up. “I’m going to sleep, Xena,” she said, standing.




Xena nodded. Gabrielle picked up the sleeping fur she had used on the previous night, and started to move it from being so close to Xena’s bed.




Gabrielle almost hated to turn back around. Sure enough, Xena had laid the now finished mat beside her own bed. She patted the mat, and looked appealingly at Gabrielle.




“I can do this,” Gabrielle muttered to herself as she covered the mat with her fur, and laid down as Xena had directed.




Gabrielle considered the fact that she could usually fall asleep immediately a gift. It certainly was that tonight, as she soon slipped into blissful oblivion.




Gabrielle had curled up on her side, facing Xena, when the dark woman woke up. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the rays shining in the cave cast a soft light on Gabrielle’s features.




Xena had awakened once during the night, and managed to crawl over and rekindle the fire, so the extreme coldness hadn’t been a factor that night. In fact, Xena woke up feeling very warm.




Xena knew what her own face looked like from seeing its reflection in the water. It had never particularly excited her, but it wasn’t frightening to look at either. At least, she had far less facial hair than most of the people she had seen in the last few years .


Gabrielle had even less hair than Xena did, since the hair on her head was cut so short. Xena’s long hair helped keep her warm in the winter. In the summer, she had learned to tie it back, so she wouldn’t get too hot.


Xena pulled herself up into a sitting position, her bad leg thrust out to the side. She couldn’t seem to tear her off eyes off the girl in front of her. Something about just looking at Gabrielle was reassuring…relaxing.


“Gabrielle…” Xena whispered, her hand reaching out tentatively. Slowly, as she had done before, Xena reached out and touched the fringe of Gabrielle’s hair. Gabrielle had said something about getting a bath and washing her hair today, but Xena didn’t think she needed it. Her hair was very soft and very shiny. It tickled the tips of Xena’s fingers. Xena bent down and inhaled that wonderful fragrance yet again. It soothed her senses. Sitting back up, she let her attention wander to Gabrielle’s peaceful features.


The brilliant green eyes were closed in slumber, of course, but Xena could picture their look easily. Gabrielle’s eyelashes were slightly darker than her hair, and looked as delicate to Xena as a butterfly’s wing. Below was a cute nose, slightly rounded at the end. Xena thought back to the wrinkled-nosed smile Gabrielle had bestowed upon her, and it coaxed another smile out of her.


The blonde’s lips were pink and very soft looking, and Xena reached her hand out to feel the warmth of Gabrielle’s breath on her skin. After she had felt her friend exhale a few times, Xena pulled the hand to her own face, and pressed the warmed, dampened palm to her nose, inhaling deeply. It was though she was trying to take in Gabrielle’s essence through the girl’s breath..


Gabrielle sighed then, and rolled over in her sleep, throwing the fur off her upper half. The sun warmed the air up just as quickly as the temperature cooled when the sun disappeared, and Gabrielle’s instincts were telling her to cool off a bit..




In Gabrielle’s sleep, her shirt had half-twisted up around her midriff. Xena felt the blood rush from her face as she got a good look at the woman’s bare stomach.




Gabrielle’s arms and face had a light golden tan from constant exposure, but Xena could see that her stomach’s flesh was much lighter. Fro the first time, Xena noticed how compact and muscular her companion was…how her body, while having the same parts, seemed to form different curves.


Curious, Xena ran a hand over her own stomach. It was firm and muscled, but in Gabrielle, each of the individual muscles was pronounced and visible.


Xena reached out to touch them, and Gabrielle moaned again in her sleep, her hand pushing even further down at the fur. She shifted positions, and a wave of pure heat slipped through Xena. Her nose caught a scent, a scent she equated with one her own body produced at times.




Cautiously, Xena edged the fur back a little further, breathing in more of the fragrance. It was slightly different than her own, but at the same time, there was no doubt what it meant.


The scent would be accompanied by wetness, and a wonderful tight throbbing sensation in that part the loin cloth covered.


The sensations struck often, usually when she had returned to the cave to sleep, and although it had puzzled Xena for a long time, through her explorations, she had learned to alleviate the tension. The first times she had spent a few seconds concentrating on that magical nub of flesh between her legs, she was amazed and thrilled by the level of sheer pleasure and relief it gave her. It became an almost nightly occurrence for her to touch herself until the sensations would abate in a wonderful clutching final action.




Xena wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing, or what caused the sensations to rise in her, but she was pretty sure it had something to do with mating. She had witnessed enough of the animals sniffing around THAT area of the other, to know that sort of scent was what attracted them.




Xena could now understand why that scent drove the animals wild. She knew her own was intoxicating enough, but to smell Gabrielle’s…made her head spin. She felt juices pouring out of her, rather than the usual slow building of wetness from her body that she was accustomed to.




Xena wondered if Gabrielle would wake up in the condition she was in now. Sometimes, Xena woke up that way, her thighs clenching with need, her body sweating, no matter what the temperature was outside.




Xena couldn’t stand it anymore. She propped her bad leg up on the pile of furs, which gave her more access to herself. She reached down and unfastened the part of the loincloth that came up between her legs, pushing it aside. Immediately, the smell of her own arousal reached up to fill her nose. It made her hum with pleasure.




Slipping her fingers easily into her swollen cleft, it wasn’t long before Xena formed a comfortable rhythm on her flesh. Normally, her eyes would roll shut when she did this, but this time, she forced them to stay open so she could continue to gaze at Gabrielle’s beauty.




Gabrielle knew she was dreaming this time, before she had even fully woke up. She was dreaming of Xena whispering in her ear that she wanted to touch Gabrielle. Gabrielle smiled in her sleep and obligingly parted her thighs, more than eager to accept the promised touch.




She had a smile on her face when she finally woke up. Her dream had been so real, she could even imagine the sexy, musky smell of Xena’s excitement.




Gabrielle blinked her eyes open in the aspiring morning sunlight. It took not time to realize she had been correct about the state of her body. Her clitoris was throbbing even more than she had been accustomed to the last few days.




“Mmmm…” Gabrielle heard the sound, and sucked in her breath. She knew what it had to be and couldn’t force herself to believe it.


Finally, she got up the courage and turned to look at her companion, desperately trying to curb her body’s reaction to what she was sure she would see.




She gasped, expecting it, but not at all prepared for the sight that greeted her eyes. Xena…with her legs spread wide, her mouth opened in an effort to claim air, her fingers flying between her own legs.


She was staring right back at Gabrielle, not looking embarrassed or the least big uncomfortable. Instead she grinned at Gabrielle, in what Gabrielle could have sworn was a naughty, conspiratorial grin.




Like a magnet, Gabrielle’s eyes were drawn downward, to the point where Xena’s fingers were still making frantic contact with her own body. It wasn’t difficult to eee that Xena’s vaginal lips were swollen, and moisture was flowing abundantly from her.


Gabrielle couldn’t help but notice that Xena’s index finger was sliding briskly up and down the left side of her protruding clitoris, and the rest of her fingers were now getting into the act by stroking along her labia. Gabrielle knew here eyes bugged out of her head when she saw Xena dip into the entrance of her vagina to gather more lubrication to lave on her erect clitoris.


Xena’s eyes were boring directly into Gabrielle’s and the blonde could see the extreme arousal in the brunette’s eyes. Gabrielle could see Xena’s thighs tremble, and heard the breath caught in her throat.




“Oh God, you’re going to co-“


Gabrielle didn’t even get the words out when saw them coming true. Xena gave a grunt, and her head threw back as her eyes were forced shut by the waves of self-induced pleasure.


“Oh my God.” Gabrielle felt her own clit swollen to the point she thought she was burst as she watched Xena erotically writhe with her orgasm. It was the most sensual thing she had ever witnessed, by far.


Xena lay flat on her back, gasping for air for a couple of minutes, then sat up rather shakily. She gave her clit one last squeeze, then replaced the loin cloth to its original position. She took a deep breath, then gave what appeared to be a tentative smile to Gabrielle. Her glistening fingers went up to her lips immediately, and Gabrielle watched open mouthed as Xena began to lick them clean.


Xena paused and then lowered her hand, watching Gabrielle closely. “G…good…” she frowned, trying to find the right words.


“Morning?” Gabrielle supplied automatically, still caught up in her stare.


“Morning,” Xena sounded satisfied. Then she added, “Gabrielle hungry?”


Gabrielle was staring at Xena’s fingers, still wet from her own musk. She was hungry all right, but not for food.


“Xena…” she said slowly….ignoring the question…”Xena…” It wasn’t often that Gabrielle found herself speechless.


Xena’s face was a mask of innocent as she scooted closer to Gabrielle. She realized Gabrielle’s smell was still hanging heavy in the cave’s air.


Xena’s eyes softened in understanding. Gently, she reached over and took Gabrielle’s hand. Gabrielle shuddered when she felt the dampness on Xena’s hand, and knew what it was.




Heat rushed to fill Gabrielle’s face when she saw the look in Xena’s eye. Xena moved Gabrielle’s hand to place it between the blonde’s legs, obviously urging Gabrielle to do what she had just done to herself.

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