Within- Chapter 6

Despite the horrible exhaustion that seemed to weigh a little heavier with each passing hour, Xena was finding it more and mor

Despite the horrible exhaustion that seemed to weigh a little heavier with each passing hour, Xena was finding it more and more difficult to get to sleep. She knew what was going to happen if she did fall asleep, and her mind and body didn’t want to let her succumb to that state of vulnerability.


She knew she would eventually have to give in though, and would almost immediately drop into a very deep sleep. The sleep of dreams.


Each night, she realized, the dreams would come a little bit sooner. Tonight, judging from the fire, she hadn’t been asleep any longer than an hour or so.


Gods, Xena knew she could go on a little sleep, but even she couldn’t maintain that pace much longer.




Gabrielle had stretched out on the bed again, and she was holding out a hand with a familiar smile. “Lay down, Xena, please,” she said. “We don’t have to go to sleep right away.”


Xena allowed her to pull her down beside her. “We don’t?” she asked, trying to look innocent.

“No…I can’t help it, Xena…hearing the things you’ve been telling me gets me hot.”

Xena took a quick inventory of her own condition. Besides her tiredness, there was the very real condition of the fact that the dream did arouse her.


Gabrielle had foregone her shyness and her hands were closing over Xena’s breasts, through the material of her shift.


“I want to make love to you,” Gabrielle whispered. “I want to touch you and bring you rapture. Will you allow me?”


Xena’s answer was to reach down and pull her shift over her head. Just like in the dream, she wore no breeches.




Later, Xena lay flat on her back, her mind awhirl with activity. Gabrielle had done just as she had said, bringing Xena to three mind-blowing orgasms, before allowing Xena to repay the favor. The bard had obviously been feeling inspired tonight, and had willingly led Xena in the dance the dark woman usually led.




By the time she had asked for Xena to touch her, Gabrielle was ready to explode, and Xena had only been able to stroke her a few times before she was coming.


Gabrielle’s orgasm was intense and long, taking her breath away for minutes. Xena had helped her work it, and was now holding Gabrielle, whispering words of love, wafting for her to calm down so she could continue.

Gabrielle calmed down, much quicker than she expected. She calmed so fast, and so completely, that she was soon limp with sensuality.

“Ready for more, My Bard?” Xena asked, seeing the gleam of lust wasn’t gone from the blonde’s eyes, knowing she was in that compliant state of letting Xena do as she willed with her.


She stretched a little and gave a little squeak that reminded Xena of a well-fed cat. “Always ready for more, My Princess,” she whispered in return, with a huge smile.


“Mmm…good…wait here.”




Xena made her way to the saddlebag, feeling Gabrielle’s eyes on her backside as she crawled the short distance. She dug through her bag until, she came up with item she wanted for, and then she was standing.




“Oh gods, Xena…”


Xena parted her legs and stood above her, the phallus strapped at her waist, standing out proudly erect from her body. Gabrielle’s reaction wasn’t the standard one, she usually heartily welcomed the phallus in their lovemaking, but now, Xena could see in her eyes that she had transported herself back to the dream, and was putting herself in Holly’s position, with the frightening, powerful Warrior Princess asserting her wants with Gabrielle as easily as she had with Holly so long ago.


Xena’s eyes took on that frightening far off look again. She reached down and wrapped her hand around the phallus, and stroked it suggestively, leering down at Gabrielle’s sprawled body, the blonde’s juices of her recent completion still glistening on her taut thighs.


“Touch yourself,” Xena ordered huskily, as her hand began to milk the phallus, pushing it heavily into herself as she caught and held Gabrielle’s gaze. “Touch that little clit and get yourself ready for me.”


The blood infused Gabrielle’s face immediately, and darkened further when she saw the intent in Xena’s eye. This was no game, where Xena would make a suggestion in challenge to see if Gabrielle was up to fulfilling it. No, Xena expected this command to be followed.


A particularly strong stroke caused Xena to purr in the back of her throat, and Gabrielle watched the dark woman’s head go back in an open-mouthed gasp. She felt her own clitoris pulsate at the eroticism of Xena’s actions, and it was an automatic response for her own hand to touch the hardened flesh.


“Gods, yes, stroke that pussy, Babe.” Xena’s eyes were now on Gabrielle’s lower half, and she didn’t look disappointed at all to see Gabrielle wasn’t arguing with her orders. If the truth be known, she was relieved that the little blonde wasn’t fighting her on this. She was in the mood to get what she wanted, and was afraid she’d get carried away if Gabrielle disobeyed.


Gabrielle was exceedingly embarrassed, but the sight of Xena jacking off above her was so exciting to her that she found herself masturbating without thought. Gods, but Xena looked powerful, her thigh muscles flexing, her stomach rippling, her hands busy working the cock that at that moment, looked to be a part of her.


“What are you feeling?”

Xena had asked her a question, and it took a moment for that to register with Gabrielle’s muddled brain. Did Xena want to know how she felt about the situation, or was she wanting to know how Gabrielle’s body was reacting to the near scenario?


“Gods, I’m sooo wet, Xena…” Gabrielle finally answered, deciding either response would have satisfied Xena’s question, and wanting to go with the more passionate choice. “My pussy is crying out to be filled by your dick.”


Xena’s breath caught in her throat as the words sank in. Despite her own usage of erotic words during their lovemaking, Gabrielle was usually much more hesitant to use certain terms, and now she had used them freely. A stream of juices ran from Xena’s overheated center, and she felt her legs grow shaky.


“Soon enough,” she purred down. “For now, fill your little cunt with your fingers.”


Something gave inside Gabrielle, and she spread her thighs further, her knees bending slightly as she plunged two fingers within herself. “Like that?” she asked, grinning up at Xena.


“Yeah…just like that…fuck yourself.”


“Gods…” Gabrielle muttered the epithet, but did as she was told, seeing Xena’s actions grow in an enthusiastic response to her own. Her fingers DID feel good within her own body, her thumb continuing to brush her hungry clit, but Gabrielle wanted Xena to be the one to finish this. She was suddenly unsure if she could ask for it however.


It turned out that it didn’t matter. Xena felt another wave of weakness pass through her, and her knees buckled, causing her to come down on them right beside Gabrielle’s head. The smile she gave Gabrielle was pure animal ferocity, and she noted Gabrielle added another finger to her own body when Xena was suddenly leaning in, the phallus just above Gabrielle’s mouth.


“Suck my cock, Gabrielle. You know you want to.”


Gabrielle suddenly did want to, and she opened willingly to take the head of the phallus between her lips, then sucked the wooden object in fully, her eyes glued to Xena’s streaming crotch. Xena groaned, then propped herself up on her arms on either side of Gabrielle’s hips, thrusting gently against the siphoning mouth. Meanwhile, her own head hovered above Gabrielle’s center, watching the fingers continue to plunge in and out of Gabrielle’s vagina.


“You’re so horny, aren’t you?” she sing-songed, taking in the smell and sounds of the girl’s arousal. “You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you, Whor…Gabrielle.” Xena mentally had to shake herself from getting too far into the act. She struggled with it, but was barely keeping a handle on who she was.


“Mmm…yeah…I want you.” Gabrielle, on the other hand, was letting herself go, writhing in the overpowering nearness of Xena. She spoke the words when she pulled her head from the phallus, and was now holding onto it with her free hand, so she could lick up and down the sides of it.


“Gods…” The word was wrenched from Xena this time, as she realized for the first time how compliant Gabrielle was truly being. She was touching herself with abandon, sucking on Xena’s fake cock as though she was drawing sustenance from her, and seemed to have no hesitance to do either. The possibilities reeled in Xena’s clouded mind, and the dark woman suddenly felt her clit clenching in the unmistakable sign of an oncoming climax.


“Wait.” Gabrielle’s face registered disappointment, when Xena pulled away from her mouth, but to her credit, her fingers never stopped flying at her own crotch.


“I wanna fuck you now,” was all Xena said, as she began to move. Within seconds, she was kneeling between Gabrielle’s spread thighs, and leaning in to tease the head of the phallus against the swollen, darkened area in front of her. Gabrielle pulled her fingers from herself finally, and the wet suctioning sound drew shudders from both of them. Xena took the hand and sucked in the wet fingers, as she slid inside her lover and began to move. The way she felt, she would be fucking the girl for hours. She hoped Gabrielle was up to it.




Xena smiled slightly, envying the ease with which Gabrielle fell asleep. This wasn’t something new since the dreams had started. The very first night Gabrielle had traveled with her, the girl had accepted the bedroll Xena had pitched at her, and after eating supper, had climbed in and within minutes was sound asleep. Xena had stared, amazed by the speed with which Gabrielle had fallen asleep, and then really looked at her new companion. As young and earnest as Gabrielle was when awake, asleep, her unguarded features were even more so.


Xena couldn’t count the number of times she watched Gabrielle sleep since then. Gabrielle had changed and grown so much, but at times like now, her ever-present youth came shining through. Sometimes, it made Xena sad to see it, as it made her remember how she had lost her own innocence so long ago.




Tonight, however, she was grateful for it.




Xena propped herself up on an elbow beside her sleeping lover. Her body was still singing with the incredible aftershocks of making love with Gabrielle. Her cunt throbbed occasionally and the rest of her body felt leaden, but sated. For the first time in four days, Xena felt as though she could go back to sleep, perhaps without the dreams haunting her.




Gabrielle made a happy little squeaking sounding her chest, then rolled, her arm coming up to drape over Xena’s waist. A moment later, and she was scooting forward a bit, close enough so she was snuggled against Xena’s cleavage, her lower half pressed against Xena’s.


Xena smiled down at her, enjoying the warmth and comfort of Gabrielle’s body against her. Her eyelids began to grow heavier, and finally, she rolled to her back, taking Gabrielle with her.




She had just lost awareness, when she felt herself submerged in blackness. “Dark” wasn’t an apt enough description. Even with the darkest night, in a windowless room, with no fire or even a crack to allow the faintest bit of light, a person was always aware that somewhere in the world, a light was shining.


Not now, however. Xena blinked and stared into the air behind her, trying to get a sense of what was going on. The air was cold and clammy, and there was a faint smell of stagnant water. Xena started to lift a hand to see if there was something in front of her, and only then did she realize there were manacles around her wrists, with only about six inches of movement allowed. She tested the strength of her restraints, and found the chain both stout and just as firmly attached at the other end. It didn’t take long for her to realize her feet were just as strongly restrained.




And she was completely naked.

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