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Tuesday, 26 August 2003
Mai new site...
Hey wusup..well I am finally single since August 25th which was really yesterday. But oh well, I am moving on. I dunno how long dis is supposedly gonna last though hahaha. but yeah today i was out with Hai and Tuan again [2 dayz in a row]. They picked me up and we went to Mt. View so I could get Garlic Toast haahha hella yumzmmy..i ordered two so Hai and Tuan shared one. Afterwards we went to Vung Tau and ate food there. I had Com Thit Nuong, while Hai had some Com Tam Thit Nuong or something and Tuan had a #69 [lol]. Afterwards we headed towards more of south san jo where we went to Tully Road and went to Lee Sandwiches. funfunfun. afterwards we went back north to Grand Century Mall where all da Viet losers chill and drink and smoke all day. I drank 5 cups of ice tea until I had to pee. Today I ended up peeing twice too:once there and second time at amc 20. we chilled there for a long time and i saw OMG!!! i saw dat DUY guy from CABO!!!! wtf...i never thot id see him again!! but OMG i saw him and did he look great!wow so much excitement all in one package! *winkwink *so as da story goes we go to da movies after chillin at dat cafe place..we saw medallion with jackie chan in it. soo freakin hilarious!! and after da movie we all chilled at in n out right dere..very fun day. thanks Hai!! [and Tuan too!!] gnitez.

Posted by tv2/xkiissameehx at 5:58 AM EDT
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