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Blast & Darnation!! X9 Fanfics...

In The Color of Magic, spells want to be said. They demand it. At one point, Rincewind (a failed wizard knowing exactly one spell) finds himself backed into a corner and casting the spell despite all efforts to keep himself from doing so. He most assuredly does not want to cast this spell, but it wants to be said & overrides his best efforts not to say it.

Fanfics are a lot like that spell. I don't wanna write 'em, I swore I wouldn't write 'em, but dang it, they won't leave me alone till I DO write 'em. So guess what?

I'll have at least one Xyber 9 fic to put here, eventually. While this is a bad thing, in that I didn't wanna reneg on my vow not to do X9 fics & that this story's taken over my brain, this also means my writer's block is broken. We'll see how long till it's ready (and given my recent track record, that'll probably be a long, long time).

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