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Yip-Yip Links

Since this is the only Yip-Yip page on the Internet, these are all pages with references to Yip-Yips, or Sesame Street pages in general. Enjoy!

Sesame Street Game Show Sketch List The Yip-Yips play on their own game show, "Bring That Thing!"

Elmo's Friends A brief introduction to the Yip-Yips, Slimey the Worm and many more!

Interview With Leslie Tebbe Only person I know whose first crush was on a Yip-Yip :)

Muppet Central Forum Post On Yip-Yips Started by yours truly, of course!

Quinn's Schmoo Has Yip-Yip Fisher Price Little People, and lots of other Sesame Street Little People! Awesome, in a strange, strange way...

Sesame Skits Has a list of some of the skits that the Yip-Yips can be found in.

Vote For Your Favourite Muppet So you can vote for the Yip-Yips, of course!

Muppet FAQ

More to be added soon!

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