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And when you're in good
ol' Louisiana you gotta go
out and have some Cajun

The U.S. Air Force at
Barksdale AFB right there
in Shreveport was nice
enough to give us an
escorted tour of the base
including a "hands-on"
meeting with one of their B-
52 crews at their aircraft
parked on the tarmac. (No,
we weren't allowed inside
the aircraft).

It's rather hard to see but
parked on the right side is
an F-117 Stealth Fighter.
An interesting side note....
Barksdale AFB was built
pre-WW II and to
accommodate the B-52s the
hangars (such as you see in
the background) were
modified.....but B-52 tails
and wings still protrude
from them. Wierd site!

A real close-up view of a
portion of the tail section.
Those small "bumps" on the
side are where the anti-
missle "chaff" is expelled
from the aircraft.

Yep....It sure does look
like we're in good ol'
