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The American Girls Class

Welcome everyone!! I hope you come to this class with an open mind and an loving heart for History. In this class we will be studing the lives of 6 girls that predate back to the late 1700's to the middle 1900's and what part of history they played in. We will see how they lived, how they made things, and how they lived day to day. We will learn how they went to school and what was taught. We will see how they made things and did so without all the help we have. Most of all, we will see how lucky we truly are to have what we have now in comparison to what they had then. We will compare the pro's and con's for the nice things we have and the not so nice things we have. I hope you enjoy this class and take with you some knowledge of how History is always a part of us. Have fun and remember....READ, READ, and READ!!!!

American Girls

Meet Felicity

Meet Addy

Meet Samantha

Meet Kirstin

Meet Josephina

Meet Molly

THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNMENT: (week ending-3/25) I would like you to write me a story using all your writing skills. I want your story to be set in the early 1900's using all they had back then. Tell me your main character and have your character use hero/heroinism type skills. I would like your story to tell me the time of the year, where it takes place, and add a moral to your story. We will meet in ICQ this Thursday again. noon my time (central). Be there or Be Square!!!

NEW ASSGNMENT: FOR EASTER/PASSOVER: (week ending-4/04) I would like you to write a story about why Easter/Passover is special to you. You can email me your story next week when you get through.

NEW ASSIGNMENT: (Week of 4/12)I want you to write me a story using a heroin/hero in it. I want you to add details with the year of 1900s with things they used in that time period. Send to me when you are finished....we will discuss this in ICQ on Thursday if you can make it!!

NEW ASSIGNMENT: (week of 4/19) I want you to make a time capsule putting things in from all the American girls time periods and some objects from recent time. Think really good and long about what you want in your time capsule. It will tell people something about you as well. Now..this assignment is good for 2 weeks worth. We will still meetin Icq noon. See ya then.
NEW ASSIGNMENT: (week of 4/26) I want you to read one of the American Girls can chose which one you would like to read. Then, chose one good thing the character of the book did that was really nice or good..and try to do something like that for your family. Write me a story about the nice or good thing you did and who you did it for! Email me with your choice!
NEW ASSIGNMENT: ( week of 5/6) I want you to read your favorite American Girls book. Tell me why it is your favorite and what makes you like it so much!

HEY EVERYONE...SIX FLAGS TICKETS ARE IN..please email me with the address you want me to send these tickets to!!! ASAP!! Click on link below for my email address ....Thank you~!

How to contact me:

Laura Shea
Teacher of children
Self Employed
1708 Avenue M
Plano, Texas 75074
phone: (972) 398-3949
fax: (972)398-3963