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Public Schools Need Help!

This webpage was designed for the soul purpose of providing as much information on homeschooling as possible. I have decided that the public school system needs help and we as parents are the ones to help them out. Some of us are capable ( for reasons of our own) of teaching our children at home and provide them with a christian foundation to carry them through a life they choose to lead. In so doing this...we hope that what we have provided for them will give them the knowledge they will need to make decisions that will affect their christian lives for ever. Please don't view this as just my feelings.....but as my wish...that every child have a choice of learning style...not what is just being taught to them as a student. A child of God is precious..lets not waste their minds...but give them the world for them to make a spread the word of God as children and as students that care about themselves and their christanity I have my two nieces and have been homeschooling my oldest niece (of whom is 7) I am not even trying to say I am an expert at homeschooling..far from it, but I do know what I want for my children and what I want them to learn and not learn. I only know that the public schools are failing too many kids and nothing is being done about it. I hope to encourage parents to take a more active role in their children and their schooling. I just want them to be informed on both subjects: what the pubic schools offer..and how homeschooling can enrich their childrens' lives. Let me know what you think about this page. I want to make it the best possible advice and imformation around.

Links For The Un-Educated

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
things you need to know about homeschooling
edcuation info.
homeschooling with ease using Alpha Omega
starting homeschooling
online curriculum
Charlotte Mason teachings
new way of teaching math with Math-U-See
Sonlight webpage for homeschool supplies
Konos curriculum
Five In A Row curriculum
homeschool catalog with Timberdoodle
easy way to learn at home
everything you need to know about homeschooling and more
chat with Laura

email me anytime
