Welcome 2 Reading For Fun
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Reading For Fun

This is the site for the Reading Class. I hope you enjoy this class and that you take home with you a better understanding and a love for reading. Here is what our plans on for the semester and what supplies (if any) you will need. Mom and Dad are wonderful sources for knowledge so kids, use them..they can help.

For our Elementary reading class..we are emphasizing reading with someone unless they are able to read to themselves. This helps to build their skills and allows them to enjoy sharing their favorite books with someone. They seem to understand what they read and have more fun when someone else is involved in this with them.

The Upper Grade Levels: We will have a book club in that you may read whichever book you choose to each week and your assignments will involved writing a summary about the book using the main characters, the main theme, moral to the story or no moral, and where it took place. We will meet online sometimes to discuss your books. I may assign a book once or twice to see where you guys stand.

Now, your rewards for reading: You may earn a FREE Six Flags ticket for reading for 600 minutes.This is a program that involves each child earning a reward for reading 600 minutes or more with a certain amount of time. It started on January 13, 1999 and ends February 24, 1999. I have to have them on the 25 of February to get them mailed in time. It usually doesn't take the whole month to read the 600 minutes. Just be sure to have the book list you keep and how long you read each day recorded. Then have your parents initial beside the minutes you read. Then you will mail them to me. When I have my class list, I will give out my address then. Parents: This does mean that I must have a mailing address for the students that take this course. I have to be able to send them their ticket. I just want to be clear on this. Thanks you guys....Let us have a good semester!!

our supplies
1) notebook paper for recording your reading time 2) Book, Books, and Books!!!

Scholastic site with informative topics for readers
reading lesson plans
Library of information
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: I want you to write me a story using all your writing skills. I want the main character to have hero/heroism qualities. If you are not sure what that means..look it up in the dictionary. Send me the story by Thursday and we will meet in ICQ on Thursday to discuss the stories. We meet around noon central time. All of you that have missed our meetings...you have really missed out on some enteresting discussions. We have gotten to meet new kids and see and hear what they think. I hope to have more of you join us this week in ICQ. Can't wait to see you guys again. See ya Thursday! My icq number is: 10485398 see ya then! Mrs. Shea
NEW ASSIGNMENT: (Week of 4/12) Write me a story with a hero/heroion in it. Make sure you add details and tell me the main idea of story.
NEW ASSIGNMENT: (Week of 4/19) We are working on a project of Time Capsules. I want you to add things that really say something about you. Put things that have the date on them.. (old newspapers...magazines). You can put something old in it. You can also put toys or pictures in your time capsule. Remember..the idea of this time capsule is to put things in it that is about you for others to find years later. Put objects in something that can withstand time! Please..if parents could take a picture of the time capsule and send it to me..that would be great. If not, just list items that are in the time capsule. This assignment is good for 2 weeks worth..so kids..make it good!!!

NEW ASSIGNMENT: (Week of 4/26/) I would like you to choose a book to read that offers your character a good deed to do..I want you to then try to re-inact this good deed for someone else. Please email me with what you did and for whom. You actually have to do this good deed.

NEW ASSIGNMENT: (Week of 5/06) I want you to write me your favorite thing to do and put in there some examples of things you like to do. Email me with your choices.

HEY ALL..SIX FLAGS TICKETS ARE HERE!!!! Please email me with your address you would like me to send your ticket to!!! There is a link below to email me with your mailing address!! Thank you all for everything!!

Email: leabelle31@aol.com