Readers of this column and my books have shared these "good deals." Have you received a check in the mail from AT&T, MCI, or Sprint to change your long distance service to them?
An OASIS member in Houston shared this money-saving idea. Ann used carrier "A," but received a check for $50 from carrier "B" to switch her long distance service. When she called to switch the service for the $50 check, her original carrier said they would reduce her monthly bill $10 per month for the next five months! A clever woman. It's also smart to call your long distance and/or cell phone carrier every six months to see if there's a more advantageous plan available.
Another good idea came from Austin. This gentleman needed a current eye exam and new contact lenses. He saw a newspaper coupon for an extremely good price from a company across town that was not convenient to his home. With skepticism, he phoned Texas State Optical and asked if they would match the price or honor their competitor's coupon. Their response, "Sure, come on over." If this worked for contact lenses, it will probably work for other consumer products.
Do you enjoy going to plays, concerts, or other cultural events but can't afford the tickets? A lady attending one of my talks shared her experience as a volunteer usher. She said she didn't get paid, but she was able to volunteer for all the performances she wanted to see. She also met some interesting people as well. Write me, and I'll share your ideas.
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