At the age of eleven, financial situations caused my parents to pack up what they could and leave suddenly in the middle of the night. We left everything that wouldn't fit in the car with us. We arrived in West Texas in April, 1971. It was flat there. Hot and dusty. People talked funny. My grades in school took a dramatic turn for the better, since the lessons I was being taught were much easier than in Denver. One thing never changed....I have Colorado in my soul and I will never be satisfied until I move back. I have two sisters who preceded me in the move back to heaven.
According to the divorce decree, I am bound to Harris County, Texas until my children are both 18 or out of High School. This allows him to have better access. I can understand the restriction and mostly agree with it, but it makes it very difficult for someone who wants to be somewhere else. My children both know it's very likely I'll move when they get old enough. John loved Colorado when we went last Christmas (despite his preference for warm weather) and said he would go anywhere I wanted to go.
I can see John, myself, and the kids living in the mountains in a traditional log cabin, with plenty of space for our two dogs, Tom and Jerry. It's something I've been doodling on scratch pads since I was in 5th grade. Can you blame me after seeing these pictures?
I thought people might want to see these wonderful pictures I found at They have a fabulous assortment of photographs and I enjoyed their site tremendously. I hope you have a great day.