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Welcome to Pam's Homepage

Yep, this is me on a skinny day..;)

Welcome to my home on the internet. We have recently done some revamping of our site to offer alittle more visual creativity. Click here to meet the sweetest man I've ever met, John, my new husband. He's the most wonderful man and loves me like no other. It's so nice to know I'll have someone who will still want to hold me when I'm old and strawberry blonde. ;)

I know that most of you have come to our site by an anvitation from John since he spends the most time surfing your wonderful sights. His questions regarding who should play him in the movie has become quite interesting. Just in case you were curious, my vote is, and has always been.......Robin Williams. Although John doesn't have the bazaar comic qualities that Robin does, they have so much else in common. For can look in their eyes and see that they have hearts of gold. Secondly...they both make you laugh when you really need it. Third...their smile can melt a woman's heart. And finally...they both are pretty fury guys and can grow great beards when they want to! lol! But don't spread that last one around!

Kira, 15 and showing it Brian, still partly innocent
I have two children, Kira (15), and Brian (13), who keep me hopping all the time. They are into all sorts of things and have their pages here also. Check them out and you'll see why they keep me so busy. Don't be scared of their young ideas and images, it's just a phase! :)

I also have a new stepson, Jonathan, who is opening my eyes to what my own children could be like in just a few years. He's a super guy and has developed some high aspirations. He is going to college at the present time aiming for medical school. He's at the top of his class and I'm so proud of him. I can just imagine how proud John must be.

Now you see what keeps me so busy, but as you can also see, it's worth every minute. ;)

In August (1998) I finished the Computer Systems Administration course at Microcomputer Technology Institute, and am trying to attain the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certification. The one thing that made me strive for such a high goal is that I overheard my x-husband say "She will never be good for anything but flipping hamburgers" at the onset of our divorce. I was a stay home mom for most of the 15 years I was married to him, with bouts of trying my hand at Real Estate here and there. So now, I must admitt that I have the "I'll show him!" attitude. ;) Two weeks before I finished school, I got a job with Shell Services International working in their Infrastructure Technology Services - Customer Service. It's a wonderful company and I'm really enjoying it. John is wonderful in the fact that he encourages me to go for things I could only dream of. I think I do the same thing for him. It's my belief that that's one thing two people who are living a life together should always keep in mind. Help each other reach their goals. How can you go wrong?

Notice that tattoo? ;) That came when I was 35 (now 40! imagine that!), and I decided to go for it. My younger sister (Julie) and my niece (Sherina) got theirs done first, then when I came to town they said it was my turn now! They told me over and over again how it wouldn't hurt a bit! (HA!) I picked out a small fairy, about 1 1/2 inches, brought it to the tattoo artist, who said he couldn't do anything so small. My oldest sister came to rescue me from making such a big mistake of ruining my body just then. She soon discovered I was determined and, being the artist she is, promptly said "If you're going to go ahead and get one, it might as well be a good one!" She promptly began to draw a version of the small fairy. I watched in amazement of her talent, with the pit of my stomach churning as it took form at about 4 inches long, tons of color, but extremely beautiful. I bit the bullet and exposed the sensitive area of my choice. At the first pin prick I thought "Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into!!!" During the 1 1/2 hours it took I nearly passed out twice. I still can't believe I made it through that ordeal. The reward came when my wound healed and I had the most beautiful tattoo I had ever seen. After all these years I still love it, good thing, huh!

I, like alot of adults these days, struggle with my weight. You may have noticed the difference in some of the pictures on the site. I have struggled with it most of my life, and hope to get a handle on it soon. I had a dramatic lifestyle change with the divorce, and lost my mother at the same time. I guess you could say I'm a stress eater. I have also had a lot of problems with digestion lately and fear something may be up there. Well, this is not something to keep me from enjoying life, and I know that time will take care of things. Maybe this is all to add more variety in my life! lol! I could think of alot of worse things than gaining and losing weight. If anyone would like to share comments on this subject, maybe you have found a good site on the internet or just want to share anything, I would love to hear. (I don't need any "just keep your mouth shut" comments. I tell myself that enough, thank you.)

I have just finished reading one of the best series of books I've ever read. They were written by Diana Gabaldon. The first first book in the series is "The Outlander". You will love it. I'm not a romance reader, so don't be fooled by the cover! This is time travel, adventure, destiny, emotions, and piracy on the high seas. I had past life dreams like crazy while reading this 4 book series. See the link below to DG's website."

I have to mention my love of email penpals. I have made some very wonderful friends, including my best friend and new husband, John, that has been with me through thick and thin. I have pen pals in The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, The States, and several other interesting places. Sometimes we may not write for a while, but we always take up where we left off. These friends are very dear to me and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I am a long time member (since 1975) of ECKANKAR, the Religion of Light and Sound. It has taught me total responsibility for everything in my life, how to explore my inner worlds and to love completely. It's impossible to cover it all here so I've included a link below for those interested.

In case you dropped by my page without visiting our main homepage, please visit there with the link below and view our wedding pictures. We hope to have morepics later and who know's what you'll find! ;)

Some of My Favorite Links:

Eckankar - The Religion of Light and Sound
Diana Gabaldon Home Page
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Stephen King Web Site - This is a very good source for info on him and his work

Meet my youngest sister, Julie

Check out my Dream for the Future

Visit my ART page, you'll fall in love with these.

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