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411 oN NiCk CaRTeR

Full Name: Nickolas Gene Carter

Nicknames: Nick, Nicky,Koas, Frack, and Mr.Hyperman

Birthdate: January 28,1980

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Birthdplace: James Town, NY

Current Residence: Tampa, Florida

Height: 6'1"

Shoe Size: 11

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Musical Instrument: Drums

Family: Mom:Jane Carter


Sisters:B.J., Lesley, Angel, & a half sister Ginger

Brother:Aaron(Angel's twin brother)


Music: Alternative

Singer: Steve Perry

Musical Groups: Boyz II Men, Nirvana, Journey, & Wu-Tang Clan

Food: Pizza(extra cheese)

Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Color: Green

School Subjects: Science, History, English, and P.E. Sports: Basketball, Scuba Diving, Football, and Baseball

NiCk CarTeR aJ McLeaN BriAn LiTTreLL HoWiE DoRoUgH KeViN RiCHaRDsOn
BaCk 2 HeaDQuArTeRs