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Giddy Up With 'N Sync #1

hey, welcome to the very 1st issue of Giddy up With 'N Sync. We only have a couple of post but hey, maybe more next issue! A few reminders..please keep the post on only 'N Sync and if you want to e-mail the person e-mail them not me...... Also, keep the languge clean.......Oh, 1 more thing...Please talk about other thingy BESIDES how hot they are! Here we go (no pun intended) with Issue 1!


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hi! i was wondering if anyone knew whether or not Nsync has any merchandise, cause i dont think they do, but i reallllyy want their t-shirts and stuff. do u think they r gonna even start to make 'em?



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Hi, Updates: Monday June 29th, N SYNC is on Regis and Kathy Lee, and also on july 6th, at the PNE forum in VANCOUVER, BC in concert. Oh and the update u put down for july 8th at plaza of nations, isnt on anymore i dont think!! Also I am looking for a copy of the tape when N SYNC was on the Dini Petty show, could you please post that?? oh and also if anyone has their germany home video "we are n sync" to contact thanks a bunch :). Oh one more, Justin and i are engaged, lol j/k bye good luck with getting out the letter!!!



Alrighty thats all for this issue.....check out the web-page.... The Ultimate *NSync Links Page ..... Post A Message! ........ The attached pic is of all 5 guys at much music(i think..)

and remember...
peace Love and JustiN ChriS joeY LanceN jC -Amanda
