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The Day My Life Changed

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you..... Isaiah 43:2

On May 22, 1997 my older sister Samantha and I were riding our bikes home. I decided I was going to beat her home and crossed Highway 95 without looking. I was hit by a pickup truck that was traveling at approximately 48 mph. I was thrown through the air around 80 feet. I was Medivac'd to Scott and White Memorial Hospital, my first helicopter ride! The impact broke my left arm and severed my spleen in half. I also suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

After having CT's done the doctors took me into surgery where they repaired a tear in my kidney and saved 1/3 of my spleen. Within a day after the accident my brain started swelling and I suffered an ischemic stroke on the left side of my brain. Cat scans revealed that a good portion of the back, mid brain was involved. Due to increasing cranial pressure the doctor's put me into a chemical coma.

After 2 1/2 weeks and many different procedures, including CT Scans and Brain Profusion scan, the cranial pressure went down and the doctors allowed me to "wake up"! They told my parents it would take several days for me to do this as the medications I was on were so powerful. Well, God and I fooled them all! I woke up the next afternoon! I was still hooked up to the ventilator and was really groggy, but I had my eyes open and responded to pain and instructions to squeeze and move my toes! A week later they took my respirator off and I was talking that afternoon. The doctors were again amazed as the area where the stroke occurred should have affected my speech!

After 4 weeks in ICU and another 4 weeks in Rehab at Scott and White I finally got to go home. I still have some problems with short term memory, but the school is helping, my occupational therapist and my Mom and Dad!!

The greatest help came from God. My Mom says God has a very special plan for me. She explained that after my accident she prayed that if God was going to take me home with HIM to do it quickly, if not to give her the strength to help me through it!! Well I'm here and HE did. It was through everyones prayers that I am here today. I will always have a weaker right side, but hey I can still swing a bat and hit a ball!!