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Hiya, welcome to "my" page. This is where you get to know a little more about what makes me tick. First of all, my name is Gary. I've lived in Dallas Tx. my entire life. I am single, 34 years old, 5'11", and 165 lbs. I love to camp, hike, water and snow ski, sail, explore new places,travel, cook, and express myself through art. My love of loves is music. It's what makes me who I am. I love listening to music, playing music, and writing music. I've played music professionally since I was about 13 years old, I started out playing in a country and western band called The Four Aces. After reaching high school my tastes changed to rock. I've played rock ever since. Dallas bands I've played with include Screamin' Mimi, Ginger Rose, Saddle Tramp, and Screem Theatre. I played bass guitar in these bands. I now play acoustic bass in a part-time, three-piece acoustic band called A Cue Stick Jam. My musical interests now revolve more around blues, jazz, and new age, although there is still a little head banger inside of other main interest is Harley's and tattoos. I love self expressionism, after all, dogs have spots, why can't people. It's what makes me different and unique. It's like a diary of my soul displayed on my skin for the world to see, forever. I feel very strongly about my love for tattoos. I think it is a beautiful artform. Not to mention sexy as hell...LOL...most of my artwork that I do myself revolves around tattoos. I love to draw tattoo flash. I've drawn most of the tattoos that I have. I have 11 now, with plans for a few more. I've also toyed with the idea of getting my tongue pierced. You'd think that someone with 11 tattoos wouldn't be afraid to get their tongue pierced...LOL...believe it or not, I HATE needles...LOL...I plan to add things to this page periodically. More about myself, and some thoughts that ring through my head from time to time....

**** UPDATE...5/1/98 ****

I've always known I've been adopted. However, I've never known any of the facts about my beginnings. Well, after 33 years I'm happy to say that I FINALLY have an idea of who I am. I now know that I am of English/French descent. I was born at Baylor Hospital, in Dallas Tx., on Dec 5, 1964 at 10:28 pm. I was put immediately into foster care and given the name "Frank". I know that my birth mother was 24 years old, auburn hair, hazel eyes, fair complextion, 5'5", and 125 lbs. She worked as a waitress and also in a dime store. She may have lived in Wichita Falls, Tx. She was going to cosmotology school at the time also. She loved to write poetry and song lyrics. She was also divorced at the time......DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR??? DO YOU KNOW THIS PERSON???.....I also know that I had three siblings at the time. One was born in 1959, has hazel eyes, olive complextion, and black hair. Sex is unknown...The second was born in 1960, has blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion. I'm sure this person is male....The third was born in 1961, has dark hair, medium complextion, brown eyes, sex is unknown......DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR??? DO YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE??? If so, PLEASE write to me at my e-mail address. I would love to meet them!!!

**** UPDATE...9/12/98 ****

I will be starting school on Oct. 5th at the Arts Institute International. I'm SO excited!! In two years I will have my Associates Degree of Applied Science in Web Design!!!


COLOR- purple
SEASON- spring
FOOD- seafood, Italian, and sushi
DRINK- Dr. Pepper
MOVIE- Willie Wonka
MUSIC- rock, jazz, new age
ARTIST- Andy Warhol, Olivia
INCENSE- opium
COLOGNE- Opium for Men
TATTOO- tribal
PIERCING- belly button, tongue

LIKES- honesty, a good kiss, outdoor activities, indoor activities, altoids, sushi, lightning, art, culture, and a warm hug.

DISLIKES- racists, cheaters, hypocrites, Texas summers, grapefruit, long lines, and rap music.

TURN-ONS- kiss on the side of the neck, sexy underwear, a card and/or roses, being called "honey", bubble baths, slow dances, and those little notes that say "I'm thinking of you".

TURN-OFFS- rudeness, over zealous egos, fakes.

Thoughts From ~CUE~

~ When we allow ourselves to hurt and degrade animals, we hurt and degrade ourselves...

~ Why does parmesan smell like vomit...

~ Welcome to my mind...

~ Sooner or later, we all go crazy...

~ Now and then, same as it ever was...

~ How does the cookie monster taste cookies without a nose....

~ Art is a magic mirror...Look within and what you'll see is what is needed to help you along your journey of self discovery....

~ Something is really screwed up here...I work as a maintenance man, and the Spice Girls are making millions....

~ I do what the voices in my head tell me.....

~ Where there is darkness, there is light.....

~ We have eyes, yet we do not see. We have ears, yet we do not listen. We have minds, yet we do not think. We have hearts, yet we judge.....

~ War, what is it good for......

~ Pleasure spiked with pain....

~ You have feared that unless you were perfect, you would not be loved... now you will understand that unless you are imperfect, you are unable to love....

~ God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him......

~ Where the F#*@ is my medication.....

~ No matter where ya go, there ya are.....

~ Normal people make me very nervous.....

~ If I go to sleep, the clowns will get me......

