Gatun - My mother grew up in this charming little town and its the place I consider to be my hometown as well. During the construction era and up until the middle 1950s, the only people who could live in Gatun were the families of the men/women who worked in Gatun. It is still a special place ... all of New Town is being torn down, for the eventual construction of another set of locks. Other homes in different parts of Gatun are coming down as well, tho' why no one seems to know.
Overview of Gatun Locks looking South. | Overview of Gatun Locks looking North. | Sunset over Gatun. | Gatun Cemetery. | Gatun Elementary School. |
New Town, Gatun in the 60s. | Gatun Union Church. | The inside of Gatun Union Church. | My older sister Chic, Boy dog and I, on the street in front of our house... Gatun Union Church in the background, 1950s. | The duplex we lived in.... |
Another view... | An Up and Down ... empty. | An Up and Down being torn down. | The Up and Down across the street from the Union Church. | More pictures of the demolition. |
Empty and waiting. | The Up and Down [the right side of which] my grandparents lived in when my mom and her siblings were growing up! | House #231 - coming down. | Number 234. | All that is left... |
Waiting to come down! | Gatun Pool.... still in use! | One of the bomb shelters... built during the WW II era...Bachelor Quarters and Pool in the background. | Gatun Pool.... baby pool where I took my first swimming lessons at the age of 3. | Gatun Gym... connected to the swimming pool and still being used. |
Schoolhouse Rd. | The front of a one family cottage. | Gatun Catholic Church. | The Catholic Church on the right, houses not even close to where the new set of locks is to be built being torn down. | Side view of a one family cottage. |
Lighthouse Rd. | San Lorenzo Place. | The "old" Health Clinic building. | Gatun RR tracks, looking north... the locks on the left. | View of Gatun Lake. |
Houses overlooking Gatun Locks.... one of them is being torn down. | ...another view. | The house that is being taken down... | The Spillway Bridge. | The Gatun Spillway.... |
Looking down the Chagres River from the bridge. | Looking toward Gatun Yacht Club. | Where the old ski docks use to be... site of many "parties" ... | Birdnests ... Gatun Lake in the background. |