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Getting Rid of Q 2

Getting Rid of "Q" Part two

(Last time on DS9: Q has invaded the station and Odo has been turned into a humanoid. All the crew including Morn and Quark are in Ops)

Sisko:Ok, now were back. Got a follow up plan to that last one O'brien?

O'brien: no sir

Sisko: Figures.

Odo: See? My plan was better!

O'brien: Yeah right Odo. Farting is a brilliant plan!

Sisko: Look both of you had stupid plans!! (calms himself) Ok,Ok major any ideas?

Kira: *mutters* yeah like push you out the airlock

Sisko: What was that major?

Kira: nothing... nothing Captain I don't have any ideas..

Sisko: Worf?

Worf: Duh....

Quark: Yeah right like Worf ever gets any ideas!

Worf: Can I please just shoot him!

Sisko: (considers it) mm... (shakes his head) maybe later.

Sisko: Morn?


Sisko: Morn that's brilliant!!!

Bashir: what? What did he say?

Sisko: Oh man! Why didn't I think of that!

Bashir: I'm confused

Odo: We know

Bashir: Hey!

Odo: Sorry, I had to get you back for all those comments you made about me earlier.

Sisko: (still hung up over Morn's "plan") Wow! Morn I should make you part of my Senior crew! You could be um....a doctor! We don't have one of those right?


Bashir: I'm the doctor!

Sisko: Come on Morn! Lets go play out your plan! Odo I need you too!

Odo: Where are we going?

Sisko: You'll see. Come on Constable!

Odo: ok.... (follows glancing at rest of the crew shaking his head)

Kira: See you later!

(Sisko ,Morn, and Odo walk to turbolift.)

Sisko: (gets inside and Morn and Odo follow him) Computer Locate Q!

Computer: Q is in Quarks Bar on the Promenade.

Sisko: (grins) Computer Promenade! (Turbolift hums and takes them to promenade. Doors Open)

(Sisko, Worf, and Odo walk to Quarks)

Sisko: Q! We know you're here!

Q: (appears in front of Sisko) all right. What is it?

Sisko: Q, Morn and I have decided that you can stay as long as you like.

Q: What? Really?

Sisko: Sure!

Q: What's the catch?

Sisko: No catch just.....

Q: Yes?

Sisko: We need someone to take care of Odo. So If you stay you have to take care of him. (Pushes Odo towards Q)

Q: What? I don't understand why you need anyone to take care of Odo.

Sisko: Morn.

Morn: (whispers to Rom)

Rom: Here you go (hands him a glass of something)

Morn: (hands glass to Sisko)

Sisko: Thanx Morn.


Sisko: You see Q (looks at glass ) the constable has a well... A little .... "problem" (Dips Odo's hand into glass of warm water)

Q: (looks down at Odo's pants) Oh Gross! That's....Disgusting!

Odo: Oops...

Q: Let me get this straight. If I stay..I have to paper train Odo???

Sisko: That's the idea!

Q: No way. I'll just change him back!

Sisko: But like you said, the budget wont allow to people to have powers. The special effects are to costly.

Q: Mm...what's my other option

Sisko: Change Odo back and leave!

Q: Maybe I'll leave but why would changing Odo back be to my advantage?

Sisko: How do you expect us to change him back? Kill another infant changeling? Come on Q, give the writers a break.

Q: Ok, ok I'll do what you ask anything's better than (looks at Odo and shivers) your other option... Here. (Hands Sisko a box)

Sisko: What's this?

Q: When I leave change Odo back with what's in this box.

Sisko: Easy as that?

Q: Easy as that.

Sisko: Ok. Bye Q!

Q: bye Sisko, Morn, ......Odo.

(Q disappears)

Sisko: (opens box) What's this? Morn hand me my tricorder

Morn: (hands Sisko a tricorder out of nowhere.)

Sisko: thanx (scans box) My tricorder says this is....Magic Powder? What?

Odo: Stupid Lazy writers...

Sisko: No kidding..well here goes. (Sprinkles powder on Odo) Now think happy thoughts.. No wait that's to fly.

Odo: It cant be!! (melts out of his clothes and turns into a bird. Sails across promenade and flies straight into a poll) SQUAWK!!!!

Sisko: Youch! Somehow that was more touching the first time!

Odo: turns back into himself. Ooooohhhh....

*Later in conference room. Sisko, Odo, Kira, Worf, Dax, Bashir, and guest of honor Morn are having a conference*

Sisko: Congratulations crew. We successfully got rid of Q without turning this into a six parter or something. Special thanx to Morn who turned Odo's embarrassing problem into a creative attribute!

Dax: Speech! Speech!

(Morn gets up to say something suddenly screen goes blank and goes directly to credits)


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