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Danny Testerman's information!

Danny is on the left, Ray is on the right

Danny Allen Testerman!

What does Danny like? Danny likes to act, write music, and joke around!

What does Danny look like? Danny has hair that goes past his ears. He dyed his hair blonde, but not super blonde. He is 5'11" tall and weighs about 140 pounds. Danny has brown eyes.

What does Danny do in the band? Danny is one of the main music writers. His talents are far stretching. He is a great guitar player, keyboardist, drummer, and singer. He is completely self taught (Except for the lessons Curtis gave him, but he soon became better than Curtis!)

What bands influence Danny? Danny states his main influences are Kool and the Gang, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, and Cyndi Lauper!

What does he do for the show? Danny is an active script writer and idea maker! He stars in the show as much as everyone else!

Future goals? Danny wants to be a musician, and is currently undecided about any other sort of career field!!

Something to think about! "My fellow earthlings. We are gathered here today to uncover the X-file that is known as the tomato. The Government would have you believe that this sour tasting, putrid, freak of nature is 'fruit?' We all know that this is a vegetable. I'm sick of it! This is just another way the government controls our very lives. Tomato is in salad isn't it. They don't call it fruit salad do they? No! So I implore you, my fellow earthlings, boycott the tomato. We must boycott the tomato and be rid of this global conspiracy, and soon the Government will realize that they cannot control us. Do it for the children because you never know what could be next. Ketchup and peanut butter sandwich's? I don't think so!"
