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The Fallen Empire!

A well known fact! You can't make an empire* without killing some sheep! Figuratively speaking, of course, but on the road to my expansive web site creation, I will say I have made some pretty lame sites before! Just plain awful! Guess what? They are still there! So I thought I would share them with anyone that is starting out a web page! Doesn't it seem hard at first? It gets easier! I can not explain why these sites are still here! (I probably forgot the passwords! Darn it!) They are still around until the carriers trash them! Enjoy this little tour of my failures!

What was I thinking?

What my main page used to look like!

I didn't do a thing here!

I could only locate two of them! I know for a fact there is one in Geocities, one in ROTFL, and one other one in Angelfire! Freetown dumped me from theirs! Maybe I cancelled it! I guess it doesn't matter! Anyway, this is still a good example of crappy web page designing! Ha ha! I got my point across!

*I call my web space my empire because I rule my own little spot of land and it makes me feel powerful! That's for anyone interested!
