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October 19th, 1998
I don't know why it took me so long to do it, but I finally put two of my sites together in the same directory! There is no longer a site! It has been combined with the stickfigureworld site! Now if I can just remember where all those links were...
I am not the kind of person who does not admit when he screws up! With that in mind, here is a list of recent screw-ups I have achieved!
The main page of this site had a link back to itself instead of to the page that I had originally wanted people to be able to go to! Kinda funny that nobody actually e-mailed me to let me know about that! Then again, what reason would anyone have actually going to my main site anyway?
Also on the image map on the front page, I have the word excerpts spelled wrong! It came out exceprts! Hee hee! I don't think I'll be changing that anytime soon! That's it for screw-ups!
A Nightmare on Elm Street page was given to Goretown! We have taken that page and cut it down to seven pages to cut down on load time! We might also just add thumbnails to the site and people can just click on that for the whole pic! Oh well! It is how it will be for now! Enjoy! GORETOWN CAN BE FOUND HERE!

October 16th, 1998
Changed the index page again! I wanted a better looking image map! I think I have one now! Well, since I can never bring myself to getting rid of anything, here is the link to see the old starting page! Click here to see it!
I was hoping my image map would be the size of the screen, and it is if you full screen your browser, but oh well!
Lets welcome the ShesRunningWithScissors page to the stick ring! I know that I have that page on a lot of my pages, but that is because Karen is one of my best friends on the web! That page means a lot to me because it has my very first eulogy on it! YEAH! Let's here it for a goood sport!

October 15th, 1998
I have made the Adopt-a-Stick-Figure page better by putting a different form on it! It should make submissions easier!

October 8th, 1998
Since I update this thing bright and early in the morning, chances are, anything I do after 8am will not be recorded until the following day.
Today I did not do anything new to my site. I did, however, add a new site to the Stickring. Come and meet the newest page to the network located at goretown! I have done pictures and some of the other stuff that is located there, and as always, I did my trademark Eulogy on the about me page! Oh yeah! If you want help on your web site, that is the only thing I ask to be able to do and that it be left there. Well, that's it for now! Bye!

October 7th, 1998
I have been updating this thing pretty regularly lately! It won't last!
Okay! The music site has just had an entire song uploaded to it in the MP3 form! The song is Creep! You can view the page to get the song or download it from here!
I was uploading three songs in zip format for faster downloading time, but my connection was cut halfway through. I'll do it at a later time! That's it so far! Bye!

October 6th, 1998
Added a new page so people can sign-up their sites for the network. It is located here!
Also added a Stick Figure World Stickring so anybody that wants to can sign-up! You can join that right here! Enjoy!

October 5th, 1998
Added the new page Web sites nobody's made yet! Need an idea for a site? Visit that page to help with information or get an idea! Submissions are greatly appreciated!

October 4th, 1998
Hmmm... It's been awhile since I updated this page, huh? I guess I have a lot to catch up on!
Added new links in the links page!
Added two games to the site! Jungle Runner and Mah Jong!
Added image maps to the index page!
Updated Danny's information and Daniel's information!
Oh yeah! And I bought my own Domain name, so this site and everything in it will be moving there soon! Neat, huh?

September 19th, 1998
Tongue-twisters! Great for hours of fun!

September 16th, 1998
The entire site is going through a reworking! Everything will be changed and the site will be easier to navigate through!

My what's new page was added! You should know! You are at it right now!

My failed attempts at web pages can be found here!

There is now a Stick Figure World Site Award! Got a website? Fill-out the form and your page could win the S.F.W.S.A! One will be given out each month! Here's the place to enter!

September 12th, 1998
A complete listing of my yahoo user names I chat with!

September 10th, 1998!
Wanna help Stick Figure World grow? (Like we need to grow anymore! Tough!) If you would like to help here's what you can do! All it takes is a little bit of imagination! Send an e-mail with a newspaper story that you imagine you would see in the future! Doesn't matter how far into the future! A death of an actor or musician! A new bit of technology! Whatever! Put the date you think it should happen on and e-mail it to me! All submissions will go onto the new page entitled A look at a future that will never be! All credit goes to the author and no matter how short or long it is, send it!
Show us your imagination, humor, and serious sides! Send any and all submissions to S.F.W story submissions
