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Carrollton Storm


Pony Baseball Team

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Roger has coached some of these players for the last three to four years. Last year, as the Volcanoes, the team won the championship of their division. This year, the Storm seems determined to do the same thing.

At the beginning of the season, the team was off to a slow start; defensively disorganized and offensively timid. However, the players began to really work as a team, feeding off each others' enthusiasm, and head's-up playing. After the first three games, all losses, the team was in the basement with two other teams. The next two games saw some spirits lifting as we beat the other two, low-ranked teams. However, after losing 3 out of the next 4 games (one to a team that isn't even in our division!) it seemed that we were destined to remain in 6th place.

That was not to be the case, however. The Storm can't be calmed for long! After winning 4 of the next 5 games, even beating the (then) first-placed team, we were in a 3-way tie for 3rd place. We lost the next game, badly to one of the teams we were tied with and moved into 4th, but not for long! We won the next three games (again defeating the first placed team) and currently control 3rd place in our division.

However, our next three games include the team just ahead of us, the one just behind us, and, again, the first place team.

One thing that the facts show to be true.
When the entire team is in attendance, the Storm cannot be beaten.