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Lucha Libre News

Rey Misterio Jr. is rumored to be the leader of the nWo's Lucha Libre Connection. Where a series of lucha dores begin to join the nWo including Rey, La Parka, Psychosis, Villianos IV and V. 12-6-97

La Parka was wearing a nWo T-shirt during one of his interviews leading up to WCW's Aztec invasion. 12-3-97 source: SS

Rey Misterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko 3 way Dance for the Cruiserweight Title will happen at Starrcade as reported by the SharpShooter Newsletter 2 weeks ago. 12-3-97 source: SS

Lucha Libre NewsBoard begins in "The HummingBirds Nest!" 12-3-97 
