How to Pray!

We live in the flesh but war in the Spirit

Shane's Ritualistic Prayer Manual

Pray Hard! HE is at the very door!

How to Pray:
Talk to God not at HIM. (You don't like to be talked at. For those new to prayer don't worry it will come). Go to "When" Go to "How"

2) Be honest. If you hurt tell him you hurt. If you don't believe tell him. (Here is a hint. HE already knows how you are feeling, LOL = laughing out loud, so don't lie. No MOM, I didn't eat the ice cream! While it is smeared across your lips, LOL. Kind-of foolish, HUH?)

Don't recite prayers. It is OK to do so but why? A prayer comes from your heart not your head. LOL, Look at #2 above. EG.. I might recite a poem to you but not everyday, unless it has very special meaning to us both. Yes, use HIS word! It never returns void!

4) Let God be God. Don't put HIM in a box! Forget all the legalist teaching from the past. HE will respond the way HE wants too, not the way YOU think HE should. Relax and let it flow out. HE won't be mean to you until judgement day, ROFLOL = rolling on floor laughing out loud; Well, maybe you should see #6 techniques "when" and #3 techniques "how"!

5) Use the Word of God (bible verses) when in heavy battle or heavy praise or if one comes to mind.

Praying is NOT just asking for stuff! It is NOT just praise! It is communication; relationship building!

HE will tell/teach you what to do and not to do in prayer (believe me, this is personal experience, see #6 techniques "when" and #3 techniques "how" and #4 "how to pray" ). Until then let it all hang out! I prefer private prayer, rarely in front of even family. But make sure you pray with your family.

Side note: Prayer is not for God it is for us! It builds us up, draws us closer to HIM! It gives HIM the opportunity and the permission to act in our lives. KQQL, God is a gentleman. HE does not butt-in where HE is not asked to come in!

Shane's Praying technique tips

Taking a bath; (my favorite; more of an inquisitive time for me: What are you like Lord? What is this all about? Teach me?).

Laying down in bed; (I really like this one; more of a peaceful heart to heart talk but often it may go like this: Lord, I am such a smuck. Forgive me for wanting to throtle my boss today. I renounce it the name of Jesus!).

Driving; (this can be dangerous! But Angels watching over me every where I go! I do a lot of this one :-(, makes the driving ;-) , excellent praise with the radio jamming!)

Walking; (about 10 miles a day at work; gets me through the day, heap them coals on those heads, LOL.)

Sitting; (normally when reading the Word or a commentary see #1 :-) , or on the computer, don't let me crash now or let me connect now kind-of deal, LOL; or you do this one Holy Spirit!)

6) Pacing; (I done got myself in a mess, LOL, or heavy warfare; toned this one down, got in trouble here (1st time was awesome but a strong rebuke; 2nd time I started doing it with a different attitude, LOL. See #4 "how to pray" and #3 techniques "How".) back to #7 "How to Pray".

7) On my knees; (this one is kool! humbled before God! In my humble opinion, LOL, the consummate man.)

Crying & Pleading; (God's people, forgiveness, joy, just simply overcome, silly me, LOL). back to #5 When. Back to #6 How

2) Bold and Proclaiming; (warfare, break through, in need, you want to be a little careful here, see #4 "how to pray" #6 techniques "When" and #3 techniques "How").

3) Demanding, (ranting & raving) (see #4 "how to pray", and #6 techniques "When", NOT a recommended method, LOL).

4) Whining; (HE doesn't serve cheese with my wine (whine), LOL. Only recommended when done in RED as in your own blood).

Reasoning; ( HE listens to reason! Often times HE gives special touch. EG. You know how I feel, YOU cried when Lazarus’s died. YOU cried out O' Jerusalem! What if one is righteous?).

Begging; (see #4 above whining. It is not being humble. see #1 techniques "how").

7) Quitely and calmly; (This is a nice way to rest IN HIM and just talk and listen. LOL, replaces #4 and #6 techniques "how").

side note: HE is always listening and hearing and acting! Any kind of prayer is much better than no prayer! So PRAY HARD!!

I hope you enjoyed sharing my prayer life as much as I did sharing it with you. You can print it and burn it or pass it around. Praise God, HE reigns on HIGH! I love HIM! And HE is so KQQL! Thank you, Jesus!
I know I did this in a humorous way but prayer is a very serious matter!
1 Thess 5.17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19 Quench not the Spirit.


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