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Inspired Poems By ^NAVY
Skies Bleeding
Your following after Me in the wilderness
Through a land not sown Jer 2:2c
Through a land of deserts and pits
Through a land of drought and deep darkness Jer 2:6b

The heavens will vanish like smoke
The earth will wear out like a garment
And its inhabitants die like flies Is 51:6
Skies bleeding with the cry of Allah!

One third of you will die of plague
Or be consumed by famine among you
One third will fall by the sword around you
One third I will scatter to every wind Eze 5:12

Behold, I am against the shepherds
I shall demand My sheep from them Eze 34:9-10
See, Lord is coming with fire
His chariots are like a whirlwind Is 66:15

But with deep compassion I will bring you back Is 54:7
Behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow
A crown was given to Him
He went out conquering and conquer Rev 6:2
Skies bleeding with a cry of Allah!

By Diane S.


Someone carried my pallet today
They laid me at the feet of my Lord
They knew I struggled
Someone prayed for me today.

Someone carried my pallet today
They were my eyes
Where darkness encroached
They were my feet
When mine fell and strayed
Someone prayed for me today.

Someone carried my pallet today
They laid me at the feet of my Lord
They gave me hope
Filled me with His love
Wrapping me in the Peace of God
Someone prayed for me.



Remains of yesterdays linger long
Tomorrows yet to come
When birds arise to sing their song
To hail the glory of the Son.

We walk on paths yet traveled
And think of words yet spoken
We wade the depths of oceans
Then climb the heights for tokens.

Sinful days are long ago
I paid my price for freedom
I took my cross and laid it down
Upon the throne of heaven.

I took upon myself
The cross of mine own king
He died for me on Calvary
That is my song to sing.

He paid my price by death
The cost was very high
This my life I give to thee
To live with you on high


You Are Here

You are with me, here inside
I carry you,
Love you,
Adore you
I cherish you beyond all reason
Each day I wait to see
The imprint of your voice
I listen for your sounds
Telling me you are there, are near
My heart races faster
Knowing joy is at hand
To reach out and to touch your face
To gaze into your eyes or feel
The strength of your arms
You are here, inside me, love
Filling my senses and passions
Taking all the dross and pain of life
Saturating this soul with yours
Knowing the fullness of your love
The openness of your heart
You are with me, love,
Here, inside,
I love you.


Only For Tomorrows

Step across the threshold, love, and touch me
Reach not for yesterdays and all the sorrows
Only for tomorrows
Span the widths of mountains, love, and hold me
Sink not into the sands of fear and lose
Only for tomorrows
Sail the deeps of oceans, love, and fill me
Cast not your anchor to the winds of defeat
Only for tomorrows
Soar across the heavens, love, and make me yours
Together we will find our peace
Only for tomorrows.



Night is here
I am left with dreams
Images and sounds
Begin to fill my emptiness
Slowly you enter
Swaying, gliding
Two yet one
Ebbing, flowing
I caress you with my thoughts
Drawing closer into you
My love reaching you
Yours into me.


Who are you?
I am,
I am Creator
Who formed the heavens
To fill the vast nothing.

I am Light
Who set the stars
To guide the way to hope.

I am He
Who made the sun
To chase away darkness

I am The Eyes
Whose tears form streams
and seas
To a dry and barren place.

Who are you?
I am,
I am The Hands
Who molded man
To commune with me.

I am Wind
Who blew life into man
To have victory over death.

I am The Feet
That walk into strongholds of sin
To tread upon snakes and scorpions.

I am The Voice
That speaks to the spirit
To bring love and forgiveness

I am The Arms
Which carry you
To ease the burden of your journey.

Who are you?
I am,


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