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Seminar Application

Furgason School of Isshinryu Karate Camp
August 9,10,11, 2002
time: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Location: Huntsville State Park
Texas - (713) 863-0769

Open to all styles.
time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club - 2600 Aldine Westfield
Houston, Texas - (713) 863-0769
All levels and all ages. $10.00 for up to three events________



__________________________________________ It's seminar again or I should I say affordable seminar time again. We are trying to bring in the top names of Isshinryu and charge only $25.00 per seminar.

****Please notice that we have increased the amount to $35.00 for payments made after the advance date as advertised on the Seminar page of this site and at the door to encourage early payment. No Mail in registrations should be sent after the advanced payment date. ****The fee is the same whether FSIK host a one or two day seminar. The fee cannot be divided between days.****

Furgason School of Isshinryu Karate
May 29, 2004 Isshinryu Karate Do Seminar
Grandmaster Ed McGrath, 10th Dan
Hanshi William Washington, 9th Dan

May 30, 2004
John Reese, 4th Dan
Shihan Phillip R. Furgason, 8th Dan

the payment covers all four seminars. Houston, Texas............................... May 29, 2004

Furgason School of Isshinryu Karate would like to invite you and your students to our Isshinryu Karate Do seminar.

FSIK is hosting a seminar with Isshinryu greats - Grandmaster Ed McGrath, 10th Dan and Hanshi William Washington, 9th Dan.

It is our purpose to promote Isshinryu, expand the spirit of brotherhood in Isshinryu and to make new friends.

Seminar Schedule*
Hanshi William Washington will conduct a two hour seminar followed by a two hour seminar conducted by Grandmaster Ed McGrath Saturday May 29th after the tournament. A two hour seminar will be conducted by Yon-Dan John Reese on May 30th followed by a three hour seminar by Shihan Phillip R. Furgason with thirty minute break between seminars. We will Schedule the time as to where all karate-ka will have ample warm up time before the seminar begins and end early enough for karate-ka to use the facilities to practice what they have learned.

Seminar Site: Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club

The Seminar site has showers and vending machines. There are fast food resturants within two blocks of the site. Accommondations
For a list of available hotels and motels please call 713-863-0769 or e-mail
for more info. -------------------------------------------------------

Registration Form EMWW1: $25 in advance or $35 after May 10th.
Do not mail registrations after May 6, 2004.
Name___________________________________NO. of Adults______Other______

Address____________________________No. of People______x $25 =________


Phone No(______)______________________Total Eclosed $________________

Please make check or money order payable to:
FSIK, or Phillip R. Furgason,
2319 North Durham Drive, Houston,Texas 77008

FSIK Home Page

Email: fsik